Контрольна робота по темі "Health" 7 клас Карпюк

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота має 5 завдань різного рівня скласдності, а також два варіанти
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Test (I variant)

I. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. to catch

a. medicine

2. to call

b. a finger

3. to take

c. a headache

4. to cut

d. a cold

5. to have

e. for help

6. to ask

f. a doctor


II. Choose the correct word.

1. A continuous pain in the head is a headache / toothache.

2. She has got the flu / a bruise on his leg.

3. Vicky has got a runny / sore throat.

4. I need a plaster. I cut / catch a finger.

5. A fever / flu is a very high body temperature.

6. Go to the dentist if you have a stomach ache / a toothache.

III. Complete the questions with the questions tags.

1. Jim has played golf,

2. Her favourite sport is tennis,

3. Sophie can’t swim,

4. Cindy won’t participate in the race,

5. I am good at judo,

6. Tom played tennis yesterday,

IV. Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Past Perfect Tense.

1. They ___ (not play) games before their mother came.

2. She ___ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

3. ___ your sister ___ (eat) her lunch before she left?

4. When we __ (finish) dinner, we went out.

5. They said that they ___ (not see) the film last year.

6. ___ Bob ___ (meet) her before the party began?   

V. Write what you should/shouldn’t do to stay healthy.


Test (II variant)

I. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. to ask

a. a cold

2. to take

b. a doctor

3. to have

c. for help

4. to catch

d. medicine

5. to call

e. a headache

6. to cut

f. a finger


II. Choose the correct word.

1. A dentist / nurse helps the doctor at the hospital.

2. Tom has got a runny / sore nose.

3. Go to the dentist if you have a stomach ache / a toothache.

4. A continuous pain in the head is a headache / toothache.

5. The doctor told me to take medicine / hot tea twice a day.

6. She has got a temperature / dizzy.

III. Complete the questions with the questions tags .

1. She played golf last week,

2. Bob is a good swimmer,

3. Sam can swim,

4. We won’t take part in this competition,

5. They have watched figure skating,

6. I am good at judo,

IV. Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Past Perfect Tense.

1. He ___ (live) in Kyiv before he moved to London.

2. I ___ (not make) tea before my mother came.

3. ___ his dad ___ (take) medicine by 5 o’clock yesterday?

4. Jack ___ (not go) to Italy before last month.

5. I wasn’t hungry. I ____ (eat) pizza by that time.

6. _____ we ____ (visit) this town before we left school?

V. Write what you should/shouldn’t do to stay healthy.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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