Unit 4 lesson 4 Pet show
Say the pets. Назви тварин. MBIG
Work with Pupil’s Book. Підручник(впр.3, с.49)
Work with Pupil’s Book. Підручник(впр.1, с.49)
Work with Pupil’s Book. Підручник(впр.2, с.49)
I like cats.but
I like dogs.
I like spiders.
I like frogs.
I like… . I don’t like… .
Make up sentences:
Open an online interactive task. Натисніть на помаранчевий прямокутник та виконайте завдання.
Work with Pupil’s Book. Робочий зошит(впр.1, с.47)
Ask and answer. I like …What about you?I …
Physical exercise. Taken from the channel “Fun Kids English” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsi. RSWth. V1k
Work in Activity Book. Робочий зошит(впр.2, с.47)23456
Alphabet. Letter Ww. Listen, point and repeat.
Sing a song. Taken from the channel “Little Fox – Kids Song and Stories” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f. SRx. V6 Yg. ZKc
Work in Activity Book. Робочий зошит(с. 89)
Cat. Rat. Bat. Dogspider
It. It is. It is a. It is a fat It is a fat cat. It is a fat pink cat. It is a fat pink cat on a mat
Reflection. Do you like this lesson?
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