Розробка уроку "Британський стиль життя"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови для 7 класу "British style" допоможе краще ознайомитися з британським стилем життя
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Тема: Британський стиль життя


Мета:   -     Ознайомити учнів з особливостями британського стилю життя.

  • Розвивати навички читання та усного мовлення на основі текстів підручника.
  • Ознайомити та опрацювати в усному та писемному мовленні лексичний матеріал з теми.


Обладнання: Підручник автора О. Карпюк 7 клас, дошка, мультимедійний комплекс, картки.


Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент.


Good afternoon, dear pupils. Glad to meet you today. Who is absent today? What is the matter with herhim?


II. Введення в мовленнєве середовище.


To start our lesson we are going to do a little warm up. Let us fill in the so called name shields. In the middle of the shield, write: “British lifestyle”. In the upper left-hand corner: “Do you know the name of the famous English clock?”, in the upper right-hand corner: “Do you know the name of the most famous English meal?”, in the lower left-hand corner: “How do the British call the first floor?”, in the lower right-hand corner: “Is attic in the lower or in the upper part of the house?”


Now think of possible answers, face your partner and answer the questions in the shield.

Take turns.

Change your partners.

Report the answers.


III. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Your task was to do exercise 3. Let us practice it in pairs. Face each other and take turns. Does anybody want to retell the text? Please. We are going to check your knowledge in the written way. Fill in the gaps with the missing words.


The card:

Mary and Chris came to the McBrights’________. Mrs. McBright showed them their _______. Next to their room there is a______ ______. Sarah ______they will be comfortable down ______.  The McBrights are having ______in half an hour. The girls can have a little ______.

(Peer checking).


IV. Ознайомлення з новим матеріалом. Робота з текстом “McBrightshouse

The pre-reading task:

  • Let us revise the difference between the words ‘home’ and ‘house’.
  • What words can go with the word ‘house’ (Exercise 4 p. 97)

The-while reading task: read the text and find the following information:

  • What rooms are there on the upper floors of the house?
  • What does the room for guests include?

The post-reading task:

  • Checking the while-task;
  • PowerPoint presentation ‘Houses in Britain’

Робота з діалогом (Exercise 6 p. 98)

Now let us come back to the McBrights’ house. Mary and Christina meet the McBrights’ children.

The Pre-reading task:

Pay attention to the following words:

Brussels sprouts – брюссельська капуста;

Delicious – дуже смачний;

Pie – пиріг.

The while-reading task:

While reading find out what surprise Mrs. McBright has prepared for the guests.

The post-reading task:

  • Checking the while-reading task;
  • PowerPoint presentation ‘Pudding’

V. Розвиток навичок письма. Рухливий диктант.

The pupils are divided into groups of three. Each group chooses a writer. The other two members are runners. There are texts fixed on the wall in different parts of the classroom. The runners memorize the text part by part, go to the writer and dictate it to him. The fastest group is the winner. (Correctness is also taken into account)

The texts.

  1. Christmas is the most important festival in Britain. It goes on for three days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
  2. There are a lot of Christmas traditions. Buying presents, cooking turkey and decorating Christmas tree are done on the Christmas Eve.
  3.  Opening presents, going to church, singing carols and having Christmas dinner are the things that are done on Christmas Day.

VI. Підведення підсумків уроку. Домашнє завдання. (Exercise 8 page 98 )









25 квітня 2020
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