Author: Many years ago in a kingdom far away there lived a king and a queen. They had a son. The years went by. The Prince was already twenty-two and his parents decided to marry him. The Queen decided to call in one of the well-known wedding agency in the kingdom.
(виходить королева і розмовляє по телефону)
#1 the Queen
-Hello! Wedding Agency “Chercher la femme”? I`d like to talk with your manager Madame Charmer. It`s you? Who is speaking? Your cousin Queen Ilishavejta. I am glad to hear you too. You are busy, you have no time… Okey! Our Prince is twenty-two already and it`s time to marry for him. I`ve heard there are good professionals- cupids in your agency, so you can help us. We want beauitiful, honest, modest, hard-working, healthy and rich girl. When can we see at her? At 4. Bye-bye. We`ll come tomorrow at 4.
(королева іде )
Author: After a talk with the Queen, the manager of wedding agency sent her best workers- cupids to find the perfect bride for the prince.
(Попелюшка миє вікна не помічаючи купідонів. Купідони стоять осторонь і розмовляють)
C1: Look at her! How is she?
C2: I don`t know… This is Cinderella. She is pretty, but…
C1: Don`t be a stupid- an appropriate image- massage salon, solarium, manicure, pedicure and the princes is ready.
(один із купідонів підходить до Попелюшки, обходить кругом неї і кричить їй на вухо)
C2: Coo-coo!
Cin:(злякано) Who are you? What are you doing here? What do you want?
C1: Baby, don`t cry. We are your lucky lottery ticket.
C2: did you never dream about the Prince, carefree life and a lot of money?
Cin: Of course I did. Every girl dreams about the Prince on a white horse.
C1: Oh, our Prince hasn`t got the white horse? But he has a white Mercedes.
C2: You want to be the Princess, don`t you? Are you agree to go with us?
C1: We`ll make the Princess with you.
Cin: Certainly, I`d like to be the Princess and I`ll go with you. But … I haven`t got nor beautiful dress neither new shoes.
C2: Don`t worry! We`ve got a magic bag – 20 kilo of clothes and only 5 dollars. Choose everything what do you want.(показує мішок з одягом і дає Попелюшці)
C1: Hurry up! The Prince and the Queen are waiting for you.
Cin: Thank you , my lucky lottery tickets.(Попелюшка з мішком у руках іде геть)
(Заходить королева з принцом)
The Prince and the Queen: Hello! Where is our bride?
C1: Hi! Just a minute.
C2: Here she is.(Показує на Попелюшку)
The Prince: How is she beautiful!!!
(Принц та пoпелюшка підбігають один до одного і починають танцювати вальс)
Author: Cinderella did marry the Prince and they lived happily for a long time.
The End