Reading 5th form/ Читання 5 клас

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Текст 1: A Trip to the Mountains Last weekend, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. We left early in the morning and drove for three hours. When we arrived, the air was fresh and cool.... Текст 2: A Day at the Farm Last Saturday, our class visited a farm. We were very excited because it was our first time on a farm. When we arrived, the farmer greeted us and showed us around. First, we saw the cows...
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Текст 1: A Trip to the Mountains

Last weekend, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. We left early in the morning and drove for three hours. When we arrived, the air was fresh and cool. We set up our tent near a beautiful lake. My brother and I went fishing while my parents prepared lunch. We caught three fish!

In the afternoon, we went hiking. The trail was steep, but the view from the top was amazing. We could see the entire valley below. On our way back, we saw a deer and some rabbits. In the evening, we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. We sang songs and told stories until it was time to sleep.

The next day, we packed up and drove home. It was a wonderful trip, and we made many great memories.

Завдання 1: Правда чи неправда?

  1. The family went to the mountains last weekend. (True/False)
  2. They drove for two hours to get there. (True/False)
  3. They set up their tent near a river. (True/False)
  4. The brother and sister caught three fish. (True/False)
  5. They went hiking in the afternoon. (True/False)
  6. They saw a bear and some rabbits on their way back. (True/False)
  7. They roasted marshmallows in the evening. (True/False)

Завдання 2: Заповнити пропуски у реченні

  1. We ______ early in the morning and drove for three hours.
  2. My brother and I went ______ while my parents prepared lunch.
  3. In the afternoon, we went ______.
  4. On our way back, we saw a ______ and some rabbits.
  5. In the evening, we made a ______ and roasted marshmallows.

Завдання 3: Відповідь на запитання

  1. Where did the family set up their tent?
  2. What did the brother and sister do while their parents prepared lunch?
  3. What did they see on their way back from hiking?
  4. What did the family do in the evening?
  5. How long did the family drive to get to the mountains?


Текст 2: A Day at the Farm

Last Saturday, our class visited a farm. We were very excited because it was our first time on a farm. When we arrived, the farmer greeted us and showed us around. First, we saw the cows. They were big and friendly. We even got to milk one of them!

Next, we visited the chicken coop. There were many chickens, and we collected some eggs. After that, we went to the vegetable garden. We saw tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce growing there. The farmer let us pick some vegetables to take home.

In the afternoon, we had a picnic under a big tree. We ate sandwiches and drank juice. After lunch, we played games and ran around the field. It was a fun and educational day, and we learned a lot about farm life.

Завдання 1: Правда чи неправда?

  1. The class visited a zoo last Saturday. (True/False)
  2. They were excited because it was their first time on a farm. (True/False)
  3. They saw the cows first. (True/False)
  4. They collected some eggs from the chicken coop. (True/False)
  5. They picked apples from the vegetable garden. (True/False)
  6. They had a picnic under a small tree. (True/False)
  7. They played games and ran around the field in the afternoon. (True/False)

Завдання 2: Заповнити пропуски у реченні

  1. When we arrived, the farmer ______ us and showed us around.
  2. We even got to ______ one of the cows.
  3. There were many chickens, and we ______ some eggs.
  4. The farmer let us ______ some vegetables to take home.
  5. In the afternoon, we had a ______ under a big tree.

Завдання 3: Відповідь на запитання

  1. What did the class see first on the farm?
  2. What did they do in the chicken coop?
  3. What vegetables did they see growing in the garden?
  4. Where did they have their picnic?
  5. What did the class do after lunch?