Реалізація наскрізної лінії «Екологічна безпека і сталий розвиток» на уроках англійської мови

Про матеріал
Матеріал збірки розкриває питання реалізації наскрізної лінії "Екологічна безпека і сталий розвиток" на уроках англійської мови, містить теоретичні засади і практичні приклади вправ, зразки завдань у форматі підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови..
Перегляд файлу














Реалізація наскрізної лінії

«Екологічна безпека і сталий розвиток»

на уроках англійської мови






  • Вступ …………………………………………………..3
  • Тварини ………………………………………………..6
  • Пори року. Погода ……………………………………11
  • Екологія. Довкілля. Захист довкілля ………………...25
  • Природні лиха ………………………………………...54
  • Зразки тестів у форматі ЗНО ………………………...65
  • Додатки ………………………………………………..118





Екологічна ситуація, яка склалася в світі, настійно вимагає швидкої перебудови мислення людства і кожної конкретної людини, формування екологічної свідомості і екологічної культури. У зв’язку з цим екологічна освіта і екологічне виховання стають новим приоритетним напрямком педагогічної теорії і практики. Державна програма «Освіта» (Україна ХХІ ст.) та «Національна доктрина розвитку освіти в Україні у ХХІ столітті» одним із ключових питань системи освіти розглядають питання екологічного виховання.

Одним з найважливіших завдань сучасної школи є підвищення екологічної грамотності учнів, озброєння їх навичками економного, бережливого використання природних ресурсів, формування активної, гуманної позиції у ставленні до природи.

Дбайлива ставлення людини до навколишнього середовища виховується з перших років навчання в школі. Від того, як здійснюється процес екологічного виховання, залежить піклування людини про природу.

Природа — суспільна цінність, оскільки є джерелом пізнавальних, естетичних, комунікативних потреб. Тому головне завдання екологічного виховання — виховати таку особистість, щоб природа набула для неї життєво важливого значення.

Прищеплення учням кращих рис — основна мета будь якого вчителя предметника.

Вчителі іноземних мов нашої гімназії вважають, що одним із завдань учителя є навчити молоду людину любити навколишній світ — природу. Небайдужа людина до природи милосердна до рідних, поважає старших і ніколи не скривдить тих, з ким спілкується. Метою впровадження екологічного виховання на уроках іноземної мови є:

  • виховувати любов і повагу до природи;
  • спонукати до збереження неповторної краси рідного краю;
  • формувати почуття відповідальності за стан природного середовища;
  • сприяти розвитку творчих здібностей учнів;
  • учити самостійно мислити, знаходити раціоналізаторські рішення поставленої проблеми;
  • навчати бачити красу навколо себе, розвивати почуття прекрасного;
  • формувати почуття дбайливого ставлення до навколишнього середовища;
  • формувати активну життєву позицію.

Учителі іноземної мови намагаються підібрати до кожної теми з англійської мови такий матеріал, в якому висвітлюється любов людини до природи, єдність людини і природи, потяг до навколишнього світу, до прекрасного.

В даному посібнику зібрані матеріали, які стануть у нагоді іншим вчителям: конспекти уроків, дидактичний матеріал, тексти для читання та аудіювання, граматичні вправи та просто цікаві ідеї, пов’язані з проблемою охорони довкілля. Зібрані матеріали сприяють вихованню у дітей любові до природи.

Наскрізна лінія «Екологічна безпека і сталий розвиток» підсилює формування в учнів соціальної активності, відповідальності й екологічної свідомості: збереження, захист довкілля; усвідомлення важливоcті сталого розвитку для збереження довкілля й розвитку суспільства; готовність дбайливо й відповідально ставитися до довкілля, брати участь у вирішенні питань навколишнього середовища. Вона формує в учнів готовність оцінювати наслідки діяльності людини на оточуюче середовище та усвідомлення відповідальності перед майбутніми поколіннями. 

«Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток» націлює на уміння:

  • усвідомлювати екологічні проблеми;
  • дискутувати довкола питань екології;
  • обговорювати питання, пов’язані із збереженням навколишнього середовища;
  • обговорювати ефективне та раціональне використання природніх ресурсів;
  • проектувати власні дії на захист довкілля та збереження ресурсів;
  • розробляти плани дій щодо проведення екологічних заходів;
  • презентувати та обговорювати проекти щодо збереження довкілля та забезпечення сталого розвитку;
  • пояснювати взаємозв’язок людини і навколишнього середовища, у т. ч. з тваринним і рослинним світом;
  • пояснювати залежність людини від природніх ресурсів;
  • обговорювати природні і погодні явища;
  • розглядати природу як цілісну систему;
  • пояснювати необхідність бережливого ставлення до природи, необхідність прибирання після відпочинку на природі;
  • екологічно мислити та усвідомлювати свою екологічну відповідальність.

Реалізуючи наскрізну змістову лінію «Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток» ми маємо на увазі розвиток, який дозволяє існуючому поколінню задовольнити свої потреби без шкоди для майбутніх. Працюючи над темами «Природа і погода», «Клімат», «Довкілля », «Транспорт», «Подорожі», «Охорона здоров’я» треба формувати в учнів поняття того, що людина – частина природи, і її існування безпосередньо залежить від природного середовища. Вихід за межі класу на урок-екскурсію або дослідження, просто до парку або річки — мотивує та активізує дітей до пізнання нового. Доцільно також включати до роботи на уроці різноманітні проекти, проводити інтегровані та нестандартні уроки, звертатися до досвіду учнів, що перетворить їх на активних учасників навчального процесу та пов’яже навчання з життям.




Тварини. Animals

Знайомство з довкіллям на уроках іноземної мови починається у початковій школі з розучування назв тварин, усвідомлення понять «свійський» і «дикий». Дітям пропонують вивчення віршів про улюблену тварину, спонукають висловити своє ставлення до неї, пропонують описати домашнього улюбленця, або відвідати зоопарк. При цьому з кожним подальшим роком вивчення теми «Тварини» насичене граматичним матеріалом різного ступеню складності.


  • Робота з граматичним  матеріалом: Гра «Ланцюжок»
  • Р1-Р2-Р3:   Назви тварин, яких ти знаєш.
  • Назви тварин, яких ти бачиш на малюнку

  • Гра  «Незнайка»

HOW MANY animals do you know?

  • Вислови своє ставлення: 

I like a....        I dont like a.....          

  • Діалогічне мовлення:

Is this a...? -  Yes, it is. / No, it is not.

  • Аудіювання: Help me to guess.  

1)  It is domestic. It is small. It is orange. It likes mice and milk.  CAT

2)  It is domestic. It is big. It is brown and white. It gives milk. It likes grass. COW

3)  It is domestic. It is big or small. It can say BOW-BOW.  DOG.

4)  It is domestic. It is pink. It is funny. PIG.

  • Монологічне мовлення: Опис тварин за схемою

 http://www.proza.ru/pics/2013/06/01/1812.jpg  http://realtykaluga.ru/files/photo/heads/1024head.jpg        http://www.pm-plus.ru/images/844635_b.jpg         http://www.pm-plus.ru/images/844635_b.jpg      http://balakirev.arts.mos.ru/upload/medialibrary/72b/palitra.jpg


  • What animal is this?
  • Is this domestic animal?
  • Is this big or small animal?
  • What colour is this animal?


  • Орфографічний тренажер «Встав літеру»





  • Подивись і скажи:












  • Поєднай малюнок і назву (можна застосувати мультимедійну дошку)












  • Гра «Знайди тварин»






  • Гра «Розшифруй назву»

god,  nilo,  getri,  nomeky,  omuse, 

sohre,  rabe,  shpee


  • Порівняй тварин, використовуючи якомога більше прикметників













  • Закінчи ідіому:

As hungry as ...                                       As brave as ...

As cunning as ...                                       As heavy as ...

As dirty as ...                                         As tall as ...

A busy as ...                                    As funny as ...

As slow as ...


  • Гра «Чи згоден ти?»
  • People eat meat of these animals: a bear, a horse, a sheep, a duck.
  • These animals give wool: a sheep, a camel, a dog, a cat
  • People drink milk of these animals: a cow, a goat, a sheep, a horse
  • People use fur of these animals for making hats: a fox, a dog, a rabbit, a sheep
  • These animals can carry things and people: a camel, an elephant, a dog. A kangaroo


  • Гра «Правда чи неправда».  Read the information and decide if it is true or false.

Frogs cannot live in the sea.

Some frogs live in Antarctica.

There are poisonous (отруйні) frogs in Ukraine.

Monkeys begin to roar (верещати) when they see a group of other monkeys. 

People hear this roar up to 2.5 kilometers.

Elephant can pick coins with tongue.

Elephant is the cleverest animal.

The cleverest domestic animals are dogs and horses.

In some Ukrainian rivers there are crocodiles.

Crocodiles can hold their breath (затамувати подих)

for more than an hour.

The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the world’s crocodiles.


  • Вивчи вірш і дай відповідь

I  can    swim  like a  fish,
I can  run like a  rabbit,
I can  jump like a  little kangaroo.
I can  sing like a  bird,
I can  walk like a  cat.
I can  climb like a monkey in the zoo.
I can  do it,  he can do it,
She can do it,  too, too, too.
We can do it,  they can do it.
And what  about you?


  • Запитай і дай відповідь
  1. Who  can   fly?
  2. Who  can jump?
  3. Who can swim?
  4. Who can run?





Пори року. Погода. Seasons and Weather

Вивчення іноземної мови неможливе без інтеграції з іншими шкільними предметами. Для того, щоб говорити про пори року і погодні явища необхідні елементарні знання з природознавства, географії і астрономії.

Вірші і загадки допоможуть зацікавити учнів

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.


In America it’s snowy,

And in Africa it’s hot.

In France it’s windy,

In Spain it is not.

In Italy it is sunny,

In Germany the sky is blue.

In England it is rainy,

In Ukraine it’s rainy, too.


I come with cold and snow,
but you like me I know.


This is the season when the sun is shining,

the flowers are blooming, the rains are few.


This is the season when the sun is bright

and we have holidays each day and night.


This is the season when the days are cool,

when we put on our raincoats and go to school.


This is a season цhen children can ski,

Play snowballs аnd dance round the Christmas tree.


Summer is over. 

September comes. 

October and November 

Are ________    months.

The trees are green, 

Blue skies are seen. 

Winter is gone

It’s time to move on


Evening red and morning grey,

 Send the traveller on his way;

 Evening grey and morning red,

 Bring the rain upon his head.


Rain on the grass

 And rain on the tree

 Rain on the house-top

 But not on me.


The sky is blue                                      This is the season

The air is clean                           When birds make their nests           

Everything is green                 This is the season

Children want to sing                We all like best


The snow is thick                   This is the season when

The snow is white                              fruit is sweet    

It has fallen all the                      This is the season                                  

         night                                                   When pupils meet              


Whether the weather be fine,

Whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We'll weather the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.


Season when the snow smells and flowers bloom.


Season when the temperature is the highest.


Seasons when the leaves change from green to orange, red and brown.


Season when there is much snow and ice.


White pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in winter and cover the ground.


Water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky.


An object that you use to protect yourself against rain.


Winter brings us snow flakes

Spring- green buds and shoots

Summer brings us berries

Autumn- golden fruits.


This is a season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and parks.

This is the season
When children ski,

Play snowballs and dance

round the New Year Tree.


This is a season

 when nights are short.

And children are full

of fun and sport.

Playing and swimming all day long 

Will make them

 healthy and strong. 


This is a season when fruit is sweet,

This is a season when school friends meet,

         When noisy and gay, and brown in the sun,

     With their books and bags to school they run
This is a season when leaves fall down

Red, orange, yellow, brown.


This is a season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

To be in the room.

This is a season

When birds make their nests;

This is a season

We all like best.


Winter's my favourite season. 

It's the best of all. 

I play in the snow or slide on my sledge. 

In winter, I have a ball!


Spring is my favourite season. 

It's the best of all. 

I plant new flowers or play in the park.

In spring, I have a ball!


Summer's my favourite season.

It's the best of all.

I go on a picnic or swim in the lake.

In summer, I have a ball!


Autumn is my favourite season. 

It's the best of all.

I jump in the leaves or ride my bike.

In autumn, I have a ball!


Запропоновані нижче прийоми можна використовувати на різних етапах уроку іноземної мови.


  • Склади правдиві речення

                     There are __________ in a__________.

     4 seasons        year

      12 months          year

       3 months       season

       4 weeks      month

       24 hours         day

  • Запитай і дай відповідь

What season is it? – It is _______.

What is your favourite season? –

My favourite season is ___.

Do you like ___? – Yes, I do.

              No, I don’t.




  • Лексика. Словотвір

прикметник + -у = прислівник
(який?)                       (як?)

Sun – Сонце

Wind – вітер

Cloud – хмара

Rain – дощ

Snow – сніг

Fog – туман

Storm - ураган









Remember the words!

A land    a mountain

A continent                  a topical forest

An island                 a desert

An ocean                         a lake

A sea    a river


  • Поєднай частини словосполучень

islands and…

countries  and ..

seas and …

deserts and …

the North and …

               days and …


the South






  • Гра «Знайди зайве»

Winter, spring, July, autumn

Rainy, windy, cold, green

Warm, November, September, April

Jump, hot, swim, play


  • Прочитай і переклади. Опиши погоду за вікном

It is cold.   It is warm.                      

It is hot.              It is sunny.                           

It is windy.              It  is snowy.   

It is rainy.


  • Діалогічне мовлення:
  • Дай відповідь за малюнком

- Is it rainy? – Yes, it is / No, it isn’t


  • Запитай і отримай відповідь

1) Which season is cold?

2) Which season is hot?

3) Which season is rainy?

4) Which season is snowy?

5) Which season is cloudy?

6) Which season is warm?


  1. What season is before autumn?
  2. What season is after autumn?
  3. What season is after winter?
  4. What season is before winter?
  5. What season do you like?


  1. What planet do we live on?
  2. How many continents are there on the Earth? (7)
  3. How many oceans are there on the Earth? (4)



  • Обговори малюнок

- What season is it?

- What are autumn months?

- What is the weather like in autumn?

- Do you like autumn?

- What is your favourite season?




London, +9, rain / fog

What is the weather forecast for ____?

It is going to be rainy and foggy in London tomorrow. The temperature will be 9 degrees centigrade above zero.

Germany, +2, cloud / cold

Greece, +12, sun / cool

Holland, +1, wet / fog


  • Розіграй ситуацію, використай схему діалогу
  • Hello, ___! Nice to hear from you again!
  • Hi, ___! Haven’t heard you for a long time!
  • How are you?
  • I’m ___, thanks.
  • Where are you now?
  • I’m in __ today. It’s __ and __ here. The temperature is __ degrees centigrade __ zero. I’m going to ___. And what is the weather like in __?
  • The weather is __. It’s __ and __. The temperature is __ degrees __ zero.
  • What will you do?

- I shall __. It’s amazing! Sorry, but I have no time. I need to go. Call me as soon as you return home!

- Ok, see you!


  • Монологічне мовлення:
  • Доповни речення

In winter its… (сніжно, холодно, вітряно).

In spring its… (дощить, тепло, сонячно, хмарно).

In summer its… (жарко, сонячно, вітряно, мокро).

In autumn its…(туманно, дощить, хмарно, прохолодно).


  • Вислови своє ставлення

I like _____, because it is _____.

I don’t like ____, because it is ____.


  • Опиши малюнок і доповни речення


It is ___.

We can stay at  home.

We can watch ___.

We can ___

  • Доповни текст, замінивши малюнки словами











  • Опиши погоду за вікном

Today is the ____ of ____.

____ is the ____ month of ____.

The weather is ____ today.

The sun (is, not) shining brightly in the sky.

The sky is ____.

There are (not) many clouds in the sky.

The temperature is ___ degrees (above/ below) zero.

It is ____ (windy, rainy, chilly, wet, hot, sunny, frosty, foggy)


  • Розкажи про погоду вчора, використай подану інформацію

London, +9, rain / fog

It was rainy and foggy in London yesterday.

The temperature was 9 degrees centigrade above zero.

Oxford, +17, warm / sun

Leeds, -3, cold / snow

Bristol, +10, chilly / cloud

Manchester, +2, wind / wet


  • Обери правильне слово в дужках

It is very (cold / hot ) in summer.

The weather is (fine / bad ).

The sun (rains / shines ) brightly.

It doesn’t (snow / rain ).

I (lie / sit ) in the sun.

People work in the (field / woods ).

The nights are (short / long ) and the days are (short / long ).


  • Заповни пропуски
  • It often ____ in autumn.

a) rain      b) rains       c) is raining

  • Did the wind ___ yesterday?

a) blow     b) blew      c) was blowing

  • The leaves ___ now.

a) fall        b) fell         c) are falling

  • It doesn’t ___ in summer.

a) snow         b) snows         c) is snowing

  • The sun ___ yesterday.

a) shine         b) shone         c) is shining

  • It ____ tomorrow.

a) rain        b) will rain        c) is raining


  • Гра «Правда чи неправда». 

Read the information and decide if it is true or false.

In winter there is a lot of snow.

Summer comes after winter.

Autumn is the warmest season of the year.

Summer is warmer than spring.

There are five seasons in a year.

There is a lot of fruit in autumn.

Winter is the coldest season of the year.

Summer holidays are the longest.

It often snows in winter.

There are twelve months in a year.


  • Гра «Бліц». Доповни речення не роздумуючи

Snowflakes fall in __________

Flowers grow in  ___________

Leaves turn brown in ______________

New leaves grow on trees in ______________

The days are long in  ____________

Leaves fall in  __________

Flowers don’t grow in ____________

The birds make their nests in  ____________

The sun shines brightly in _____________

The days are short and the nights are long in _________

It often rains in __________

It often snows in __________


  • Заповни пропуски кількісним займенником MUCH / MANY

1) How many rivers are there in Ukraine?

2) How ______ snow is there in Canada?

3) How ______ countries are there?

4) How ______ water is there on Earth?

5) In winter there is not ______rain in Kyiv.

6) In summer there are ______ flowers in the garden.


  • Прочитай і виправ помилку

1) January is the second month of the year.

2) April is the first month of spring.

3) May is summer month.

4) In June we have winter holidays.

5) The weather is not changeable in August.

6) In September the children don’t go to school.

7) October is the first autumn month.

8) December is the first month of the year.


  • Монологічне мовлення. Опиши, що бачиш на малюнку

Hi! I am ___.

I’m from ___.

It’s ___.

The temperature is ___.

I’m wearing a ___.

I have got ___.

I’m going to ___.





  • Читання, діалогічне мовлення, письмо

Read the text and make short dialogues according to the table below. Then write down the letter to answer her. Choose any person you like.

A Letter

Dear Granny and Grandpa,

    Greetings from Italy!

    We are having a great time here. The hotel is fantastic. We are staying on the second floor. The weather is lovely. It is hot and sunny. Dad  is swimming at the moment. Bill is playing football with other boys. Mum is sunbathing. I like reading books. It’s lots of fun. What about my cousins? I know they enjoy travelling. Where are they now? What are they doing?

     See you soon, Alina.






  • Письмо






Екологія. Довкілля.  Захист довкілля.

Ecology. Environment. Environmental Protection

Уроки у старших класах проходять на основі попередньо вивченого матеріалу про навколишнє середовище. Під час уроку учні знайомляться і вивчають основний лексичний матеріал про проблеми екології та навколишнього середовища, природні катаклізми.

Актуалізація опорних знань учнів проводиться методом тестування, що дозволяє за короткий проміжок часу об’єктивно оцінити знання та розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті, і по результатах тестування виставити відповідні оцінки.

рок проводиться у формі бесіди з обов’язковою демонстрацією навчального матеріалу на екрані за допомогою мультимедійного проектора. Під час викладу матеріалу використовується візуалізація навчального матеріалу за допомогою презентації. Учні користуються підручниками, опорними конспектами та роздатковими матеріалами.

Закріплення вивченого матеріалу проводиться у різних формах: у формі виконання завдань лексичного матеріалу, розроблених у вигляді мультимедійної презентації, у формі фронтального опитування та усного тестування, учні дають своє бачення про проблеми екології та навколишнього середовища, аналізують хід своїх думок.

I want to live and not to die

I want to laugh and not to cry

I want to feel the summer sun

I want to sing when life is fun

I want to fly into the blue I want to swim as fishes do

I want to stretch out friendly hands

To all the young of other lands

I want to live and not die

I want to laugh and not to cry

I want to mate, No atom bomb


My shining world!



“Dalai Lama Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature.”

                     Dalai Lama

“The earth doesn’t belong to us; we belong to the earth”

                                                                                                    Chief Seattle

“Civilization is being poisoned by its own waste products”.

                                                                                         William Ralph Inge

‘In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment – there are consequences.’

                                                                                           Robert G. Ingersoll

"It is not enough to understand the natural world; the point is to defend and preserve it."

                                                                                               Edward Abbey

"Nature is not a place to visit, it is home."

                                                                                                    Gary Snyder

The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty.  The activist is the man who cleans up the river. 

                                                                                                       Ross Perot 


  • Аудіювання
  • Watch the video ‘Planets of the Solar System’ and finish the sentences:

The four smaller planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are made of rock and metal.

The two largest are called gas giants and consist of hydrohen and helium

The two furthest planets from the Sun, Uranus and Neptun, consist of ice.

  • Listen to the song ‘Mother Nature Needs Us’ and fill in the missing words:


  • Watch a video ‘Save Our World’ and fill in the sentences on your cards with the missing words.

save / wind / scientists / world / waste / reuse / climate change /

reduce / sun / destroy / water / recycle

  1. We live in a wonderful ____: full of life, full of colour and beauty.
  2. ___ could ___ the world we live in.
  3. ___ predict that many parts of the world could be under 20 cm of water in 50 years.
  4. To ___ us we can use the ___, ___ and ___ to produce renewable energy.
  5. You can ___ the amount of ____ you  produce: you should buy as much food as you need.
  6. You and your family can ____ many items: cans, plastic bottles, paper, even electrical goods and food.
  7. Just look at what you can ___: jars, bottles, bags.

Keys: 1 world    2 climate changes; destroy    3 scientists   4 save; sun; wind; water   5 reduce; waste    6 recycle   7 reuse


  • Ex.7a, p.156. Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences:
  1. Dora doesn’t turn off the tap while
  2. She leaves the light
  3. She never puts bottles
  4. She always brings a lot of
  5. She always takes
  6. She always has
  7. She always keeps the TV
  8. She turns up
  1. a shower.
  2. plastic bags home.
  3. on.
  4. the heating.
  5. brushing her teeth.
  6. a bath.
  7. on in her room.
  8. into the bottle bank.
  • Complete the ecology rules for Dora:
  1. Don’t ___ water. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  2. Don’t leave the lights ___ when you are not in the room.
  3. Put old glass bottles into the bottle ___.
  4. Don’t turn ___ the heating. Put on a warm pullover if it’s cold.
  5. ___ off the TV when you are not watching it.
  6. Don’t go ___ car if you can walk, cycle or take the bus or tram.


  • Listen and answer


More and more people all over the world realize that global warming is real and a serious problem. Almost everyone agrees that the Earth’s climate has begun to change, as reported by scientists and experts in newspapers, TV programs, and magazines. The summers are hotter. The winters are warmer. As a result, glaciers have become smaller. If this continues, there could be water shortages in the future in Europe and the Americas. In addition, scientists believe deserts will grow much larger in some parts of the world, which means areas of Africa, China, and the Middle East will have little or no water to grow food. Storms will become worse, too. Although we haven’t seen many big changes yet, our children and our children’s children could live in a very different world. They could face many problems in the future.

Governments around the world have taken action to fight pollution and global warming. Unfortunately, they need to do more. In addition, big countries like the US, China, and Russia continue to pollute heavily. All governments must take action with new laws to protect the environment. They must research and develop new technologies, such as wind and solar power. They must pollute less and reuse resources.

Individuals can take action now, though. Here’s how:

• Don’t use plastic bags at the supermarket, especially if you use the bag only once and throw it away.

• Take a cloth bag that you can use again and again.

• Take public transportation like trains and buses as much as possible. Even better, walk.

• Use less water at home. For example, when you brush your teeth, turn off the water.

• Turn off the lights, computer, TV, and so on when you’re not using them. This will decrease your electricity consumption.

• Recycle newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and so on.

• Organize or participate in a clean-up day in your neighborhood. Help clean the parks, beaches, and land in the area.


1) According to the article, what do more and more people realize?

2) What could happen if glaciers continue to melt?

3) What do scientists believe about areas in Africa, China, and the Middle East?

4) How will global warming affect storms?

5) Have governments taken enough action to fight pollution and global warming?

6) What kind of laws must be created? How about research?

7) According to the article, what action can people take now?






  • Робота з лексичним і граматичним матеріалом
  • Vocabulary Practice

Pollution is …

a) dirty water, air and atmosphere

b) making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in

c) people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous

Environment is …

a) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live

b) an organization that wants to protect the natural world

c) something that we do to prevent air and water pollution

Ecology is …

a)Natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment

b)A science which studies the influence on nature

c) Good and bad influence made by people on nature


  • Find and underline the odd word out:

Pollution, radiation, destruction, population, environment

To damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create

Safe, nuclear, dangerous, poisonous, harmful

Paper, waste, glass, wood, plastic

Habitat, fox, insect, reptile, pigeon

Rare, valuable, disappearing, extinct, diseases


  • Fill in the gaps: pollution/ emission/ acid rain/ ozone layer/ greenhouse effect/ ecology/ environment

____ is a natural world including the land, water, plants, animals.

____  is the study of the environment and the way plants, animals and humans live together and affect each other.

____  is the process in which heat cannot escape from the atmosphere and causes the increase of the temperature of the Earth.

____  is a layer of ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere that protects the Earth from the heat of the sun.

____  is the result of mixing gases, chemicals and water in atmosphere.

____  is the act of sending of gas, light or heat into the air.

____  is making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in.


  • Complete the sentences: clean up, protect, environment, plants, danger, polluted, rubbish, cut out, can, natural resources
  1. People must ____ animals and ____.
  2. Animals and birds are the part of our____.
  3. Tigers are in____, because people kill them .
  4. You have to____ after the picnics.
  5. People____ many trees in the rainforests.
  6. Factories have ____ rivers and seas.
  7. Trees are important ____.
  8. Throw ____in a rubbish ____.


  • Complete the sentences using the words: population, protection, disastrous, pollution, survival, extinction, atmosphere, harmful, rubbish, to recycle, recycling, rainforests

1) What can we do to reduce the __ of the atmosphere?

2) The change in the climate has produced __ floods.

3) Many rare species are threatened with __ .

4) Many of the gases produced by factories are __ to our health.

5) Many countries must try and control the growth of the __.

6) Protecting the environment is essential to our __.

7) The __ of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

8) 40 per cent of the world’s __ have disappeared in the last 80 years.

9) People don’t just pollute the __, they pollute themselves, too, with cigarettes, junk food, alcohol, illegal drugs.

10) Many countries bury and forget millions of tones of __ every day.

11) A lot of what we throw is still useful, and it’s possible, in fact, __ 80 per cent of domestic rubbish.

12) __ is expensive, but it saves trees, saves energy and cuts pollution.


  • Fill in the blanks with necessary words:
  1. Plastic bottles are floating on the __ of the lake.
  2. 70% of the world’s __ comes from the ocean.
  3. Oil pollution can damage the fragile __ of the coral reefs.
  4. The campaign is fighting for __ of the tiger.
  5. Jackie showed me how to make a nice flower pot from a plastic food __.
  6. People should use __ sources of energy such as wind and solar power.
  7. The pollution of __ waters kills fish and other sea creatures in great numbers.
  8. Around four million tons of industrial ___ are  produced every year.


  • Fill in the missing words:

1) We breathe in ___ and breathe out ___.

2) We have to take care of our ___ because our lives depend on it.

3) Farmers and big companies are destroying ___ in South America.

4) Most countries now have laws to protect ___ in ___.

5) Air __ from factories and cars destroys people’s health.

6) One of the ways to get rid of garbage is ___.

7) The ___ is the planet we live on.

8) A great number of animals and plants have become ___.

9) A lot of ___ is spilled into oceans every year.


  • Complete the sentences with the necessary words

1) Our prime goal must be to ensure our ___.

2) To take energy first, at the moment we are largely using ___.

3) ___ is the main reason of rising sea level.

4) Solar radiation can endanger mankind’s ___.

5) We have to develop new methods of growing crops and increasing ___.

6) We should be able ____ all the environmental problems.


  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words:
  1.                What can we do to reduce the ___ of the atmosphere?
  2.                The changes in the climate has produced ___ floods.
  3.                Many rare species are threatened with ___.
  4.                Many of the gases produced by factories are ___ to our health.
  5.                Exhaust fumes have ___ effects on the environment.
  6.                Many countries must try and control the growth of the ___.
  7.                Protecting the environment is essential to our ___.
  8.                The ___ of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  9.                While some countries get richer, the ___ in others gets worse.
  10.            Millions of people in the world are threatened with ___.













  • Listen and guess

To make air, rivers, land dirty

Lots of trees form it

The problem of the rise in temperature on the Earth

A mixture of smoke and fog

The rain with chemicals

To damage something

This layer protects the Earth from dangerous rays

Weather conditions of a particular place

To process used objects so they can be used again



Global warming


Acid rain


Ozone layer




  • Listen to the definition and guess the word:
  1. The Earth in fact
  2. Animals and plants that are going to be in extinct soon
  3. To keep safe
  4. Litter, garbage
  5. To be in need for a drink
  6. The opposite a of the ‘cleanness’
  7. Power that makes machines work
  8. A global increasing of the temperature
  9. People of the Earth
  10. Weather conditions


  • Match the parts of word-combinations:
  1. Environmental
  2. Global
  3. Ecological
  4. Greenhouse
  5. Harmful
  6. Shortage
  7. Save
  8. Renewable
  9. Natural
  10. Waste
  11. Produce
  12. Burn
  1. gases
  2. habitat
  3. water
  4. problems
  5. pollution
  6. effect
  7. garbage
  8. sources of energy
  9. of fresh water
  10. fossil fuels
  11. warming
  12. animals


  • Do the quiz

1) Exhaust fumes cause a lot of ..., especially in big cities.

a) recycling                 b) pollution

2) Everyone should learn to ... (= save) energy. Using lights / lamps only when needed is a good way to do this.

a) conserve                 b) converse

3) Nancy is ... about pollution. This is why she walks to work instead of driving.

a) cornered                  b) concerned

4) ... is much healthier than driving, and it doesn’t pollute the air.

a) baking                     b) biking

5) David conserves water by not letting it... when he’s not using it.

a) run                          b) jog

6) I’d like to conserve water... But I feel dirty if I don’t ... three times a day!

a) bath                         b) shower

7) Many unethical companies ... their waste into rivers.

a) dump                        b) give

8) ... , which is partly caused by exhaust fumes from cars, is a very big problem in many big cities across the world.

a) smog                         b) smoke

9) ... rain occurs when pollution in the air is absorbed by water droplets in clouds.

a) dirty                           b) acid

10) Oil... pollute sea water and kill marine life.

a) soil                             b) spills

Key: 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 b, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 a, 9 b, 10 b.


  • Use the following words to make up word combinations denoting some of the environmental problems of the present day.



of water














Complete the sentences with some of the word combinations from the previous task:

  1. The _____ is the problem caused by the increased quantities of gases in the air.
  2. In fact, many of the environmental problems that have received the most public attention are even worse than we thought – from destruction of the rainforest to _____ in the Arctic.
  3. The main cause of the _____ is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with the atmospheric water to form acids.
  4. _____ is a long-term, significant change in the climate of an area or of the earth, usually seen as a result of human activity.
  5. People have been looking for alternative sources of energy in order to avoid global ____.


  • Fill in the gaps with the necessary words. The first letters are given to help.


1) The earth’s climate is changing and the world is becoming w________________.

2) Climate change is caused by h____________________ activities.

3) Petrol, oil, and coal are called f________________.

4) The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful g_______________.

5) One of the main greenhouse gases is c_____________ (CO2)

6) Another harmful gas is called m_______________.

7) Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the earth’s a____________.

8) As a result of the ice melting in the North and South Poles, the sea l__________ are rising.

9) Climate change can cause an increase in f_________, h______ and d________.

10) An international agreement on climate change is called the K_____________.


  • Читання
  • Some facts about the Universe:

Our galaxy is just one of more than 170 billion galaxies in the Universe.

The Universe is infinite. There is no end to it.

Our Solar System is a part of the galaxy known as the Milky Way.

Our Solar System consists of the Sun and objects connected to it by gravity – eight planets and some moons.

The Sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way. One of between 100 and 400 billion stars.


  • Read the text and do the tasks.


Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and outer space. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment and his activity is sometimes fraught with fatal consequences.

It is becoming increasingly clear that man cannot and must not use his tremendous power so carelessly, interfere in nature and radically try to change it, without taking into account possible negative effects of his economic activity.

The more material wealth people create, the more they realize that they cannot but be concerned about how the biosphere is changing as a result of productive activity. Current ecological research shows, that man, when overconcerned with technicism, far from turning deserts into oases, can turn oases into deserts, threatening to destroy everything on the Earth. In the 19th century and even in the 20th century, material production did not take into account the consequences which man’s interference may have in the distant future. In the 20th and 21st centuries such a consideration is becoming vitally important. The pollution of many species of plants and animals have now reached threatening proportions. An increasing influence on nature and using new technological processes may cause catastrophic results. Data concerning deaths from cancer say that more then 60 per cent of the cases are caused by various cancer-producing factors in the environment.

So, the urgent problem of today is to understand that we depend on the Earth, our mother, that the earth environment is a wonderful, beautiful and complex system which is easily damaged by man’s thoughtless attacks upon it. It is a challenge for all of us to save it.


Mark true or false:

1) Human progress has reached the stage of cosmic pollution.

2) The intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy adversely affects the environment.

3) Man uses his power carelessly.

4) People can and must interfere in nature trying to change it.

5) The material standard of people’s living has grown.

6) People are overconcerned with making more technical devices which could make their life better.

7) Two centuries ago people didn’t think much of the consequences of man’s interference in nature.

8) They don’t think of it in the current century.

9) In 60 per cent cancer is caused by various factors of polluted environment.

10) It is very complicated problem to restore the unity between man and nature.


  • Mark true or false sentences:

You can cut down the tree in your garden.

You can make compost from your food to grow new food.

When the weather is nice, hang your clothes out to dry.

You must leave litter in the streets.

You must buy plastic bags every time you are in the shop.

You mustn’t burn the leaves of the trees.

You can cut wild flowers.

You can keep dogs under control.

You can leave your electrical appliances plugged in from morning till night.

 You can feed the birds in winter.


  • CLIL-Method

To: Ukrainian Students

From: Laura Ashley

Subject: Environmental Problems

We live on different continents but I suppose that we have common problems with our nature. I am an ecologist and I am worried about the place I live in very much. Living in big cities can be dangerous now. Pollution is everywhere. People build factories and plants on the banks of the rivers to make the price for electricity cheaper. They pour their wastes into the rivers and pollute water. The cars produce the toxic fumes. And, we have to breathe it! If you go to the forest, park or along the streets, you will see a lot of rubbish, cans, plastic bags and bottles. But, nobody thinks that it’s harmful for animals. They can eat plastic bags and suffocate. People and animals are in danger!

What ecological problems are the most serious in your country?

What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner?

Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why?


Vocabulary: to pour – наливати

  To suffocate – задихатися

Different types of questions. Put the words in questions of different types in the right order to get more information about ______. Then the representatives of all groups will help us to conduct a survey (change the cards, answer your own questions according to email).

Group 1 Water pollution

1) What / rivers? / build / banks /  on the / people / of the / do /

2) Who / river / banks? / on the / builds / factories

3) Why / water / polluted / is / ?

4) How / are / polluted / rivers / ?

Group 2 Air pollution

1) What / most / pollutes / of / all?/ air /

2) What / cars / do / produce / the / ?

3)  Are / toxic / the / fumes / dangerous?

4) Why / air / dirty / is / ?

Group 3 Rubbish

1) Rubbish / a big / for / problem / large / is / cities / ?

2) Do / of / produce / a lot / people / rubbish?

3) What / of / rubbish / in / the streets / kind / can / see / you / ?

4) Why / for / are / dangerous / plastic /animals / bags / ?

Group 4 Endangered species

1) Where / animals / live / do / ?

2) Are / animals / danger / in / ?

3) What / in / streets / the / can / eat / animals / ?

4) What / in / can / this / happen / case / ?


  • One of the environmental problems nowadays is household wastes and litter.

1) Pre-reading

Where do we see litter?

What words describe litter?

Why is litter dangerous?

2) While-reading

Read the text and fill in the gaps using the following words:

Pollution, heavily, environment, harmful, originates, contaminate, recycling, poisons, to clean, factors, equipment, natural.


Today the greatest problem for humanity is___. This problem is extremely typical for ___ industrialized  cities and towns. Pollution is contamination of the ____ including air, water and land. Uncontrolled emissions of ___ substances and dust pollute everything around us.

It is worth  mentioning that one third of all emissions into the atmosphere ___ from automobile transport. That means that air pollution is not only the problem of big cities. Another problem of big cities is wastes. The wastes from plants and factories ____ water and soil. Household wastes such as all kinds of plastics, dead batteries and soon remain unruined for decades and it is very important to find the way of their ____. Batteries can explode if burnt. And they release toxic ____ into the air.

Litter doesn’t directly dirty drinking water but increases the cost of and the energy needed ____water for drinking. Litter causes floods, by blocking rivers and streams. People try to burn the litter. Do you know that acid rains can be caused by burning  litter. Plastic bottles  last more than 20 times longer than a pairofleathershoes. Leathershoeslastapproximately 45 years and a plastic bottle lasts 900 to 1,000 years. Theseareonly some of the problems of environment.

A lot of birds and animals die every year from eating plastic bags.

The list may be endless: greenhouse effect, ozone holes, etc. All of these ___ threaten mankind and nature, reduce their life, even kill them. What can be done to protect them?  It is clear that  it is necessary to use purification ____ at the plants and factories, look for wasteless technologies, learn to use ___sources of energy, such as wind, sun, etc., use new recycling technologies.               It is very important that every person should be responsible for ecologically clean world and act correspondingly.

3) Read the statements. Choose the correct answer. Is it true or false.

1. Poisons from litter enter the ground and can poison your food.

2. Burning litter causes acid rain.

3. Batteries can’t explode if burnt.

4. Litter makes drinking water dirty.

5. Paper can be reused and recycled before being thrown out.

6. Litter causes more rain and so causes floods.

7. Once thrown away, leather shoes last longer than a plastic


8. 1 billion birds and animals die every year from eating plastic bags.

  • Письмо
  • Write an email about the ecological problems in your country / city. Use the plan to help you:

What ecological problems are the most serious in your country?

What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner?

Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why?


  • Match causes with the effects, make true IF - sentences:



  1. People use less cars
  2. People clean the forest after picnics
  3. We plant more trees
  4. People don’t wash their cars on the river banks
  1. the water is fresh.
  2. our cities become greener
  3. the air becomes clear.
  4. we have no rubbish there.


  • Fill in with SHOULD / SHOULDN’T

We ___ take care of our nature.

People ___ pollute the environment.

You ___ throw rubbish into the litter box.

People ___ use more bicycles instead of cars.

People ___ use the nuclear weapon for saving the planet.

We ___ try to buy only recyclable things.

People ___ collect waste separately in order to have a healthy planet.

We ___ use more paper instead of e-mailing.

We ___ save water and energy.

We ___ cut down trees and flowers.

People ___ keep endangered and rare species.

You ___ switch off the TV when you leave your house.


  • Complete the sentences using the Conditional I:


  • Match the parts of the sentences. Complete them with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
  1. If people (not / to use) petrol in their cars…
  2. The world (to be) a safer place …
  3. If you (to listen) to the weather forecast …
  4. If there (to be) more trees…
  5. Life (to be) so unbearable …
  6. Many species of animals (to lose) their habitats …
  1. if we (to stop) polluting the environment.
  2. if we (to control) the pollution level earlier.
  3. you (to take) your umbrella with you.
  4. the air we breathe (to be) cleaner.
  5. they (not / to produce) so much carbon dioxide.
  6. if we (to reduce) the global warming.


  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
  1. If people _____ (to be) more informed about energy-saving technologies, they ___ (to pay) less for their houses.
  2. People ___ (not / to face) the problem of water shortages if they _____ (not / to pollute) rivers and lakes.
  3. If we ____ (to launch) an environmental project in our school, we _____

_____ (to draw) students’ attention to ecological problems.

  1. You ____  (to trade) items of all kinds with others in your community if you _____ (to want) to be environmentally friendly.
  2. You ____ (to save) electricity if you ____ (to use) fluorescent bulbs in your flat.
  3. If there ____ (not / to be) the greenhouse emissions, we ___  (not / to have) climate changes.


  • Give the full answers to the following questions:
  1. If you told me all of your secrets, would I be shocked?
  2. If you changed your name, what name would you choose?
  3. If you could speak three other languages. What would they be?
  4. If you could decide what happens in your life tomorrow, what would you want to happen?
  5. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
  6. Think about one of natural disasters. If a natural disaster hit your town, what would you do?
  7. If you became a rock star, what kind of songs would you sing and what image would you have?
  8. If the world were going to end at 3.37 tomorrow afternoon, what would you do up until that time?
  9. If you were the world best at something, what would you like to be the best at?
  10. If you were a colour, what colour would you be and why?


  • Put the verbs in brackets into The Present Perfect or Past Simple
  1. Our pupils _________(to take care) of the nearest grove yesterday
  2. _______you already (to hear) about a “Clean up our town club”?
  3. This factory ________(not/ to pollute) the river yet.
  4. _____you (to learn) about rainforests last lesson?
  5. ______you (to throw) rubbish in a rubbish can ?
  6. They _______(not/to recycle) plastic bottles yet.
  7. Last year we _____(to keep) our grove clean after picnics.
  8. _______your daughter  (to watch) a TV program about the natural resources in Ukraine yesterday?


  • Write three rules for the picnickers.
  • Read the example of advertisement and write your own one.

a) Dear schoolmates!

There are a lot of environment problems nowadays. What personally can we do to protect our environment?!One of the biggest problems is litter, wastes in the streets and in the yards. Let’s make our school environment clean and tidy! Take part in eco action and clean up the school area of rubbish and litter, please!

We are waiting for you on 21st April at 2 o’clock a.m.!

Don’t be indifferent!


b) Come and take part in the school eco action!

The action will be held on 20th April after the classes.

All necessary equipment (gloves, plastic bags etc.)

is available!

Let’s clean up the school territory, collect litter, plant trees and flowers in the schoolyard, water trees, make bird houses!

Remember! A clean world begins with you!


c) Do you want to save   forests?

Take part   in our school campaigns for collecting waste paper!

The closest campaign will be next week on Friday.

Collect and bring old newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets etc.

We‘ll transport them to the special waste station.

Don’t forget that the Earth is our home.

Let’s take care of it!


  • Write the sentence in the passive if possible.

1) Scientists observed the tigers for six days.

2) Scientists are investigating the possibility of life on other planets.

3) When we walked into the classroom, the teacher had already given the assignment.

4) Some teachers cleaned up the teachers’ room.

5) I think the students will have drunk most of the coffee by the time we arrive.

6) People believe that San Francisco is a warm city.

7) ...made the coffee.

8) ... ’ s cat broke the vase.

9) Everyone thinks that San Francisco is the most beautiful city in the US.

10) Our findings will intrigue the world.

11) Someone will tell us by this time next week.

12) Many people visit Disneyland every year.

13) Someone has washed the dishes.

14) Someone poisoned ...’s dinner.

15) What happened to you last night?

16) John needs to have someone fix his car.

17) ... wants to have someone clean her house.


  • Close-test. Fill in with the suitable words:

Many countries bury and forget millions of tons (1) __ rubbish every year. But we don’t have to throw (2) __ all our waste paper, glass, metal and plastic. We (3) __ also burn or recycle a lot of it. Here are three (4) __ to beat the throw - away society. All of them are cleaner and cheaper (5) __ rubbish. In Denmark, for example, it’s illegal to sell drinks (6) __ cans. And it’s not just governments which can produce less (7) __. It’s ordinary people, too. For example, anyone can decide to (8) __ products with as little packaging as possible; use and (9) __ away fewer carrier bags; waste less paper. Turn Rubbish (10) ___ energy by burning it. This is a good idea because it saves fossil (11) __; means burying less rubbish; stops (12) __.


  • Choose one of the topics to write down an opinion essay:

1) Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.

2) What is the most important issue facing the environment today?

3) How has the world changed since you were a child? (Technology, values, environment, health)


  • Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be restricted to control global warming.

Use the writing guide to help you.

  • Describe the current situation.
  • Give points in favour of the statement.
  • Give points against.
  • Summarise and give your opinion.

Give some advice to protect them


  • Говоріння
  • Watch the video ‘Planets of the Solar System’ and answer the questions:

What are the main objects in our solar system?

The Sun, stars, planets and moons.

What holds them all together?

They are hold by gravity.

How many planets are there in the solar system?

There are 8 planets in it: the smaller,

the largest and the furthest ones.


  • Read the information in the table, then make up sentences defining the problems, their reasons, effects and their solutions.


Reason (причина)

Effect (наслідок)

Solution (рішення)

Water pollution

  • factories dump waste into rivers;
  • seas are polluted with fuels
  • a big amount of stomach illnesses;
  • fish and animal death
  • limit using of chemicals in industry
  • punish factories which pollute seas/ rivers

Air pollution

  • factories and cars pollute the air with toxic fumes
  • serious breathing problems, lungs diseases
  • ban cars from the city centers
  • install filters in factories


  • people have a lack of culture and education
  • dirty streets, rivers, spread of diseases
  • use litter bins
  • encourage recycling

Water pollution is caused by the fact that ____.

Water pollution can result in ____.

The government should ____.


  • Work in pairs. Exchanging your Personal Information. Ask your partner and don’t forget to give him a piece of advice.

We speak about water shortages.

1. What do you use water for?

2. Do you often take hot bath?

3. How often do you wash your clothes?

4. How much water do you use?

Advice: You should reduce the using of water and take a shower instead of bath.

Water pollution

1. Do you like swimming in the river?

2. If you see plastic bags and bottles in the river, will you pick it up?

3. Have you ever washed your bicycle in the river or lake?

Advice: You should clean up the rivers. You should use a dust and a little water to clean your bike or car.

People use a lot of washing powder.

1. How often do you do the laundry?

2. What household item do you use?

3. Do you use washing powder in this process?

4. Is it harmful for our rivers and lakes?

Advice: Try to use your washing machine only for big clothes. Use less washing powder.

Most of pollution in big cities comes from cars.

1. Has your family got a car?

2. How often do you use a car?

3. Does it work well?

4. Why is it important to look after it?

Advice: You should walk more. If the car doesn’t work well, you should repair it because it produces toxic fuels.

Burning makes air pollution worse.

1. Have you ever burnt rubbish or dry leaves?

2. What can burning cause?

3. Is it harmful for air?

Advice: You shouldn’t burn dry leaves and garbage.

One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food.

1. Does your family buy much food?

2. Do you sometimes throw it away?

3. How much of it do you waste?

Advice: You should buy as much food as you need.


  • Ask and answer in pairs:
  1. What does the word “environment” mean?
  2. Is our world in danger?
  3. What is the main problem facing humanity nowadays?
  4. Name the main problems of the environment?
  5. The production of food and goods in large amounts will greatly increase the pollution of environment, will not it?
  6. What causes harm to our planet?
  7. Are the chemical and heavy industry very dangerous?
  8. What do we pollute air, water and soil with?
  9. What happens to our seas and forests? What was a real tragedy for the Ukrainian nation?
  10. What is our planet suffered from more: human activities or natural disasters?
  11. What natural disasters can you name?
  12. What should we do to protect our nature?


  • Finish the sentences:

Air pollution is caused by ___

We have land pollution because ___

Our streets are dirty because

Some countries have shortage of fresh water ___

The water in Ukrainian rivers is polluted because ___

Some animal species have disappeared because ___

We have to pay a lot for our flats and houses because ___


  • Use SHOULD / SHOULDN’T and your creativity to complete GREEN MESSAGES:

1) You ___ (water).

2) ___ (wild animals).

3) ___ (trees). 4) ____ (electricity).

5) ____ (oil).

6) ____ (rivers).


  • Answer the questions:

Do you worry about the environment?

What is the quality of the environment in your country?

What are the biggest problems facing our environment?

How important is the natural environment to you in your daily life?

What would you do to save our environment?

  • Answer the questions:
  1. What does the word “environment” mean?
  2. Is our world in danger?
  3. What is the main problem facing humanity nowadays?
  4. Name the problems of the environment?
  5. The production of food and goods in large amounts will greatly increase the pollution of environment, will not it?
  6. What causes harm to our planet?
  7. Are the chemical and heavy industry very dangerous?
  8. What do we pollute air, water and soil with?
  9. What happens to our seas and forests? What was a real tragedy for the Ukrainian nation?
  10. What is our planet suffered from more: human activities or natural disasters?
  11. What natural disasters can you name?
  12. What should we do to protect our nature?


  • Discuss any questions you like.

1) Are you concerned about the present state of the environment? Why / not?

2) Is global warming just a myth to scare people, as some people say? Why / not?

3) Will the lives of our children (or our children’s children) be more difficult because of the damage wrought on the environment now? Why / not?

4) Will humans become extinct because we have irreparably ruined the environment?

5) What environmental problems have you heard about in the news recently?

6) How often do you think about the environment? Is it enough? Why / not?

7) If temperatures continue to rise year after year, how will our lives be different in the near future? How about long term, say 100 years from now?

8) What do you do (or have you done) to reduce global warming? Please explain.

9) In order to protect the environment, your city raises its tax by 25 % for all citizens. How would you feel? What would you do?


  • Discuss any questions you like.

1) Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.

2) What is the most important issue facing the environment today?

3) Do you know about any anti-pollution programs in your community?

4) What about programs in your native country?

5) Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or Why not?

6) If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?

7) Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for littering?

8) Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?

9) Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not?

10) Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?

11) How has the world changed since you were a child? (Technology, values, environment, health)

12) How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?


  • Discuss with your partner the following questions:
  1. If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
  2. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
  3. If you had a special power, what would you be able to do?
  4. If you could make one change to the world, what would you do?
  5. If you could change something about your past, what would you change?
  6. What would you like to do if you were a member of the opposite sex for one day?
  7. If you had billions and billions of dollars, how much would you give to charity, and which charities?
  8. If you could go on a date with anyone in the world, who would it be?
  9. If you went back in time, what year would you go to?
  10. If you stopped studying English, would your life change?


  • Розвиток критичного мислення. Обговорення. Дискусія.

There are two things that are impossible for us to understand about the Universe.

One is its … size.

Another is its … time.

How old is the Universe?

If you think a year lasts a long time …

If you think 15 is old …

If you think 2,000 years ago is ancient history … think again.

The Universe is 13,7 billion years old.

















Природні лиха. The Natural Disasters

  • Робота з лексичним і граматичним матеріалом
  • Match the words with the definitions.

1 forest fire 

2 hurricane 

3 earthquake 

4 flood 

5 drought 

6 volcano 

7 tidal wave 

A a long period with little or no rain

B a sudden violent movement of the surface of the earth

C when huge areas of woodland are alight

D when an area of land which is usually dry becomes covered in water

E a huge wave which builds up in the sea over thousands of miles

F a very powerful storm, often at sea

G a large mountain which erupts from time to time and sends rocks up into the air and molten rock pours down the side


  • Use these words in sentences.

А) droughts     volcanoes     earthquake     floods

1. Mount Vesuvius near Naples is one of the      most famous …… in the world.

2. Many parts of sub-Saharan Africa suffer from  .........

3. Many low-lying parts of England suffer from ....... after prolonged periods of rain in the winter.

4. San Francisco and Tokyo are both situated right in the middle of dangerous ........ zones.

В) acid rain       ozone layer       global warming       greenhouse effect

1. The gradual rise in the Earth's temperature is known as ....... .

2. When heat gets trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, it is known as ........

3. Over Antarctica scientists have found holes in the ........

4. Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as .........

  • Match the words:

1)drought   a) сходження грунту

2)sliding   b) сильні зливи

3)falling of the tree  c) вирубка лісів

4) heavy showers  d) повінь

5)lightning   e) засуха

6)deforestation  f) землетрус

7)environment   g) блискавка

8)flood    h) повалення дерев

9)famine   i) руйнувати

10)earthquake   j) довкілля

11)to disrupt   k) бути в небезпеці

12)to be in danger  l) голод


  • Do the quiz.

1) If a country doesn’t have rain for a very long period, we say it suffers from (floods / drought / earthquakes / tornadoes).

2) When a disaster occurs, people move to another area or country. What are these people called? (aid workers / refugees / migrants / immigrants)

3) When a disaster occurs, people describe the situation using some of the words below. Which word does NOT mean very important? (emergency / crisis / urgent situation / inconsequential)

4) What’s the international request for help used by ship captains and aeroplane pilots if they are having problems?

(marchday / aprilday / mayday / juneday)

5) Which of the following words would you NOT expect to hear in a report about a country without food?

(famine / scarcity / abundance / food shortage)

6) Which word does NOT fit the sentence? ‘In war many people die, but many more are (injured / wounded / killed / hurt)


  • Match disasters a-g with quotes 1-7

1 ‘It was 6.3 on the Richter scale.’

2 ‘The city is covered in ash and mud. There is a stream of molten lava.’

3 ‘Tanya is heading for Florida with winds of up to 170 miles per hour.’

4 ‘The Thames has broken its banks.’

5 ‘After years without rain there is no food or water.’

6 ‘The high winds are making it very difficult for the emergency services to put it out.’

7 ‘A massive undersea earthquake caused a ten-metre-high wave.

  1. drought
  2. earthquake
  3. flood
  4. forest fire
  5. hurricane
  6. tsunami
  7. volcanic eruption


  • Complete the text using the words from the key:

Harmony / recently / destroy / breathe / balance / contaminate / lower / growth / contribute / change / burning / increasing


Until 1)____ the planet was a large world in which human activities and the nature were in 2)____. The people lived in 3)____ with nature and didn`t pollute it. But nowadays, environmental problems are the most 4)___ for the modern society. The air we 5)____, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, and even the 6)____ noise we hear every day. That`s all 7)____ to health problems and a 8)____ quality of life. People cut down trees, 9)____ the habitats of thousands of animals and 10)____ water in rivers and seas. The increasing number of cars in towns and cities has led to the 11)____of the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We must care, where we live, because we can 12)____ the world and we can make it better! 

  • Choose the correct item:
  1. What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?

A) floods and storms    B) floods and earthquakes

C) tsunamis     D) tornadoes

2) ___ are rain drops that have formed together into ice.

A) Hailstorms    B)Heat wave

C) Floods     D) A tsunami

3) Some birds and animals are ___ because people cut down the trees.

A) in cages     B) in forests

C) in zoos     D) in danger

4) The land has a great role in ___.

A) outer space    B) cyber space

C) our life     D) the books

5) Don’t allow anybody to ___ our territory.

A) protect     B) occupy

C) demonstrate    D) pollute

6) ___ is the point in which a volcano is active and releases its power.

A) A landslide    B) A volcanic eruption

C) A blizzard     D) A draught

7) ___ is a severe winter storm condition characterized by low temperatures, strong winds, heavy blowing snow.

A) A wildfire     B) A draught

C) A blizzard     D) A landslide

8) If there is a lot of rain, or very strong winds, ___ can happen.

A) fires     B) avalanches

C) danger     D) floods

 9) Every day we use ___ made from wood.

A) water     B) paper

C) air      D) food

10) Our planet suffers from ___.

A) pollution     B) animals

C) plants     D) children

11) Every year the Earth loses 20 million acres of tropical ___.

A) rainforests     B)birds

C) water     D) rivers

12) The future is in our ___.

A) dreams     B) plans

C) hands     D) discussions


  • Аудіювання 
  • Listen to the interview and do the tasks.



David talks about how deforestation and the problems it causes.

Shirley. Hi, David. How are you?

Davіd. I’m fine, thank you, Shirley.

Shirley. So, environmental issues ... we were talking about them earlier throughout the world, and you’re from Kenya.

Davіd. Yes, I’m from Kenya.

Shirley. So, what’s happening over there?

David. One of the environmental issues we are having is deforestation, which is really affecting both the wild animals and people living around the forest and, you know, the environment in general.

Shirley. So, what’s actually happening to the people that... for example the people who actually live around the forest area?

David. Cause you know, when you tend to interfere and come in between the wild animal’s habitat and things like that, you somehow create like an imbalance in between the people and the animals and sometimes it’s not a really nice thing cause animals tend to come close to where people live instead of living in their own habitat, which is a really bad thing.

Shirley. So, are they like attacking people ... or?

David. They really don’t attack but it’s not a really nice picture or scene to know that you’re vulnerable at any time.

Shirley. What about livestock of the people that are close to forest areas?

David. You know, that’s one of the things that are in danger cause, you know, if wild animals come to where people live, and they have livestock, probably they’ll want to be eaten.

Shirley. So, what’s actually causing the deforestation?

David: People are trying to burn charcoal, so that they can get, they’re trying to burn the trees so that they can get charcoal and sell cause as you know everyone is not living to the living standard that they’re supposed to be living, and they’re trying in every way to earn an extra dime to support their families, so they turn to deforestation and the cutting down of trees, and this has been one of major causes of deforestation cause when you’re trying to get charcoal and sell, you have to cut a tree and that results to deforestation and other causes that come along with deforestation and like soil erosion, things like that.

Shirley. So what’s being done to try and remedy this, or to try and counterbalance the effect?

David. The activist groups that are coming together like ... you all know the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai.

Shirley. Yes.

David. She has her own green belt movement in Kenya. She’s been for so long trying to discourage people and educate people in what deforestation does to the country and how it effects people and the environment in general.


Fill in the gaps.

vulnerable         living         standard          extra         dime        

 support      discourage

1) Do you work now or do your parents ... you?

2) They want to buy a house so they are saving any ... they can.

3) Please, try to ... your brother from smoking.

4) The ... is very high in most of Europe.

5) Babies are more ... to sickness.


Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) What is deforestation affecting in Kenya?

a) People                                

b) Animals

c) Both


2) What is the imbalance?

a) Animals living near people

b) People hunting animals

c) More animals than people


3) What do the animals tend to attack?

a) People                                

b) Livestock

c) Both


4) Why are the people cutting the trees?

a) To gain farmland                 

b) To make charcoal

c) To make houses


5) Who is trying to remedy the situation?

a) Local activists                      

b) A Nobel Prize winner

c) Both

Key: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c.


  • Читання
  • Choose the best word from the box to complete the following sentences.

combine /dams/ devastating/  flooding/  human-made/  pieces / potential / prevent / snow/  widespread


Floods cause ___ damage. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to ___ flooding in some situations. There are several causes for ___ including deep ___ melt, icy rivers, and broken ____. First, when deep snow melts it creates large amounts of water. When heavy rain and sudden warm temperatures ____ with the deep snow, floods can occur. Second, rivers that are covered in ice can cause floods when the ice melts. The ice ___ form dams which break and cause flooding. Third, __ dams can break and cause __ damage. The water from these dams can be as powerful as a tidal wave. Our best plan of attack against flooding is to recognize the __ for  flooding in certain conditions.


  • Read the text and make up questions:


Japan was hit by an enormous earthquake on March 11, 2011, that triggered a deadly 23-foot tsunami in the country’s north. The giant waves deluged cities and rural areas alike, sweeping away cars, homes, buildings, trains and boats, leaving a path of death and devastation in its wake. Video footage showed cars racing away from surging waves. The US Geological Survey reported the earthquake and on Monday revised its magnitude from 8.9 to 9.0, which is the largest in Japan’s history. The earthquake struck about 230 miles northeast of Tokyo. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued warnings for Russia, Taiwan, Hawaii, Indonesia, the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the west coasts of the USA, Mexico, Central America and South America. As of June, tens of thousands of people were still in temporary shelters and over 24,000 were confirmed dead or missing.

When ____________________?

What ____________________ ?

What magnitude ___________ ?

How far __________________ ?

What countries ____________ ?

How many people __________ ?


  • Read some information from an Internet page and answer the questions.

Avalanche danger

July 25, 2009

An avalanche is a huge snow slide. It can kill skiers or climbers who are buried in this snow slide.

The latest cold weather brought snow to mountains and other high plac­es. Strong winds pushed much more snow onto some places and this could slide down the mountain easily.

A group of skiers in Canterbury, on the mountains near Christchurch, were caught in an avalanche yesterday and one skier died. They were heli skiing which means a helicopter dropped them onto the mountain. They were all experienced in this kind of skiing and had two guides with them.

When the avalanche started, one man was caught by snow up to his waist so others had to dig him out. Another two men were buried. Guides managed to dig them out quite quickly, in about seven or eight minutes, but one was dead. The other one needed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation at first. He said later that all he could move was his tongue so he used his tongue to clear the snow from his nose so that he could breathe. All these men caught in the avalanche were Australian tourists.

1) When did it happen?

2) Why is an avalanche so dangerous?

3) How did the people turn out in the mountains?

4) Where were the people from?

5) How many people die?


  • What should anyone know about the surviving in avalanche? Read the instructions.

1) Reacting in the First Few Seconds. Jump up slope. Move to the side of the avalanche. Let go of your heavy equipment. Hold on to something.

2) Surviving if You Get Buried in Snow. Don’t panic. Start swimming. Hold one arm straight above your head. Dig a pocket around your face. Conserve air and energy. Wait for rescuers to come.

  • Make a list of instructions how to survive in different dangerous situations:








  • Письмо
  • Complete a list of ways that we can help to stop pollution.

Examples: do not put garbage into the lakes and streams, walk or ride bikes whenever possible, pick up litter, etc.



  • Translate into English.

A.  1. На півдні України багато заповідників.  2. Улітку ми з батьками завжди їдемо до моря.  3. Біля нашого дому тече річка Харків.  4. Я обожнюю прогулянки по долинах у квітах.  5. Повітря у горах дуже чисте.  6. Восени у лісі дуже багато грибів.  7. На жаль, у нашій країні не має пустель.  8. Відпустка на Північному полюсі має бути дуже веселою.  9. На селі, де живе моя бабуся, багато пагорбів та долин.  10. У цьому яру видно навіть коріння дерев.  11. Висота стовбура цього дерева може досягати 17 метрів.  12. Після дощу на дереві майже не залишилося гілок.  13. Весною дерева покриваються листям.  14. У нашому садку багато фруктових дерев: яблунь, слив та груш.  15. Яблуня під нашим вікном у повному розквіті.  16. Листя дуба мають дуже цікаву форму.  17. Березовий сік — дуже корисний напій для кожного.  18. Після дощу повітря в ялиновому лісі пахне свіжістю.  19. Верба має товстий та нерівний стовбур.  20. Існує два види каштанового дерева.


B.  1.   Зима в південних країнах не дуже сувора.  2.   Улітку я завжди намагаюся відвідати нову країну.  3.   Восени всі діти йдуть до школи.  4.   Навесні дні стають довшими.  5.   Коли надворі прохолодно та морозно, я залишаюся вдома.  6.   Я полюбляю вітряну погоду, навіть взимку.  7.   Я мрію поїхати до Мексики, бо там завжди сухо та спекотно.  8.   У разі грому та блискавки потрібно зачинити вікна.  9.   Коли сонячно та спекотно, не можна багато часу проводити на сонці.  10. Клімат у країнах біля моря дуже вологий.  11. Коли на вулиці сніжна погода, діти полюбляють гратися у сніжки.  12. Сьогодні у Криму сонячна погода.  13. Увечері почувся гуркіт грому.  14. Уранці почалася літня злива.  15. Маленька дівчинка дуже боялася блискавки.  16. Шторм на морі розколихував хвилі.  17. Лише під вечір дощ закінчився та виглянуло сонце.  18. Прогноз погоди на сьогодні: хмарно і дощитиме.  19. День видався спекотним.  20. Ураган знищує все на своєму шляху.

 C.  1.   У спекотну погоду часто виникає лісова пожежа.  2.   Існує багато видів торнадо, і всі вони дуже небезпечні для життя людини.  3.   Великої шкоди завдав землетрус у Китаї.  4.   Причиною повені є підвищення води.  5.   Засуха цього року принесла збитків урожаю пшениці.  6.   На Землі існує майже 1500 вулканів.  7.   Причиною цунамі є водний землетрус.  8.   Причини глобального потепління вченим не відомі.  9.   Парниковий ефект існує навіть на Марсі.  10. Озоновий шар має велике значення для розвитку життя на Землі.  11. Кислотні дощі — одна з глобальних екологічних проблем.






















Зразки тестів у форматі ЗНО


Task 1

Read and complete the text below.  For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on answer sheet A.


The popular view of the British weather is that it rains all the time. This is not true and Britain gets no more rain in a(n) (1) ............... year than several other European countries. In some summers the country goes for weeks with nothing more than a shower. Perhaps the (2) ............... characteristic of Britain's weather is that it is hard to (3) .............. . This is probably why people regularly listen to weather (4) ............. on radio and television. However, the weathermen are sometimes wrong. The British are not used to extremes. In summer the temperature rarely goes higher than 30 °C (86 °F). In winter the south and west are fairly mild. The east and north get much colder, with hard frosts and snow. A cold snap (period of very cold weather) or heavy falls of snow can (5) ............. transport to a halt. When two Englishmen meet their first (6) ............... is of the weather, and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and (7) .............. topic of conversation. Most British people would (8) ............... that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to (9) ............. their gardens, is good. Bad weather usually (10) .............. dull days with a lot of cloud and rain or, in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to (11) ............. the worst as far as the weather is (12) ............ and it is part of national folklore that summer bank holidays will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, teeming down, bucketing, or even just drizzling or spitting, but it will be wet.


1 А extreme   B average  С ordinary   D medium

2 А necessary   B main  С capital   D absolute

3 А predict   B see   С know   D discuss

4 А forecasts   B shows  С programs   D broadcasts

5 А carry   B bring  С fetch   D produce

6 А fact   B report  С story   D talk

7 А impersonal  B private  С intimate  D impudent

8 А judge   B hesitate  С agree   D refuse

9 А water   B pour  C rain    D drizzle

10 А presents   B causes  С means   D proposes

11 А wait   B expect  С believe   D hope

12 А concerned  B spoken  С involved   D regarded


Task 2

Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use.  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A     for large numbers of shellfish and fish

В     conducted by researchers from Australia

C     due to ocean warming

D     as economically and ecologically important

E     protected from large storm waves

F     due to water pollution

G     because they live in the same kind of environments 

H    are currently in a state of decline

As critical for ocean life as coral reefs but less well known, seagrass beds around the planet are also in sharp decline, according to a study (17) ....... , Spain and the United States, and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 'Seagrass beds are at least (18) ....... as tropical forests or coral reefs,' said coauthor James Fourqurean of Florida International University. Seagrass meadows provide important habitat and nurseries (19) ....... , which in turn draws larger marine life to these areas to feed. They also help prevent coastal erosion by stabilizing sediments on the ocean bottom, and filter out many of the wastes that flow into the ocean from the land. Yet according to the study, the rate of annual seagrass decline has leaped from 1 percent per year before 1940 to 7 percent per year today. An estimated 58 percent of all seagrass meadows around the world (20) ....... . Since 1879, a full 29 percent, or 19,690 square miles, of the meadows have disappeared. 'Globally, we lose a seagrass meadow the size of a soccer field every thirty minute,' said co-author William Dennison of the University of Maryland. Development has been the primary driving force behind sea grass destruction. Forty-five percent of the world's population lives along the coast, and the industrial revolution led directly to sea grass declines in North America and Europe (21) ....... and outright dredging of sea grass meadows. The major areas of sea grass decline are now along coasts of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Global warming is expected to exacerbate sea grass decline (22) ....... and rising sea levels.


Task 3

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5).  There are three choices you do not need to use.  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


1. COMINO AND THE BLUE LAGOON  Full Day Sail with us to the magical Blue Lagoon and enjoy the crystal clear waters in a wonderful day out at sea. We start off towards the north of Malta where this excursion will take us past landmarks such as the bays of St Julian's, St Andrews and St Paul's where we can see the islands where the shipwreck of St Paul took place in 60 A.D.


2. FERNANDES — GOZO, COMINO AND THE BLUE LAGOON  Full Day One of the most recommended excursions in Malta is definitely a full day on the Fernandes which is a Turkish Gullet with a large forward deck and saloon. After leaving Sliema and start cruising towards the north of Malta, we pass popular places like St Julians and its casino, St Pauls Islands and Mellieha Bay.


3. SUNDAY SPECIAL  Full Day Come join us on a delightful full day excursion that includes a cruise, a flea market and horse racing together with a buffet lunch to make this tour a complete day out in Malta. We start off with the ever popular Valletta market with its many stalls, hawkers and customers all enjoying the latest Sunday deal.


4. ABOVE AND BELOW  Full Day Enjoy a full day excursion that combines a tour of the majestic Grand Harbour and the mysterious wonders of what lies beneath the sea. We start off by discovering the ports and creeks of Valletta and the Three Cities that make this Harbour such a unique experience.


5. MYSTERIES OF THE GRAND HARBOUR  Half Day (Morning) This is a spectacular half day excursion where we combine two of the most popular attractions in Malta, the Harbour Cruise together with the Malta Experience in one memorable event. The Harbour Cruise takes us to the exact battle site of the island's greatest battles, the Great Siege of 1565 and the World War II.


 During this tour you can ....... .

A     see the underwater world

В     do the shopping

C     visit the museum of history

D     spend a day on an old ship

E     go on a trip to the capital

F     see the place where the ship sank

G    go on an excursion round the islands

H    have a day off with extreme sports


Task 4

Complete the text below.  For (23-34) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). 


  The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been (23) ....... in the wild for a period of over 30 years. In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkey liked the taste of the (24) ....... sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant. An 18month-old female named Imo found she could (25) ....... the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this (26) ....... to her mother. Her playmates also (27) ....... this new way and they taught their mothers too. This cultural (28) ....... was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. Only the adults who (29)  ....... their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something (30) ....... took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the sun (31) ....... one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes. Let's further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes. Then it happened! By that evening almost everyone in the (32) ....... was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow (33) ....... an ideological breakthrough! But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the (34) ....... of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea. Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.  Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.


23 A observed  В seen   C noticed   D looked

24 A boiled   В raw   C undercooked  D washed

25 A do   В solve  C guess   D understand

26 A joke   В anecdote  C trick   D action

27 A taught   В studied  C learned   D found out

28 A innovation  В invention  C research   D device

29 A followed  В copied  C duplicated   D imitated

30 A wonderful  В startling  C terrific   D overwhelming

31 A raised   В arose  C rose    D got up

32 A group   В tribe  C family   D company

33 A created   В founded  C worked out   D established

34 A tradition   В custom  C tendency   D habit


Task 5

Read the texts below. For (35-46) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). 


A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was travelling in the mountains. He stayed in a caravanserai for the night. He (35) ....... that in the caravanserai there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage, continually (36) ....... 'Freedom! Freedom!' And it was such a place that when the parrot repeated the word 'Freedom!' it would go on echoing in the valleys, in the mountains. The man thought: 'I have seen many parrots, and I have thought they must want to be free from those cages... but I (37) ....... such a parrot whose whole day, from the morning to the evening when he (38) ....... to sleep, is spent in calling out for freedom.' He had an idea. In the middle of the night, when the owner was fast asleep, he got up and opened the door of the cage. He (39) ....... to the parrot, 'Now get out.' But he was very (40) ....... that the parrot was clinging to the bars of the cage. He said to him again and again, '(41) ....... about freedom? Just get out! The door is open and the owner is fast asleep; nobody will ever know. You just fly into the sky; the whole sky is yours.' But the parrot was clinging so deeply, so hard, that the man said, 'What is the matter? Are you mad?' He tried to take the parrot out with his own hands, but the parrot started (42) ....... at him, and at the same time he was shouting 'Freedom! Freedom!' The valleys in the night echoed and re-echoed, but the man was (43) ....... stubborn; he was a freedom fighter. He pulled the parrot out and threw him into the sky; and he was very         (44) ....... , although his hand was hurt. The parrot pecked him as forcefully as he could, but the man was immensely satisfied that he (45) ....... a soul free. He went to sleep. In the morning, as the man was waking up, he heard the parrot (46) ....... , 'Freedom! Freedom!' He thought perhaps the parrot must be sitting on a tree or on a rock. But when he came out, the parrot was sitting in the cage. The door was open.


35 A was amazed    В amazed 

C had been amazed    D has been amazed


36 A repeated     В being repeated 

C repeating     D repeat


37 A haven't ever seen   В have never seen 

C never saw     D didn't ever see


38 A go     В goes 

C will go     D is going


39 A whisper     В whispers 

C was whispering    D whispered


40 A surprised    В surprise 

C surprising     D surprisingly


41 A Had you forgotten   В Did you forget 

C Do you forget    D Have you forgotten


42 A have pecked    В peck 

C pecking     D pecked


43 A also     В either 

C even     D almost


44 A satisfying    В satisfy 

C satisfactory     D satisfied


45 A had made    В made 

C has made     D was making


46 A was shouting    В shouting 

C has been shouting    D had been shouting


Task 6

Read the text. For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D).


The use of animals in medical research is increasing at its fastest rate since 1986. We must find a credible humane alternative. The government has been assuring us for many years that animal experiments are only sanctioned for high priority medical research, as a last resort. We were told that the trend was for fewer laboratory procedures using animals. Indeed, the government boasted that it was committed to big cuts in animal-based research through the development of replacement methods. This seemed to be the case for several years, when the use of lab animals steadily declined. It therefore comes as a major surprise to learn that in 2008 the number of medical experiments involving animals has shown the largest rise since modern records began. Home Office figures state that nearly 3.7 M. experiments were performed on animals last year, a rise of 454,000 or 14 % on the previous year. This is the steepest increase in animal use in medical research since 1986, when the government introduced new recording and monitoring procedures. While most experiments in 2008 involved mice, macaque monkeys were used in 1,000 extra experiments, a hike of 33 %. This trend is particularly disturbing and difficult to justify, given that macaques (and other monkeys used in UK labs) are intelligent, social animals. They share many human-like attributes, including language, tool-use, reasoning, emotions, improvisation, planning, empathy and the capacity to feel both physical and psychological pain. The mere fact of their imprisonment in laboratory cages — usually in solitary confinement — is a serious abuse of these thinking, feeling creatures. The spike in animal experimentation coincides with the 50th anniversary of landmark proposals to find alternatives. Alas, for half a century successive governments have failed to fund the promised development of replacement methods — even though every scientist knows that animal models are flawed and imperfect approximations of the human body and human disease. The recent jump in animal research has been condemned by animal rights campaigners who have called for a new co-ordinated effort to reduce the number of animals used in medical research. 'With the scientific expertise this country has to offer we should have seen far greater progress to replace animals with more advanced techniques,' said Sebastien Farnaud of the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research. The organisation called on political parties to agree to a 'roadmap to replacement' to reduce the use of animals in research. Replacement of animals is possible in many spheres of medical research. Remember how the supporters of vivisection used to say that it was impossible and dangerous to halt the animal testing of cosmetics and household products? Well, despite their scare-mongering, it has been possible to safely replace many animal tests that were previously said to be 'irreplaceable.' The Dr Hadwen Trust has shown that alternatives are safe and effective.  With tiny amounts of self-generated funding, it has already financed the development of successful, scientifically-validated alternatives to experiments that were once conducted with animals, including brain, kidney, diabetes and rheumatism research. Of course, some animal research has provided breakthroughs in medical science. But these breakthroughs might have also come about through non-animal experimentation if they had been equally well funded. There is also a problem with information gleaned from animals in labs. What applies to mice, dogs, monkeys or rabbits may not necessarily apply to humans. Our physiology is sufficiently different to invalidate most cures devised by animal experimentation. For me, cruelty is barbarism, whether it is inflicted on humans or on other species. The campaigns for animal rights and human rights share the same fundamental aim: a kinder, gentler world without oppression and suffering, based on care and compassion. The abuse of animals in farming, sport, circuses, zoos, the fashion industry and medical experiments is a blot on humanity. The sooner we end it, the better.


  1. For the last years the government hasn't promised ....... .

A   to sanction only high priority animal research

В   to increase animal-based research

C   to develop replacement methods in the labs

D   to steadily decline the use of lab animals  

7.   Since modern records began the number of experiments on animals …… A   has declined   

В  has cut down  

C  has increased    

D  has not changed

  1. The rise of involving intelligent animals in the experiments is ....... .

A   about 70 %     

В  more than 30 %    

C  50 %    

D  100 %

  1. The results obtained from experiments on animals are ....... .

A   perfect to humans  

В   applicable to humans  

C   inaccurate to humans 

D   good science to humans

  1. Some methods of vivisection used in the animal testing of cosmetics and household products ....... 

A   cannot be safely halted 

В   are impossible to replace

C   are dangerous to stop

D   have been successfully substituted

  1. The advances in medical research might have come through non-animal experimentation  ....... .

A   if they had been physiologically supported 

В   if they had been applied to humans 

C   if they had been better financed 

D   if they had provided accurate data


Task 7

Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use.  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A  or more to the nearest pumping stations

В  were too afraid to do anything

C  with an insufficient water supply

D  that people have begun literally fighting over water

E  to half an hour once per three days

F  didn't want them to take any water

G  relying on water tankers

H  to collect the liquid in whatever containers they  could get their hands on


  The drought in India has become so severe (17) ....... in many regions of the country, even murdering each other over the precious substance. Northern India is in the grips of a drought so severe that in Bhopal, the City of Lakes, the government has been forced to ration water use (18) ....... . Nearly two million people live in this massive city, where the 1,000-year old artificial Upper Lake has shrunk from 38 square kilometres (15 square miles) to a mere five square kilometres (two square miles). Almost 100,000 Bhopal residents live without water hookups of their own, (19) ....... that travel throughout the city. Fights are common when the tankers arrive in a slum, with people jostling each other for the best chance at the limited water supply. In unregistered slums, water tankers never arrive and residents may have to hike two kilometres (20) ....... . It was in one such unregistered slum that the Malviya family drilled a hole into a municipal water pipe, and travelled there shortly before the water began flowing one night, (21) ....... . The family was confronted by a group of neighbours, including a local man named Dinu who accused them of blocking the pipe and cutting off water farther down the hill. Dinu slapped Gyarasi Malviya, and when her son Raju tried to interfere, one of the people gathered drew a sword. In the ensuing clash, all the Malviyas were hacked to death. The situation in Bhopal and across northern India may offer a glimpse of the world's future. The United Nations has warned that by 2050, four billion people will find themselves living in areas (22) ....... .


Task 8

Read the text below.  For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


People talk about wars and pandemics that could prevent us from populating ourselves into a disaster. A war or pandemic would have to be nothing like we have ever seen before. All of the people that were killed in all of the wars for the last hundred years in total make a shocking number, but those deaths did not stop the swelling of the population. The population is that main issue but it is not the only issue. Another issue is the disproportionate consumption of the resources. Americans, Canadians, and Western Europeans have been consuming many times their share of the resources, but these statistics are going to change in the near future. China and India are becoming economic powerhouses and they want their share of the good life. This will be additional pressure on the resources as these two large population areas claim more and more resources per person. The dwindling resources will make war and decease inevitable so maybe in a sense they will be the answer. We may just keep fighting and dying until our population has been reduced though I doubt that the ecosystem will take the beating; especially if the nukes are unleashed. I'm not sure there is an answer to stopping the depletion of the resources of the planet. Even if we all turned over a new leaf tomorrow and did our best to conserve; I don't think we could conserve nearly enough to make a difference. There are very few of us, and I'm not one of them, that would drastically reduce their standard of living to save the resources. Without that level of sacrifice; I don't know if conservation will do the trick. Economics does play a part. The markets will not survive when resources dwindle and more people will be without the funds to consume at the rate they are consuming now. The present recession has showed us how consumption can slow when money gets tight. People, even Americans, will get back to basics when the money runs out. I'm not sure where we will be fifty years from now, but I imagine the threat will be more real than it is now. There is always hope that science will find new ways to stretch our resources and keep us going a little longer, but I think by 2059 the global situation could be very tense.


  1. The number of people on Earth is ....... .

A  dwindling 

В  increasing

C  being reduced 

D  unchangeable


  1. In the near future ....... will get more resources per person.

A  Western European countries 

В  Canadian population

C  Asian states 

D  Americans


  1. What will make death of the population inevitable?

A  change of the ecosystem 

В  disproportionate consumption of the resources

C  cut down of the resources 

D  dying out of the population


  1. The author ...... the people could change their planet into a better place.

A  is sure that 

В  is uncertain whether

C  wonders whether 

D  proves that


  1. If the markets decline, people .......  

A  will consume less 

В  won't have money for purchasing

C  will consume more 

D  won't run out of funds


  1. In author's opinion by 2059 the global situation will be ....... .

A  better 

В  not worse

C  more optimistic 

D  very strained


Task 9

Read the texts below.  For empty spaces (35-46) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


One day a tiger (35) ....... around in a forest. An unlucky fox (36) ....... and caught by the tiger. For the fox, the inescapable destination was very clear — death. Despite the danger, the fox thought hard to find a way out. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, 'How dare you (37) .......  me!' On (38) ....... the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason. The fox raised his voice a bit (39) ....... and declared arrogantly: 'To tell you the truth, it's I who (40) ....... to the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?' Seeing that the tiger became (41) ....... , the fox added: 'Let's have a test. Let's go through the forest. Follow me and you will see how the animals are (42) ....... of me.' The tiger agreed. So the fox walked ahead of the tiger (43) ....... through the forest. As you can imagine, the animals, (44) ....... the tiger behind, were all terribly frightened and ran away. Then the fox said proudly: 'There is no doubt that what I said is true, (45) ....... ?' The tiger (46) ....... nothing to say but to acknowledge the result. So the tiger nodded and said: 'You are right. You are the king.'


35 A hunted  В has been hunting  C had hunted   D was hunting

36 A met  В had been met  C had met    D was met

37 A kill  В to kill   C to be killing  D to have killed

38 A hearing  В heard   C hear    D having heard

39 A high  В highest   C higher   D the highest

40 A accredited    В had been accredited

      C has been accredited   D was accredited

41 A suspicious В suspicion   C suspicions   D suspiciously

42 A frightening В frightened  C frighten   D frightful

43 A proud  В pride   C proudly   D prouder

44 A seeing     В having seen  

      C had seen    D having been seen

45 A isn't there В is there   C is it    D isn't it

46 A didn't have В had   C has    D doesn't have


Task 10

Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use. 


By Candyce H. Stapen 

On Assateague Island the breezes may bring you the sounds of snow geese honking and the neighs of wild ponies. Although Misty, the pint-size pony from Marguerite Henry's book 'Misty of Chincoteague', may have made this area famous, (17) ....... . The area also has sunlit beaches, wetlands and in fall thousands of migrating waterfowl. Chincoteague provides the only Virginia access to Assateague Island, home to Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. This barrier island has 37 miles of wild beach, and the only inhabitants include 320 different species of birds, the endangered Delmarva fox squirrel, white-tailed deer, Sika elk, and wild ponies. Grazing or galloping across a field, (18) ....... . Remember that the ponies are wild. Do not get too close and do not pet these animals as they may bite or kick. No one knows how the ponies arrived. Legends abound, including speculation that the first ponies swam ashore from wrecked Spanish galleons or were driven to the barrier island in the 1680s by colonists (19) ....... . Six inches shorter than saddle horses, the brown, white, or dappled Chincoteague ponies are stockier than other breeds. Cars are allowed only in limited areas, so your best bet for enjoying the wildlife and undeveloped beaches (20) ....... . Fall and winter are special times to visit. There are 18,000 acres of natural landscape — no motels, condominiums, or fast-food restaurants to mar your communing with nature — and few crowds except during the peak of the fall migration. The island is located on the eastern flyway, (21) ....... . Here the crisp, clear air vibrates with strange sounds, such as the high-pitched honk of snow geese and the throaty duck calls that carry from marsh to marsh. In fall and winter you can walk the miles of wild beaches bordered by dunes, bike through the acres of marshlands, and observe scores of black ducks, snowy egrets, and 66 great blue herons. This is a special winter refuge, not just for the migratory waterfowl, but for beach lovers, bird-watchers, animal enthusiasts, (22) ....... .


A  the ponies impart a sense of power and freedom to this landscape

В  is to hike or bike

C  and especially burned-out city dwellers

D  with an array of interactive, educational exhibits

E  there's a lot more than horses here

F  avoiding livestock taxes and the cost of fencing

G  that serves as a state-of-the-art environmental  learning centre

H  so the sky is filled with thousands of migrating  waterfowl in fall


Task 11

Read and complete the text below.  For the empty spaces (23-34) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


 Spiritual Story by Mitch Albom 

  A little wave was (23) .............. along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air — until he (24) ……...... the other waves in front of him, (25) ........... against the shore. 'My God, (26) ............... is terrible,' the wave says. 'Look what's going   to (27) ………...  to me!' Then along comes (28) .............. wave. It sees the first wave, looking        (29) ............ , and it says to him, 'Why do you look so (30) ............. ?' The first wave says, 'You don't (31) ........... ! We're all going to crash! All of us. Waves are going to be (32) ............ ! Isn't this (33) ........... ?' The second wave says, 'No, YOU don't understand. You're not a wave, you're (34) ……..…. of the ocean.'


23 A swinging  В drifting  C bobbing   D sailing

24 A watches   В notices  C gazing   D peeping

25 A crashing   В smashing  C breaking   D splitting

26 A this   В these  C that    D those

27 A take place  В come about C chance   D happen

28 A other   В each  C one    D another

29 A dull   В cloudy C grim   D ugly

30 A dismal   В dismal  С sad    D unfortunate

31 A grasp   В understand С seize    D appreciate

32 A nothing   В anything  С something   D everything

33 A terrible  В horrible  С awful   D terrific

34 A fragment  В portion  С fraction   D part


Task 12

Read the text below.  For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


It's been almost 50 years since Dr. Jane Goodall first arrived at Gombe Stream National Park to study primates, and since then, much has changed in the world. 'We have made rather a mess,' Dr. Goodall told Natural News in an exclusive interview, speaking about the impact of humans on our planet. 'We humans have left a very, very unpleasant ecological footprint on this beautiful planet.' Dr. Jane Goodall, however, is no pessimist, and her message is instilled with a sense of hope and genuine inspiration. 'What's tremendously important is that people do have a sense of hope amidst the doom and gloom,' she says. 'What I realize today is that we have made major mistakes and it's about time we start putting it back together.' Goodall's institute, named the Jane Goodall Institute, pursues worldwide programmes to educate children, protect natural habitats and uplift the lives of those human populations that live among or near important protected habitats. Her institute's programme for children, Roots and Shoots engages children in the knowledge and skills of sustainable living, teaching them practical knowhow they'll need to be a proactive part of a sustainable future on our planet. 'We've been stealing, stealing, stealing from our children, and it's high time we started paying back,' she told in her interview. 'Think of how we could have changed the entire structure of the world and alleviated poverty if the money spent on the last couple of wars could have been used for good purposes.' Jane Goodall's efforts today are focused on teaching people how to make informed, small choices that cumulatively add up to grassroots global change. 'If you just spend a few minutes each day thinking about the choices you make: What you buy, what you eat, what you wear, how it was made, if it harmed the environment, if it hurt animals, if it was socially unjust, that would cause you to make small changes,' she explained. 'And if millions of people make small changes, we start to influence the companies who are making unethical products.'

As part of that effort to help people make better choices, Jane Goodall has partnered with Pangea Organics, an eco-conscious maker of hand-crafted body care products, to deliver a special offer to Natural News readers that helps raise funds for the Jane Goodall Institute. As part of our effort to support Dr. Jane Goodall's work, our non-profit Consumer Wellness Centre is also donating $ 1,000 to the Jane Goodall Institute.


  1. Dr. Jane Goodall ....... . 

A  carries out experiments on animals 

В  studies animals in unnatural conditions 

C  learns animals' behaviour and communication 

D  studies the extinct species in the wild

  1. The scientist criticises people's attitude to ....... .

A  animals

В  other nations 

C  the place they live 

D  scientific discoveries

  1. The scholar works much to ....... .

A  inspire others to make a difference to the environment 

В  organize national parks for endangered animals 

C  stop human intrusion into habitats 

D  organize some conservation groups 

  1. The programme for children Roots and Shoots ....... .

A  entertains kids in the wild

В  educates the youngsters about the planet's treasures

C  gives children practical advice how to save the planet

D  teaches children how to survive in the natural environment

  1. The scientist suggests people could not improve the situation on Earth …

A  by spending money on good purposes 

В  by educating people 

C  by wasting money on wars 

D  by tiny choices, multiplied by millions

  1. The practical part of Dr. Jane Goodall's work is ....... .

A  making hand-crafted body care products

В  raising funds

C  donating money

D  learning to be eco-conscious


Task 13

Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use.  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Scientists have long known this strange fact: It's easier to look deep into space than into the centre of Earth. Light can pass through most of space, so the light from distant stars can easily be seen with the naked eye. But Earth is opaque, which means that light cannot pass through it. If light cannot pass through it, (17) ....... . So if we can't use light to see inside our own planet, what can we use? Recently, some scientists have been trying to use neutrinos — (18) ....... that zip through space. Neutrinos come from the sun or other distant stars, and astronomers have studied them for years. Now, a team of geoscientists — 'geo' means Earth — think a kind of neutrino may have something to say about the Earth, too. Not all neutrinos come from outer space. Special neutrinos (19) ....... are generated from within the Earth. (Remember that 'geo' means Earth.) Most of these local neutrinos come from either the crust or the mantle. The crust is Earth's outermost shell, what we stand on, and the mantle is five to 25 miles below the crust. Certain elements within the Earth can send off geoneutrinos when undergoing a process called radioactive decay. During radioactive decay, a material loses some of its energy by sending out particles and radiation. An element that goes through this process is said to be radioactive, and radioactive elements occur naturally in the Earth. Some radioactive elements produce geoneutrinos. After they are produced, geoneutrinos pass straight through the solid Earth without being absorbed or bouncing around. If they're not stopped, (20) ....... — and keep going, and going and going. Geoscientists hope to catch a few of these particles on their way out, but it's not going to be easy. There are two big problems: There aren't that many geoneutrinos, and they're hard to find. To catch these elusive particles, scientists have designed special geoneutrino detectors. These strange-looking scientific instruments are giant, metal spheres buried deep underground.

 In an abandoned mine in Canada, for example, scientists are preparing a geoneutrino detector that is four stories tall (21) ....... . The detector will be filled with a special liquid that flashes when a geoneutrino passes through. The liquid 'produces a lot of light, and it's very transparent,' says Mark Chen, the director of the project. When it's up and running, probably in 2010, the detector will find only about 50 geoneutrinos per year. Other detectors are being planned all over Earth — (22) ....... ! The geoscientists who study geoneutrinos hope that the particles will help answer an old question about the Earth. The interior of the Earth is blistering hot, but where does the heat come from? They know that part of the heat — maybe as much as 60 percent — comes from radioactive decay, but researchers want to know for sure. By measuring geoneutrinos, scientists hope to figure out how radioactive decay helps heat Earth.


A  and more than a mile underground

В  they go straight into outer space

C  then we cannot see what's on the inside of our planet

D  called geoneutrinos

E  produced by natural radioactivity inside Earth

F  tiny particles smaller than an atom

G  one of them is even supposed to sit on the bottom of the ocean

H  originally called neutrinos


Task 14

Read the text. Choose the correct variant from the table:


Complete the text with the correct word.

The Carolina parakeet was the only 1) parrot in North America. It was a 2) ___ bird with a yellow head, orange cheeks and green body.

The Carolina parakeet 3) ___ forest and nested in tree cavities. Fruits and seeds of trees were its main source of food. Outside the breeding season they 4) ___ large noisy flocks that fed on cultivated fruits, corn and other grain crops. Soon they were 5) ___ to be a serious danger for the crops and the farmers followed them with violence. As settlers occupied more areas, forests were cleared and large trees, 6) ___ had cavities, were cut down. Those birds were also caught and sold 7) ___ pets. By 1800 the parakket  had become a rare 8) ___. Soon the bird became extinct. Today we have 9) ___ specimens of the Carolina parakket to study in the museum.










































Task 15

Read the text. Fill in each gap with one word which best fits the sentence.

 In most (1) ............ there are political parties which aim is (2) ............ the environment — the Green Party or the Ecology Party, for example. Greenpeace is an international (3) ............ that protests against anything which is a threat to the (4) .......... , like dumping nuclear waste and, more recently, growing genetically (5) .......... crops.


Task 16




















Task 17
















Task 18


Watch a video “All About Gorillas” and choose the correct word:

1 Gorillas were found in ... Africa

a) Western

b) Central

c) Northern

2 The mountain gorilla cannot be found in ....

a) Uganda

b) Zaire

c)Central African Republic

3A mostly ... diet males can get 400 pounds.

a) Vegan

b) Balanced

c) Healthy

4 When the males mature, they acquire a ... grey color across the back and upper thighs

a) Dark

b) White

b) Silvery

5 Gorillas becomes endangered species because of ... loss in logging.

a) Food

b) Habitat

c) Water

6 The reasons why they loss their habitat does not include: ...

a) Poaching

b) illegal hunting

c) deforestation

7 The study of western lowland gorillas in the northern ... will help us understand this species and their habitat needs.
a) Congo

b) Africa

c) Zaire



1 Gorillas eat mostly plants.

2 Females can weigh 200 pounds.

3 The reason why gorillas loss their habitat includes poaching and deforestation.

4 Gorillas’ arms are shorter than the body.

5 The study of mountain gorillas helps us understand their needs.




Task 19

Read and complete the text below.  For each of the empty spaces (1—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Most British people prefer to live in a house rather than a flat and one of the              (1) ............ for this is that houses usually have gardens. The garden is (2) .......... by a fence or hedge and is a place where people can be outside and yet private. It is somewhere to sit when the weather is sunny, and somewhere for children to play. If a house has a front and back garden, the front is likely to be formal and decorative, with a lawn or fancy paving and flower borders. In Britain people normally (3) ......... to sit in the back garden, out of (4) .......... of other people. The back garden usually also has a lawn and flower beds, and sometimes a vegetable plot or fruit trees. There is often a bird table and a shed in which garden tools are (5) ........ . Some houses have only a very small back garden, (6) .......... of concrete, called a backyard or, in more fashionable areas, a patio. People often (7) ........... it with plants in tubs, or in pots or baskets (8) ............. to the wall. For British people a garden is an extension of their home. They buy garden furniture — chairs, tables and sun loungers — so that they can sit outside in summer and relax. In the US the area of grass in front of and behind most houses is (9) .......... a yard. The word garden is used only for the areas where flowers and vegetables (10) ........... .

Yards usually consist of a lawn and trees, flowers and bushes. They may have fences around them and, at the front of the house, a path going from the door of the house to the street. Many backyards have swings, slides or climbing frames for children. During warm weather, Americans spend a lot of time in their yards, especially the backyard. Children play there and often have small pools of water or sand boxes. All the children living in an area go (11) ......... into each other's backyards. People like to eat outside, often (12) ............ meals on a barbecue.


1 А ideas   B aims  С   reasons   D  senses

2 А surrounded B closed  С   located   D  situated 

3 А select   B pick   С   choose   D  decide

4 А outlook   B scene  С   notion   D  view

5 А remained  B protected  С   possessed   D  kept

6 А mostly   B nearly  С   greatly   D  principally

7 А do   B decorate  С   make   D  arrange

8 А directed   B focused  С   fixed   D  established

9 А   surrounded  B    built  C   known   D  called

10 А   grow   B    locate  С   spread   D  cultivate

11 А   individually  B    idly  С   freely   D  naturally

12 А   doing   B    producing С   preparing   D  getting


Task 20

Read the texts below. For (35-46) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).  THE FAIRY TULIPS

Once upon a time there was a good old woman who (35) ....... in a little house. She had in her garden a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she (36)....... by the sounds of sweet singing and of babies laughing. She looked out at the window. The sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed, but she could see (37) ....... . The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no signs of any one (38) ....... there the night before. On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. She rose and stole softly through her garden. The moon (39) ....... brightly on the tulip bed, and the flowers were swaying to and fro. The old woman looked (40) ....... and she saw, standing by each tulip, a little Fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each tulip-cup (41) ....... a little Fairy baby laughing and playing. The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a tulip, nor did she allow her neighbours (42) .......  the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in colour and larger in size, and they (43) .......  a delicious perfume like that of roses. They began, too, to bloom all the year round. And every night the little Fairy mothers (44) ....... their babies and rocked them to sleep in the flower-cups. The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip-bed was (45) ....... by folks who did not know about the Fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. But the parsley withered, and so did all the (46) ....... plants in the garden, and from that time nothing would grow there. But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the Fairies sang above it, and kept it green; while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils, and violets, and other lovely flowers of spring.


35 A lives   В lived  C had lived   D has lived

36 A was wakening  В woke  C was wakened  D wakened

37 A nothing   В anything  C everything   D not any

38 A have been  В having been C been   D having

39 A shone   В is shining  C shines   D was shining

40 A close   В closely  C closer   D closes

41 A lay   В lie   C lain    D lied

42 A touching  В touch  C to touch   D touches

43 A given out  В gave out  C has given out  D give out

44 A caresses   В caressing C was caressed  D caressed

45 A torn up   В torn in  C torn at   D torn off

46 A another   В each other  C other   D others


Task 21

Read the text below. For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D). 



Fifteen thousand years ago, woolly mammoths and North American horses roamed the cold grasslands that then covered much of Alaska and the western Yukon. They're extinct now, but we know quite a bit about them because of the fossils they left behind in places like Old Crow, the Klondike, and parts of Alaska. However, we don't know when they disappeared or why. The conditions that preserve bits of dead animals as fossils are rare, and the chances of finding the fossil remains of the last woolly mammoth or the last North American horse are so small that they make winning the lottery look like a sure thing. But animals leave more than bones behind — and that other evidence is rewriting the prehistory of North America. Animals shed bits of their genetic material as they move through a landscape. It comes from their feaces, their urine, dropped hairs, and even sloughed-off skin cells. Modern instruments and lab techniques can detect that genetic material and identify its source.  If the circumstances are right, the genetic material — the DNA — can be preserved for thousands of years. The frozen sediments underlying parts of the Yukon watershed provide exactly those circumstances. University of Alberta researcher Duane Froese and an international team are analyzing sediment cores from several places in the Yukon and Alaska in search of the last of the big ice age mammals, the megafauna. The first of the evidence is in, and it's startling. Sediment cores from a site near Stevens Village, on the Yukon River in Alaska, show that woolly mammoths and North American horses survived in that area until at least 10,500 years ago, and maybe even later. That's well after the end of the ice age, and several thousand years later than previous estimates— based on fossil bones and teeth— for the disappearance of both animals from North America. The findings throw doubt on a couple of theories developed to explain the extinction of the ice age megafauna: the Blitzkrieg hypothesis and speculation about an extraterrestrial impact. Froese says the Blitzkrieg hypothesis argues that when humans arrived in the Americas, they hunted the large mammals to extinction very quickly. However, the DNA evidence shows that humans coexisted with the ice-age animals for thousands of years. 'Interestingly, even though the DNA is fragmented and quite short, we could establish that there were two different mammoths that contributed DNA to the sample, and that they both belonged to a particular herd that were related to the last surviving populations recovered in Siberia on Wrangell Island.' The DNA itself can't be dated, but its age can be determined by dating the sediment layer in which it occurs. In the parts of Alaska and the Yukon where the glaciers didn't reach, tens of thousands of years of sediment layers have accumulated beneath the current ground surface. 

Froese and his colleagues have been sampling and dating those sediment layers for many years, but the idea of searching them for DNA first came up in 2003. 'We have a very exciting site in the Klondike, which our group has been working on. It covers the interval from 13,000 to 7,500 years before present. In fact, it's the best site I know of for this time interval in Yukon, Alaska, or Siberia.' The researchers have spent two summers sampling and dating the Klondike sediments. The abundant plant material trapped in the sediments makes it possible to date them accurately. It also provides information about the environment of the past Froese says they're trying to track environmental change over those thousands of years and link it to what's known about changes in large mammal populations in the same period. In the summer of 2010, the researchers will return to the Klondike sites. They'll also take a look at some likely sites in the Old Crow area. Sedimentary DNA — and what it can tell us about the last of the ice age megafauna — is high on the to-do list for next summer's research. 'We still have a lot to learn about how it can be applied,' Froese says. 'That's part of the motivation in expanding to new sites in the Yukon, to test some of the results from Alaska.'


  1. To state the reason of North American horses extinction is difficult because ....... .

A   nobody knows where they lived 

В   there are only a few fossil remains

C   the snow covered their remains

D   it's impossible to go to the northern parts of Alaska

  1. Scientists can use ....... as the genetic material for experiments.

A   bones     

В  excrements   

C  skin cells      

D  all of the above

  1. The genetic material for scientific researches was found ....... .

A   in the university of Alberta  

C   under the mass of snow in Alaska

В   in the Yukon River basin 

D   in the southern Yukon village

  1. The international team of scientists proved that ....... .

A   humans never hunted the large mammals

В   people never saw the ice-age animals

C humans and big ice age mammals lived together for a certain period of time  D   people killed the large animals the moment they saw them

  1. The age of the DNA can be revealed by ....... .

A   trapping the materials under the snow

В   dating the ground samples in which it was found

C   sampling the northern glaciers

D   relating the taken DNA to the animal species

  1. The researchers are motivated to continue their work because ....... .

A   they have found new sediment sites

В   they want to check their previous deductions 

C   their university has been moved to Alaska 

D   sedimentary DNA is worth learning


Task 22

For questions 1—5 choose the correct answer A, B or C.


The ocean is the eventual depository for most of Earth's water. Over the millenniums of land and ocean formation, dissolved minerals from Earth's crust were washed into the ocean. As time went on, water was continuously evaporating from the ocean, leaving behind mineral salts until they reached their present-day concentrations. Salt water is roughly 3.5 percent dissolved mineral salts. Fresh water contains dissolved mineral salts too, but at concentrations too low for us to taste. Salt lakes often are found in a region where the rate of evaporation is high and dissolved salts are left behind. One famous lake, which is saltier than the ocean, is the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah. The Dead Sea has a 25 percent salt content, so high that, it is almost impossible to drown.


  1. The word "eventual" is closest in meaning to ___.

A final      B basic     С greatest

  1. In the passage the word "crust" is closest in meaning to ___.

A coating      B surface     С covering 

  1. The word "roughly" is closest in meaning to ___.

A approximately    B hardly     С vaguely 

  1. The word "rate" is closest in meaning to ___.

A way      B structure    С speed 

  1. The verb "content" is closest in meaning to ___.

A capacity      B substance    С matter


Task 23

Use these words to complete the sentences.

conditions      plants       due to       drop       fades       daylight      prepare



Chlorophyll is the dominant pigment in green (1) ___ and gives tree leaves their green color in the summer. Other pigments are also present but are masked by the abundant chlorophyll. As the (2) ___ shortens in autumn and the nights become cooler, trees "sense" the coming of winter and (3) ___ to shed their leaves. Deprived of water and nutrients, a leaf's chlorophyll breaks down and the green color (4) ___ while the yellow and orange pigments become more prominent. Some leaves turn red and purple. This is (5) ___ the cold nights, which cause the breakdown of sugars and their conversion into red and purple pigmentation. The best autumn weather (6) ___ for good leaf color are sunny days followed by clear, cool nights with temperatures below forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Because trees (7) ___ their leaves in autumn we call this season "fall."


Task 24

Read the text below.  Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.


Roses, technically (1) ___  (to speak), have prickles, not thorns. Thorns are botanically (2) ___ (consideration) to be modified branches. Prickles are actually outgrowths of the outer skin of the stem. Prickles easily break off from the stem; thorns are hard to break off because they are part of the (3) ___ (wood) tissue of the plant. Both thorns and prickles serve (4) ___ (protection) the plant from being eaten.


Task 25

Read the text below.  Fill in the gaps with the one word which best fits each space (47-50).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


A snowstorm is when snow falls from the sky as precipitation. A blizzard is the worst kind of snowstorm, in (47) ........................ strong winds blow snow into snowdrifts (huge piles) that can bury people and possessions. Its official definition is a tempestuous, frigid snow storm with blustery, piercing winds of 35 miles per (48) ........................... or more and a wind-chill factor as low as -20° Fahrenheit. Transportation is difficult and dangerous during blizzards (49) ............................ air temperatures can be 10°F or lower, with visibility less than 400-500 feet. When there is no much snow that people and animals cannot tell the earth from the sky, it is known as a whiteout. In this disoriented state, humans and livestock can (50) ........................... their way and freeze to death. Blizzards carry the risk of hypothermia, frost bite, suffocation, and being stranded. Subzero temperatures, arctic conditions, and 100 mph winds in mountainous regions pose additional threats.

Task 26

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



Heavy rain falls for days and days, building up (47) ........................... much water for groundwater systems to handle. Slowly, the water level begins to rise, creeping higher and higher (48) …………………........ it floods into your home, submerging your furniture and belongings. In extremely bad cases, flash floods, with (49) .................................. rushing torrents of muddy water, sweep (50) ......................................... houses, cars, trees, and people with ease.


Task 27

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



It begins out in the middle of the sea. At first there is no noticeable change — the water looks exactly (47) ...................... smooth and flat as before. As it nears shore, however, the force begins to build. Water forms a huge crest, a giant wave (48) .................... towers many many feet into the air. The giant wall of water crashes over the coast, hitting everything (49) ......................... tons of crushing water. The tsunami is (50) ........................... of nature's most incredible events.


Task 28

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



The rumbling sound begins. It builds up, getting louder and louder. The ground begins to shake. Off in the distance, columns of smoke begin to rise (47) .......................... the volcano. Finally, it erupts in a huge explosion of rocks, debris, fire, and ash, sending hot vapours hundreds of feet (48) ……….. the air. Volcanoes — (49) .......................... erupting suddenly or quietly, in a giant fanfare or with a quiet lava flow — are perhaps nature's most awesome and incredible show of force. This natural disaster, with its rich history of legend, is (50) .............................. incredible machine.


Task 29

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


The greenhouse effect means, that the atmosphere retains some of the sun's radiation reflected back from the surface of the Earth and then reflects some of it back on to the Earth. As a (47) ............................. , the climate becomes warmer. The phenomenon is necessary for (48) ............................ on Earth in its present state, as the Earth would be considerably colder without it. Gases, which retain and reflect heat are called greenhouse gases (GHG). The most common of them is carbon dioxide. Thus, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a (49) ...................... which normally belongs to the atmosphere. The phenomenon called 'acceleration of the greenhouse effect' or climate change is caused by the fact that the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. This leads to the warming up of the (50) …………………..... .  This is mostly caused by carbon dioxide, which is always formed through the combustion of matter containing carbon.


Task 30

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Forest industries are the (47) .................................. of industry which manufactures goods from the timber grown in the forests. Forest industries are divided (48) ............................ the pulp and paper industries and the wood products industry. The pulp and paper industries are (49) .............................. called chemical forest industry, and the wood products industry is called mechanical forest industry. In some central European (50) ..........................  forest industries also include publishing activities.


Task 31

Read the text below.  Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

  The method of setting up a new forest depends (47) ……………....... the type of habitat. In general, seedlings are planted on productive lands, since they are capable (48) .............................  competing for space with grasses. On poor, grassless lands, seeds may be sown. These two methods of establishing a forest (49) .............................. called silviculture. A forest may also be established through natural regeneration. This means that a sufficient number of large (50) ............................. are retained to provide seeds for a new stand. The retained trees are felled after the seedling stand has been established.



Task 32

Read the text below.  For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

 Over the years, more than 10 million tons of persistent organic pollutants, or POPs have probably floated through the skies to the Arctic. If those chemicals were piled on an area the size of a football field, the pile would rise 700 metres in the air — higher than the tallest building on Earth. Since the chemicals are spread over the entire Arctic instead of a football field, there's actually only a small amount in any one place. A swimming pool filled with Arctic Ocean water might contain only a single tiny raindrop of POPs. But these chemicals have a nasty habit of collecting inside animals and people, so even a little bit in the environment can end up causing problems. POPs tend to stick to the oils and fats in living things, so tiny ocean animals like plankton soak them up, just like a shirt soaks up a drop of spaghetti sauce. Those plankton are eaten by larger animals, which in turn are eaten by even larger animals. Every time one animal eats another, more POPs enter the larger animal's body. Animals can't digest POPs. They take them in the front, but never poop or pee them out the back end. So the POPs collect and collect. The biggest animals, like sea birds, seals, and whales, have the most POPs in their bodies. And these animals are eaten by native Inuit people, who have lived and hunted in Nunavik and other parts of the Arctic for thousands of years. By the time a boy growing up in Kuujjuaq turns five years old, he may have collected one or two little rain drops' worth of POP chemicals in his body. That doesn't sound like much — but it's thousands of times more concentrated than these chemicals are in sea water. In fact, that little boy has as much of these chemicals in his 20-kilogram body as there would be in two and a half million kilograms of sea water — in other words, enough sea water to fill an Olympic swimming pool! Scientists are trying to understand how the chemicals affect kids. Dewailly's team has made many trips back to Nunavik to study the problem of POPs. In 1992 and 2004, they sailed in a ship to all 14 villages along the coast of Nunavik, including Kuujjuaq. The ship stopped at each village, and doctors took blood samples and examined people. They measured POPs in hundreds of newborn babies. Blood samples were taken again when  the babies turned one year old. And these babies were studied for years as they grew, to find out how the POPs in their bodies affected them over time. These studies have shown that POP chemicals affect the health of children in small but worrying ways. For one thing, these chemicals can weaken children's immune systems, says Pierre Ayotte, a toxicologist who works with Dewailly at Laval University. 'Then you're less able to fight disease,' he says. Babies with the most POPs in their bodies had more ear infections and more infections in their lungs — not minor infections like colds or flu, but serious ones that affect breathing and can sometimes send you to the hospital.


  1. A great number of POPs was transferred to the Arctic ....... . 

A by water  

В by land

C by air   

D by wind

7.  POPs attract scientists' attention because they are constantly ....... .

A accumulating 

В dissolving

C soaking  

D floating

  1. POPs get into the human body because ....... .  

A people in the Arctic gather plankton 

В people eat fish

C people kill sea birds 

D people spread them over the entire Arctic

  1. The amount of POPs in the organism grows as ....... .

A more and more chemicals concentrate in the water

В a child grows up

C a child's body gains more weight

D a child collects rain drops

  1. Scientists visited Inuit villages ....... .

A only once  

В many times

C in 1989  

D in 1992

  1. It has already been proved that the POPs do great harm to ....... .

A the system in the body that works to ward off infection and  disease

В the system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body's   responses to internal and external stimuli 

C the system by which ingested food is acted upon by physical and      chemical means 

D the system by which oxygen is taken into the body


Task 33

Read the text below.  For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, D). 

 Forests and forestry play a role in the natural circulation of carbon in various ways. During growth, atmospheric carbon is sequestered by forest plants. The process where atmospheric carbon is sequestered in a carbon store outside the atmosphere is called a carbon sink. On the other hand, carbon is released from this store when the plants decompose either naturally or when timber taken into use after felling is burned or otherwise decomposed. This is called a carbon emission. Generally, drainage also leads to a change in the carbon content of forest. The exhaust gases of forestry machinery cause carbon emissions into the atmosphere, but their impact is very small compared with the carbon flows caused by forest growth and felling. Since the growth of forest plants decreases the amount of atmospheric carbon, one might conclude that forests prevent climate change. However, forests also release carbon into the atmosphere. Therefore forests can only act as carbon sinks if the amount of carbon released from them is smaller than the amount of carbon sequestered in them through growth. The greenhouse effect is accelerated by carbon which is brought to the carbon circle from somewhere else. Most of all this has taken place due to the industrialization and the use of fossil fuels — coal, oil, natural gas — in traffic and energy production, i.e. their burning. However, the burning of biomass — which means plants and fuels made of them — is not considered to accelerate the climate change, although when burned they create exactly same kind of carbon dioxide as it is with fossil fuels. It is said that biofuels — like forest energy products — are neutral with regard to the climate change. According to a fresh research forests also produce fine particles called aerosols while growing. These particles reflect the sunlight back to space and control the climate change in this way. In Finland this effect may be as large as one quarter of that of the use of fossil fuels. However, there is not sufficient information of this phenomenon. The most important international agreement aiming at controlling climate change is the Kyoto Protocol, which was approved of in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. The core of the Protocol is the target of decreasing the greenhouse emissions to the level of 1990. 

Industrialised countries committed themselves in stricter target, to decrease their greenhouse emissions by 5.2 percent from the level of 1990 before 2012. The Kyoto Protocol came into effect in 2005, when it was signed by sufficient number of countries. The most important industrialised country outside the Protocol is the United States. According to the Protocol, only industrialised countries and European countries in transition economy are obliged to decrease their greenhouse emissions. The European Union has been the strongest supporter of the Kyoto Protocol. It has committed itself to strictest target, to decrease its greenhouse emission by eight percent from the level of 1990. The target is allocated to all member countries in political negotiations. The target of Finland is to decrease its emissions to the level of 1990.


6.A carbon sink is ....... . 

A an atmospheric carbon

В a natural environment that absorbs and stores more carbon  dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases 

C natural circulation of carbon gases

D an atmospheric carbon, which offsets greenhouse gas emission

  1. The biggest part of carbon emission is caused by ....... . 

A exhaust gases   

C forest growth and chopping down

В forest machinery  

D plants decomposition

  1. The amount of atmospheric carbon falls in accordance to the ....... .

A flowering of the forest vegetation 

C carbon flows into the air

В climate change    

D felling of the trees

  1. The climate change is mostly accelerated by ....... .

A the burning of plant matter   

C the forest energy products 

В the energy production    

D the burning of fossil fuels

  1. According to the Kyoto Protocol the countries ....... .

A are obliged to approve the climate change

В have to try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

 C have to set binding targets

D are obliged to develop industry

  1. The target of decreasing the greenhouse effect is ....... .

A the same for all countries   

C not stated

В different from country to country 

D much higher for America


Task 34

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5).  There are three choices you do not need to use. 


By Jeff O'Kelley

No matter where you live, you are probably faced with storms of some type. Whether it's tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards or ice storms, nearly everyone will occasionally encounter a situation that will present a disruption in your daily life. A little planning and preparation will make these situations much safer and maybe a little more comfortable. This article will help you put together a storm survival kit that will work for just about any situation. You may want to consider the type of weather that you might experience and make some adjustments to this plan.


1. .......  This will help keep everything together and dry during the storm. It will also be easier to transport your supplies in case of evacuation. Consider purchasing a lockable foot locker at a local mega mart.


2. .......  There are several categories of supplies that you will need to consider, with the first one being food. You will first want to determine the number of people that you are including in your plans. Once you have a number, use the list below to assemble your food supplies: bottled water             (1 gallon per day per person): pack enough for several days; pack nonperishable foods, such as: canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables; bread in moisture proof packaging; cookies, candy, dried fruit; canned soups and milk; powdered or single serve drinks; cereal bars; package condiments; peanut butter and jelly; instant coffee and tea. Don't forget to pack a manual can opener with your supplies. You will also want to pack disposable kitchen utensils such as plastic forks/knives, paper plates, plastic bowls, paper towels or napkins and plastic baggies. If you have the room, you can pack a small camping stove or outdoor grill. Don't forget to consider household pets when packing food supplies.

3. .......  You can also assemble one of your own. This bag should contain basic first aid supplies such as: band aids and pads, antibiotic cream, alcohol, aspirin (don't forget to pack both adult and kid strength, if applicable), bug bite cream, antacids, sunscreen (if applicable for your area), mosquito repellent, two week supply of prescription drugs, any special need drugs that you might need.


4. .......  They would be helpful after a storm. Plan as if you will have no power or running water: portable battery powered lanterns; extra cell phone batteries; emergency candles with holders; battery powered radio or TV; battery operated clock; extra batteries, including hearing aids; tools (hammer, wrenches, screw drivers, nails and saw). These can be helpful for clearing debris or repairing damage: trash bags, lots of them; cleaning supplies (pack bleach, dish soap, and some surface cleaning spray); plastic drop cloth; mosquito netting; general use fire extinguisher; masking or duct tape (in almost any emergency, duct tape can sometimes be your best friend); outdoor extension cords; spray paint (you may need to identify your home for emergency crews or insurance personnel); rain ponchos and work gloves; extra glasses or contact lenses.


5. .......  If you have small children you should plan for extra diapers, sanitary  wipes, food and toys. Entertainment items such as playing cards, board games, magazines, books or portable video games can help pass the time while you're waiting on the power to be restored. Hopefully you will never need this kit, but you'll be happy you have it in the event of a major storm.


A Pack the certain helpful items. 

В Choose the proper shelter.

C Purchase a large, waterproof storage locker or plastic bin.

D Remain unconcerned.

E Consider your personal situation.

F Prepare a pantry.

G Determine your needs.

H Buy a pre-packaged first aid kit.


Task 35

Read the text below.  For the empty spaces (35-46) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



Since 1935, millions of people (35) ....... fishing, boating, and swimming in the huge man-made Lake Mead. But long droughts and high demand for water (36) ....... water levels to drop in the 250-squaremile lake. Some scientists worry that if Lake Mead's water level (37) ....... dropping, the lake could dry up in as few as 13 years. Lake Mead (38) .......  when the Hoover Dam was built and part of the Colorado River was dammed. Part of the lake is in Nevada and part of it is in Arizona. Lake Mead also is called a reservoir; it (39) ....... water for homes, farms, and businesses in places such as Nevada, Arizona, and California. Also, water  from the lake (40) ....... to create electric power for many people in Nevada and Arizona. About 96 percent of the water in Lake Mead comes from melted snow that (41) ....... each year in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Most of that melted snow flows into the Colorado River and then into Lake Mead. In the past few years, though, there (42) ....... less water flowing into Lake Mead. Some scientists think that is because our climate (43) ....... warmer. But towns still (44) ....... the same amount of water they (45) ....... . Some areas need more water because their populations (46) ....... . So too much water is coming out of Lake Mead and not enough is flowing in.


35 A has enjoyed    В enjoyed 

C have enjoyed    D had enjoyed


36 A causes     В are causing 

C is causing     D was causing


37 A to keep     В keeping 

C kept      D keeps


38 A was created    В were created 

C has been created    D are being created


39 A stores     В store 

C stored     D to store


40 A uses     В is used 

C was used     D are being used


41 A fell     В falls 

C fall      D fallen


42 A was     B is 

C has been     D will be


43 A grows     В growing 

C is growing     D grown


44 A needed     В needs 

C needing     D need


45 A has always needed   В have always needed 

C always needed has    D always has needed


46 A is growing    В were growing 

C are growing    D was growing


Task 36

 Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use. 


 Sustainable forestry combines three objectives. The ecological tolerance of nature must not be weakened; in other words, the environment may only be altered to the extent (17) ....... after the change. The social and cultural values of forests may not be weakened, either. Thirdly, forestry must be financially profitable (18) ....... .

  Forest management (19) ....... means that natural processes are emulated in forestry. Thus, the cyclical processes of nature are altered as little as possible, (20) ....... and social sustainability of forest management.

 During the 20th century the management of Finland's commercial forests adopted the system of periodic cover silviculture. This means that silviculture is organised into rotation periods. A rotation period begins (21) ....... and ends after several decades, when most of the trees are harvested before regeneration of new forest stand. During the rotation period, the forest is tended by, for instance, thinnings, (22) ....... . This leaves more space for the remaining, more viable trees.


A  to all partners involved

В  while still maintaining the financial profitability

C  a new forest must be established to replace the one felled

D  that nature is able to. recover its former condition

E  which means that small trees and trees with little economic value are removed

F  that is close to nature

G  are called silviculture

H  when a new forest stand is established


Task 37

Read the text below. For questions (6-11) choose the correct answer (А, B, C, D).


No roads lead to Kuujjuaq. You can only get to this village, high in the Canadian Arctic, by boat or plane. The trees here are stunted and small, but the bears grow big. The 500 kids who live in Kuujjuaq (pronounced KOO-joo-ak) have unusual chores: they help their parents catch fish and hunt caribou to eat. This place might seem far away from the big problems of big cities, like water pollution and air pollution. But even here, people can't escape those problems. Pretty little Kuujjuaq, with its blue skies and crystal clear waters, also has an invisible pollution problem that rivals any city. Toxic chemicals have a surprising way of finding their way up here to the Arctic. They are gushed out of factories and cities thousands of miles away, and they travel to the Arctic like birds flying north for the summer. The birds go back home, but the chemicals stay. Everyone in Kuujjuaq has the chemicals in their bodies. No one knows their full effects, but they may hurt children in a slow and silent way. They could cause babies to get sick a little more often. And they might even cause kids to do worse in school. No one would have dreamed that people in such a clean and beautiful place could be hurt by pollution from thousands of miles away. Then, in 1989, some scientists made a discovery. Eric Dewailly, a doctor at Laval University in Quebec, Canada, was studying chemicals called persistent organic pollutants, or POPs. These are chemicals that can hang around for a long time in people's bodies or in the environment. Dewailly and his team tested people in the cities of southern Quebec (near the border with the United States) to see how much of these chemicals were in their bodies. Dewailly's team wanted to compare this group with people in the Arctic. They reasoned that people in the Arctic lived far from pollution, and so would probably have lower levels of POPs in their bodies. So the scientists went up to Nunavik, the remote, northern part of Quebec which includes Kuujjuaq and 13 other native Inuit villages. When they tested people in Nunavik they were surprised. People there had five to ten times as much of these chemicals in their bodies as people living in polluted cities. Some of the chemicals came from as far away as Russia! Scientists now understand why this happens. The POPs include hundreds of different chemicals. Some are used in electronic gadgets like TVs, or in the lights and electrical wiring of buildings. Some are used in paints or for making windows waterproof. Others are sprayed onto crops as pesticides. But POPs have one thing in common: They like to evaporate. Just as a puddle of water dries on a hot summer sidewalk, POPs turn slowly into vapor and drift into the air. Winds can carry them thousands of miles.

POPs travel in the air until they reach a cold place. Have you noticed that on a hot day, a glass of lemonade with ice cubes in it collects little drops of water on the outside? This is because water vapor, which is a gas in the air, 'condenses' onto the cold glass and forms those droplets—the opposite of evaporating or drying. The same thing happens with POPs, says Knut Breivik, an environmental chemist at the Norwegian Institute of Air Research in the city of Kjeller. 'Things tend to evaporate in warmer regions and condense when it gets colder,' says Breivik. So when winds carry POPs into the Arctic or Antarctic parts of the world, cold temperatures cause them to condense onto plants or rocks or snow or oceans. And then they stay where they landed and build up over time.


6.   Kuujjauq is often visited by scientists because .......

A   this place is absolutely clean

В   the air there is full of crystals to be studied 

C   the bears grow bigger there than anywhere else 

D   people are point at issue there

  1. The kids' activities are called strange because they ....... .

A   get food for the whole family 

В   play with bears

C   build roads 

D   cause water pollution 

  1. A lot of poisonous substances can be found in Kuujjauq because ....... . 

A   the birds bring them there 

В   there are many factories in that place

C   water is very polluted 

D   they stream there from far away countries 

  1. The effect of the chemicals on the people ....... . 

A   has already been proved 

В   is being proved

C   will be proved in the future 

D   was proved in the last century 

  1. The amount of dangerous things was higher ....... . 

A   in the people's bodies in the Arctic

В   in the bodies of the people who live in the cities 

C   in the environment 

D   in the snow 

  1. Persistent organic pollutants can be found everywhere due to their ability to ....... .

A   soak        В   freeze             C   vaporize          D   melt



Task 38

Read and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


As we know from our lessons in Geography climate is the average weather conditions of a (1) ............ place. It is made up of the average summer and winter temperature, the (2) ........... of sunshine, the direction of the winds, the average rainfall, etc. The British Isles are (3) ............. by the ocean and have an insular climate which is more equable than that of Central Europe. Western Winds that (4) ............ from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. The climate is mild and (5) ............ frosts are rare. The January average temperature is higher and the July temperature is lower than in most European countries. The coldest part of the country is the Highlands of Scotland. It is as frosty in Scotland as in St. Petersburg. In January South-Western England (Devon and Cornwall) is the warmest part in Great Britain. The snow is rare and it never lies for long. In summer the South-Eastern part of England is the warmest. This is an abundance of rainfall in the West, which is the reason for (6) .............. fogs.

1 А exact   B definite  С  marked   D possible

2 А amount   B sum   С  number   D quantity

3 А detected   B limited  С  located   D surrounded

4 А depart   B run   С  flow   D pass

5 А deep   B strong  С  healthy   D firm

6 А serious   B wide  С  thick   D broad


Task 39

Read the text below.  Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).  There are two choices you do not need to use.  Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

  Climate change is a global problem with potentially devastating local consequences. Global warming is (17) ....... in the atmospheric concentrations of Greenhouse gases (Carbon Dioxide, Methane etc.) since the industrial revolution. Such gases in the atmosphere trap the sun's energy, (18) ....... .  The burning of fossil fuels, industry, deforestation, changing land use and agriculture release greenhouse gases and (19) ....... . The rate at which the planet warms (20) ....... , with temperate change predicted to be the most severe in northern regions. Climate models predict temperature (21) ....... in some areas of the Russian and Canadian Boreal forest over the next century. Alaskan winter temperatures have already risen (22) ....... since the sixties. To put this in context the world has only warmed by a mere 5°C since the last Ice Age, 15,000 years ago, which saw most of the northern hemisphere buried under kilometres of ice.


A  is influenced by the wind

В  contribute to global warming

C  a consequence of a dramatic increase

D  an average 4.5°C

E  increases as much as 5-10°C

F  is expected to accelerate

G  increasing global temperatures

H  a contribution to the global warming




Task 40

Read the texts and guess the country GREAT BRITAIN, SPAIN, GREECE


A.  This country enjoys a Mediterranean climate for most of the year, with warm to hot days and mild nights. However, in the middle of summer it can be unbearably hot and stuffy and winter can be chilly. December and January can be very cold and in February it is often rainy. April can be changeable with sunny days are interrupted by windy showery weather.

B.  Most of this country is always warm from April to October though it can occasionally be cold and rainy in the North, especially in the mountains. The South is amazingly mild throughout the year - it hardly has a winter. Although the Atlantic lies only a few miles away, the climate is more like Mediterranean.

C.  This country has a very changeable climate, both from day to day and from place to place. Although long periods of fine weather occur each year, it is not easy to forecast the weather accurately and you can be soaked during any season. The North of the country is much colder and windy in winter, often with quite heavy snowfalls. The South-West has milder weather.


Task 41

Use the correct form of verbs to complete the forecast.

A.  rise     fall      reach      remain

Tomorrow the south will again (1) ......... warm and dry. Temperatures could (2) ......... 5 °C during the afternoon. In the north, the day will start quite cool, but temperatures will (3) ........ gradually during the day. Later in the week the weather will turn cold and night-time temperatures could (4)........ as low as 8 °C.

B.  Now use these words to complete the next forecast: wintry      icy      melt      sleet     frost

Tonight will be cold and most parts of the country can expect an overnight (5) .........  Tomorrow will also be bitterly cold with (6) ......... showers in many places. Rain or (7)  ......... will turn to snow, especially on high ground, later in the day. Roads will be (8) .......... At the weekend daytime temperatures could fall below zero and there will be snow in most parts of the country. Monday will be a little warmer and by Tuesday morning the snow will begin to (9) ...........


Task 42

Read and complete the text below.  For each of the empty spaces (1—5) choose  the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

  On September 7th, 1953, it rained frogs in Leicester, Massachusetts, USA. Many of them (1) .......... on the roofs of the houses. They were still alive and (2) .......... about. We don't know how it (3) .......... . Perhaps there was a storm somewhere and a strong wind (4) .......... water and animals from a lake or river into the air. When the wind became less strong, the water and animals (5) ......... .


1 А docked   B came  С arrived   D landed 

2 А crawled   B ran   С hopped   D jumped

3 А resulted   B happened  С realized   D fulfilled

4 А lifted   B picked  С pulled   D gathered

5 А sank   B fell   С decreased   D escaped



Task 43

Write an essay about the ways of preserving nature.  Dwell on the following questions:

• What are the most important environmental problems of the 21 century?

• What should be done to preserve nature?

• How can natural disasters affect people's lives?

• What was the most dramatic natural disaster for the past ten years? Why?



Task 44

You are a member of the local Green Society. The secretary asked you to write an article (of 100-120 words) about the environmental issues concerning your region including information about:

• pollution of the area;

• transport;

• food and farming;

• recycling.


Task 45

A scientific journal has asked its readers to write an article discussing the question 'What should be done to help endangered animals.'  On a separate sheet of paper write an article of 100-120 words for the magazine on this topic. 


• why so many animals are endangered today;

• what the reasons of animals' extinction are;

• the possible solutions of the problem.



Task 46

Share your own ideas to write an essay on the following subject: Which is more important, increasing people’s standard of living, or protecting the environment? (At least 100 words)










Конспект уроку в 7-му класі.  

Тема. Життя та екологічні проблеми в різних країнах світу.
Практична: навчити учнів здобувати інформацію з тексту і активно використовувати лексику по темі у власних висловлюваннях.
Розвивальна: розвивати у учнів навички непідготовленого усного мовлення на основі прочитаного тексту, розвивати уміння співпрацювати в парах і групах, розвивати здатність аналізувати інформацію, узагальнювати, знаходити спільне та відмінне.
Загальноосвітня: поглибити знання учнів про англомовні країни, порівняти екологічні проблеми в Україні зі світовими.
Виховна: виховувати екологічну культуру, шанобливе ставлення до рідної країни.

Обладнання: підручник « Headway Pre-Intermediate», прапори України та англомовних країн, роздаткові картки з таблицею.
Перебіг уроку 

1. Організаційна частина.

Поясніть учням, що вони працюватимуть у парах, поділяться інформацією про різні країни світу, знаходитимуть спільне та відмінне між цими країнами, обговорять екологічні проблеми.
А) Активізація роботи учнів перед основним етапом уроку. Мозковий штурм. 

Учні пригадують назви англомовних країн. Вчитель записує їхні ідеї на дошці
Б) Мовна зарядка (завдання на визначення відповідності). 

Вчитель пропонує учням поєднати прапори англомовних країн з назвами цих країн, прикріпляє зображення прапорів на дошці біля назв країн, учні хором та індивідуально повторюють назви країн. 
2. Етап засвоєння нових знань. (Розвиток навичок читання, письма і усного мовлення, «Headway Pre Intermediate», стор14)
А) Читання (робота у парах). 

Учням пропонується прочитати тексти і поєднати їх з назвами країн, які записані на дошці. Кожний текст слід доповнити словами, які подані над текстом. 
Б) Аудіювання . 

Учні слухають, як троє людей описують інші англомовні країни, в яких вони проживають, вони повинні відгадати назву країни. Вчитель перевіряє, які факти діти запам’ятали про кожну з країн. 
3. Етап застосування знань на практиці. Використання відомої інформації в новому контексті. Груповий проект.
Учні розподіляються на пари. Кожна пара отримує таблицю:





New Zeland

South Africa
































Major energy sources







Environmental problems







Кожна пара працює лише з однією країною. Використовуючи інформацію з текстів підручника, які діти щойно прочитали та прослухали, використовуючи свої знання з географії, учні заповнюють інформацію в таблиці про свою країну протягом 10 хвилин. По черзі пари доповідають про свої дослідження, учні класу слухають і заповнюють інформацію про інші країни. Важливо пояснити учням, що не треба писати повні речення, а лише ключові моменти. Вчитель заохочує клас задавати доповідачам уточнюючі запитання.

  • Учитель організовує в класі дискусію з використанням інформації з таблиць. Варіанти запитань для дискусії:
    Which countries have similar environmental problems? / Які країни з таблиці мають подібні екологічні проблеми?
  • Which countries have the same environmental problems as Ukraine? / Екологічні проблеми яких країн подібні до українських? 
    What do all of the countries have in common? / Що спільного між усіма цими країнами?
  • What can you propose to solve some of our environmental problems? / Як ви пропонуєте вирішити вище згадані екологічні проблеми?

 5. Домашнє завдання.

Написати твір, в якому порівняти Україну з будь-якою країною в таблиці, описати спільні та відмінні риси цих двох країн, їхні екологічні проблеми та шляхи вирішення.











Конспект уроку в 9 класі

Тема. «Екологія і ми»


Практична: навчити учнів здобувати інформацію з тексту і активно використовувати лексику по темі у власних висловлюваннях.

Розвивальна: розвивати у учнів навички непідготовленого усного мовлення на основі прочитаного тексту, розвивати уміння співпрацювати в парах і групах, розвивати здатність аналізувати інформацію, узагальнювати, знаходити спільне та відмінне.

Загальноосвітня: поглибити знання учнів про англомовні країни, порівняти екологічні проблеми в Україні зі світовими.

Виховна: виховувати екологічну культуру, шанобливе ставлення до рідної країни.

Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні мають оперувати лексичним матеріалом на достатньому рівні, вміти вести бесіду, мати позитивне ставлення до оточуючих, природи.

Міжпредметні зв'язки: етика, екологія, інформаційні технології, біологія.

Компетенції: навчальна, соціальна, інформаційно-комунікативна, здоров'язберігаюча.

Обладнання: підручник Карпюк О.Д. «Англійська мова. 9 клас», робочий зошит, мультимедійна презентація, комп'ютер, відео сюжети, дидактичний роздатковий матеріал.

Тип уроку: вивчення нового матеріалу

Методи навчання:

  • словесний – розповідь, бесіда;
  • наочний – мультимедійна презентація, схеми, дидактичний матеріал, відео сюжети;
  • практичний – інтерактивні, практичні вправи.

Форми, методи та прийоми роботи – індивідуальна, фронтальна, колективна, робота в парах.

Перебіг уроку

І. Організаційний момент

1. Привітання

T: Good afternoon, my favourite group-students! Glad to see you! I hope you are OK!

2. Мотивація навчальної діяльності

T: Today’s lesson is rather unusual that’s why I’d like you to be more attentive, more confident and more active than you are in your real life! I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T: To begin with, I want you to watch a short video film and then you should try to predict the topic of our today’s lesson.

(Video ‘Save Nature’)

4. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

T: So, pupils, share your ideas!

P1: I guess, we shall speak about … (nature, trees and plants,

environment, ecology, etc.)

T: As you have already guessed the topic of our lesson is ‘Ecology. Environmental problems’. So, today at the lesson we shall:

  • get to know some information about some environmental problems and discuss them;
  • review the courses of the pollution and ways of their reducing;
  • exchange our opinions about ecological problems;
  • develop language skills on listening and reading.

ІІ. Основна частина

  1. Communicative activities
  1. Vocabulary Practice

T: As we are going to speak about nature, we should understand the definitions of some terms. Choose the best way to define the meaning of each word:

Pollution is …

a) dirty water, air and atmosphere

b) making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in

c) people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous

Environment is …

a) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live

b) an organization that wants to protect the natural world

c) something that we do to prevent air and water pollution

Ecology is …

а) Natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment

  1. A science which studies the influence on nature
  2. Good and bad influence made by people on nature

(Glue the definitions on the board)

  1. Reading.

T: Well done! You mentioned that everything we see is our environment. Fields give us vegetables, forests give us the air we breathe, water is also important for us. But, our planet is in a great danger nowadays. Yesterday I received an email from an American volunteer and I’d like you to read it with me.

  1. Pre-reading activities

T: Who is the author of this email?

    What is Laura?

     What is the theme of email?

T: To understand the email better it’s necessary to refresh the words according to the topic of our lesson:

To pollute






To be in danger

Endangered species of animals

To become extinct

To protect


To save


Greenhouse effect

Clean out

Change a climate

To take care of



Chemical (toxic) waste

Throw into (away)


Bad influence

Cut down the trees


Shortage (нестача)


  1. Reading the email

To: Ukrainian Students

From: Laura Ashley

Subject: Environmental Problems

We live on different continents but I suppose that we have common problems with our nature. I am an ecologist and I am worried about the place I live in very much. Living in big cities can be dangerous now. Pollution is everywhere. People build factories and plants on the banks of the rivers to make the price for electricity cheaper. They pour their wastes into the rivers and pollute water. The cars produce the toxic fumes. And, we have to breathe it! If you go to the forest, park or along the streets, you will see a lot of rubbish, cans, plastic bags and bottles. But, nobody thinks that it’s harmful for animals. They can eat plastic bags and suffocate. People and animals are in danger!

What ecological problems are the most serious in your country?

What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner?

Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why?


Vocabulary: to pour – наливати

  To suffocate – задихатися

  1. Post-reading activities

T: Name the ecological problems mentioned in it (air pollution, water pollution, rubbish, chemical wastes, endangered specіes)

  1. Work in groups. CLIL – Method. Grammar. Different types of questions. Put the words in questions of different types in the right order to get more information about ______. Then the representatives of all groups will help us to conduct a survey (change the cards, answer your own questions according to email).

Group 1 Water pollution

  1. What / rivers? / build / banks /  on the / people / of the / do /
  2. Who / river / banks? / on the / builds / factories
  3. Why / water / polluted / is / ?
  4. How / are / polluted / rivers / ?

Group 2 Air pollution

  1. What / most / pollutes / of / all?/ air /
  2. What / cars / do / produce / the / ?
  3. Are / toxic / the / fumes / dangerous?
  4. Why / air / dirty / is / ?

Group 3 Rubbish

  1. Rubbish / a big / for / problem / large / is / cities / ?
  2. Do / of / produce / a lot / people / rubbish?
  3. What / of / rubbish / in / the streets / kind / can / see / you / ?
  4. Why / for / are / dangerous / plastic /animals / bags / ?

Group 4 Endangered species

  1. Where / animals / live / do / ?
  2. Are / animals / danger / in / ?
  3. What / in / streets / the / can / eat / animals / ?
  4. What / in / can / this / happen / case / ?


  1. Speaking. General outlook.

T: Read the information in the table, then make up sentences defining the problems, their reasons, effects and their solutions.


Reason (причина)

Effect (наслідок)

Solution (рішення)

Water pollution

  • factories dump waste into rivers;
  • seas are polluted with fuels
  • a big amount of stomach illnesses;
  • fish and animal death
  • limit using of chemicals in industry
  • punish factories which pollute seas/ rivers

Air pollution

  • factories and cars pollute the air with toxic fumes
  • serious breathing problems, lungs diseases
  • ban cars from the city centers
  • install filters in factories


  • people have a lack of culture and education
  • dirty streets, rivers, spread of diseases
  • use litter bins
  • encourage recycling

Water pollution is caused by the fact that ____.

Water pollution can result in ____.

The government should ____.


  1. Check homework.
  1. Refresh grammar.

T: Now I propose you to become the magicians for a short period of time and predict what will happen in future. At our previous lesson we learnt how to speak about future things with the help of Conditional I. It describes possible things which could easily come true.

The conditional sentence is composed of two parts: the main clause means the result and is used in Future Simple Tense, but the if-clause means the reason, it’s used in Present Simple.



  1. At home you had to do ex.3, p.158. Let’s check. Read and fill in the sentences.
  2. Writing. Match causes with the effects, make true sentences:



  1. People use less cars
  2. People clean the forest after picnics
  3. We plant more trees
  4. People don’t wash their cars on the river banks
  1. the water is fresh.
  2. our cities become greener
  3. the air becomes clear.
  4. we have no rubbish there.


  1. Listening.

T: People can do everything to save our planet if they wish.

  1. The next task for you is to watch a video and fill in the sentences on your cards with the missing words.

save / wind / scientists / world / waste / reuse / climate change /

reduce / sun / destroy / water / recycle

  1. We live in a wonderful ____: full of life, full of colour and beauty.
  2. ____ could ____ the world we live in.
  3. ____ predict that many parts of the world could be under 20 cm of water in 50 years.
  4. To ___ us we can use the ___, ___ and ___ to produce renewable energy.
  5. You can ___ the amount of ___ you produce : you should buy as much food as you need.
  6. You and your family can ___ many items: cans, plastic bottles, paper, even electrical goods and food.
  7. Just look at what you can ____: jars, bottles, bags.

Keys: 1 world    2 climate changes; destroy    3 scientists   4 save; sun; wind; water   5 reduce; waste    6 recycle   7 reuse


  1. T: The Cleverest.

Mark true or false sentences

  1. You can cut down the tree in your garden.
  2. You can make compost from your food to grow new food.
  3. When the weather is nice, hang your clothes out to dry.
  4. You must leave litter in the streets.
  5. You must buy plastic bags every time you are in the shop.
  6. You mustn’t burn the leaves of the trees.
  7. You can cut wild flowers.
  8. You can keep dogs under control.
  9. You can leave your electrical appliances plugged in from morning till night.
  10.  You can feed the birds in winter.



  1. Speaking. Work in pairs. Exchanging your Personal Information. Ask your partner and don’t forget to give him a piece of advice.



We speak about water shortages.

  1. What do you use water for?
  2. Do you often take hot bath?
  3. How often do you wash your clothes?
  4. How much water do you use?

Advice: You should reduce the using of water and take a shower instead of bath.

Water pollution

  1. Do you like swimming in the river?
  2. If you see plastic bags and bottles in the river, will you pick it up?
  3. Have you ever washed your bicycle in the river or lake?

Advice: You should clean up the rivers. You should use a dust and a little water to clean your bike or car.

People use a lot of washing powder.

  1. How often do you do the laundry?
  2. What household item do you use?
  3. Do you use washing powder in this process?
  4. Is it harmful for our rivers and lakes?

Advice: Try to use your washing machine only for big clothes. Use less washing powder.

Burning makes air pollution worse.

  1. Have you ever burnt rubbish or dry leaves?
  2. What can burning cause?
  3. Is it harmful for air?


Advice: You shouldn’t burn dry leaves and garbage.

Most of pollution in big cities comes from cars.

  1. Has your family got a car?
  2. How often do you use a car?
  3. Does it work well?
  4. Why is it important to look after it?

Advice: You should walk more. If the car doesn’t work well, you should repair it because it produces toxic fuels.

One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food.

  1. Does your family buy much food?
  2. Do you sometimes throw it away?
  3. How much of it do you waste?


Advice: You should buy as much food as you need.

III. Заключна частина.

  1. Повторити лексику, стор. 149, написати електронний лист-відповідь Лаурі

Write an email about the ecological problems in your country / city. Use the plan to help you:

  • What ecological problems are the most serious in your country?
  • What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner?
  • Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why?
  1. Підведення підсумків
























Конспект уроку для 9 класу



Освітня:         систематизувати лексичний матеріал  по темі; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма;розширити та поглибити знання учнів з даної теми; навчити учнів працювати в групах.

Розвивальна: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; розвивати  пізнавальні інтереси та пізнавальні процеси учнів, мислення, пам’ять, увагу, уяву.

Виховна:        виховувати культуру спілкування, дбайливе ставлення

 до природи та її багатств, почуття відповідальності, ввічливості, доброзичливості, а також загальну культуру учнів.

Обладнання: малюнок глобуса на дошці, вислів на дошці, магнітофон, касета, текст, картки.

Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизації знань


                                            ПЕРЕБІГ   УРОКУ

I Початок уроку

1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

     The theme of our lesson is “Environmental Protection”. Ecological problems have become global nowadays. So, it’s important to increase our knowledge of environmental needs. If we can be active participants in the protection and rebuilding of our environment we can help our planet to survive and keep it healthy for future generations. Everybody on the Earth must think of saving our planet before it’s too late.

      Today we are going to sum up all the information we’ve already studied.

3. Введення учнів у мовне середовище.

1) Brainstorming around the word “Earth”.

     Now, look at this globe on the board, please. What words or things relate to our planet, the Earth?


                    BIRDS                         PLANTS                                                                                                

              WOODS                                                      PEOPLE

         FISH                          EARTH                                AIR                                                                                                                                                                                    MOUNTAINS                                                                      WATER                                                                                                    



( Teacher writes children’s ideas on the board )  

2) Discussion on the quotation

     Sure, you are right. All these words are closely connected with our planet, the Earth, which seems to be floating in space like a big blue balloon. It seems small and unprotected from those disasters, which we cause ourselves.

     Here, on the board, there are words said by E. Hemingway: “THE WORLD IS A FINE PLACE AND WORTH FIGHTING FOR”

     So, I’d like to discuss this quotation in groups. You may use the questions on the board as a plan for answering. Well, let us start doing the job.



  1.                Do you agree with this quotation? Why or why not?
  2.                What does it mean to you?
  3.                Could you express its meaning in your own words?

     (Pupils are given minutes for the small-group discussion. Then the volunteers report the                            results of their group’s discussion to the class)



1.    Перевірка домашнього завдання. “Project works”.

     Recite the poems showing the ecological problems in pictures.


               In English “Chornobyl” means herb

               Which grows in wild place

               With poison in root

               And odor of the space

               In cosmos “Chornobyl”

               Is a mysterious star

               It keeps our souls in touch

               With the eternal far…

               And in Ukrainian life

                  It means nuclear town

               With upward flight of peaceful atom

               And its unmeasured upside – down !




Pollution, pollution – you can use the latest toothpaste

And then rinse your mouth with industrial waste

Just go out for a breath of air

And you’ll be ready for medicare

The city streets are quite a thrill -

If the hoods don’t get you the monoxide will

Pollution, pollution – wear a gas mask and a veil,

Then you can breath – long as you don’t inhall

Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly –

But they don’t last long if they try.

Tom Lehrer

Which poems do you like best? Why? What are your associations with word “Chornobyl”?             

  1.                Аудіювання тексту “Pollution  Soup”
  1.    Pre-listening. I see that you are worried about the environmental problems. What are the most serious

problems connected with environment and nature? To ponder over the question we should listen to the following text.


  1. Presentation of the unfamiliar words

Pollution – забруднення                               

dye – фарба

rubbish - сміття                                     

bleach – речовина для вибілювання

suffer - страждати                                             

accumulate - накопичуватися

disaster - катастрофа                                         

liver - печінка

oil tanker – танкер, нафтовоз                           

seal - тюлень

otter - видра                                                        

backstrokeплавання на спині    

eagle - орел                                                        

ray – промінь

gradual - поступовий                                        

algae – морські водорості

waste pipe – стічна труба                                  

be trapped – застрявати

harmful – згубний                                              

poison – отруювати

chlorine – хлор                                                   

whale – кит

mixture – суміш                                                  

dolphin – дельфін

pesticide – пестицид


  1. While-listening

Pollution Soup

     Every year, the sea is getting more polluted. It contains more and more chemicals and more rubbish. Many people only worry about it when they want to swim or surf. Imagine what it must be like to live in it or depend on it for food. Many animals are suffering.

     Oil disasters.

     In 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster killed thousands of animals such as sea otters and American bald eagles on the Alaskan coast. Oil tanker disasters are reported on the news. However, some environmetal problems are more gradual so people do not notice.

     Dangerous chemicals.

     Chemicals from rubbish and industrial waste pipes are as harmful as oil tanker disasters. Industrially-produced chlorine and chlorine mixtures such as pesticides, dyes, bleach and some plastics are particularly dangerous. The chlorine accumulates in the sea then accumulates in the fat of marine animals’ bodies. This causes problems with their liver, immune system and reproductive system.

     In 1988, 18000 seals were killed by a virus in the North Sea. Their bodies could not fight the virus because their immune systems did not work properly because of pollution in their bodies.

     The ozone layer.

     As many people know, pollution from cars and factories is making the hole in the ozone layer even bigger. The hole allows too many dangerous rays through. The rays stimulate growth of algae. If there is too much algae, small fish are trapped.                                           

     Poisoning the food chain.

     Many fish are becoming deformed from the pollution. Others are becoming poisonous to eat. This means that animals such as some birds or whales are poisoned when they eat the fish.

     Last year a dead baby dolphin was found in Cardigan Bay in Wales. It had such a high level of pollution in its body that it was classified as toxic waste. Similar things have happened in other countries with whales.


  1. Post-listening

     Fill in the gaps to complete the following sentences

  1. This causes problems with their liver, ___ system and ____ system.

(immune/ reproductive)

  1. In 1988, 18000 ____  were killed by a virus in the ____. (North Sea)
  2. As many people know, pollution from cars and factories is making the hole in the ___ even bigger. (ozone layer)
  3. If there is too much ____  , small fish are trapped. (algae)
  4. This means that animals such as some birds or whales are ____ when they eat the ____. (poisoned/ fish)
  1.                Фізкультпауза


  1.                Читання тексту
  1. Pre-reading activities

And now we are coming up to the next questions: “What is the Earth? What are the wonders of the Earth?” Let’s read the text and you’ll know the answers. We shall read the text in chain one by one without translation. Try to read correctly and quickly.


  1. While-reading activity


     We live on a beautiful blue planet – the Earth. There are a lot of mountains, hills, rivers, seas, oceans, forests, deserts and green fields on it. The Earth is full of wonders and is rich in different animals and plants. There are six continents on our planet: Africa, North and South Americas, Eurasia, Australia and Antarctica. Our planet is very big. When it is day in one country in the east, it is night in another country in the west. When the sun shines brightly, we have summer, but when it is cold and the ground is covered with snow, we have winter.

     People live in different countries on five continents and many islands. They speak different languages. Our country is Ukraine. It lies in Europe. People who live in Ukraine speak the Ukrainian language.

      Complete the sentences

T: And now turn over the text and complete my sentences:

1). We live… .

2). There are a lot of … on it.

3). The Earth is full … .

4). There are … .

5). When it is day in one country … .                                       

6). When the sun shines it is … .

7). People live … .

8). They speak … .

9). Our country is … .

10). People who live in Ukraine … .


  3) While-reading activity

(Pupils one by one take questions out of the hat, ask and answer them)


  1. Where do people live?
  2. Is the Earth big or small?
  3. What is there on the Earth?
  4. How many oceans are there on the Earth?
  5. What are the forests full of?
  6. What are the oceans full of?
  7. Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?
  8. When can you see the sun in the sky?
  9. When can you see the moon in the sky?
  10. Are there a lot of countries in the world?
  11. What languages do people in different countries speak?


  5.     Письмо  “Nature Rules”

     Take this sheet of paper and write in turns what people must do to protect nature and what they mustn’t do not to do harm to it.

  • People must plant trees and flowers

                          help birds and animals

                          clean their streets and yards

                          keep their rivers clean

  • People mustn’t kill birds and animals

                               pollute nature

                               cut trees

                               pick wild flowers


2) Let’s write “Nature Rules” on this poster for everybody to remember

                                      Nature Rules

                      cut, but plant trees

                      pick, but plant flowers

                      kill birds, animals, insects, but help them

           - Do not                   throw the litter

                                          leave fire in the forest

                                           pollute rivers, oceans, seas

         - Begin from your home, yard, street and town!

         - Start changing yourself!



  1. Домашнє завдання.

You have to draw one of the Earth’s, wonders, retell the text and complete the sentences in a written form.


  1. Підсумок.

And now let’s make some conclusions. What was the topic of our lesson? Now do we call the place where we live? What ecological problems are there on our planet? Is it possible to solve the ecological problems?



  1. Державний стандарт початкової освіти : затв. постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 21.02.2018 № 87
  2. Любченко О. М. Наскрізні лінії в освіті та їх реалізація на уроках англійської мови // http://journal.osnova.com.ua/article/69394 
  3. Компетентнісний підхід, ключові компетентност. Нова українська школа: порадник для вчителя / за заг. ред. Н. М. Бібік. — Київ : Літера ЛТД, 2018.
  4. https://nus.org.ua/teacher/onovlennya-program-dlya-5-9-klasiv-naskrizna-zmistova-liniya-ekologichna-bezpeka-i-stalyj-rozvytok/
  5. Формування ключової компетентності учнів "Екологічна грамотність і здорове життя" на уроках філологічного циклу http://zpschool75.at.ua/metodi4na/PEDRADA/Ekologi_02_2020/formuvannja_ekologichnoji_kompetentnosti-filologi.pdf












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