Про матеріал
Контроль навичок читання для учнів 9 класу. Завдання на розуміння прочитаного матеріалу: тестові завдання з множинним вибором та завдання одиночного вибору слів
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Task 1. Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.

Someone once said that there are three kinds of people who are (1) sport: people who (2).....................part, people who watch, and people who watch (3).....................television. It's very easy to make fun of stay-at-home sports (4)....................., but on the other hand, television does enable us to enjoy all kinds of (5) We can watch a racing car (6).....................another, see a cyclist (7).....................the finishing line, or enjoy the goals of our favourite football (8).......................The first time I watched a tennis (9).....................was on television, and I found it (10).....................interesting. It's not always easy to (11).....................long distances to football (12)....................., and television is a good solution. Of course, you can (13).....................used to sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous. We should all try to (14), and have other interests and (15)....................... .

1)   A playing             В really                     С interested              D succeed

2)   A take                  В have                       С make                     D get

3)   A on                     В with                       С by                          D from

4)   A people              В centers                   С programmers         D fans

5)   A the                    В future                     С sports                    D athlete

6)   A cross                 В overtake                 С or                          D from

7)   A overtake           В and                         С cross                      D professional

8)   A group                В class                       С band                      D team

9)   A match               В it                             С which                    D that

10)   A valuable          В imaginatively         С unexpectedly        D real

11)   A trip                  В tour                        С pass                       D travel

12) A areas               В grounds                  С teams                     D fans

13)   A or                    В which                     С get                         D is

14)   A keep                В make                      С do                          D have

15)   A customs           В habits                     С pastimes                D leisure


Task 2.  Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Each word is used three times.

do       make       have       take       give

a) of these pills three times a day before meals.

b)  All the dishes on the menu look good, but I think I'll.....................the fish.

c)   Can I.....................a suggestion? Why don't we have the party on a different day?

d)  He said he a lift to the airport.

e)   I can't stand those rap singers! such a headache!

f)   I don't usually.....................well in mathematics, but I'm quite good at English.

g)   I like babysitting, although the children always.....................such a mess.

h) I wonder if they have that dress in my size? I.....................a size 10.

i)   I'll.....................everything I can to help.

j)   I'm sorry, I.....................absolutely no idea.

k) In your revision you should.....................priority to tenses.

1)   It doesn't matter if you don't win. Just.....................your best.

m) People say that the English.....................a good sense of humour.

n) We don't normally give refunds, but in this case we' exception,

o) We live near the station. You can walk or.....................the bus.


Task 3.  Read the text and do the tasks.

A famous English writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, travelled in France. A French taxi- driver once played a joke on him. The man drove Sir Arthur from the station to a hotel. After receiving the pay he said, “Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle.” Sir Arthur was surprised.

“Why, how did you guess my name?” asked Sir Arthur.

“Well, sir, I saw in the papers that you were coming from the south of France to Paris. From your appearance I understood that you were English; the barbers of the south of France use to cut hair in the style you have: not long. I put two and two together and came to the conclusion it was you”

 “That is very clever. Well, but how did you know my name?”

 “Well,” said the man, “it was very simple: your name is on your suitcases.”



Choose the right answer:

1. What country did the taxi driver live in?




2. How did A.Conan Doyle get to the hotel?

а)by bus

 б)by underground

 в)by car

3. Where did A.Conan Doyle come to Paris from?


 б)the south of France 

в)the north of France

4. How did the driver learn the nationality of A.Conan Doyle?

а)by appearance 

б)from TV news 

в)from newspapers

5. Did A.Conan Doyle have long or short hair?

а)very long 


в)he was bald

6. How did a taxi driver know the writer's name?

а)it was on a suitcase

 б)he saw it a passport

 в)he just guessed

Task 4. Complete the following text with the words below

piece, background, reason, matter, however, recognising, check, cope, disappointment, fuzzy Начало  

If the claims of the camera makers are to be believed, then every picture taken should be a winner. Automated film transport takes the film into the camera and then winds it on between frames; autoexposure ensures 'living colours and a perfect balance of tones' no what the lighting conditions; while autofocus means you will never have to look at a photograph ever again in your life. Strange, then, that so many people express when they see their prints back from the processor.
The for this is that good photography has little to do with the type of camera you use. It's just as easy to take a bad picture with an excellent camera as it is to take a good picture with even the most basic of equipment. The tendency of many automated camera systems is to encourage users to confine their photography to the types of situation the automatics with best. This often means centrally placed subjects the autofocus cannot confuse, with the sun positioned directly behind the photographer. , taking good photographs means and then making the most of whatever it is your subject has to offer. The first part of this magic formula means really looking at your subject before pressing the shutter. Look out, for example, for features to the side or in the that would be better included or, just as important, excluded. whether your subject is looking directly into the sunlight and is squinting as a result. A slight change of camera position might be all that is needed to improve your composition or finding some shade might be the answer.









Task 1. Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A

15 C


Task 2.  Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Each word is used three times.

Keys:     a)  Take

b)   have

c)    make

d)   give

e)    give

f)    do

g)    make

h)   take

i)    do

j)    have

k)   give

1)    do

m)  have

n)   make

0)   take

Task 3.

1. в (1 балів)

2. в (1 балів)

3. б (1 балів)

4. а (1 балів)

5. б (1 балів)

6. а (1 балів)

Task 4. Complete the following text with the words below (use only half the words)

  1. – matter
  2. –fuzzy
  3. –disapointment
  4. –reason
  5. –piece
  6. –cope
  7. –however
  8. –recognising
  9. –background
  10. -check

Відповіді 9 клас контроль читання І семестр

Part B1                                                                                                  


Section I. Reading comprehension and vocabulary


Task 1.  Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Each word is used three times.

Keys:     a)  Take

b)   have

c)    make

d)   give

e)    give

f)    do

g)    make

h)   take

i)    do

j)    have

k)   give

1)    do

m)  have

n)   make

0)   take


Part C 1                                                                                                  



Task 1. Complete the following text with the words below (use only half the words)

  1. – matter
  2. –fuzzy
  3. –disapoint
  4. –reas
  5. on
  6. –piece
  7. –cope
  8. –however
  9. –recognising
  10. –background
  11. -check

















































Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Мудра Людмила Григорівна
    Дуже дякую! Скористаюсь!
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Маніхіна Злата
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Приймаченко Валентина Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 травня 2021
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (3 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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