Про матеріал
Контроль навичок письма для учнів 9 класу за І семестр за підручником О. Д. Карпюк. Завдання: означальні речення, відносні займенники та видо-часові форми дієслова.
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The 9th form Writing (Semester 1)

1 variant

I. Complete the sentences with correct words: who, whose, that,  where, which:

1. Show me the homework ...you’ve done.

2. My aunt,..is a music teacher, can play the piano well.

3. The shop ....I bought this coat has closed.

4. That’s Steve  ....brother works with me.

II. Write down and add commas where it is necessary.

1. This is the dress my mother has made for me. 

2. Queen Elizabeth II who is 83 has been the queen of England for 57 years now.

3. Tom Cruise who has starred a lot of films is a famous American actor.

4. The office I have just rented is near my home.

5. Yesterday I called our friend Julie who lives in New York.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. Stop __(to make) this terrible noise at once!

2. She doesn't mind ____ (to work) the night shift.

3. Peter gave up _____ (to smoke).

4. I can't help ____(to laugh).

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the relative pronouns who(-m), which, whеп, whеrе, whose.  Start your sentences from the certain words.

1. I adore this showman. I always watch his рrоgrаmmе. - I аdоrе the showman ... . (Whose)

2. We switched off the ТV. It was late evening. - It was late evening ... . (when)

3. The quiz show was exiting. I watched it yesterday. - The quiz show  ... .(Which/that)

V. Write 8-10 sentences about youth culture you are fond of.


The 9th form Writing (Semester 1)

2 variant

I. Complete the sentences with correct words: who, whose, that, where, which:

1. That’s the monkey ...escaped from the cage.

2. This is the bus ...goes to Odessa.

3. The café …we met last year is the best in our town.

4. A man … bag is dark blue is our History teacher.

II. Write down and add commas where it is necessary.

1. This is the officer that arrested the burglar.

2. Greg whose job involves travelling a lot has been in

nearly all the countries in the world.

3. My bicycle which I've had for more than ten years is falling apart.

4. I really love the new Chinese restaurant which we went to

 last night.

5. Last week I bought a new computer which I don't like now.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1) We decided _____ (to run) through the forest.

2) I learned  _____ (to ride) the bike at the age of  5.

3) I enjoy  _____ (to write) picture postcards.

4) I've finished ______ (to cook) - come and eat!

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the relative pronouns who(-m), which, whеп, whеrе, whose.  Start your sentences from the certain words.

1. I аm watching the пеw episode of mу favourite serial at the moment. It is vеrу interesting. - The new episode... . (Which/that)

2. Sue is going out with a boy. I don’t like him.- I don’t like…(Who/whom)

3. The football match was very boring. My friend played in it. - The football match ... . (Where)

V. Write 8-10 sentences about favourite TV programme.








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  1. Heart Black
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 травня 2021
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