Розробка уроку на тему "The importance of English. English as a Global language"

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Розробка уроку присвяченого дню англійської мови на тему:"English as a Global language". Формування лексико-граматичних навичок вживання умовних речень та розвиток навичок читання.

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Вікритий урок на тему : «The importance of learning English. English as a global language”.


Level/Class: 9



Teaching Objectives:

1. Learn new words and practice reading and grammar skills

2. Enrich the general outlook and learning motivation, show the importance of English.

3. Improving memory

Teaching Aids and Materials: presentation, video, hands-outs.


The Type of the Lesson: reading-skills formation




I. Preparation for apprehension foreign speech

1. Greeting Giving Lesson objectives.

Вчитель вітається з учнями і пропонує учням поспілкуватись у парах пригадуючи типові повсякденні вирази (How are you? /Im fine/Fantastic! Not so well/ and you?/Hope everything is OK, isn’t it?/How are the things?/You look really fantastic today!/ thanks etc.

Вчитель повідомляє тему уроку та завдання (мета уроку).


2. Warming- up: Tongue twister :”Elizabeth birthday is on the third Thursday of this month”.(3 min.)

Вивчення скоромовки. Вчитель записує скоромовку на дошці і витирає по одному слову, пропонуючи учням прочитати її, пригадуючи пропущене слово, доки на дошці не залишиться одне слово з скоромовки.

II. The basic part of the lesson.  

  1. Pre- reading activity.
  1. Introduction of new vocabulary. Reading and guessing the meaning of the words.(5 min) вчитель  презентує новий матеріал з опорою на наглядність (презентація)
  2. Ex. 1 a (hand-outs); (2-3 хв.) учні працюють з роздадковим матеріалом виконуючи завдання з новим лексичним матеріалом.
  3. What is an international language? What English speaking countries do you know? (2 min) Учні відповідають на запитання. А потім порівнюють відповіді з інформацією на слайді.
  4. Presentation 8-9 slides


  1. Reading activity.

A)Text arrangement.( 5 min) B) True-false activity ex. 1  hand-outs; (2-3 min)

  1. Summing –up the information taken from the text. Slides 10-11 (3 min) Учні відповідають на запитання, які з’являються на слайді.
  2. Grammar point. Conditionals 1-2.  (1-2 min)

Учні виконують завдання на картках, вживаючи структури умовного речення 1 та 2 типу.

Ex. 2 (hand-outs). Making sentences. Reading the sentences. (3 min)

  1. Video-excursion around London. Ex. 3 (hands-outs)

Учні переглядають відео і помічають у картках назви побачених місць.

Потім зачитують, звертаючи увагу на правильну вимову слів.


III. The final part of the lesson

What have you learned today?

Did you like the idea of English learning?

Would you like to visit London?

Учні пригадують основні завдання уроку і чому вони навчилися, що нового дізнались, аналізують свою роботу на уроці.

1. Homework: Do the task at blog.(відповідь на питання по тексту) Learn the words.


2. Summarizing

Praising the pupils. Evaluation.

3. Saying “goodbye”






How English became the global language?

People often talk about English as a global language or lingua franca.  More than 350 million people around the world speak English as a first language and more than 430 million SPEAK it as a second language, there are English speakers in most countries around the world. Why is English so popular, though? And why has it become a global language?
People often call English the international language of  BUSINESS.  Most multinational companies NEED a good English knowledge so, more and people are learning English. English is a language of science or medicine. Much of the technical research reports are published in English.
English also opens doors in the academic world. Of course, if the best program in your field is in an English-speaking country, English will give you the opportunity to study with the top scholars. As well as studying and teaching, visiting international conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in academia.
Journalists and writers around the world need a good command of English. With good English you can get background material from international wire services and papers and magazines from around the world. You can interview foreign businessmen, diplomats and maybe even get sent to cover overseas stories. Good English skills mean that you can work faster and more accurately with English information sources.
If you want a career in travel, English is absolutely essential. As the international language of aviation, pilots and cabin crew all need to speak English.
So, what’s stopping you from learning this global language? Pick up a book, learn a few words, or even start a course today and take your first steps towards becoming one of nearly 800 million English speakers in the world.


academic world- науковий світ

crew - команда

scholars - вчені

success - успіх

a career - кар’єра

global language - міжнародна мова

Journalists and writers –журналісти та письменники

lingua franca - міжнародна мова

multinational- міжнародний

essential - необхідний

second language - друга мова

foreign journals -  іноземні журнали

key steps - основні кроки

technical research reports - технічні наукові звіти

a language of science or medicine - мова науки та медицини

publish - публікувати
a good command of English- гарні знання з англ..мови

background material- базовий матеріал

pick up- взяти

wire services- інтернет- сервіси




Card 1

How English became the global language?

Task: Read the text and arrange the text in the correct order, marking it A, B, C, D.


              People often talk about English as a global language or lingua franca.  More than 350 million people around the world speak English as a first language and more than 430 million SPEAK it as a second language, there are English speakers in most countries around the world. Why is English so popular, though? And why has it become a global language?


               People often call English the international language of  BUSINESS.  Most multinational companies NEED a good English knowledge so, more and people are learning English. English is a language of science or medicine. Much of the technical research reports are published in English.
English also opens doors in the academic world. Of course, if the best program in your field is in an English-speaking country, English will give you the opportunity to study with the top scholars. As well as studying and teaching, visiting international conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in academia.


                Journalists and writers around the world need a good command of English. With good English you can get background material from international wire services and papers and magazines from around the world. You can interview foreign businessmen, diplomats and maybe even get sent to cover overseas stories. Good English skills mean that you can work faster and more accurately with English information sources.
If you want a career in travel, English is absolutely essential. As the international language of aviation, pilots and cabin crew all need to speak English.

               So, what’s stopping you from learning this global language? Pick up a book, learn a few words, or even start a course today and take your first steps towards becoming one of nearly 800 million English speakers in the world.







Card 2

Ex. 1

  1. Match the words with their meaning:


A good command of English








A career


Мережа, інтернет


Wire services










Учений світ


Academic world


Гарні знання англ.. мови





  1. True/False activity.
  1. Lingua franca means a global language.
  2. English is popular because it is spoken in many countries.
  3. English doesn’t give you a chance to study with the top scholars.
  4. English is helpful in a good career.
  5. Pilots never speak English at work.
  6. All journalists have good English skills.




Ex. 2 Finish the sentences choosing the appropriate ending:

If I study English


If I learn/study English

I can

I will

I would

I could

get a better job in future.

go abroad and get a well-paid job.

If I know/speak English

go travelling all over the world.

feel important.

If knew English

teach it other people.

live in the USA/ UK/Australia/Canada

If I learned English

speak with my friends in English.

understand all my favorite songs and films in English.


Ex. 3. Choose the sightseeing you ‘ve noticed  watching the video:

Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Eye, Madam Tussauds,

Tower Bridge, The Tames, Hampton Court Palace,  Shakespeare’s Globe theatre,  Royal Albert Hall,  Wembley  Stadium, Royal Observatory Greenwich, the Tower of London, the Science Museum, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Windsor Castle, London Subway


Середня оцінка розробки
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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Корольова Алла Лазарівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 липня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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