Розробка сценарію до 14 лютого "Love above all"

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Сценарій до свята "День святого Валентина" має на меті розширити знання учнів старшої школи про традиціії та звичаї святкувань в англомовних країнах. Вмотивовує до необхідності вивчення іноземної мови як неповторного засобу міжкультурного спілкування.

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Love Above All!

Pupil  1: Dear boys and girls!

Our compliments to you and thanks for your coming. And as you know – nothing like love!

Pupil  2: Why should you be so sure?

Pupil  1: Rack you brains. You have fallen from the moon. Happy holiday, my dear! Today is Valentine’s Day. It’s the day of lovers. And their watchword is “Love above all”.

Pupil  2: I’ve heard about this holiday but I don’t know its history. Can you tell where this holiday came from?

Pupil  1: Oh, there are some legends about it. Let’s ask the pupils. I think they know them. Boys and girls! Who will tell us a legend about Valentine’s Day?

        (Pupils from the hall tell the legends).

    Legend 1.

Valentine’s Day is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family. It has become traditional for many couples to become engaged on this day.

Also, famous couples are remembered. Some of them are Romeo and Juliet, Caesar and Cleopatra and others.

It was also believed that birds choose their mates on this day.

Pupil  2: It’s a good legend about couples. Who can name other couples famous in the world?

(Pupils from the hall name them: Tristan and Zelda, Romeo and Juliette... )

Pupil  1: Are there other legends?

Legend 2.

One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the third century A. C. He was put into prison by Roman authorities for his teaching and was beheaded on February 14.

According to the legend he performed a miracle-he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed « From your Valentine. »

Pupil  2: How nice and tragic this legend is.

Pupil  1: You are right. But let’s listen to one more legend.

Legend 3.

According to another legend Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time.

He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake.

Pupil  1: Thanks to all tellers.

              (to pupil  2) How do you like these legends?

Pupil  2: They are wonderful. I liked them all, especially the third one.

(Five boys appear on the stage. They tell about the first feeling of love).

Pupil 1.

You see, love works wonders. You remember the moment of your love and first amorous glances, don’t you?

Pupil 2.

Yes, I do. I remember a beautiful moment where do I begin.

To tell the story of how great the love can be?

The sweet love story.

That is older than the sea,

The simple truth about love she brings to me.

Pupil 3.

Where do I start?

With her first “Hello” ?

The gave the meaning to this

empty, world of mine,

There’ll never be another love, another time.

She came into my life

And made my living fine.

The fills my heart

With very special things –

With angel songs,

With world imaginings.

Pupil 4.

She fills my heart with so much love

That anywhere I go

I’m never lonely with her along.

Who could be lonely?

I reach for her hand,

It’s always there.

Pupil 5.

How long does it last?

Can love be measured?

By the hours in a day?

I have no answer now

But this much I can say.

I know I need her till the stars.

All burn away,

And she’ll be there.

Pupil  1: Who can forget the very first time you dared to say “I love you” ?

Pupil  2: Love … let’s ask our friends “What is love”?

(Answer from the hall)

  •     Love is all you need.
  •     Love makes you suffer.
  •     Love makes you lost control.
  •     Love is better than having all the money in the world.
  •     Love is the strongest emotion you will ever feel.
  •     Love is painful.
  •     Love is hearts and flowers.
  •     Love is music in one’s heart.

Pupil  1: Of course, it is a song, it is a dance.

(A boy and a girl dance a waltz)

Pupil  2: What a nice music and what a nice couple. And now you will see one couple more. Have you ever heard about the medieval enmity of two Verona’s families Montekki and Capuletti which broke the hearts of their children who loved each other ardently?

Pupil  1: Yes, of course. There is no sadder novel in the world than the novel about Romeo and Juliet.

(Scene from W. Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”)

Juliet:   Then windows, let day in, and let life out.

Romeo: Farewell! Farewell! One kiss and I’ll descend.

Juliet:  Aren’t you go so? My lord, my love, my friend,

              I must hear from you every day in the hour.

              For a minute, there are many days;

              Oh! By this count I shall be much in years.

              And again beloved my Romeo.

Romeo: Fare well. I will omit no opportunity to say my greetings, love to you.

Juliet: Oh, do you think we shall ever meet again?

Romeo: I doubt it not; trust me, love,

                   in my eye so do you: Adieu! Adieu!

Juliet: Oh, fortune, fortune! Be fickle, fortune;

              For then, I hope, you will not keep him long,

              But send him back.

Pupil  1: (to the pupils in the hall) Do you know the author of this play?

(Answers from the hall).

Pupil  1: What other writers and poets who wrote about love can you name?

(Answers from the hall).

Pupil  1: Let’s listen to some poems buy famous poets.

(Pupils recite poems):

George Gordon Byron

 And both were young, and one was beautiful.

And both were young, yet not alike in youth,

                              As the sweet moon on the horizon’s verge,

                              The maid was on the eve of womanhood;

                              The boy had fewer summers, but his heart

                              Had outgrown his years, and to his eye

                              There was but one beloved face on earth,

                              And that was shining on him.


Taras Shevchenko

A Maiden’s Nights.

 What’s to me plaited beauty,

Eyes of a love,

My lissome waist … when there’s no one,

No one to love,

No husband true and faithful

To share one’s heart…

Heart of mine! Heart apart!

It’s hard to keep on beating

All on your own. With whom to live,

With whom, oh cunning world?

Tell me… what’s honor to me…

My honor and good name!

I want to love, I want to live

With my heart, not beauty’s fame!

Pupil  2: Oh, this is a very nice poem. And now let’s listen to the poem from the film by the Walt Feature Production “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs”.



Some Day Prince Will Come

Somewhere waiting for me,

There is someone I’m longing to see,

Someone I simply can’t help but adore,

Someone who’ll thrill me forever.

Some day my prince will come,

Some day I’ll find my love,

And how thrilling that moment will be,

When the prince of my dreams comes to me.

He’ll whisper “I love you”,

And steal a kiss or two,

I’ll find my love some day,

Some day when my dreams come true.

Pupil  1: You see, this poems is more optimistic. I think every girl dreams about her prince.

Pupil  2: You are right. And he must be on a white horse.

Pupil  1: Just now we shall see how can we express our feelings, our love.

Maryna will recite the poem “My Valentine” by Mary Katherine Parsons.


My Valentine

I have a little Valentine

That someone send to me.

It’s pink and white

And red and blue,

And pretty us can be.

Forget-me-nots are round the edge

And tiny roses too;

And such a lovely piece of lace

The very palest blue.

And in the centre there’s a heart

As red as red can be!

And on its written all in gold,

“To you with love from me”.

Pupil  2: Oleg , where is our box with Valentines?

Pupil  1: Here it is.

Boys and girls! And now a contest for you. We shall read the Valentines from the box and you will applaud. The strongest applause – the best Valentine. Is it clear?

(The pupils set the best love message).

Pupil  1: Thank you very much. And it is one competition more for you “Who sings these songs”?

(The pupils listen to some songs and set the singers).

Pupil  2: We also have a singer. Meet Olga!

               (the song “My Heart Will Go on”).

Pupil  1: I think now we can sing a song all together.

My Bonnie


My Bonnie is over the ocean,

My Bonnie is over the sea,

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

O bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me;

Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my Bonnie to me.


O blow ye winds over the ocean,

O blow ye winds over the sea,

O blow ye winds over the ocean,

And bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me;

Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my Bonnie to me.

Pupil  2: Good for you! Thank you.

It’s time to play a little.

Look here! You see the letters. Make up the words.

Who will begin?

Pupil  1: Let us practice special Valentine’s words. Use the code key to find the secret message.

Pupil  2: Use the word list on the heart to unscramble these words.

Pupil  1: Unscramble the words. Use some of the words to write a mouse’s Valentine’s story.

Pupil  2: Fill in the blanks with necessary words.

Pupil  1: And now do the crossword puzzle and you will read a very nice word   (“love”).

Pupil  2: Some of  you have got parts of cards. You must find your Valentine. Who has done this come here, please. Your task is to say as many compliments to your partner as possible and we’ll determine the winner.

Pupil  1: Dear friends! You know that we have a surprise for you. This is a present in the box. During the party, you were sending your guesses. Now we shall read them. The winner will get the prize from the box.

The teacher. Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! Our party is coming to the end. Just now, we want to give the presents to all the winners of the contests, to our painters for their nice drawings and wallpapers. We hope you liked our party.

Come again, please. Good-bye!

23 листопада 2019
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