​Розробка уроку на тему «Їжа. Улюблені страви»

Про матеріал

Topic: Food. Favourite dishes



to summarize and systematize pupils' knowledge on the topic;

to develop listening, reading, writing skills;

to develop the pupils' pair and group communicative skills;

to practise pupils' project work.


to widen the pupils' outlook;

to bring up pupils as hard-working persons.


to develop memory;

to develop attention, quick reaction, interests, artistic abilities.

Equipment: a blackboard, pictures on the topic “Food”, a tape-recorder, a multimedia board

Time: 45 minutes.


I. Preliminaries

1. Introducing the topic and the aim of the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children!

Pupils: Good afternoon, dear teacher!

Teacher: I'm glad to see yоu.Are you ready to start our lesson?

Let's start. Sit down, please.

As you know, we'll studying a very interesting and popular topic. It is “Food.”. We can't imagine our life without food. Food is the staff of our life. We live not to eat but eat to live. You know such a good proverb, I think.

Today at the lesson we'll talk about your likes and dislikes in food, recite rhymes, develop your listening, reading,writing and speaking .

2. Warming up.

a) Phonetic drills.

Teacher: Children! Imagine we're in a food train where we can see many products. Our train is going to a very tasty “Food Country”. Let's see what the train is bringing. Listen to the chant and repeat every line after me.

(Pupils repeat the chant after the teacher.)



1.Children! What products have you heard?

2.What do you like among them?

3.What do you not like?

4.What can we fry ?

5. What can we bake ?

c)Teacher: Boys and girls! What rhymes about food do you know? (Pupils recite their rhymes.)

Teacher: Thank you. Good for you.

d)Lexical drills.

Teacher: And now I've got a very funny rhyme for you. You'll finish the lines like real poets. Are you poets? Let's see.

I am Sam. I like … (jam)

I am Bruce. I like … (juice)

I am Sophie. I like … (coffee)

He is Tony. He likes … (macaroni)

She is Betty. She likes … (spaghetti)

He is Lee. He likes … (tea)

Teacher: How clever you are! You are real poets. Thanks.

II. Main part.

1.Listening skills.


III. Підручник с.38 and do the task. (перекладають)

The task: listen to the dialogue and choose a), b) or c).

Speaking skills. Pair communicative skills.

Teacher: Children! Now I want to have a talk about Ukrainian food with you. I have some questions and you'll answer them.

1.How many meals a day have you got?

2.What is breakfast time in Ukraine?

3.What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?

4.What are your favourite dishes?

5.What are your favourite drinks?

6.What are Ukrainian popular dishes?

7.Are you a good or bad eater?

(Pupils answer)

4. Grammar material

Teacher: I see you are not tired now. It's time to have some grammar material .



You've worked very well. You've got such marks for your work at the lesson…..

Children! What have we done at our today's lesson?

Thanks. The lesson is over. Good luck.


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розробка уроку на тему

«Їжа. Улюблені страви»


Topic: Food. Favourite dishes



  • to summarize and systematize pupils’ knowledge on the topic;
  • to develop listening, reading, writing skills;
  • to develop the pupils’ pair and group communicative skills;
  • to practise pupils’ project work.


  • to widen the pupils’ outlook;
  • to bring up pupils as hard-working persons.


  • to develop memory;
  • to develop attention, quick reaction, interests, artistic abilities.

Equipment: a blackboard, pictures on the topic “Food”, a tape-recorder, a multimedia board

Time: 45 minutes.










I.  Preliminaries

1.  Introducing the topic and the aim of the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children!

Pupils: Good afternoon, dear teacher!

Teacher: I’m glad to see yоu.Are you ready to start our lesson?

 Let’s start. Sit down, please.

As you know, we’ll studying a very interesting and popular topic. It is “Food.”. We can’t imagine our life without food. Food is the staff of our life. We live not to eat but eat to live. You know such a good proverb, I think.

     Today at the lesson we’ll talk about your likes and dislikes in food, recite rhymes, develop your listening, reading,writing and speaking .

2.  Warming up.

a)  Phonetic drills.

Teacher: Children! Imagine we’re in a food train where we can see many products. Our train is going to a very tasty “Food Country”. Let’s see what the train is bringing. Listen to the chant and repeat every line after me.

          (Pupils repeat the chant after the teacher.)

  1. Discussion.


1.Children! What products have you heard?

2.What do you like among them?

3.What do you not like?

4.What can we fry ?

5. What can we bake ?

  1. Teacher: Boys and girls! What rhymes about food do you know? (Pupils recite their rhymes.)

Teacher: Thank you. Good for you.

  1. Lexical drills.

Teacher: And now I’ve got a very funny rhyme for you. You’ll finish the lines like real poets. Are you poets? Let’s see.

I am Sam. I like … (jam)

I am Bruce. I like … (juice)

I am Sophie. I like … (coffee)

He is Tony. He likes … (macaroni)

She is Betty. She likes … (spaghetti)

He is Lee. He likes … (tea)

Teacher: How clever you are! You are real poets. Thanks.

II.  Main part.

  1. Listening skills.


     III. Підручник с.38  and do the task. (перекладають)


      The task: listen to the dialogue and choose a), b) or c).

Speaking skills. Pair communicative skills.

Teacher: Children! Now I want to have a talk about Ukrainian food with you. I have some questions and you’ll answer them.

1.How many meals a day have you got?

2.What is breakfast time in Ukraine?

3.What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?

4.What are your favourite dishes?

5.What are your favourite drinks?

6.What are Ukrainian popular dishes?

          7.Are you a good or bad eater?

(Pupils answer)

         4. Grammar material

Teacher: I see you are not tired now. It’s time to have some grammar material .




You’ve worked very well. You’ve got such marks for your work at the lesson…..

Children! What have we done at our today’s lesson?

Thanks. The lesson is over. Good luck.









До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
22 квітня 2018
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