Роздатковий матеріал на уроках англійської мови при вивченні теми "Present Simple Tense"

Про матеріал

Вивчення англійської мови поєднує в собі всі види мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, усне мовлення, читання та письмо), звертаючи особливу увагу саме на усне мовлення, як на початковому так і на подальших етапах.

Так як для дітей, для успішного оволодіння усним мовленням важливим елементом є наочність, то в роботі на уроках англійської мови використовується багато різноманітного дидактичного оснащення, а саме: аудіозаписи, відеофільми, роздатковий матеріал, картки, малюнки, таблиці. Цей роздатковий матеріал допоможе у вивченні теми "Present Simple".

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                                                              To form questions we use the verb ‘do’.

With he, she and it use: ‘does’. After ‘do’ or ‘does’ comes the subject.

 (I, you, he, she, it, we, they or a name)



1. Do I go home late?

Yes, you do.

No, you don't.

8. Do they have mathematics today?

Yes, they do.

No, they don't.

2. ________ you go out late?

Yes, ______________.

No, ____________________.

9. ________ I have homework today?

Yes, __________________.

No, ____________________.

3. ___________ he go home late?

Yes, _____________________.

No, __________________________.

10. __________ the train leave now?

Yes, _________________.

No, __________________.

4. ____________ she go home early?

Yes, _____________________.

No, _________________________.

11. _____they have Siamese cats?

Yes, _______________.

No, __________________.

5. ______  it eat chicken?

Yes, _________________ .

No, ___________________.

12.____________ she own a keyboard?

Yes, ___________________.

No, _________________________.

6. _________ we leave at 9 o'clock?

Yes, ___________________.

No, ____________________.

13. ________we agree on this matter?

Yes, _______________.

No, _________________.

7. ________ you  have a TV ?

Yes, ________________.

No, _______________.

14. ___ they have something to write on?

Yes, _______ ________.

No, __________ __________.

                                                       Questions                     RAINBOW OF EDUCATION













We use ‘has’ with he, she, and it. We use ‘have’ with I, you, we, and they.

1.  She ____ (have) a pink smart phone.

2.  You ________ (have) a lot of money.


3.  I _______ (have) a headache and a toothache.

4.  He __________ (have) a 125 cc motorbike.

5.  We ________ (have) two cousins.

6.  Let's ________ (have) a drink at that pub.

7.  You_____ (have) a Facebook account.

8.  They _______ (have) to go now.

9.     Leonard _____ (have) a broken leg.

10.  I _________ (have) some money in my bank account .

11.  The bird ______ (have) a long black tail.

12.  Christine and I  ________ (have) many photo books.

13.  Larry and Mary _____ (have) a hamster and 2 rabbits.

14.  Patricia ________ (have) a blue and a purple jacket.

15.  Annie ______ (have) no complaints.

16.  We _______ (have) no complaints too.

17.  I ______  (have) many things to do today.

18.  Fons and I  ________ (have) many friends.

19.  Joana and I _________ (have) a Twitter account.

20.  Joana also ________ (have) Facebook.

21.  You ______ (have) a brother with blonde hair.

22.  He ________ (has) a dragon tattoo.



                              Exercises with ‘Have’           RAINBOW OF EDUCATION



  Exercises with: ss, ch, sh, z, and x __inTo kkjkjkjkj11.   Present Simple   RAINBOW OF EDUCATION









1.  Janet ____________________________ (watch) the birds eating in the snow.

2.  The boys never _________________ (finish) their homework before 8pm.

3.  The mother __________________ (kiss) her baby girl good night.

4.  The best students _____________ (pass) the exam without studying.

5.  The teacher ______________ (teach) his students to be honest.

















6.  Suzan is very clean. She _____________ (wash) her hair every day.

7.  After John has finished his work he _______________ (relax) by playing pool biljart.

8.  The handy man ______________ (fix) all defective machines easily.

9.  The soldiers ______________ (march) 40 kilometers  per week.

10.               The sergeant _____________ (march) 10 kilometers every day.



11.               The cook _______________ (mix) the ingredients for the apple pie.

12.               The shy girl _______________ (blush) when the boys look at her.

13.               The red and blue police lights __________ (flash) through the dark night.

14.               The police officer _______________ (search) the appartment for evidence.

15.               He __________________ (wish) his son good luck before leaving.

16.               After the accident with the boat, he never _______________ (fish) anymore.

17.  The volleyball players _____________ (smash) the ball over the net.

18.  My mother never _______________ (wash) the dishes.

19.  He ___________________ (brush) his hair every 15 minutes.

20.  The couple ______________ (waltz) happily around.

                             Exercises with ss, ch, sh, z and x     RAINBOW OF EDUCATION




Answer Key 1                        Present Simple                    RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

Page 1.

1   work   do not         don’t Do I                        I do.                         I don’t.      

2  work   do not         don’t Do you    you do.                     you don’t.     

3  works   does not      doesn’t Does he             he does.   he doesn’t.           

4  works   does not      doesn’t Does she           she does.                 she doesn’t.

5  works               does not doesn’t     Does it  it does.                    it doesn’t.    

6  work   do not         don’t Do we    we do.                      it doesn’t.

7  work   do not         don’t Do they they do.                    they don’t.

Page 2 

1                       come                   do not                      don’t                        Do I                          do                            don’t

2                     come                   do not                      don’t                        Do you                      do                            don’t

3                     comes                 does not  doesn’t                    Does he    does                        doesn’t

4                     comes                 does not  doesn’t                    Does she  does                        doesn’t

5                     comes                 does not  doesn’t                    Does it                     does                        doesn’t

6                     come                   do not                      don’t                        Do we                       do                            don’t         

7                      come                   do not                      don’t                        Do they                    do                            don’t

Page 4.

1 like 2 like 3 likes 4 likes 5 likes 6 like 7 like 8 walk 9 walk 10 walks 11 walks 12 walks 13 walk 14 walk, 15 eat, 

16 eat, 17 eats, 18 eats 19 eats 20 eat 21 eat 22 go  23 go  24 goes 25 goes  26 goes 27 go 28 go   Page 5.

1 swims 2 swim 3 swim 4 swims 5 swim 6 cooks 7 cook 8 cook 9 cooks 10 cook 11 work 12 work 13 studies  14 eats 

 15 drive  16 washes  17 mixes  18 watches  19 relaxes  20 kisses Page 6.

1 writes 2 write 3 writes 4 writes 5 write 6 eats 7 eats 8 eat 9 eats 10 eat 11 eats 12 jog 13 swim  14 studies  15 jog 

16 jogs  17 clean  18 watch  19 watches  20 watch  21 watch  22 watch 23 looks Page 7.

1 go 2 goes 3 goes 4 goes 5 go 6 go 7 goes 8 go 9 go 10 goes 11 goes 12 go 





Answer Key 2                   Present Simple                          RAINBOW OF EDUCATION


Page 8. 

1 do not 2 do not  3 does not 4 does not 5 does not 6 do not 7 do not 8 does not 9 do not 10 does not 11 do not 

12 does not 13 do not 14 does not 15 do not 16 does not 17 do not 18 does not 19 do not


Page 9.

1 don’t 2 don’t 3 doesn’t 4 doesn’t 5 doesn’t 6 don’t 7 don’t 8 don’t 9 doesn’t 10 don’t 11 don’t 12 doesn’t 

13 doesn’t 14 don’t 15 doesn’t 16 doesn’t 17 don’t 18 doesn’t 19 don’t


Page 10.

1 doesn’t 2 don’t 3 don’t 4 doesn’t 5 don’t 6 doesn’t 7 don’t 8 doesn’t 9 don’t 10 doesn’t 11 don’t 12 don’t 

13 doesn’t 14 don’t 15 don’t 16 doesn’t 17 don’t 18 doesn’t 19 don’t 20 doesn’t

21 don’t 22 don’t 23 don’t 

24 don’t 25 don’t 26 doesn’t 27 doesn’t


Page 11.

2 Do (use the same form in the short answers)  3 Does  4 Does  5 Does  6 Do  7 Do  8 Do  9 Do 10 Does 11 Do  12 Does  13 Do  14 Do


Page 12.

1 has 2 have 3 have 4 has 5 have 6 have 7 have 8 have 9 has 10 have 11 has 12 have 13 have 14 has 15 has 16 have 17 have 18 have 19 have 20 has 21 have 22 has


Page 13.

1 watches 2 finishes 3 kisses 4 pass 5 teaches 6 washes 7 relaxes 8 fixes 9 march 10 marches 11 mixes12 blushes 13 flash 14 searches 15 wishes 16 fishes 17 smashes 18 washes 19 brushes 20 waltzes






Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Present Simple Tense. RAINBOW OF EDUCATION Power. Point Presentations

Номер слайду 2

1. The present simple

Номер слайду 3

The present simple tense. The woman works on her basket.

Номер слайду 4

First we must learn about a basic verb.. I eat. I learn. I watch. I work. I sleep. I draw. I write. I drive. I relax. I play. I walk. I study. I cook. I drink. I forget. I stand. I swim. I dream. I sing. I clean. I run. Basic:verbs are verbs we use with I.

Номер слайду 5

The present simple tense. I work. You work. He works. She works. It works. We work. They work. But..!He,She,It SPECIAL

Номер слайду 6

I work. You work. He works. She works. It works. We work. They work. He,She,It SPECIAL I work. You work. Peter works. Maria works. The elephant works. Peter and I work. Maria and Peter work.

Номер слайду 7

A sentence with basic verb ‘go’ Use: I go home. You go home. He goes home. She goes home. It goes home. We go home. They go home. But..!

Номер слайду 8

The present simple tense, negative. I don’t work. You don’t work. He doesn’t work. She doesn’t work. It doesn’t work. We don’t work. They don’t work. But..!I don’t work. You don’t work. Somboon doesn’t work. Carla doesn’t work. The machine doesn’t work. David and I don’t work. Nong and Malee don’t work.

Номер слайду 9

When do we use the present simple tense?

Номер слайду 10

pushfixwishkissbrushcrosswatch He pushes. She fixes. It wishes. He kisses. She brushes. It crosses. He watches. He. She. It basic verbs ending with -ss, -ch, -sh -x and o- add -es. Only with: he, she, it…

Номер слайду 11

Opinions, likes and feelings:(verbs of senses and mental processes)She likes making snowmen. She hates flying. What do you like? I enjoy walking in the evening.

Номер слайду 12

Repeated actions Repeated actions (Habitual actions). A frequency adverb is often used: I walk past Tom’s house every day. Jane shops at the supermarket once a week. I visit France every 2 years. We never read magazines. I sometimes read comics. She often visits the night market.

Номер слайду 13

Summary3rd person (he, she, it) add s. Verbs ending in ss, x, ch, sh and o: add es. Verbs ending in consonant + y: change y to ies. Negative: 3rd person: does not (doesn’t). Other forms: do not (don’t). Facts which are always true (water freezes at 0 degrees). Opinions, likes, feelings ( I like making snowmen)Actions that happen regularly (They usually take a walk at 6 pm).

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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
14 серпня 2018
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