Рольова гра з теми "Їжа"

Про матеріал
Фрагмент уроку (Рольова гра) сприяє удосконаленню навичок говоріння з теми "Їжа", розвитку критичного мислення та комунікативних здібностей учнів.
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Рольова гра


   «At the Restaurant»

Фрагмент уроку з теми « Food»



8 клас


Natalia Bondareva,

a teacher of English,

Pavlograd High School


Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to

-revise and use vocabulary on the topic;

-develop their speaking and listening skills;

-learn more about healthy food

Equipment: posters with pictures of food, cards with words.



  1. Warm-up


T. I hope you are all feeling good, aren’t you? What makes people feel good?

S1: Good weather and excellent grades.

S2: Delicious lunch that I had at the canteen.

T. I quite agree with you, tasty food can make us happy especially if it is healthy.

Where would you go if you wanted to have really delicious meal?

S3: I would go to the café.

S4: I would rather go to our school canteen.

S5: I prefer eating dishes cooked by my mother.


  1. Main Part


T. Today I want to invite you to visit a restaurant. We will play a role game in which you will be able to be both as waiters and customers. But first let’s revise some words and expression from the topic:

The main course

Side salad

For dessert

Are you ready to order?

How would you like it cooked?

Anything else?

What seems to be the problem?

Medium, please

Sparkling water

T. Now listen to a dialogue:

Waiter: Good evening. A table for two?

Man: Yes, please.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

Woman: Er, yes, please. Could I have a glass of orange juice, please?

Waiter: Certainly. Tonight’s special is Chicken a la Chef

Woman: What’s that?

Waiter: It’s grilled chicken with potatoes and green beans

Man: Is it French?

Waiter: Not really.

Man: But it has a French name.

Waiter: Well, that’s true. It’s very good.

Woman: I will take it.

Man: And I’d like some soup and the special.

Waiter: Thank you.


  1. Role Play


T. Now each of you will get card with some instructions:

Examples of cards:

 Card 1: You are a waiter. Come to a customer and ask if he/she is ready to order. Tell them what today’s special is and bring them the ordered dishes.

 Card 2: You are a customer. You are not sure what to order. Ask the waiter what today’s special is. Order baked fish with French fries and a side salad.

 Card 3: Your soup is too salty. Ask the waiter to change it for you. Also your sparkling water is too warm. Ask to bring you another glass of water.

Card 4: You are a waiter and your customer is dissatisfied with the order. Try to calm him down and suggest him some refund.

Card 5: You are really thirsty. You ordered a glass of water without gas but the waiter said there is not any. He advises you some orange juice. What will you do?



Now I would like you to share your feeling of the role- play. Do you feel comfortable? Were your partners polite enough?

If so, I’m sure you will be able to order your favourite food at a restaurant!





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 березня 2019
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