Розробка уроку 2 клас НУШ на тему "About myself"

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Розробка сьомого уроку 2 клас НУШ до пыдручника О.Д. Карпюк на тему "About myself"
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Unit 1. Lesson 7. About myself

                           Розповідаємо про себе


Objectives: to review names of family members, to introduce new vocabulary, to develop students’ listening and speaking skills

Vocabulary: I like, a pupil, a boy, a girl, TV, books

Structure: I am …, I like …

Materials: ‘Family’ flashcards, worksheets for the listening task, poster for speaking

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name family members, tell about themselves using the structures of the lesson, sing a song “Tracy and Luke”


  1. Take a family flashcard and hold it up in front of the class. Ask questions, e.g. “Is this a father?” Pretend you look attentively and say nodding your head positively “This is a father.” Ask two more questions to answer positively. Then start making ‘mistakes’. Demonstrate, e.g. friends and asking “Are they sisters?” answer “No, they are friends”. Do the same with the rest of the flashcards.


  1. Ex. 1, p. 14. Get your pupils to open their PBs on page 14. Tell them that you are going to listen to Tracy and Luke. Play the Audio (Unit-1-les2-1). Give out worksheets and ask pupils to draw lines from the characters to the pictures corresponding facts about them. Play the Audio one more time. Ask 2-3 pupils to demonstrate their ready worksheets.


  1. Ex. 2, p. 14. Listen and sing the song with children. (Audio Unit1-Les2-2).


Do physical exercise 2

  1. Ex. 3, p. 14. Put a poster on the board. Ask a few volunteers to come to the front of the class. Ask them to tell about themselves one-by-one using the prompts on the poster.

Let them use a marker to help him to make up sentences. Then let your pupils practice dialogues in pairs.

  1. Ex. 4, p. 14. Play “Stand up/Sit down” game with your students. Say a sentence, e.g. “I like books”. Pupils who like books stand up. Then say “I am a boy” and all the boys stand up.



  1. End your lesson with singing the song of Ex. 2, p. 14. Sing along with your pupils.
  2. Sing “Goodbye” song and wave your hand.








До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
15 вересня 2019
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