Розробка уроку "Молодіжні течії "

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Розробка уроку за чинною програмою. Мета формувати навички вживання Герундія; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів.

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Молодіжні течії

Цілі: формувати навички вживання Герундію; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати

позитивне ставлення до суспільства.


1. Warm-up Read the questions, correct the mistakes if it’s necessary. Answer the questions.

1. What is something that you have recently avoided to do? (Wrong — avoid doing)

2. What do you like to do at the end of the day when you finish working? (Correct)

3. Do you enjoy to go to concerts? (Wrong — going)

2. Let’s remember teen’s group. Presentations.

3. Listening Emo Kids

It is a well-known fact that “emo” is used as an abbreviation of the word “emotional”. “Emo kids” is the term for the teenagers who listen to emocore (the combination of hardcore and punk music). This type of teens is sensitive, shy and often quiet; emo kids write poems to express their feelings. They remember their problems with depression, confusion and anger; they write about life as a pain, using depressing adjectives. These teens have a firm belief that the world fails to understand them. As to their appearance, the long fringe brushed to one side of the face or over both eyes, dyed black or other different bright colours attract our attention. Straightened, “slim fitted” clothes like tight emo jeans (skinnies) are classic must-haves. Piercings and stretched ears are really trendy among emos, too.

They don't want to make their feelings public and end up expressing it mainly through poetry or songs. They listen to what they want to a don't care what others say about their tastes or likes. 

They don't shop at hot topic 24/7 and usually buy clothes that are more so comfortable than stylish. Dark colors are popular but it's not always black. They do not catagorize themselves as emo, others around them do this.

4. Revising words

5. 1. Grammar   Introduction of the rule box, p. 31–32.

5.2.  Grammar practice

Rearrange the sentences with the Gerund according to their meanings.

1. The house needs painting. 2. His hobby is travelling. 3. Playing guitar is his favorite occupation.

4. He called her before leaving. 5. Mike’s coming home so late worries us. 6. This book is worth reading.

7. Smoking is not allowed here. 8. He likes watching films. 9. There was no hope of our getting there on time. 10. Reading aloud is very useful for learners of English. 11. Thank you for telling me about it.

12. Your coat wants cleaning.

need, require, want, worth something

an action or state

дія або стан

after prepositions

after possessive forms

as a subject

Sentences 1,

6, 12

Sentences 2, 8

Sentences 4, 11

Sentences 5, 9

Sentences 3,

7, 10

5.3. Look through the sentences. Find the best way to complete them with the Gerund or infinitive. Explain your choice.

1. Stop (talk) and begin (write). Keep (work)! 2. He likes (swim). 3. He likes (swim) in summer. 4. I will never forget (buy) my first car. 5. I will not forget (buy) bread. 6. She was angry at (be) left alone at home.

7. It is difficult (be) a doctor. 8. She is good at (drive). 9. It is good (hear) that.

Key: 1 talking… writing… working, 2 swimming, 3 to swim, 4 buying, 5 to buy, 6 being, 7 to be, 8 driving, 9 to hear.

5.4. 9. Reading & Grammar practice

My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked

… (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.

Key: My friend Bernie liked to eat McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem.  He was gaining weight. He decided to go on a diet. He stopped eating fast food and started buying more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted to lose more. I suggested joining a gym. Bernardo disliked exercising, but he agreed to try it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward to losing more weight.

10. Summary Do ex. 8, p. 35.

11. Homework Do ex. 3, p. 34 information about teen groups.

My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.


My friend Bernie liked … (eat) McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem. He was gaining weight.. He decided … (go) on a diet. He stopped … (eat) fast food and started … (buy) more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. But he wanted … (lose) more. I suggested … (join) a gym. Bernie disliked … (exercise), but he agreed … (try) it. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. He’s looking forward … (lose) more weight.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 липня 2018
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