Розробка уроку англійської мови у 8 класі з поглибленим вивченням "Daily Routine"

Про матеріал

The aim is to prepare to interact with the Ss' daily routine, to realize students' personal abilities by learning the daily activities, to form communicative and socio-linguistic, socio-cultural competencies and listening, speaking, writing, reading skills, skills of critical thinking and collaboration. All objectives of the lesson are aimed at attracting students to work in the group and performing tasks. I can determine some of main ideas to be the basis of the lesson.

1) Modeling knowledge about Ss' daily activities, their time management.
2) Modeling the sense of responsibility, personal thoughts on doing the tasks problems, the ability to make informed choices, setting goals in their group work.
3) Modeling the ability to present their work.
4) Modeling critical skills, systematic and creative thinking, and effective communication in English.
5) Modeling skills to master their language skills.

Матеріали до уроку розміщені на блозі учителя англійської мови Цикункової Я.В.


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Управління освіти виконавчого комітету Марганецької міської ради.

Навчально-виховний комплекс «Ліцей-спеціалізована загальноосвітня школа

І – ІІІ ступенів № 10» Марганецької міської ради Дніпропетровської області




Розгорнутий план-конспект уроку

у 8 класі за темою «Daily Routine», Laser 2, Malcomlm Mann,

Steve Taylore-Knowles




                                      вчитель англійської мови,

                                     спеціаліст  вищої категорії,

Цикункова Яна Вікторівна












 Lesson Aim

Pupils will apply lexical and grammar material in foreign communication.

Learning Objectives

  • to gather information about daily time management ;
  • to make responsible decisions relating to daily routine to activate some words and word-combinations in speaking;
  • to develop students` creative abilities;
  • to develop students` speaking, reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • to teach students not to waste time at the lesson;
  • to focus on advanced learning English;
  • to practice students in group activities.


Lesson procedure:


1. Greeting.

Good morning, children. How are you today?  I’m fine too. I’m your teacher today. It’s great. I hope our work to be very exciting. Let us begin with the poem. (picture)

2. Aim: Today we’ll speak about things you do every day. I want you to guess our aim. So, you have to guess some letters to know it. So, what is the first letter of this thing? (a map). What is the first letter of this thing? (a desk) And what is the last letter of this thing? (yoghurt) So, can we guess the aim of our lesson? What is it? Well, we’ll speak about our time management.

3. Check on Hometask

But before speaking about it, let’s check up your hometask for today. You have to fill the gaps with some phrasal verbs. We have joined into 3 groups; each of them gets 2 sentences to check up. So, you have to tell us, what ones are correct. You should correct the mistakes as well. Well, I’ve a magic bag with the sentences. Take two ones for your group. So, check them up. You have 2 minutes. Remember TIME IS MONEY. Well, what sentences are correct? Read them. Which of them are incorrect?(sentences)

I turn on, when I’m hungry and want breakfast.

      I go out to meet my friends.

      I wake up my light, and go to sleep.

      I turn on my laptop and check my emails.

      I go out in the early morning.

      I get back in the early evening.


1. Listening and watching video.

1) Pre – listening

Well done, thank you. But I have a question for you. Is it interesting to listen to the teacher’s answers about their time management?  Can they remember everything they do during the day? Now we watch a video. Be ready to answer these questions at the end. But at first look at the picture. What expressions do you know? Can you translate them?


Now watch the video. Could you guess the main information about the teachers?

2) Listening and watching


3) Post – listening and watching

 Well. Have you discovered some teacher’s secrets? So, what time does Sam get up? Who takes care of the children? Who dreams to get married?  And now I suggest you to ask our jury a couple of questions. So, think a little what to ask. One question from the group.

2.  Writing 

1) Pre – writing

 Grammar revising

Oh, your questions are very interesting. I think, it is exciting to ask teachers some personal questions at the lesson, isn’t it?

So, let’s go on. I’d like to ask you too. Do the teachers do everything usually or at the present moment? You are right. These activities are GENERAL (G), we use Present Simple, you know it. When the activities are at the moment, they can be ticked NOW (N), then we use Present Continuous. To revise everything you know, open you books at page 146. Look through the rules and do the tasks. You have to underline incorrect sentences. Do it in pairs. You have 3 minutes. (4 sentences for each group)

2) Writing

 Well done. Look at the blackboard. We have 3 questions, one for each group. So, put down the date in your copy-books. Look at your sentences. Guess, what your question is and put down the answer. ( 3 cut sentences).Come to the blackboard and write them down.

When my mum drives me to school? – When the weather is bad, I don’t go to school on foot.

What is your hobby? – On Thursdays and Tuesdays we have clubs. I’m in the photography club.

What are you doing right now? – Iam checking my e-mails and try to send some messages.

3. Relaxation

I see, you are a little tired. Let’s relax now.  So, I need a volunteer from each group. Now we play a mime game. You have to show your hobby without any word. The groups guess it. You are so nice actors and actresses. Thank you.

4. So, we’ve done a lot of tasks today and now I want you to revise everything doing an interesting exercise.

1) the first group should answer some questions and fill the form with correct answers; (questions and a form, sample p.10, ex 1,2)










Brothers and sisters









Favourite day















 Parents – what – do – do- your?

What – bed – you – do – time – to – go?

You – do – what – in – afternoon – do - the?

What – evening – do – you – do – the – in?

2) the second one should fill the form about this famous character (HARRY POTTER, a form)





















Favourite subject















What – bed – he – does – time – to – go?

His – what’s – favourite – subject – school –at?

He – does – what – in – afternoon – do - the?

Any – friends – does – have – he?

3) the third group should make up the dialogue, using some phrases.(cut dialogue)

- Hi, Eva! What are doing right now?

-  Hi, Jim! I’m playing computer games with my brother.

- Cool! Are you winning at the moment?

- No, my brother is. What about you?

- I’m going to my tennis club.

- Lucky you!


So, you have 3 minutes. Now we check your tasks. Which group has only sentences with Present Simple? Which one has the sentences with Present Cont.? Which group has the mixed sentences?

Well, well. You are perfect Ss. Thank you very much.


1. Homework

So, revising everything you’ve learnt about your daily routine, you should to complete the planner about your profile on page 13, ex. 2. Open your day-books and put down your hometask. Is it clear? Fine.

2. Summarizing

You were so active and creative at the lesson. Thank you for it. But we have some problems with grammar, we should practice it more. Could you remember the most interesting fact about teachers? Oh, I see. Who is the most talented actor in your form? Fine, thank you. Your marks are …

The lesson is over. Bye!

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The Lesson theme

Daily Routine

Lesson aim

The Ss will apply lexical and grammar material in foreign communication according to the theme.

Brief description of learning objectives

  • to gather information about daily time management ;
  • to make responsible decisions relating to daily routine to activate some words and word-combinations in speaking;
  • to develop students` creative abilities;
  • to develop students` speaking, reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • to teach students not to waste time at the lesson;
  • to focus on advanced learning English;
  • to practice students in group activities.


Brief description of learners

It’s the third lesson. The Ss some basic phrases and words and grammar (Present Simple and Present Continuous). They practice the material in different kinds of exercises. There are 3 groups of 4 Ss. All the groups are mixed abilities groups. The students have to work in pairs and groups.

Brief description of the new idea and why chosen

The learners are of 14, they are 4 in the groups. It’s a mixed level class. It’s a good idea to revise grammar, everything, they know about their time management and organize the foreign communication according to the theme. 


The aim is to prepare to interact with the Ss’ daily routine, to realize students’ personal abilities by learning the daily activities, to form communicative and socio-linguistic, socio-cultural competencies and listening, speaking, writing, reading skills, skills of critical thinking and collaboration. All objectives of the lesson are aimed at attracting students to work in the group and performing tasks. I can determine some of main ideas to be the basis of the lesson.
1) Modeling knowledge about Ss’ daily activities, their time management.
2) Modeling the sense of responsibility, personal thoughts on doing the tasks problems, the ability to make informed choices, setting goals in their group work.
3) Modeling the ability to present their work.
4) Modeling critical skills, systematic and creative thinking, and effective communication in English.
5) Modeling skills to master their language skills.


How does the lesson fit with syllabus/timetable?


The position of the lesson in the timetable is optional. The lesson is the third in the module.

Learning outcome

Students will have some skills to create new ideas on the subject, to solve some problems and difficulties together, think over something, find out some interesting ideas to ask and answer questions, collaborate with other students, speak fluently in English during the work, be friendly and confident, practice their language skills in listening, writing, reading, speaking English.

Materials and references (attach worksheets)

I use the material from the Teacher’s book, Ss’s one and some additions. The students use all the lexical and grammar materials, they’ve learnt before.

Anticipated problems


1. Low level students aren’t involved into the work.

2. It’s difficult for students to speak English fluently.

3. It’s difficult for the students to revise all the information.

4. It’s difficult for low level students to remember the information while listening to the other ones.

Proposed solutions

1. Remind high level students to help low level students. Encourage low level students with rewarding words.

2. Ask some additional questions; clarify some words to help them while working on the contest.

3. Correct some mistakes during the lesson.


daily routine.png
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I 3. I turn on, when I’m hungry and want breakfast.

      I go out to meet my friends.


      I wake up my light, and go to sleep.


      I turn on my laptop and check my emails.


      I go out in the early morning.


      I get back in the early evening.


II 2 1) She gets up at 7 o’clock.


         She is getting up at 7 o’clock.


          Are usually watching TV in the evening?


          She’s having her lunch right now.


          Sue carries her books in her bag.

          2) When the weather is bad, I don’t go to school on foot.


               On Thursdays and Tuesdays we have clubs. I’m in the photography club.


               I am checking my e-mails and try to send some messages.














  4 1)










Brothers and sisters









Favourite day
















Parents – what – do – do- your?


What – bed – you – do – time – to – go?


You – do – what – in – afternoon – do - the?


What – evening – do – you – do – the – in?























Favourite subject
















What – bed – he – does – time – to – go?


His – what’s – favourite – subject – school –at?


He – does – what – in – afternoon – do - the?


Any – friends – does – have – he?

3) - Hi, Eva! What are doing right now?


-  Hi, Jim! I’m playing computer games with my brother.


- Cool! Are you winning at the moment?


- No, my brother is. What about you?


- I’m going to my tennis club.


- Lucky you!



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