Saint Patrick's Day 5-8 grade
Every year on March 17th, people around the world celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. It is a cultural and religious holiday that honors (вшановує) Saint Patrick, the patron saint (святий покровитель) оf Ireland.
Saint Patrick was born in Britain in the 4th century. When he was young, he was kidnapped (викрадений) and taken to Ireland as a slave (paб). After several years, he escaped but later returned to Ireland as a Christian missionary (християнський місіонер). He is famous for spreading (пoширення) Christianity across Ireland and using the shamrock (трилисник) to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity (CBята трiйuя).
Today, Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated not only in Ireland but also in many other countries. People wear green clothes, decorated with shamrocks, and enjoy parades. Some traditions include playing Irish music, dancing, and eating traditional Irish food like corned beef (солонина – в’ялена яловичина в солi) and cabbage. Many people also drink green-colored drinks!
One of the most famous legends about Saint Patrick is that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland (вивiз усix змiй). While this is just a myth, it is a fun part of Irish folklore.
So, on March 17th, don't forget to wear something green, say "Happy Saint Patrick's Day!", and maybe even try an Irish dance!
Exercise 1. Choose the best variant
1) When is Saint Patrick's Day celebrated?
A) March 17th B) April 17th C) May 17th
2) Where was Saint Patrick born? A) Ireland B) Britain C) Scotland
3) What symbol did Saint Patrick use to explain the Holy Trinity? A) A clover (конюшина) B) A shamrock C) A horseshoe (підкова)
4) What is Saint Patrick known for? A) Inventing the shamrock B) Bringing Christianity to Ireland C) Creating Irish music
5) What do people traditionally wear on Saint Patrick's Day? A) Red clothes
B) Green clothes C) Blue clothes
6) What did Saint Patrick drive out of Ireland? A) Wolves B) Snakes C) Birds
7) Where do people celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? A) Only in Ireland B) Only in the UK C) In many countries
8) What do people NOT usually do on Saint Patrick's Day?
A) Eat Irish food B) Wear green C) Exchange gifts like on Christmas
Exercise 2 (True or False):
Exercise 3 Fill in the gaps: