Reading Picture Matching

Про матеріал
Завдання на читання полягає у виборі речення за змістом, яке б відповідало малюнку. Може використовуватися для учнів 3-4 класу.
Перегляд файлу

Write the number next to each picture.


  1. There are three of them on the plate. They smell delicious.
  2. These are buns with meat and vegetables inside.
  3. You can roast it in the oven.

  1. If you don’t like bread you can have this for breakfast.
  2. If you don’t like eggs you can have this for breakfast.
  3. This breakfast is for people who don’t like fruit.

  1. This is a bedroom. You can see a telephone on the desk.
  2. This is a living room. You can see a telephone under the desk.
  3. This is a bedroom. You can see a telephone under the desk.

  1. The house has got a brown door. There are two trees next to it.
  2. The house has got a blue door. There are two trees next to it.
  3. The house has got a blue door. There is a tree next to it.