Розробка уроку "Судове засідання "Сучасна музика:за чи проти" 9 клас

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Сценарій судового засідання "Сучасна музика:за чи проти" Матеріал є типовим прикладом дорослої гри для учнів 9 класу в якості закріплення вивченого матеріалу по темі "Закон. Правові відносини" В ролі обвинуваченого виступає сучасна музика.
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 Сценарій  ділової гри «Судове  засідання. Сучасна музика: за чи проти»

                                                    Автор: Карпій Олена Борисівна,вчитель анг.мови

                                                    Навчальний заклад: гімназія 34 «Либідь» м. Київ

Практична мета: продемонструвати знання ,вміння та навички всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності по темі «Закон. Дотримання правових відносин»,розвивати вміння висловлювати свою точку зору та особистісне ставлення до проблеми,аргументувати своє висловлювання англійською мовою.

Виховна мета: формувати громадянську та соціально-правову активність учнів,вчити аналізувати та давати оцінку вчинкам,колективно знаходити шляхи вирішення проблеми.



                                         The trial of modern music


The accused (modern music)



The prosecutor

The offender 1

The offender 2

The offender 3

The defender

The witness 1

The witness 2





Secretary: All rise, please. The Court is now in session. Take your seats, everyone.

Let’s start. The word is given to the judge.

Judge: Today we’ll try a case of moral violence caused by modern music.

Secretary, report us if everyone has come to the courtroom.

Secretary:  (calls in turn)the accused,(modern music), the offender ( name),                             the offender(  name) ,the offender( name ),the witness ( name),

the witness(  name ) .Your Honour, everyone has come to the courtroom.

Judge: We are hearing the case at the presence of Judge    (  name   ),secretary( name),prosecutor( name),defense  lawyer  (name ), and the jury( name ).                              

Is everyone familiar with your rights? The accused? The offenders?

The accused: Yes, your Honour.

The offender: Yes, your Honour.

Judge: The matters are held in an open court . One of the basic rules is not to

speak out of turn and not interrupt others when they are speaking. The person

to break these rules will be expelled from the court room.

Now  the word is given to the prosecutor.

Prosecutor:   Your Honour, we are trying the case of moral violence caused by modern music.

We  have a statement from M.  B.  in which  he blames the music in lots of

crimes. He states that because of the music  influence her physical and mental health got worse. Now the offender has to spend lots of money to be treated.

 Judge: Music, do you confess your guilty?

The accused: No, your Honour. I am not guilty.

The judge: I suggest to hear the offender. Introduce yourself.

Tell the court your name, age, job and address.

The offender: My name is M. I’m quite an elderly person. I’m 70 .

I don’t work. I’m on pension.


Judge: Do you swear the court  to tell the truth and the only truth?

The offender: Yes, I swear the court to tell the truth and the only truth.

The judge: Tell the court all your accusations.

The offender: Your Honour, I am a professional musician. I used to teach music at

school. I just adore it. I like all kinds of music: classical, pop music, rock, jazz.

I can’t say that I’m a sick man. In the morning I’m full of energy. But when my neighbour  Den comes from school and starts listening to this awful music, my health gets worse. My blood pressure is rising and I often have heart attacks.

The music, my neighbour listens  to, can’t be called music. It’s just the repetition of dreadful sounds . When I hear them, I get angry, lose my temper and want to break Den’s recorder. I called the doctor. He explained that all these symptoms

are caused by modern music. I can show the court the certificate to prove that

I’m right.

Тhе  judge: Have you got any questions to the offender? The side of defending?

The side  of prosecuting?

The prosecutor, the defender: No, your Honour.

The defender: No questions, thanks, your Honour.

The judge: Thank you, the offender. You may take your seat.

The secretary: We’ve got a witness from the side of prosecution.

The judge: The witness from the side of prosecution, you are invited to tell the court all you know about the case.                               

Tell the name, your address, your age and occupation court your.

The witness: My name is V. K.  I’m 45 . I live in Kyiv, Svitlytskiy St.21/13. I’m a quite experienced doctor.. I have already been working at the hospital for 20 years .

The judge: Do you swear the court  to tell the truth and the only truth?

The witness: Yes, I swear the court to tell the truth and the only truth.

The judge: Tell the court all you can. Do you know the offender?


The witness: Yes, your Honour. I know him. This man is my patient M.B.

He often called me and asked to come to see him because he felt awful. Every time I arrived the offender had a high blood pressure and heart problems. Every time I came to him I heard awful music from the flat next door. When the music stopped  he felt much better.I’ve diagnosed – heart attack caused by pop music.

The judge: Have you got any questions to the offender? The side of defending?

The side  of prosecuting?

Secretary: We’ve got one more witness from the side of prosecution.

The judge: The witness from the side of prosecution, you are invited to tell the court all you know about the case.  Tell the court  your  name, your address, your age and your job .

 The witness: My name is M.I. I’m 19, I’m a student of the university.

My address is… 

The judge: Do you swear the court  to tell the truth and the only truth?

The witness: Yes, I swear the court to tell the truth and the only truth.

The judge: Tell the court all you can. Do you know the offender

The witness: Yes,I know him.He is my neighbour.He lives the next door.I can’t say that I see him very often.

   I think he is a quite strange person. I usually come home and start listening to my favourite music. Every time when I do it he starts knocking at the wall and cries “Stop it! Stop it!” Then an ambulance appears near our block of flat. After that I hear that someone comes to his flat. Once I wanted to see who it was. I looked into the peephole and saw a doctor standing at my neighbour’s door.    

The judge: Have you got any questions to the offender? The side of defending

The side  of prosecuting?     

The secretary: We’ve got one more offender, Nastya Bilyk.

The judge: Offender Nastya  Bilyk  , you are invited to speak. Tell the name, your address, your age and occupation court your.

The offender 2:My name is…

The judge: Do you swear the court  to tell the truth and the only truth?


The offender 2: Yes, I swear the court to tell the truth and the whole truth

The judge: Tell the court all you can. Tell the court all your accusations to the accused.

The offender 2:

Тhе  judge: Have you got any questions to the offender? The side of defending?

The side  of prosecuting?

The prosecutor : No, your Honour.

The defender: No questions, thanks, your Honour.

The judge: Thank you, the offender. You may take your seat.

The secretary: We’ve got one more offender, Sasha                     .

The judge: Offender Sasha  Kizlyk, you are invited to speak. Tell the name, your address, your age and occupation court your.

The offender 2:My name is Sasha  Kizlyk.  I’m 20.I’m a student of the third year of  the Linguistic  university in Kyiv.  I live in a hostel in Voloska Street.

The judge: Do you swear the court  to tell the truth and the only truth?

The offender 3: Yes, I swear the court to tell the truth and the only truth

The judge: Tell the court all you can. Tell the court all your accusations to the accused.

The offender 3: I’m a very smart student. I study very hard. I’m especially interested in literature. Our teachers of English and Ukrainian  demand using

perfect language and lots of synonyms. But when I hear the song “Сірьожине пирожино’ by band TIK I ask myself “What language is it?” It’s a mixture of Ukrainian and  Russian.

  At my university we are punished by bad marks if we use the same words. We must use synonyms. The song like this makes me nervous.

    More over I can’t slee

Тhе  judge: Have you got any questions to the offender? The side of defending?

The side  of prosecuting?

The prosecutor : I’ve got a question, your Honour.

The Judge: It’s your right. Ask the offender.

The prosecutor: Tell the court, Olga, does the accused( the modern music)

 Influence your state of health?

 The offender 3:

Judge: Are the sides ready for debates?

The prosecutor: Yes, your Honour.

The defender: Yes, your Honour.

 The Judge: Now, the prosecutor will speak.

The prosecutor: Thanks.Your Honour, respected jury. We’ve heard the case.

Don’t get lost. We have a dangerous criminal, who doesn’t want to change his way of life. Today the modern music has caused the depravation of physical and mental health of only four people. But tomorrow it can threaten the health of

all the mankind. Modern music deserves a severe punishment.

Judge: Is that all?

The prosecutor: Yes. That’s all, your Honour.

Judge: The defender,please.

 The defender: Thank you, your Honour.   Our music is in the hands of business. The music is not for people. It’s the way to earn money. Nobody  wants to pay for good music. The producers of the concerts would better show the group that plays bad music rather than to pay for good one. To write good music , it’s necessary to work constantly at it. But a musician has to do all kinds of work besides music. Because nobody pays for music.

   The culture should be under the state control. A committee of qualified specialists should be in charge of checking the content of the songs and the level of music. For a song to be perfect a talented composer must compose music, an experienced author should write the words and then a qualified singer should sing. Now we have here in one. Not a very good musician is a composer, an author and a singer. And the result is a song that  can  live  for only a month.

  The problem is a commercial approach to music. Businessmen but not musicians work at producing centres.  Music is just a product for them. Their task is to install little money but to sell it for a good price.

   Modern music mustn’t be punished. It’s a victim that should be helped and supported.

 The Judge: Now, the accused, you have listened to all the accusations against you. Do you confess you are guilty?                                        

 The accused: No, I don’t. I’m not guilty.

 The Judge: You have the last word. What can you say in your defense?

The accused: Am I guilty? Me? You are always listening to me when you are happy or in a bad mood. You sing and dance. And now you want to blame me?

   My task is to teach , to make people better, to lift them to a higher level. It’s

difficult.  It’s much easier to descend  them  to the lower level.  For  business  it’s beneficial  to feed customers with  not qualified music. It’s easier to sell it.

    Now there are lots of talented singers and wonderful songs. I am not to blamed

that they are not on the stage and you can’t admire them.

   I need your help but not accusation.   

The judge: The Jury, now you will come into the jury room to make a single right


                (……a short pause for jury…….)