розробка уроку для 5 класу "Holidays in the USA"

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено в рамках роботи над проблемою "Формування критичного мислення на уроках англійської мови" в умовах роботи в НУШ, за підручником Prepare/
Перегляд файлу

Olga Osolodkova

Lesson #37 CULTURE. HOLIDAYS IN THE USA                                        15.11.2022

Form 5-B                                                                                                                       

Мета: навчальна: повторити лексичні одиниці, пов’язані  з темою Свята, ввести нові лексичні одиниці (vocabulary); надати інформацію про свята в США, використовувати інформацію для комунікації; закріпити навички вживання вивчених граматичних часів;

розвивальна: розвивати фонематичний слух, навички аудіювання, увагу, короткотривалу та довготривалу пам’ять;

виховна: виховувати ввічливість у спілкуванні, здатність до ведення полікультурного діалогу;

формувати інформаційно-цифрову компетентність (вивчення мови з використанням ІКТ), уміння вчитися впродовж життя (сміливість у використання іноземної мови, наполегливість, внутрішня мотивація та впевненість в успіху), предметну компетентність (здатність спілкуватись іноземною мовою), соціальну компетентність (співпрацювати з іншими на результат, спілкуючись іноземною мовою).

Vocabulary: turkey, pie, burgers, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, the American flag, a parade, fireworks, a barbeque.

Resources: notebook, google work space, jamboard presentation, mentimeter, student’s book, audio files to the student’s book.

Lesson progress


T: Hello everyone! (students’ answers)

T: How are you? (students’ answers)

T: Glad to see you! Today is Tuesday, the 15th of November. And I think it’s time to start our classwork.

Motivation. Slide 1

T: Today we are going to have an interesting lesson, to know more and to have fun at the same time! November is the last autumn month. In autumn we say goodbye to summer, students get back to school, and at the same time we have a lot of holidays. America has got a lot of holidays, too. So we are too close to the topic of our lesson.





Aim and topic of the lesson. Slide 2. Mentimeter

T: Can you look at the picture and write what is the topic of our lesson? For this use the link in the chat.

(Students: Holidays in the USA.) mentimeter


  presentation (cloud of tags)

The teacher reads the words from the word cloud.

T: Wow! The right answer is “Holidays in the USA”. I think it is a great start!

Warming up. Vocabulary. Slide 3. Track 61.

Look at the photos 1–4. Listen and repeat the words.

The American flag, a parade, fireworks, a barbeque.


Speaking. Work in pairs. Slide 4

Ask and  answer the questions.

1 What colours is the American flag?

2 Do we have parades on Independence Day in Ukraine?

3 Are there fireworks on Independence Day or New Year in our country?

4 Do you like barbecues? When?

T: Thank you for your answers. You are brilliant.

I see that you know Ukrainian holidays well. And now I suggest you learn some interesting facts about American holidays.

The first step is to read a factfile Holidays in the USA. Let’s start.

Reading/ Listening . Slide 5

a) Cross cultural  material. Read the web page. Factfile “Holidays in the USA”

On public holidays, schools and offices close. There are about ten public holidays in the United States of America (the USA). People do different things to celebrate these holidays. People also eat different food on different holidays. Some public holidays in the USA are: ★ Thanksgiving ★ Independence Day ★ Labor Day ★ Martin Luther King Day.

T: Thank you very much. The next step is to listen to the boys and girls who are talking about holiday’s traditions.






b) Listen and read the information from the web-page. Track 62.

Slides 6-7-8.



T: Let’s sum up the information about American holidays. And tick what happens on these days. Slide 9



1 Martin Luther King Day

2 Independence Day

3 Thanksgiving

a family meal




a barbecue




a parade









T: Now Let’s check. Well done!  Slide 10


T: And now let’s give our eyes some rest. Follow the dot.

Warming up. Follow the dot. Slide 11



T: Great job! Let’s listen one more time and match the day and the date of the holiday.

Slide 12. Track 62. https://publishing.linguist.ua/prepareclasscd/




Match the day and the date of the holiday.

Martin Luther King Day

the Thanksgiving

Independence Day

the third Monday in January

the fourth Thursday in November

the fourth of July


T: You are great! But every holiday has its own traditional food. Put the letters in the correct order to find the traditional dishes.


Writing. Slide 13

Put the letters in the correct order and write the food words.


1 o n c r  


2 i p e


3 t w s e e t o t a p o e s

sweet potatoes

4 t k y e r u


5 g u r b r e


T: Very good! To get to know the American holidays better I suggest you do the Project.


Offline task. PROJECT. Slide 14

T: Write a web page about a holiday in an English-speaking country. Use the questions as headings. Answer the questions on the web page. Find photos or draw pictures for your web page.

• When is the holiday?

• What is the holiday for?

• What special things do people do?

• What special food do people eat?

Present the web page to the class. I will be waiting for your presentations at the next lesson.

Do you have any questions about the project?

Summing up. Slide 15

T: I’m very thankful for your job at the lesson today. You have very good marks and you will see them in your diaries.  I’m sure you are able to speak about the USA holidays now.

I want you to send emotions in the chat or just show them on camera, also you can draw on the jamboard.

Ok! Good! Great!

Thanks for the lesson, see you on Wednesday. Goodbye!




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