quick minds 4 unit 1,2

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Тест за підручником quick minds
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Quick Minds 4 Unit 1

? Запитання №1 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті)

Listen and choose

Послухай і вибери вірний варіант



? Запитання №2 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті)

Listen and choose true or false.

Послухай і вибери


? Запитання №3 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті)

Look and choose.

Подивись і вибери.


cupboard, pillow]

2                    You keep cups and plates there.image [towel, shelf, fridge, blanket, cupboard, pillow]

3                    You can put something on it.image [towel, shelf, fridge, blanket, cupboard, pillow]

4                    You put it under your head when you sleep. image [towel, shelf, fridge, blanket, cupboard, pillow]

5                    You cover yourself with this when you sleep. image [towel, shelf, fridge, blanket, cupboard, pillow]

6                    You wipe your hands with it. image [towel, shelf, fridge, blanket, cupboard, pillow]

? Запитання №4 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті) Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.

Вибери правильні слова, щоб доповнити діалог.

   imageHow            [usually, often, always] do you have lunch at home? – I     [sometimes, never, usually] have lunch at home, because I

always have lunch at school.

At the weekend, I visit my grandparents and I always have lunch there.

image[often, sometimes, always]do you play tennis? – I [always, rarely, usually] play tennis on workdays, because I don’t have much time.

But I often play tennis on Saturdays and Sundays.

   What do you like doing in the evenings?

   I love playing with my dog. I image[always, never, rarely] take my dog

for a walk after school. Only I take my dog for a walk. I don’t like playing chess. I image

[always, usually, rarely] play chess. I play chess only when I visit my grandpa. This is his favourite
