Reading. Different cities

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Read the article about three different cities. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?
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Read the article about three different cities. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?


We asked three readers to tell us about their cities ...

Phoebe, 13, Athens

A lot of people think Athens is a noisy, polluted city and they only come here to get a boat to the Greek Islands! However, Athens is really worth exploring, especially after the sun has gone down. In Greece people usually sleep in the afternoon so they go to bed late and the cafés and restaurants are open until after midnight. On a summer evening I like to go to one of the cinemas where films are shown outdoors. Afterwards, my friends and I often buy a souvlaki, which is a hot sandwich with meat, salad and chips in it. Its delicious and only costs about 3 euros!


Brendan, 12, Dublin

I think the best thing about my city is the people who live here. The citizens of Dublin are very relaxed and kind to visitors. You probably havent heard much about Irish food, but one of my favourite dishes is called coddle. I wont tell you what it is, but you should try it! If youre a music fan, youll love the Irish Rock nRoll Museum, where you can learn all about the most successful Irish musicians. Its in Temple Bar, an area with lots of shops and cafés. The only thing I dont like about Dublin is the weather. Youll have to take an umbrella when you go sightseeing, even in August!


Silvia, 15, Sydney

Im Italian, but I moved to Sydney with my family when I was eight. The population of Sydney includes many Irish, Scottish and Greek people. Sydney is an enormous city and it takes a long time to get from one side to the other! Its location means you can easily go to the beach. What about sharks? Well, luckily, its very unusual to see one, but jellyfish sometimes sting people! If you dont like swimming (or jellyfish), you can just walk along the cliffs and enjoy the spectacular views.


  •               1  Some visitors to Athens dont want to spend much time there.                 T/F/NM
  •               2 Phoebe usually stays out late with her friends.                                           T/F/NM
  •               3 Brendan gives some advice about where to eat in Dublin                          T/F/NM
  •                4 Brendan describes a good place for people who are interested in classical music.          T/F/NM
  •               5 Silvia hasnt always lived in Sydney.                                                           T/F/NM
  •               6. Silvia has never seen a shark.                                                                   T/F/NM                                                         


1 T [inference]

 2 NM [detail]

3 F [detail]
4 F [detail]

5 T [detail]
6 NM [detail]



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