Назва:Hacksaw Ridge - З міркувань совісті (2016)
Жанр:драма, біографія, військовий, історичний
Сюжет: American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people, and becomes the first man in American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot.
Посилання для перегляду: https://fenglish.ru/movie/hacksaw-ridge/
1. Everlasting - вічний 32. Hustle - штовханина 2. Weary - втомлений, 33. Splinter - скабка, заноза зморений; Grow weary - 34. Weapon - зброя втомлюватися 35. Mistress - коханка
3. Youth - юність 36. Concubine (наложниця) =
4. Cheater - шахрай, обманщик Mistress
5. Ledge - виступ (скелі) 37. Tempted - спокушений
6. Sidewalk - тротуар 38. Essential - істотний, суттєвий
7. Doubt - сумнів 39. Requirements - вимоги
8. Dilated - розширений 40. Cowardice - боягузтво
9. Violent - жорстокий, 41. Lonely - самотньо
насильний 42. Circumstances - обставини
10. Tarp - брезент 43. To restrict - обмежити
11. Sutures - шви 44. Disgrace - ганьба
12. Tourniquet - джгут 45. Furlough - звільнення
13. Surgery - хірургічне ("увольнительная" в армії) втручання 46. Wounded – поранений
14. Greasy - мазкий, брудний 47. Stubbornness - впертість
15. Needle - голка 48. Vital - життєво важливий
16. Corny - банально, 49. Plea - угода про визнання
старомодно винуватості
17. Snappy – модно 50. Accused - обвинувачений,
18. Offal - тельбухи підсудний
19. Entirely - повністю 51. Laudable - похвальний
20. Blackmail - шантаж 52. Hacksaw - слюсарна ножівка
21. Condition - умова 53. Deliberately - неквапливо
22. Slap – ляпас (також - навмисно)
23. Otherwise - інакше 54. Satchel – сумка
24. Deformity - виродливість 55. Abdominal - черевна
25. Wise – мудрий порожнина
26. Bullgod – в контексті - 56. Sneaky – підлий наполеглива людина 57. Scared - наляканий
27. Useless - безкорисний 58. Reinforcements –
28. Ghoul – упир підкріплення
29. Intention - намір 59. Repaid - відплачений,
30. Henceforth - відтепер відшкодований
31. Naked - голий
60. Two days in a row - два дні підряд
61. Severed artery - розірвана артерія
62. Engregious sin - кричущий (найгрубіший) гріх
63. Be dizzy - запаморочитися
64. Guts and intestines - кишки і кишечник
65. Gaze upon it in envy - Дивись і заздри
66. Stalk of corn - стебло кукурудзи
67. Rifle company - стрілецька рота
68. An Accountable Сare Organization (ACO) - is an association of hospitals, healthcare providers and insurers in which all parties voluntarily assume financial and medical responsibility for Medicare patients.
69. Dismissed! - Вільний!
70. Full measure - повна міра
71. For Pete's sake - an expression of frustration,exasperation or annoyance
72. A "not guilty" plea - визнання не винним
73. Conscientious objector - a person who refuses to work in the armed forces for moral or religious reasons
74. Plead guilty - визнавати себе винним
75. Help yourself – Пригощайся
76. Rotate watch - зміна часових
77. Bull's eye - в яблучко
78. Pride and stubbornness – гордість і впертість
79. Court martial - військовий суд
80. A heck of a someone/something - (also one heck of a someone/something) - a surprisingly good person or thing 81. Shut-eye – sleep
82. Vacancy - незайняте місце
83. Hillbilly - a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities
84. To fathom - осягнути
85. To increase - зростати, підвищувати
86. To stumble - спотикатися
87. To renew - відновити
88. To soar - парити (на крилах), злітати, підноситися
89. To hang on - триматися
90. To catch up - наздогагяти
91. To whip - батожити, шмагати
92. To smother - задушити
93. To wallop - сильно вдарити, віддубасити
94. To spruce – a verb that means you pay special attention to your personal appearance, especially your grooming and clothing.
95. To bleed - кровоточити
96. To flock - збігатися, сходитися
97. To belong - належати
98. To pretend - вдавати
99. To embarrass - бентежити, утрудняти 100. To grin - шкірити зуби, либитися
101. To invade - вторгуватися, захоплюювати
102. To obey - слухатися
103. To plead - просити, благати
104. To take a poke at someone/something - to punch or attempt to punch someone or something
105. To pass around - передати по колу
106. To deserve - заслуговувати
107. To regard - розглядати, розцінювати
108. To drum out – в контексті – відбарабанити (відрахувати з армії) 109. To get cold feet - to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married
110. To convince - переконати, вговорити
111. To proceed - продовжувати процес
112. To deliberate - обмірковувати
113. To deny - заперечувати
114. To contest - змагатися, оспорювати
115. To tear apart - розриватися
116. To beg - просити, благати
117. To pressure - давати, надавлювати
118. To skewer - проколювати, насаджувати на рожен
119. To contradict – перечити
120. To lit up - осяяти
121. To find out - дізнатися
122. To enlist - to join the armed forces
123. To chase – переслідувати
124. To pray - молитися
125. To gaze - дивитися, витріщатися
126. To quit - перестати, покинути
127. To bruise - набити синці
128. To restrict – обмежити 129. To withdraw – знімати
130. Deign to do sth - to do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it
Write the missing letters to complete the phrasal verbs. Translate.
To g__t c__ld f____t _______________________ To dr__m o__t _______________________ To t__ar ap___rt _______________________ To l__t up _______________________ To f__nd o__t _______________________ To h__ng on _______________________ To c__tch up _______________________ To t__ke a pok__ at smn/smth _______________________ To p__ss ar____nd _______________________
Engregious sin •
Be dizzy •
Guts and intestines •
An Accountable Сare Organization •
Gaze upon it in envy •
Rifle company •
A heck of a someone/something •
Pride and stubbornness •
Severed artery •
Full measure •
For Pete's sake •
A "not guilty" plea •
Conscientious objector •
Bull's eye •
Two days in a row •
Shut-eye •
Court martial •
Stalk of corn •
Plead guilty •
Help yourself •
Rotate watch •
Dismissed! •
Vacancy •
Hillbilly •
• розірвана артерія
• кричущий гріх
• a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities
• запаморочитися
• is an association of hospitals, healthcare providers and insurers in which all parties voluntarily assume financial and medical responsibility for Medicare patients
• an expression of frustration, exasperation or annoyance
• Дивись і заздри
• стебло кукурудзи
• стрілецька рота
• визнання не винним
• a person who refuses to work in the armed forces for moral or religious reasons
• військовий суд
• незайняте місце •кишки і кишечник
• повна міра
• визнавати себе винним
• два дні підряд
• sleep
• a surprisingly good person or thing
• в яблучко
• гордість і впертість
• зміна часових
• Пригощайся
To mohtaf _____________________________________________________
To esaercni _____________________________________________________
To elbmuts _____________________________________________________
To wener _____________________________________________________
To raos _____________________________________________________
To pihw _____________________________________________________
To rehtoms _____________________________________________________
To pollaw _____________________________________________________
To ecurps _____________________________________________________
To deelb _____________________________________________________
To kcolf _____________________________________________________
To gnoleb _____________________________________________________
To dneterp _____________________________________________________
To ssarrabme _____________________________________________________
To nirg _____________________________________________________
To edavni _____________________________________________________
To yebo _____________________________________________________
To daelp _____________________________________________________
To evresed _____________________________________________________
To drager _____________________________________________________
To ecnivnoc _____________________________________________________
To deecorp _____________________________________________________
To etarebiled _____________________________________________________To yned _____________________________________________________
To tsetnoc _____________________________________________________
To geb _____________________________________________________
To erusserp _____________________________________________________
To reweks _____________________________________________________
To tcidartnoc _____________________________________________________
To tsilne _____________________________________________________
To esahc _____________________________________________________To yarp _____________________________________________________
To ezag _____________________________________________________
To tiuq _____________________________________________________
To esiurb _____________________________________________________
To tcirtser _____________________________________________________ To wardhtiw ______________________________________________ gnihtemos od ot ngieD ___________________________________________
7)___________________________________________________________________ 8)__________________________________________________________________
15) _________________________________________________________________
Corny, snappy, entirely, condition, otherwise, deliberately, intention, henceforth, hustle, essential, circumstances, disgrace, furlough, vital
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1)___________________________________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________________________________ 3)___________________________________________________________________
4)___________________________________________________________________ 5)___________________________________________________________________ 6)__________________________________________________________________
8)___________________________________________________________________ 9)___________________________________________________________________ 10)__________________________________________________________________
11)__________________________________________________________________ 12)__________________________________________________________________ 13)__________________________________________________________________
Listen to Desmond and his father (24.35). Fill the gaps.
− Momma said come see you here.
− Yeah. These three were my best friends. I grew up with 'em, I got into trouble with 'em, __________ girls with 'em. And I _____________ with 'em. Now my friends are there, covered in dirt and grass and eaten by worms. I don't want to have to visit my sons here.
− Daddy, I signed up already. I couldn't do __________, pop. Everybody else is doing...
− You're not everybody else. Everybody else jumps in and does things quick, without thinking! Like the damn idiot fools we were. And soldiers who live, they live because thay can do that! You can't! Look, you gotta sit and think and __________ about everything! I mean, look at you, you're doing it right now. You won't be able to live with yourself if you go.
− No, I won't be able to live with myself if I don't. I'm going to be a medic. That going to be my way ____________.
− See, there you go, thinking it all out. What, you __________ this war is just going to fit in with you, your ideas?
− Well, I don't __________ it's going to be hard.
− It won't be hard, it'll be impossible. You know, whatever ___________ you have in your crazy head now, they won't ever play out. It don't work that way. And if by some, I don't know, miracle chance you
___________, you won't be giving no thanks to God.
Listen to Desmond and Smitty Ryker (1.28.20). Fill the gaps.
− Hell of a dream.
− Dreamed I got myself ____________. I couldn't do nothing. − Rifle's just there. It won't bite.
− Yeah, it will. Look around you.
− After what we've just been through, any _________ man would be screaming for a weapon. − I never claimed to be __________. My daddy's a drunk.
He fought it for years, but it kind of got a hold of him hard. Made him mean.
− Least you knew him. Mine could have been any one of 10 guys, and none of them worth a damn, so...
− So, your momma raised you?
− I knew her, but she gave me to an ____________ when I was five. Never saw her again. I learned how to hate quick. I learned how to judge people quicker and I got you very wrong.
− My daddy used to beat me and my brother just because the sun rose and then ____________ us just because it set. I could take that, but when he would do it to our momma...
− But you didn't kill him?
− In my heart, I did. So that's why I made my promise to God, I ain't never going ____________ a gun again.
− Well, I ain't giving you mine, 'cause you're crazy.
Describe the scenes from the film
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
• It's just carrying a gun and the taking of human life.
• So I plead with you, do not look to him to save on the battlefield, because he will undoubtedly be too busy wrestling with his conscience to assist. ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
• Now, you know it's a sin to tell a lie, especially in this place.
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
• I always dreamed about being a doctor. _______________________
• I believe in this book as much as any man. And just any man, I wrestle with my conscience, but what do you do when everything you value in this world is under attack? _______________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
• We shall simply ask the enemy not to invade on the Sabbath ’cause private Doss here is at prayer. ___________________________________
• Colonel Stelzer’s determination was «Doss must be allowed to work as combat medic, provided he qualifies in all other areas of his training». ___________________________________________________________
Read the article about the plot of the film. Fill the gaps from the word box.
Roughhousing; hand; a rifle; subsequently ; enlists; pleads not guilty; presumed dead; pacifism; wounded; won; rope; concludes;
In 1925 Lynchburg, Virginia,young Desmond Doss nearly kills his brother during ___________________. That event and his Seventh-day Adventist upbringing reinforce Desmond's belief in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill." Fifteen years later, Doss takes an injured man to the hospital and meets a nurse, Dorothy Schutte. They strike a romance, and Doss tells Dorothy of his interest in medical work.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,Doss _______________ in the United States Army to serve as a combat medic.His father, Tom, a Great War veteran,is deeply upset by the decision. Before leaving for Fort Jackson, Desmond asks for Dorothy's ___________ in marriage, and she accepts.
Doss is placed in basic training under the command of Sergeant Howell. He excels physically but becomes a pariah among his fellow soldiers for refusing to handle ____________ and train on Saturdays. Howell and Captain Glover attempt to discharge Doss for psychiatric reasons under Section 8 but are overruled, as Doss's religious beliefs do not constitute mental illness. They ___________________ torment Doss by putting him through grueling labor, intending to get Doss to leave of his own accord. Despite being beaten one night by his fellow soldiers, he refuses to identify his attackers and continues training.
Doss's unit completes basic training and is released on leave during which Doss intends to marry Dorothy, but his refusal to carry a firearm leads to an arrest for _______________________. Captain Glover and Dorothy visit Doss in jail and try to convince him to plead guilty so that he can be released without charge, but Doss refuses to compromise his beliefs. At his court-martial, Doss ____________________, but before he is sentenced, his father barges into the tribunal with a letter from his former commanding officer (now a brigadier general)stating that his son's _____________ is protected by the US Constitution. The charges against Doss are dropped, and he and Dorothy are married.
Doss's unit is assigned to the 77th Infantry Division and deployed to the Pacific Theater.During the Battle of Okinawa, Doss's unit is informed that it will relieve the 96th Infantry Division,which was tasked with ascending and securing the Maeda Escarpment ("Hacksaw Ridge"). During the initial fight, with heavy losses on both sides, Doss saves the life of his squad mate Smitty, earning his respect. As the Americans camp for the night, Doss reveals to Smitty that his aversion to holding a firearm stems from nearly shooting his drunken father, who threatened his mother with a gun. Smitty apologizes for doubting his courage, and both reconcile.
The next morning, the Japanese launch a massive counterattack and drive the Americans off the escarpment. Smitty is killed, and Howell and several of Doss's squad mates are left injured on the battlefield. Doss hears the cries of dying soldiers and returns to save them, carrying the __________________ to the cliff's edge and belaying them down by _____________, each time praying to save one more. The arrival of dozens of wounded who had been _____________________ comes as a shock to the rest of the unit below. When day breaks, Doss rescues Howell, and both escape Hacksaw under enemy fire.
Captain Glover apologizes for dismissing Doss's beliefs as "cowardice" and states that they are scheduled to retake the ridge on Saturday but will not launch the next attack without him. Doss agrees, but the operation is delayed until after he _________________ his Sabbath prayers. With reinforcements, they turn the tide of battle. In an ambush set by Japanese soldiers who pretend to surrender,Doss manages to save Glover and others by deflecting enemy grenades. Doss is wounded by a grenade blast, but the battle is _________. Doss is lowered from the cliff clutching the Bible that Dorothy had given to him.
The film switches to real photos and footage showing that Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman for rescuing 75 soldiers at Hacksaw Ridge. Doss stayed married to Dorothy until her death in 1991. He died on March 23, 2006, at the age of 87.
Make a list of unknown words for you and translate them
1)_____________ ______________ 10)_____________ _____________
2)_____________ ______________ 11)_____________ _____________
3)_____________ ______________ 12)_____________ _____________
4)_____________ ______________ 13)_____________ _____________
5)_____________ ______________ 14)_____________ _____________
6)_____________ ______________ 15)_____________ _____________
7)_____________ ______________ 16)_____________ _____________
8)_____________ ______________ 17)_____________ _____________ 9)_____________ ______________ 18)_____________ _____________
❖Did you like the film? Why?
❖When do the events in the film take place?
❖What changed in Desmond when he hurt his brother with a brick?
❖Why Desmond’s daddy was a drunk?
❖Why was Desmond beaten in the middle of the night?
❖Why did Sgt. Howell tell the soldiers not to count on Desmond on the battlefield?
❖Why didn’t the soldiers want to go without Desmond to retake the ridge?
❖Do you admire Desmond after watching the film?
Corny, snappy, entirely, condition, otherwise, deliberately, intention, henceforth, hustle, essential, circumstances, disgrace, furlough, vital
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In 1925 Lynchburg, Virginia,young Desmond Doss nearly kills his brother during roughhousing. That event and his Seventh-day Adventist upbringing reinforce Desmond's belief in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill." Fifteen years later, Doss takes an injured man to the hospital and meets a nurse, Dorothy Schutte. They strike a romance, and Doss tells Dorothy of his interest in medical work.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,Doss enlists in the United States Army to serve as a combat medic.His father, Tom, a Great War veteran, is deeply upset by the decision. Before leaving for Fort Jackson, Desmond asks for Dorothy's hand in marriage, and she accepts.
Doss is placed in basic training under the command of Sergeant Howell. He excels physically but becomes a pariah among his fellow soldiers for refusing to handle a rifle and train on Saturdays. Howell and Captain Glover attempt to discharge Doss for psychiatric reasons under Section 8 but are overruled, as Doss's religious beliefs do not constitute mental illness. They subsequently torment Doss by putting him through grueling labor, intending to get Doss to leave of his own accord. Despite being beaten one night by his fellow soldiers, he refuses to identify his attackers and continues training.
Doss's unit completes basic training and is released on leave during which Doss intends to marry Dorothy, but his refusal to carry a firearm leads to an arrest for insubordination. Captain Glover and Dorothy visit Doss in jail and try to convince him to plead guilty so that he can be released without charge, but Doss refuses to compromise his beliefs. At his court-martial, Doss pleads not guilty, but before he is sentenced, his father barges into the tribunal with a letter from his former commanding officer (now a brigadier general) stating that his son's pacifism is protected by the US Constitution. The charges against Doss are dropped, and he and Dorothy are married.
Doss's unit is assigned to the 77th Infantry Division and deployed to the Pacific Theater.During the Battle of Okinawa, Doss's unit is informed that it will relieve the 96th Infantry Division,which was tasked with ascending and securing the Maeda Escarpment ("Hacksaw Ridge"). During the initial fight, with heavy losses on both sides, Doss saves the life of his squad mate Smitty, earning his respect. As the Americans camp for the night, Doss reveals to Smitty that his aversion to holding a firearm stems from nearly shooting his drunken father, who threatened his mother with a gun. Smitty apologizes for doubting his courage, and both reconcile.
The next morning, the Japanese launch a massive counterattack and drive the Americans off the escarpment. Smitty is killed, and Howell and several of Doss's squad mates are left injured on the battlefield. Doss hears the cries of dying soldiers and returns to save them, carrying the wounded to the cliff's edge and belaying them down by rope, each time praying to save one more. The arrival of dozens of wounded who had been presumed dead comes as a shock to the rest of the unit below. When day breaks, Doss rescues Howell, and both escape Hacksaw under enemy fire.
Captain Glover apologizes for dismissing Doss's beliefs as "cowardice" and states that they are scheduled to retake the ridge on Saturday but will not launch the next attack without him. Doss agrees, but the operation is delayed until after he concludes his Sabbath prayers. With reinforcements, they turn the tide of battle. In an ambush set by Japanese soldiers who pretend to surrender,Doss manages to save Glover and others by deflecting enemy grenades. Doss is wounded by a grenade blast, but the battle is won. Doss is lowered from the cliff clutching the Bible that Dorothy had given to him.
The film switches to real photos and footage showing that Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman for rescuing 75 soldiers at Hacksaw Ridge. Doss stayed married to Dorothy until her death in 1991. He died on March 23, 2006, at the age of 87.