Розробка уроку "Видатні науковці"

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Згідно діючої програми данний урок складається з 2 уроків, один з яких присвячен С.Корольову та його винаходам. Мета продовжувати навчати учнів висловлюванням про роль науки в суспільстві,про позитивні й негативні сторони технічного прогресу, практикувати в монологічному мовленні, аудіюванні, читанні, розвивати їх творчі здібності.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:  С. Корольов

Мета:  надати  додаткові  відомості  про  С.Корольова  та  його  винаходи,  вчити  учнів  висловлюватись  про  роль  науки  в  суспільстві,про  позитивні  й  негативні  сторони  технічного  прогресу,    практикувати  в  монологічному  мовленні,  аудіюванні,  читанні,  розвивати  творчі  здібності  учнів  через  формування  навичок  cтворення  комп’ютерних  презентацій,розвивати  вміння  самостійно  працювати  з  додатковою  літературою,  виховувати  прагнення  пізнавати  світ  та  його  досягнення.

перебіг   УРОКУ

1. Greeting,  aim

T:  Today  we  shall  speak,  listen   and  read  about  great  inventor  and  his  inventions,  about  space       exploration.

2. Warming  up 

T: Make  up  sentences  using  these  words. ( Slide 2 )

a) Change / inventions / our / scientific / for / discoveries / better / and / life.  ( Scientific  inventions  and  discoveries  change  our  life  for  better. )

b) We / different / don’t / inventors / when / use / we / about / devices / think / their. When  we  use  different  devices  we  don’t  think  about  their  inventors. 3. Check on homework

4. Vocabulary  Practice T:  Join  into  four  groups.  Write  the  following  words  according  to  their  category.  Group  1   means  of  travelling;  group  2    means  of  communication;  group  3 -  means  of  entertainment;  group  4 – household  items. Tell  about  the  advantages  of  these  devices. The  task  of  other  groups  is  to  find  their  disadvantages.


Group  1:  Modern  means  of  travelling  are:  cars,  buses,  trains,  helicopters,  planes.  They  help  people  to  travel  fast  from  place  to  place,  from  one  city  or  country  to  another.  They  save  time.

The  other  groups:  Modern  means  of  travelling  need  fuel.  They  use  petrol.  It  is  expensive.  Gases  from  transport  pollute  air.

 Train,   telephone,  car,  tram,  computer,  microwave  oven,  washing   machine,  mobile  phone, TV-set, vacuum  cleaner, tape  recorder,   fridge,  Internet, bicycle,  radio,  bus,  plane, TV-set , video  player,   helicopter. 

4. Grammar  practice.  Passive  voice. p. 154 - 157 ex. 1,3,4

5. Перегляд відеоролика

Complete the sentences

S. Korolyov was ………….

He built the first glider at the age of …………

After graduating from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, he became interested in

In 1932 he appointed …………

In 1938 he

In Siberian Gulag he was for ……………

RI was launched in ………… range of………….

In 1951……..

6. Reading Ex. 1p. 128-129


 Academician S. P. Korolyov is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships.

S. P. Korolyov was born in 1906 in the small Ukrainian town of Zhitomir in a family of teachers. He spent his childhood with his grandparents in the town of Nezhin where he studied at home with a teacher. In 1922, at the age of 15, Sergei Korolyov began to study at a vocational building school in Odessa, where he received his secondary education and became a builder.

He was interested in mathematics, literature and he read a great deal. All his life he loved music.

In 1923 Sergei Korolyov joined a Glider Pilots' Club, where he learned to construct gliders and to fly them.

In 1925 Korolyov entered Kiev Polytechnical Institute where he studied aviation and mathematics, but in the evening he had to work for money: he was a building worker, he worked at the post-office and he played very small roles in films.

After two years in Kiev Korolyov came to Moscow. In the day-time he worked at an aeroplane factory and in the evening he studied at Moscow Higher Technical School. After lectures he worked at home on the design of a new glider.

At Moscow Higher Technical School Korolyov learned about К. E. Tsiolkovsky's ideas on space travel and about his rocket.

In 1930 S. P. Korolyov graduated from Moscow Higher Technical School and became an aviation engineer. At the same time he finished Moscow Pilot School.

During the Great Patriotic War S. P. Korolyov constructed a jet engine for aeroplanes and rockets.

S. P. Korolyov died in 1966. For his brilliant work in the name of science and progress he was awarded two Gold Stars of the Hero of Socialist Labour. People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in the conquest of outer space, and the name of S. P. Korolyov is one of them.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 липня 2018
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