Інтерактивна презентація для 3-го класу за підручником Quick minds 3 for Ukraine. Презентація містить лексичний матеріал, граматичний, інтерактивні вправи, ігри, аудіододаток.Повністю готова до використання на уроці!
Look at the timetable and say. I play music on Mondays. Music Tennis Swimming Make paper toys. Visit grandma. Saturday. Sunday Play in the park
Номер слайду 5
Play the question game. Do you … at the weekend?Yes, I do.
Номер слайду 6
Which family are the instruments in Activity 1 from? Drag and drop. Wind instruments. Stringed instruments. Percussion instruments
Номер слайду 7
Objectives:• to categorise more musical instruments by applying knowledge and experience;• to personalise the topic;• to do a craft project (make some maracas);• to practise writing words for musical instruments by labelling pictures.
Номер слайду 8
Номер слайду 9
Номер слайду 10
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat.tromboneharprrrrrrrrrr
Номер слайду 11
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat.cymbalscellorrrrrrrrrr
Номер слайду 12
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat.castanetssaxophonerrrrrrrrrr
Номер слайду 13
Look and match.castanetstrombonecymbalsharpcellosaxophone
Номер слайду 14
(to open аn interactive task, click on the orange rectangle)Open an online interactive task
Номер слайду 15
Номер слайду 16
Номер слайду 17
Номер слайду 18
Номер слайду 19
Номер слайду 20
Номер слайду 21
Номер слайду 22
Make some maracas. Play some music and play the rhythm. Which musical instrument family are your maracas from?
Номер слайду 23
Make some maracas. Take two empty plastic bottles. Fill them with rice. Shake them and hear the sound they make.