Клас : 7А
Дата: 03.12.2019р.
Тема: Написання рецептів. Улюблена страва.
Цілі: - активізувати лексику теми;
інших народів;
Предметні та ключові компетентності:
Обладнання: підручник для 7 класу О.Д.Карпюк, зошит, словник, відео “How to make Ukrainian borsch”, “6 Amazing Cooking Tricks”, роздатковий матеріал (картки), випереджувальне завдання (рольова гра – діалог), картки для самооцінювання, проект кулінарної книги.
Очікувані результати: учні вмітимуть вживати лексику теми в усному та писемному мовленні, сприймати на слух тематичний текст, презентувати власні рецепти улюблених страв, створювати кулінарну книгу з рецептами улюблених страв.
Перебіг уроку
The theme of the lesson is “Writing recipes”. And to find out the motto of the lesson you should put the words in the correct order:
“When working follow the directions. When cooking go by your own taste”.
And today we’ll practice telling your favourite recipes. So you’ll develop speaking skills, practice reading, practice and develop listening skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to present your favourite recipes and make a Cookery Book “15 Yummy Things to Cook and Eat”
One student begins by saying a sentence and the next student in turn adds a word to the sentence, repeating what has gone before in the same order.
(A client is given a dirty menu.)
Client: How do you do?
Waiter: How do you do? Welcome to our restaurant.
Client: Thank you. Can you give me a menu, please?
Waiter: Here it is, sir. We have everything on the menu, sir.
Client: (makes a wry face) So, I see. How about a clean one?
P1: P2:
Physical warming up “1 and 2 and 3 and 4….”
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
Answer the questions.
Listen and watch the video. While listening write down the steps of cooking borscht into your cards.
Boil some meat for 20 minutes |
Peel and cut potatoes. Boil for 15 minutes |
Cut the cabbage and boil for 10 minutes |
Chop 1 onion and fry it with some oil. |
Grate 2 carrots and 2 beetroots. Mix with the onion. |
Add 2 spoons of tomato sauce |
Add a pinch of salt and pour the mixture into the pan |
Add 2 spoons of sour cream |
Cut some parsley and dill. Your borscht is ready! |
Take the pictures of borscht ingredients. Say what you should do with them before putting into the pot. Stick them to the pot in the right order.
So watch the video. (https://youtu.be/af3dEbAd4Os)
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
May success attend you in learning English, in cooking and in producing projects as well.