Самостійна робота з англійської мови на тему "Money"

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Самостійна робота розрахована на студентів спеціальності "Економіка підприємства", які вивчають предмет "Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням".
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Самостійна робота

Тема: Money.

Вид контролю: письмове опитування.


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 In the days of primitive man, thousands of years ago, money was not used. Whenever a man wanted something he did not make or raise himself, he had to find another person who possessed the desired article. Then he had to offer something in exchange. It was not always this easy to find people who were willing to trade. This troublesome method is known as the “barter system”.

 Primitive men first used as money things to wear or eat. In countries where cattle were raised cows were often accepted as money. The American Indians used carved shells called wampum when they bought or sold articles. Such things as tobacco, grains, skins, salt, beads have also been used as money. These many varieties of money were eventually replaced by pieces of metal, particularly gold and silver.

What Money Does for You

 The very complicated system of trade which now exists would be impossible without money. First, money serves as a medium of exchange. Suppose that you are eager to buy a bicycle, and that you must earn enough money to pay for it. You may do this, perhaps, by mowing lawns for people in your neighborhood. You would have some difficulty in finding a person who has a bicycle to sell and who, at the same time, would be willing to hire you to mow his lawn. Therefore you mow lawns for many different people who pay you with money for your services. With this money you can go to a bicycle shop and make your purchase. The merchant accepts your money and you get your bicycle. Money has performed a service for you. It has enabled you to exchange your labor for something you wanted.

 Second, money serves as a "yardstick of value." This means that money may be used to measure and compare the values of various things. You may value your services in mowing a lawn at 75 cents an hour. The bicycle you wish to buy may be priced at $40.00. You would have to work about 53.5 hours to buy the bicycle. By learning the price asked for all kinds of products, you may measure their value in terms of the work required to earn the purchase price.

 Third, money is also a "storehouse of value." A farmer might not be able to hold his crops for a very long time because they are perishable. But the results of his labor can be preserved for the future if he is paid in money.

`Fourth, money serves as a "standard for future payments." Suppose that the dealer from whom you purchase your bicycle lets you have the bicycle after you make a down payment of five dollars. You then agree to pay the rest of the cost at a later date. You will not pay in eggs, baseballs, or roller skates. You both recognize the value of money as a form in which later payments can be made.

The Characteristics of Good Money

 Gold and silver have come to be used as money because they have certain characteristics which meet the requirements of good money.

Whatever is used as money must be generally desired by all people, or else it will not be generally accepted in payment for goods or services that are sold. It must be an article which is scarce, but not too scarce, so that the supply cannot be suddenly changed. An increase in supply would decrease the value of the article so that it could not serve well as a yardstick of value. The American colonists, who often used tobacco as money, soon learned that it was not very suitable. When crops were good the value of tobacco would fall. When there was a shortage because of crop failures tobacco would be valued very highly.

 Money must also be easily recognized, so that persons can tell its value at a glance. It must wear well, because it will pass often from hand to hand. Its value will be decreased if it wears out in the process of being exchanged many times. It must also be readily divisible to provide for fractional values. Good money must be easy to carry around, but it cannot be too small, or it will be easily lost.

2. Дайте відповідь на запитання:

What function does money fulfill?

Рекомендована література:

  1. Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування: Підручник / В. К. Шпак, В. Я. Полулях, З. Ф. Кириченко та ін.; Ред. В. К. Шпака. – К.: Вища школа, 2005. – 302 с.
  2. Верба Т. В. Довідник з грамматики англійської мови. / Верба Т.В. – К.: Освіта, 1993. – 247 с.
  3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Grammarway. Express Publishing. – 2009. – 278 p.
28 листопада 2019
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