Розробка уроку "School" 2 клас

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Розробка уроку для другого класу ЗОШ за підручником Карпюк.Завдання підручника урізноманітнені додатковими завданнями. Враховані вікові особливості та мовні рекомендації щодо уроків іноземної мови.

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Англійська мова

2 клас




 Вчитель англійської мови

Ірпінської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 17

Жила Євгенія Сергіївна


Іноземні мови. Програма для загальноосвітніх та спеціалізованих начальних закладів 1-4 класи, К.: 2016


The Theme: School.


by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: use new  school vocabulary, sing  a short picture  chant  with new words, pronounce [ai] in the opened syllable and compare how to pronounce letter A in closed syllable and in open syllable, recognize how to build plural nouns with ending –s in practice, represent yourself (name, age, hobby).

Equipment and materials: flashcards, topic poster, audio recoder.




Teacher: How do you do!

Pupils: Hello! Hello! Hello!

Sing the “Hello song!” with Smily.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Hello, friends, hello!

Hello – Hi!

Hello – Hi!

Hoorey – Hi!

Hoorey – Hi!

2. Phonetic drills.

Pupil`s book, p.37, ex.5 Follow and read.

Students listen the audio firstly, than  repeat all together. After that they read one by one.

3. Learning new vocabulary.

Present: pupil, pupils, classroom. To focus on the flashcards point to each of them. Then ask point to the card Is this pupil? And help the children to answer with Yes or No.

Pupil`s book, ex. 1, p.36. Listen and repeat.

Play the audio and ask the children to listen and point to the picture.

Students are presented how the word change in plural using ending –s (snake). But only in practice without any rules.

Lexical game.


Ask the children in lesson 1 what an echo is. Ask them to be you echo. Show them a flashcard and say the word. Ask the children to echo it by repeating the the word several times becoming quieter and quieter. (You can make more fun by saying the word in different ways.)

4. Relaxation.

One, two, three

Up, down, up,

One, two, three look at me

One, two, three you catch me.

One, one, one little dog runs.

Two, two, two cat sees you.

5. Listen and repeat.

Pupil`s book, p.36, ex.3

Pre-listening  activity. Look at the picture. Ask you students: Whom do we see in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing? What are they talking about? Etc. Students can speak Ukrainian if they need. Also we can compare the classroom picture with our own.

Students listen the audio. Teacher presents the new language expression: I am yout new teacher. (Using gestures and intonation.)

6. Say the chant.

Pupil`s book, p.36-37, ex.3

Pre-work. Look at the pictures.   Ask you students: Whom do we see in the pictures? Where are they? What are they doing? What are they talking about?

First, introduce the song. Play the audio and ask the children to point to the picture as they listen. Demonstrate by holding up your book and pointing to the picture. Show the children some actions to perform as they listen to the song again. Finally, play the song again and encourage the children to join in with the singing. Ask two pupils (girl and boy) to come to the front of the class for singing the song . Help the rest of the class to sing the song while the children at the front of the class sing.

7. Act out.

Pupil`s book, p.37, ex.5

Using the key phrases children talk about themselves. Identify their  names, age and hobby.

8. Copy.

Teacher shows the example of writing. Students copy the sentence to their copybooks.

9. Home assignment.

Tell your parents or relatives about yourself using the example on page 37, ex.4.

10. Summing up.

Say the poem.

Good-bye for now.

Good-bye for the present.





So long.

Good night.


















  1. Англійська мова. Тренажер із читання/ English. Reading Trainer/ Авт. – упоряд. С.Коул – Чернігів: КММДІА, 2015. – 176с.
  2. Бабенко Н.А. Англійська мова для дошколят та першокласників. Дидактичні матеріали. Розробки занять. – Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2008. – 141 [3] с. – (Серія «ДНЗ +школа»).


  1. Карп`юк О.Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 2 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2012. -  136 с.: іл.




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