План-конспект уроку "Святкування Пасхи"

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План-конспект уроку "Святкування Пасхи" може бути використаний для 7-9 класів в залежності від рівня володіння учнями англійською мовою. Розрозробка цього уроку дозволяє розширювати знання учнів про традиції англомовних країн та українські традиції, збільшувати словниковий запас, творчо працювати в групах, виховувати повагу до культурних надбань свого народу та народів світу, прищеплювати любов до народних звичаїв та традицій.

Перегляд файлу

                                            Lesson  plan

                                Topic: Easter celebration

                                           Святкування Пасхи


 Практична мета: Формувати навички аудіювання та читання з метою

                    розвитку фонематичного слуху та тренування фонематичної 


 Освітня мета: Розширювати  знання учнів про традиції англомовних країн

                    та українські традиції, збільшувати словниковий запас.

 Розвивальна мета: Розвивати навички монологічного викладу думок,

                    творчий  потенціал учнів на основі використання   аналізу,  порів-

                    няння та  узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

 Виховна мета: Виховувати повагу до культурних надбань свого та

                    народів світу, прищеплювати любов до народних звичаїв

                    та   традицій.


 Обладнання: НО (1-3), наочність.

 Форма уроку: урок-вистава.

                                                      Хід уроку:

I 1 Greeting and aims

   2 Warming up: T: Good morning, dear pupils, glad to see you! Today is Monday,

   yesterday was Sunday and you had a rest day. Tell  me, please,  what do you usually do at weekends.( Pupils’ answers) You spend your free  time in different ways: watching TV, playing  computer games, walking and  communicating with your friends. But all of you, I hope, like holidays. Now, who can tell me, what holiday are we going to have soon. P: Easter holidays.

II Presentation.

  1 Introduction. T: Today we’ll speak about the most important festival in the  Christian calendar. It’s Easter. So, the topic of our today’s lesson is “ Easte celebration”. We’ll discuss different traditions of celebration of this holiday in our country  and Great Britain.

   At our today’s lesson, you’ll get Easter egg and put them  into your basket for your each right answer. At the end of the lesson we’ll count your eggs and choose  the  most active and brightest pupils.

  2 Brainstorming. T: There are a lot of  holidays in Ukraine which we celebrate  

 during  the year

    Now let’s try to make “ Mind map” for the topic “ Holidays in Ukraine ”

             Fool’s Day                                                                      Easter

    Labour Day        Woman’s Day                                Makovii                Christmas

            Constitution Day                                                      

State holidays


Religious holidays


Holidays in Ukraine




   Victory Day     The New Year’s Day                    Announciation         Apple’s Spass

             Independence Day


   T: What  do you think? What religious holidays are the greatest?

   What holiday will be next Sunday?

   Let’s remember, how do Ukrainian families observe  Easter?

   What do they do during the week before Easter?

III Reading.

   Before reading activities

   Answer the questions:

   1) What do people do on Willow Sunday?

   2) What do you know about the White, Pure or Willow Week?

   While reading activities

         Read the text (HO1) and fill in the table, also you can use your knowledge

    about   this week from your daily routine.

















   - churches are closed;

   - preparation of dough;

   - pussy willow brunches are blessed;

   - all field works are finished;

   - laundry and cleaning days;

   - going to the church;

   - baking paskas (Easter cakes);

   - don’t sing, dance, laugh;

    Post reading activities

   T: Now let’s work in groups. The first group are Ukrainians,

   the second - Englishmen. Ukrainians, please, tell your foreign friends

   what you do on Easter Sunday( Telling and damonstrating) (HO2)

   In Britain people have a number of lighthearted customs. And now let’s listen

   to  our Englishmen.

   P1 “ Easter Bunny”(performance ) (HO3)

   P2  Easter game “ Egg Rolling” ( Telling and damonstrating) (HO4)

   P3 Easter game “ Egg Tapping” ( Telling and damonstrating)(HO5)

   P4,P5 Easter song “ Hot Cross Buns” ”(performance ) (HO6)


IV Reinforcement. Read and guess the riddle answers.

   1 People tap one another with them on Willow Sunday(pussy willow brunches)

   2 After the matins people exchange them(greetings)

   3 The Easter bunny is a …(rabbit)

   4 We celebrate Easter for .. days ( three )

   5 Easter is on Sunday between (the 4th of April and the 8th of March)

   6 The main Easter dishes are (coloured eggs and paskas)

   7 Easter is a first of Christ (resurrection)

   8 People usually go to … on Easter Sunday (church)

V Summing up.

VI Homework. Write a report about celebration of Easter in the past and today or

                          write the recipe of paska.


                              The week before Easter, the Great Week                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

      In Ukraine, Easter is called Velikden (The Great Day). It has been celebrated over a long period of history and has many rich folk traditions that are no longer fully preserved. The last Sunday before Easter (Palm Sunday) is called Willow Sunday (Verbna nedilia). On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church. The people tap one another with these branches, repeating the wish: ‘Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water, and as rich as the earth’.
      The week before Easter, the Great Week (Holy Week), is called the White or Pure Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all fieldwork before Thursday, since from Thursday on work is forbidden. On the evening of ‘Pure’ (also called ‘Great’ or ‘Passion’ [Strasnyi]) Thursday, the passion (strasti) service is performed, after which the people return home with lighted candles. Maundy Thursday, called ‘the Eater of the dead’ in eastern Ukraine and Russia, is connected with the cult of the dead, who are believed to meet in the church on that night for the Divine Mass.
On Passion (Strasna) Friday – Good Friday – no work is done. In some localities, the Holy Shroud (plashchanytsia) is carried solemnly three times around the church and, after appropriate services, laid out for public veneration. For three days the community celebrates to the sound of bells and to the singing of spring songs – vesnianky.


                  What do Ukrainian people do on Easter Sunday?

     Sunday- the day of Christ’s Resurrection- is a joyful occasion and many Christians prepare for it with an overnight service or “vigil”

     Easter begins with the matins and High Mass, during which Ukrainian people bless different food. They take a special basket which is decorated with embroidered napkins and spring flowers, the pasky (traditional Easter breads) and pysanky and krashanky (decorated or colored Easter eggs) are blessed in the church. Butter, lard, cheese, roast-suckling pigs, sausage, smoked meat, and little napkins containing poppy seeds, millet, salt, pepper, and horseradish are also blessed. After the matins all the people in the congregation exchange Easter greetings, give each other krashanky, and then hurry home with their baskets of blessed food.
    At home the family gathered around the table. The holiday breakfast started with a prayer and traditional Easter greeting: “ Khrystos voskres!” ( Jesus is risen ) The answer is “ Voistenno voskres” ( Truly risen ) After this greeting, people kiss each other three times. The first part of the meal was a slice of paska. Then people played navbytky. The one whose egg hasn’t crashed is the winner. Then Ukrainians eat, sing songs-vesnyanky and exchange Easter greetings. Easter is a feast of joy and gladness.







                                                Easter Bunny

     Hello! I’m Easter  Bunny, which symbolises new life. Children in England believe that I come to their houses, bring coloured eggs and hide them everywhere at night before Easter.

     On Easter morning children and adults start looking for the hidden eggs. This custom has grown into a fascinating game called “ Egg Hunt” But now this tradition is combined with chocolate eggs. The first chocolate eggs were made in 1873.



                                               Egg Rolling

    The other popular  Easter game is Egg Rolling. In old England it was a custom to roll eggs down a hill at the Spring festival to imitate the movement of the Sun coming back into the lives of people after dark and cold winter. Playing it, children take eggs and roll them down hill. The child with an unbroken egg is the winner.



                                              Egg Tapping

    Another game which is well-known in our country is Egg Tapping. At Easter day we tap eggs one against the other. The person finishing with an unbroken egg, win.




                                 Easter song “ Hot Cross Buns

     Hot cross buns stand out from other Easter delicacies for their religious flavor. A prominent Easter icon, hot cross bun is called so because of the icing cross on the top of the bun, which reminds people of the crucifixion of Jesus. Hot cross buns were first baked in England to be served as the traditional Good Friday breakfast. Nowadays, they are served throughout the Easter season.
Besides being culinary delights, hot cross buns are believed to be protecting people from evil spirits and having a magical power of curing. Which is why, in ancient times, people used to hang these buns on the kitchen ceilings. The popularity of hot cross buns has given birth to a popular song of the same name. Street vendors used to sing a song when they went around selling their hot cross buns. This song, "Hot Cross Buns", is now a favorite nursery rhyme for children.


Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters
Give them to your sons
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.




28 червня 2018
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