Урок розроблений за методичними рекомендаціями 2017-2018 н.р. Цілі уроку: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до праці.
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Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до праці.
1. Warm-up д/з ? ex. 2, p. 16.
2. Listening Do ex. 3, p. 16.
A n d r e a. Glad to see you, Meryem! Finally, you arrived.
Me r y e m. Hi, dear! I missed you so much!
A n d r e a. Let me introduce my landlady, Mrs. Hunt. She has kindly agreed to provide the apartment to us.
Mr s. Hu n t. Welcome, Meryem! Pleased to meet you.
Me r y e m. Pleased to meet you too, Mrs. Hunt.
Mr s. Hu n t. Come in, please. Let me show you the room.
Me r y e m. Thanks a lot.
Mr s. Hu n t. I’m sure, your friend told you about my rules. First, I’d like to know your full name. I need to write down it in my registration book.
Me r y e m. Meryem Kemal.
Mr s. Hu n t. How interesting! Are you Spanish?
Me r y e m. No, I’m Turkish.
Mr s. Hu n t. Are you a teacher?
Me r y e m. Oh, no, Mrs. Hunt. Andrea is a teacher, but I’m a chemist.
Mr s. Hu n t. Where will your husband and children arrive?
Me r y e m. I’m not married, Mrs. Hunt. And I haven’t got children, of course. I’ve got a groom, but he lives in Germany.
Mr s. Hu n t. And you’ve lived in Germany, too?
Me r y e m. No, I have lived in Liverpool for three years.
Mr s. Hu n t. Three years! But you are so young lady!
Me r y e m. I was born on the 16th of three eighty-five.
Mr s. Hu n t. You look well, my dear!
Me r y e m. Thank you, Mrs. Hunt.
Mr s. Hu n t. Well, now I give you the card with your new address.
Me r y e m. 106, Craven Park, Brent, London, NW10 8QE. Phone number is 0-2045678956. Thank you.
Mr s. Hu n t. Wait a minute. I need your mobile phone number for connection.
Me r y e m. Of course, here you are: 7872108626. And my e-mail is merykemal@yahoo.com.
Key: 1 Turkish, 2 chemist, 3 single, 4 hasn’t got children, 5 London, 6 mobile phone number.
3. Listening & Writing Do ex. 4, p. 17. Listen to the text again and do the tasks.
4. Vocabulary practice First, look at the Vocabulary box, p. 18. Read the words and translate them in your own or give their definitions in English. Don’t use a dictionary!
Divorce — розлучення
Single — одинак, одиначка (неодружений, незаміжня)
Married — одружений, заміжня
Widowed — овідовілий(-ла)
Male — чоловіча (стать)
Female — жіноча (стать)
Mother tongue — рідна мова
Signature — підпис
Fill in the gaps with appropriate vocabulary words:
1. He was the first … Japanese astronaut.
2. He’d said he was the …father of two as his wife had died three month ago.
3. I talked to Bruce’s ex-wife about why they got….
4. Stephen decided to put his … on the contract.
5. Frankie and I eventually realized we were both….
6. Mrs. McKinley is the only … teacher in our college.
7. … is the first language you heard when you were a baby and the language on which you think.
8. They are in love and they are going to get … next month.
Key: 1 male, 2 widowed, 3 divorced, 4 signature, 5 single, 6 female, 7 Mother tongue, 8 married.
5. Speaking Do ex. 5, p. 18. 6 Grammar Grammar
8. Summary Do ex. 7, p. 19. 9. Homework Ex. 6, p. 19; write down your answers.