Презентація "Willam Shakespear and The Globe Theatre "

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Номер слайду 1

Willam Shakespear and The Globe Theatre Урок англійської мови в 8- Б класі Вчитель Гамаргаєва І. О.

Номер слайду 2

Мета уроку: прививати інтерес до країни, мову якої вивчаємо; розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення та аудіювання; практикувати учнів у самостійному читанні тексту, розвивати навички і вміння роботи з текстовими завданнями. Завдання уроку: повторити вивчений матеріал з теми “Лондон , перевірити рівень сформованості навичок; ознайомити учнів з новою інформацією про Шекспіра та театр “Глобус”; формувати нові знання і вміння з читання, діалогічного мовлення. Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, слайди про Лондон, Шекспіра та театру “Глобус”; слайди з тестовими завданнями до текстів та картки з завданнями. Методи та прийоми проведення уроку: використання мультимедійної дошки, тестових завдань, монологічне та діалогічне мовлення учнів, складання туристичних маршрутів по місту.

Номер слайду 3

The Globe Theatre

Номер слайду 4

Listening The Globe Theatre. London was very different in Shakerspear`s time. The river was crowded with boats transporting people and goods. The air was thick with chimney smoke. But there is one place that isn`t different. It`s the famouse Globe Theatre. Shakespear wrote many plays which were performed there. The Globe was built in 1599. It was made of wood and it had no roof. Today`s theatre is not an original one, but it`s an exact reconstruction . The original Globe burnt down in 1613 . The new Globe was built between 1987-1997. The design, the material and the location are exactly the same.

Номер слайду 5

Listening The Globe Theatre. Listen and say if the statements are true or false according to the text. Explain your choice. Correct the false sentences. The new Globe Theatre opened in London at the end of the 20th centure It`s a modern theatre. It is made of wood and it has no roof. William Shakespeare was a director of this theatre. The original Globe Theatre was destroyed by the fire more than 400 years ago FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE

Номер слайду 6

The Globe Theatre (Original) Reading

Номер слайду 7

The Globe was one of the oldest 1 . It seated about 1500 people. The richest of them watched the play 2 Spectators who were not as rich stood on the ground near the stage . It was 3 because the stage was as high as a man. The other spectators sat in galleries. The seats were wooden benches. But you could buy a cushion 4 During the play vendors wandered around 5 Part 1 I. Read and choose the best phrase from (A-F) to fill in the gaps 1-5 to complete the text. There is one choice you do not need to use. A - not very convenient. B - to eat during the interval. C - theatres in London D - selling food and drinks. E - to make it more comfortable. F - sitting on the stage. theatres in London sitting on the stage. not very convenient to make it more comfortable. selling food and drinks.

Номер слайду 8

playhouse - performance - audience - pillow - sellers - walked - II. Find in the text the words which mean the same: theatre play spectators cushion vendors wandered around 1.About one thousand and a half viewers could watch the performance. 2.People used pillows to sit on. 3.During the show the audience could buy something to eat and drink. III. Find the sentences in the text the contents of which are alike the following:

Номер слайду 9

1.The stage was 2.The seats were wooden 3.During the play vendors wandered around selling where the richest people could sit. where else the spectators could sit. where the viewers who were not rich sat. IV. Correct the sentences according to the text: as high as a man very low chairs. benches souvenirs. food and drinks V. Find sentences in the text which give information about:

Номер слайду 10

Part 2 … waved about the playhouse. …curtains on stage. …to use their imagination. I. Read the text and find sentences which explain the reason why: II. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

Номер слайду 11

William Shakespeare, a world famous playwright, worked at the Globe and made it famous. Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. They were always popular, even now you can watch his plays at the theatres in your city. (b) The Globe became famous because Shakespeare worked there. Part 3 I. Read the text and choose the sentences which correspond to the facts given in the text: (a) William Shakespeare is a world – famous actor. 1. (b) William Shakespeare performed in thirty-seven plays. 2. (a) The Globe theatre made Shakespeare famous. (b) William Shakespeare is an outstanding playwright (a) Thirty-seven plays were written by William Shakespeare. 3.

Номер слайду 12

In London, England you 1 once again 2 Shakespeare’s 3 at Shakespeare’s Globe. This is a new theatre 4 in 1997 and it 5 exactly the same as the Globe of Shakespeare’s time. A B C D 1 may must could 2 see to watch watched 3 play played playing 4 build was built has built 5 look is looking looked Read and fill in the gaps with the correct variant (A,B,C or D) to form a grammatically correct text: Part 4 can watch plays built looks can watch plays built looks

Номер слайду 13

1. It seated about 1500 people. 2. During the show a flag waved above the playhouse. 3.William Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. 4. The new Globe Theatre was built in 1997. 5. You can watch Shakespeare’s plays at the Globe Theatre. 2. Imagine that you are a presenter of the radio programme. Think of the questions to get the following answers. Pay attention to the underlined words:

Номер слайду 14

F) At Shakespeare’s Globe there were no decoration on the stage. The concluding task. 1. Make the summary of the text putting the following sentences into the correct order. Remember! You should find the sentences giving the same information in the text, underline them and order. A) In Shakespeare’s time women didn’t play on stage. B) People could stand around the stage or sit in galleries on t he wooden benches. C) William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which are popular nowadays. E) The Globe is one of the oldest theatres in London . D) A flag always waved above the playhouse during the performance

Номер слайду 15

A) In Shakespeare’s time women didn’t play on stage. B) People could stand around the stage or sit in galleries on the wooden benches. C) William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which are popular nowadays. D) A flag always waved above the playhouse during the performance E) The Globe is one of the oldest theatres in London . F) At Shakespeare’s Globe there were no decoration on the stage. The concluding task.

Номер слайду 16

The Globe was one of the oldest theatres in London. It seated about 1500 people. The richest of them watched the play sitting on the stage. Spectators who were not as rich stood on the ground near the stage .It was not very convenient because the stage was as high as a man. The other spectators sat in galleries. The seats were wooden benches. But you could buy a cushion to make it more comfortable. During the play vendors wandered around selling food and drink. Four hundred years ago only men played in the theatre. Young boys played female characters. During the show a flag waved above the playhouse. There were no lamps in the Globe, so the actors played only in daylight. There were no curtains on the stage. They did not use scenery or furniture. Sometimes they used signs like «forest» or «castle» instead. The audience really had to use their imagination! William Shakespeare, a world famous playwright, worked at the Globe and made it famous. Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. They were always popular, even now you can watch his plays at the theatres in your city. In London, England you can once again watch Shakespeare’s plays at Shakespeare’s Globe. This is a new theatre built in 1997 and looks exactly the same as the Globe of Shakespeare’s time. The Globe Playhouse

Номер слайду 17

William Shakespeare

Номер слайду 18

Stredford on Avon - the birthplace of Shakespeare

Номер слайду 19

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Номер слайду 22

Номер слайду 23

Museum of Shakespeare

Номер слайду 24

Thank you for your attention!

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