Розробка уроку за програмою на основі нового Державного стандарту початкової освіти НУШ з теми "Прикрашаємо ялинку"

Про матеріал

We like to start our lessons by greeting each student with a stamp or sticker. Our students all have "Passport." At the beginning of class we collect the passports and let each student choose a sticker. This is a great time to call each student by name and practice/review very simple language like "Hello!" "How are you?" and "What animal is it?" (when choosing a sticker). If possible, use a Christmas themed sticker.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Прикрашаємо ялинку                  

Мета: вчити дітей лексичним одиницям пов’язаних з темою уроку, повторити літери Aa, Bb, Сс, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj,Kk ,Ll звук [l], грати в новорічні ігри.

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку

1) фонетична розминка:

  I’ve got

I’ve got a mother,

I’ve got a father,

I’ve got a sister,

I’ve got a brother.


ІІ. Основна частина

We like to start our lessons by greeting each student with a stamp or sticker. Our students all have "Passports." At the beginning of class we collect the passports and let each student choose a sticker. This is a great time to call each student by name and practice/review very simple language like "Hello!" "How are you?" and "What animal is it?" (when choosing a sticker). If possible, use a Christmas themed sticker.

Hello Song
We love singing "Hello, Reindeer" throughout the four or five weeks leading up to Christmas. When introducing a new song, use the flashcards to teach children the words and practice the gestures together. Don't worry if they don't sing it the first time, they will pick it up soon.

Fun Song
If your class already knows "B-I-N-G-O," it will be a breeze to teach them "S-A-N-T-A." Print the picture cards from the Super Simple Songs - Christmas CD to review the letters, or simply write them on the board, and start. Instead of clapping, pat your tummy. You can also pat your legs, jump or do other gestures.


If you're happy and you know it,

 Clap your hands.

 If you're happy and you know it,

 Clap your hands.

 If you're happy and you know it,

 Then you face will surely show it,

 If you're happy and you know it,

 Clap your hands.

MR. ALLIGATOR (Contributed by Linda)

Mr. Alligator, Mr. Alligator,

Don't you bite! (wag finger to say no)

Don't you bite!

I will run away from you, (running motion with hands)

I will run away from you,

Out of sight, (hands hide face)

Out of sight.

Гра «Снігова куля».

Перший гравець вимовляє коротке речення, яке  складається  з  3-4 слів. Другий повинен  повторити  його  і  додати  до  нього  своє. Наступні  гравці  за  чергою  роблять те саме. Той, хто не може в пам’яті відновити усі речення, вибуває з гри.

Гра "Flashcard Touch" and "Missing Flashcard"

 Flashcard Touch: Lay the flashcards out on the floor. Tell your students to put their hands in the air. Then teacher calls out a flashcard (e.g. "Christmas Tree!"). Students have to touch the card as quickly as they can. Play for a few rounds until you have done all of the flashcards. Missing Flashcard: Tell your students to close their eyes. Take away a flashcard and tell the students to open their eyes again. Ask "Which picture is missing?". Students have to shout out the missing flashcard. Play a few rounds. Note: For larger groups, divide your students into groups of 6-8 and play the games in their groups.



Т: Ви добре працювали сьогодні. You are very good pupils. Thank you very

much. And these nuts are from squirrel Kitty. Help yourselves! Your

marks are...












































До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
22 серпня 2018
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