Розробка уроку до теми "Новий рік. Різдво"

Про матеріал

Під час уроку учні зможуть активізувати вивчені раніше лексичні та граматичні структури, ознайомитись з новим маиеріалом та закріпити його під час виконання практичних завдань.

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Age group:  

7-8 years



Number of Lessons a Week:     2

How lesson fit in the syllabus: Unit 5 "Holidays" (Alla Nesvit / Oksana Karpiuk)

Objectives:              - to review vocabulary on appearance, colours, clothes and holidays, 

- to revise questions and short answer forms using ‘has got’


- by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to ask questions and give short answers using "have got";  - they will be able to make a project (write a postcard).


40 minutes 


1. A large picture of Santa Claus, melody tune of 'Jingle Bells'  2. A small outline photocopy of Santa for each student .

3.  Flashcards and word cards for vocabulary trousers, jacket, hat, gloves, boots, mittens, belt

4.  Blutak or magnets 







Stages, time

Teacher's activity

Learners' activity


Stage aims

Stage 1 – Introducing


5 minutes

1.1.     Teach the following words to the tune of 'Jingle Bells' 

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus is here. 

Bringing toys for girls and boys

And lots of Christmas cheer.'  

Sing a song

Teacherlearners (whole class)

To lead-in

1.2.     Show the class picture of Santa and introduce him. 'This is …' (eliciting Santa)

Describe his features and clothes, miming them and eliciting He's got a big head. He's got a beard.


Guess and say


To review vocabulary for colours and

describing faces 


1.3.     Point to his other features and elicit: 

He's got blue eyes. He's got a small nose. 

He's got a big mouth. He's got small ears.


Name parts of the body








Stage 2 – Introducing clothes words 

8 minutes

2.1. Say 'Now let's look at his clothes'. Put the word cards for his clothes on the board. Show the hat picture, asking 'What's this?'.  Ask 'What colour is Santa's hat?' 

Reinforce, saying 'He's got a red hat.'




Answer 'A hat'

'It's red.'


To review vocabulary for clothes 


2.2 Ask a student to come to the board. 

Continue this with the other clothes words. Do this a couple of times until all the students have had a chance to come to the board. 


Come up to the board and put the flashcard next to the appropriate word card on the board.


2.3. Put the flashcards on the board in a column and number each one. Display the word cards next to the flash cards in the same way, but make sure the words do not match the pictures. Label each word card with a letter. Ask the students to take out their copybooks and  match the words and pictures (i.e. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c etc.) This is a good quick way of checking that they have assimilated the vocabulary. 




Stage 3 – Focus on


10 minutes

3.1. Leave the word cards on the board so the students can copy the spelling. Show the flashcards one by one and ask them to copy the appropriate word in their copybooks. Check the words one by one. 

Copy the words



Focus on vocabulary and spelling

3.2. Explain that the students are going to label a picture of Santa. Hand out the small outline drawing you have prepared and tell the students to write the clothes words in the appropriate place. Go round monitoring, helping where necessary as this activity is not meant to be a test. 


Write the clothes words in the appropriate place. Colour the picture when they have finished.



Check the comprehension

Stage 4 –  Focus on


2 minutes

Show the class your picture of Santa again and ask

'Has he got a black belt?' Encourage the pupils to reply.

Reply not just 'Yes', but 'Yes he has.', 'No he hasn't.'

Pair work with their handouts

To teach or review ‘has got’ in the question and short answer form

Stage 5 - 

Communication practice 10 minutes

5.1. Encourage the students to produce a sentence like 'He's got black boots.' 'He's got red mittens.' 'He's got a red hat.' 


Produce a sentence describing the picture of Santa they have labelled



5.2. Demonstrate, using the board, that you want them to write down the sentence they produce about their picture. You need to model the spelling of anything they write; it is simpler to put any words they might need on the board, and write down one or two sentences as examples. 


Write down the sentence they produce about their picture.



To practise speaking skills and write a short sentence

Stage 6 –

Assessment and Feedback 

3 minutes


Assess and provide feedback

Share their feelings


To provide feedback

Stage 7 –  Home task 

2 minutes



Give hometask

The children make a Christmas card for their parents, using a picture of Santa to decorate the card. 

Once they have coloured the picture, they stick it on the front of the card and write their Christmas message inside the card. 




To make a postcard


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
25 березня 2018
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