Розробка уроку на тему: " Здоров'я"

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                   Health Care                                       


Topic: At the doctor’s
Level: Pre - Intermediate                                                                                                                                                                      


- to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic

- to develop listening for gist

- to develop culture of communication

Activity: listening, reading exercises: matching activity, interactive activity, writing activity, speaking – giving own opinion about the subject.

Equipment: the course book “Success” Pre – Intermediate, handouts.


I Warm - up

II Main Part:

1. Listening Activities:

     1.1 Before Listening

      1.2 While Listening

      1.3 After Listening

2 Speaking Activity

3. Reading and Writing Activity

III Final Part:

1. Home Task Aid

2. Mark Motivation




I. Warm – up: Review some vocabulary on the topic, work in pairs and try to answer the qnestions:

- What do you do when you feel ill?

- When do we have to call a doctor?

- What does the doctor examine?

- What does the diagnose?

-  How often do you go to the dentist?

II. Main Part:

1. Listening Activities:

1.1 Before Listening Activity

     The students get cards with words and phrases and try to give the explanation of these words and phrases.

      Pain, one’s nose is running, to hurt, headache, stomach – ache, sore throat, oculist, flu, dentist.

1.2 While Listening Activity

Students listen to the text and check if there were right answering the questions at the beginning of the lesson (warming up).

When we are ill, we call the doctor and he examines us and diagnoses the illness (or disease). When we have a headache, a stomach – ache, a sore throat, a cold or a pain in some part of our body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart , our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have a pain (the part of the body which hurts us) and tells us what is the matter with us. He says “You have a slight temperature”, or “ You have the flu” or “You have caught a cold” or “You have heart disease”.

1.3 After Listening

Answer the questions.

1) When do people most often feel ill with flu?

2) What are the symptoms of the flu? Do you sneeze and cough?

3) Have you ever fallen ill with flu?

4) Was your nose running?

5) Did you have a high temperature?

6) Did you have a fever?

7)Did you call a doctor?

2. Speaking Activity

A visit to the doctor. Work in groups.

The students in two teams get cards with parts of the phrases and try to match them.

What’s the…….                                    matter?

I have an……                                         awful headache.

I have a high…..                                      temperature.  

I’m …..                                                   quite ill.

I’m afraid I’ve…..                                   caught a cold.

The tooth gives…..                                  me a sharp pain.

I consulted……                                        a doctor.

I have a…….                                            splitting headache.

Where’s the nearest…..                            hospital?

How shall I……                                       call a doctor?

Please, shall I…..                                      call the ambulance?

I have a bad……                                       pain in my foot.

3. Reading and Writing Activity.

Read the text and fill in the necessary words.

I had a stomach______ (ache) last week and feel  ill, so I went to the doctor’s. The receptionist took my_______(temperature) and I sat in the______(waiting room) until she told me it was my turn. I entered the surgery and the doctor_______(examined) me. Then he said that I should take some_______(pills). He gave me a________(prescription) and handed it in at the_______(chemist’s). After taking pills for several days I felt much_______(better), though I had to________(stay in bed / keep my bed) for three days.

Write down the new words, phrases and sentences.

I feel seedy-                              

I’m now hot, now cold-

I feel stiff-

I feel my temperature is rising-

It’s hard to swallow-

To gargle-

To give somebody instant relief-

Chemist’s shop-


Work in pairs. Role play the dialogue.

Read and dramatize the dialogue:

S1. What’s the matter?

S2. I feel seedy. I must have caught a cold.

S1. What troubles you? You look pale.

S2. I’m now hot, now cold. I feel stiff. I feel my temperature is rising.

S1. Have you a headache or a sore throat?


S2. I have a sore throat. It’s hard to swallow.                                                                                                                                 

S1. If you have a sore throat I advise you to make a mixture for the throat. Then you must gargle every two hours. This mixture will give you instant relief.

S2. Must I take the mixture for the throat myself or take it at the chemist’s shop?

S1. You can make such mixture yourself. It’s very easy to make it. Take a glass of hot water, put a teaspoonful of tea soda, a teaspoonful of salt and 5 drops of iodine there. The mixture for the throat is ready. 

S2. Oh, it’s very kind of you. I’m very thankful to you for your advice. I’ll follow your advice by all means.

S1. Don’t mention it. But I recommend you to call the doctor.


III Final Part:


Match the problems with the advice.


1) I’ve got a headache                              a) You shouldn’t smoke so much

2) I’ve got a cough                                   b) You shouldn’t eat so much

3) I’m always tired                                   c) You shouldn’t take an aspirin

4) I’m getting fat                                      d) You oughtn’t to go to bed so late / 

5) I’ve got a stuffy nose                                You shouldn’t go to bed so late.

6) Mary has cut her hand                          e) You should put some antiseptic on it.

          f) Use some nasal spray.



Home Task Aid

Make up dialogues using new words and phrases.


Marks Motivation.