Розробка контрольної роботи з читання

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Розробка контрольної роботи з теми "Засоби масової інформації" складена майже у форматі ЗНО. Містить завдання по читанню та граматика з данної теми

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1) Read the article about people working on television. Some parts of the sentences have been removed from the text. For each gap (1-9) in the article choose the most appropriate sentence part from the list (A-J). There is an extra sentence part that you do not need to use.

1 Television people         1 – creating the show          2- differen aspects

3- what the camera         4- directionf for    5-music for          6-make-up artist

7-are carefully              8-sound,lighting     9-technical crew



It takes many people to put on a television programme. Some of

these people are directly involved in (1)________. The producer is in charge of the whole pro­gramme. The producer hires staff members and coordinates all the (2)              ____. The director decides how actors should move or talk and (3) ______ . . Script writers create the dialogue, or what the ac­tors say. They also write (4) ____. A musical director chooses (5)              _. Other

staff members are responsible for the way the actors and settings

look. These artisans include (6) ______hairstyles, clothing, and even furniture (7)____Technical details — (8)____ — are handled by engineers. Camera operators are also part of the (9)              _____                            .

A. are carefully chosen  B. directions for how to say things and what to do 

C.different aspects of the broadcast   D. advertise the programme

E.make-up artists, costume designers and set designers

F. music for the programme   G. what the cameras will show to the viewers   H.creating the show  I. technical crew   J. sound, lighting and colour     

2. a) Complete the sеntеnсеs with the words 'who', 'which', 'whоsе', 'whеn'  or 'where'  

1. Football is а sрогt ____most сhildrеn love, 2, l know somebody ____ mоthеr speaks eight lаnguages. 3. Summеr is а time ______ thеrе's no school.4. Do yоu knоw anybody ___ саn speak Spanish? 5. This is the shop ____they геnt videos. 6. I don't like TV рrоgгаmmеs ___аrе violent.

b) Complete the sеntеnсеs using 'who', 'which', 'where' or 'whose'.

Example: This book is about Сhгistорhеr Columbus. (l got it frоm the libгаrу.) - This book, which l got frоm the library, is about Christaрhеr Columbus.

1.  . My brother won the competition. (His name is Clive.) My brother ____ 

2. They’re building some houses in that place. (There used to be a sweet shop there.) They’re building ___  3 l've bought а jacket in that new shop. (The shop is nеаr the suреrmагkеt.) 4. I’ve bought______.  My sister is going to America next month. (She’s never been on a plane  before.) My sister_______

3. Write the descriptions of your favourite programme/film.



1) Read the article about people working on television. Some parts of the sentences have been removed from the text. For each gap (1-9) in the article choose the most appropriate sentence part from the list (A-J). There is an extra sentence part that you do not need to use.


It takes many people to put on a television programme. Some of

these people are directly involved in (1)________. The producer is in charge of the whole pro­gramme. The producer hires staff members and coordinates all the (2)              ____. The director decides how actors should move or talk and (3) ______ . . Script writers create the dialogue, or what the ac­tors say. They also write (4) ____. A musical director chooses (5)              _. Other

staff members are responsible for the way the actors and settings

look. These artisans include (6) ______hairstyles, clothing, and even furniture (7)____Technical details — (8)____ — are handled by engineers. Camera operators are also part of the (9)              _____                            .

A. are carefully chosen  B. directions for how to say things and what to do 

C.different aspects of the broadcast   D. advertise the programme

E.make-up artists, costume designers and set designers

F. music for the programme   G. what the cameras will show to the viewers   H.creating the show  I. technical crew   J. sound, lighting and colour     

2. a) Complete the sеntеnсеs with the words 'who', 'which', 'whоsе', 'whеn'  or 'where'  

1. Football is а sрогt ____most сhildrеn love, 2, l know somebody ____ mоthеr speaks eight lаnguages. 3. Summеr is а time ______ thеrе's no school.4. Do yоu knоw anybody ___ саn speak Spanish? 5. This is the shop ____they геnt videos. 6. I don't like TV рrоgгаmmеs ___аrе violent.

b) Complete the sеntеnсеs using 'who', 'which', 'where' or 'whose'.

Example: This book is about Сhгistорhеr Columbus. (l got it frоm the libгаrу.) - This book, which l got frоm the library, is about Christaрhеr Columbus.

1.  . My brother won the competition. (His name is Clive.) My brother ____ 

2. They’re building some houses in that place. (There used to be a sweet shop there.) They’re building ___  3 l've bought а jacket in that new shop. (The shop is nеаr the suреrmагkеt.) 4. I’ve bought______.  My sister is going to America next month. (She’s never been on a plane  before.) My sister_______

3. Write the descriptions of your favourite programme/film.



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 липня 2018
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