Сценарій казки "Снігова Королева" англійською мовою для учнів початкових класів

Про матеріал
Діти молодшого шкільного віку дуже люблять гратися, уявляти себе персонажами із мультфільмів та казок. Тому доцільно буде провести інсценізацію казки саме у такий період. По-перше, діти легко вчаться. Отже, вивчення тексту для інсценізації буде посильним і цікавим завданням. Буде розвиватися пам'ять, мислення, кругозір учнів. По-друге, опанування англійської мови буде більш ефективнішим, якщо використовувати її не тільки на уроках, а й під час позакласної діяльності. А саме, при постановці казки англійською мовою. По-третє, виховна функція. Діти вчаться співпрацювати, чути один одного, поважати, спілкуватися. Також виховується любов до англійської мови та бажання читати, адже не читаючи - не зможеш виконати таких цікавих завдань.
Перегляд файлу

Інсценізація казки «Снігова Королева»

Мета: закріплювати вживання конструкцій Present Continuous та Present Simple; розширювати словниковий запас учнів;

розвивати вміння працювати в групах, розуміти один одного, культуру спілкування англійською мовою, акторські, творчі здібності, пам’ять, мовлення;

виховувати звичку і бажання до читання казок, любов до англійської мови, повагу один до одного, дружні відносини.

Обладнання: аудіозаписи:

жахлива музика - перша частина, Тролль виготовляє дзеркало;

завірюха – друга частина, Кай зустрічає Снігову Королеву і йде із нею до палацу;

спів пташок, легка весняна музика – третя частина, Герда потрапляє до саду Чарівниці;

жахлива музика – п’ята частина, Герда заїжджає до темного лісу, зустріч із розбійниками;

завірюха – сьома частина, Герда потрапляє до палацу Снігової Королеви;

весела весняна музика, дзвін – сьома частина, Кай і Герда повертаються додому.

Декорації: віконце, два стільчики, дві вази з великими трояндами, книга, великі сани Снігової Королеви, зимові дерева, сад із квітами Чарівниці, розчіска, будинок Чарівниці, вишні, ворота, великий камінь, палац Принца і Принцеси, золота карета, темний ліс, палац розбійників, голуб (паперовий), олень (паперовий), хатинка жінки, що живе у Лапландії, вогонь, риба (паперова), хатинка жінки, що живе у Фінляндії, палац Снігової Королеви, скалки для слова «вічність».


  1.               Казки англійською ; зб. казок. - Х. : Видавничий дім «Пегас», 2019. – 64 с. : іл.

Дійові персонажі:

  1.               Автори (1-10) – Authors (1-10);
  2.               Герда - Gerda;
  3.               Кай - Kai;
  4.               Снігова Королева – The Snow Queen;
  5.               Чарівниця – The Old Woman Who Knows Magic;
  6.               Ворона – The Raven;
  7.               Принц – The Prince;
  8.               Принцеса – The Princess;
  9.               Розбійники – The Robbers;
  10.          Маленька Розбійниця – The Little Robber Girl;
  11.          Голуб – The Pigeon;
  12.          Жінка, що живе у Лапландії – The Lapland Woman;
  13.          Жінка, що живе у Фінляндії – The Finnish Woman;

Коментар автора

Інсценізація казки відбувається незвичайним чином. Спостерігачі бачать усе декорації одразу, але дії на кожній частині відбувається поступово. Таким чином, починаючи із будинку Кая і Герди, персонажі проходять усі локації, поки не потраплять до палацу Снігової Королеви. Звідти у швидкому темпі повертаються додому, потрапляючи на всі локації, але навпаки.


















The Snow Queen

Story 1

The Mirror and its Pieces

Author 1: Once there lives an Evil Troll. One day he makes a mirror. In this mirror all beautiful things seem small and all ugly things seem even uglier. Good people look ugly in it, too.

Once the mirror breaks and its pieces scatter all over the world. Some little pieces get into people’s eyes. A person with this piece begins to see only bad things in everything.

Some pieces get into people hearts. It is very bad. The heart turns into a piece of ice. The Evil Troll is laughing. He likes it very much.

Story 2

A Boy and a Girl

Part 1

Author 2: In a big city with many people and houses there live a boy and a girl. Their families are very poor. The children have a tiny garden on the roof of their house. They grow flowers in it. The Boy and the Girl love each other like a brother and a sister.

Their parents have two big vases with beautiful roses bushes. The Boy and the Girl always have a wonderful time there.

Once Kai and Gerda sit on the bench and read a book with some lovely pictures.

Kai: Oh! Something’s stung me in the heart and I have something in my eye!

Author 2: These are the pieces of the Troll`s Mirror. Now his heart is going to turn into a piece of ice.

Part 2

Author 3: In winter Kai goes sledding to the city square. Suddenly he sees a big sleigh. The big sleigh stops and someone stands up. It is a white tall woman – the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen: Nice ride! But you are cold!

Author 3: Oh! Her hug is as cold as ice. Even Kai’s heart becomes cold. He forgets Gerda, his parents and friends.

Story 3

The Flower-Garden of the Old Woman Who Knows Magic

Part 1

Author 4: Kai does not come back home.

One day in spring Gerda run to find Kai and soon she comes to a garden with a little house in it.  An old woman comes out of the house.

Old Woman: Good day, little girl. What is your name? What are doing here?

Gerda: Good day. My name is Gerda. I am looking for my friend. His name is Kai. Did you hear about him?

Old Woman: Come in, Gerda. I can help you.

Author 4: Then the Old Woman takes the girl into her house.

There is a basket full of cherries on the table. Gerda begins to eat. The Old Woman starts to brush her hair and Gerda forgets Kai. The Old Woman knows magic.

The next day she lets Gerda play in her flower-garden. A lot of days’ pass.

Part 2

Author 5: One day the girl sees a beautiful rose in the flower-garden. She remembers about the roses in her little garden at home and about Kai.

Gerda: What am I doing here? I need to find Kai!

Author 5: Then Gerda runs to the garden gate, opens it and begins to run along the road…

Soon she feels tired and sits on a large stone. Suddenly she sees that it is late autumn already…

Story 4

The Prince and the Princess

Author 6: Gerda sees a big black raven in front of her.

Raven: Caw! Caw! Hello! Why are you going alone?

Gerda: I want to find my friend. His name is Kai. Do you know where Kai is?

Raven: Maybe! In our kingdom there is a Princess. She wants to get married. But she wants to marry a clever man. Once a young man comes to the palace. He comes on foot. The he meets the Princess and begins to talk to her. So he likes her and she likes him.

Gerda: It is Kai! Please, take me to the palace.

Author 6: And the Raven takes the girl to the Palace.

Gerda: Kai!

Author 6: It is not Kai! Gerda begins to cry and tells him her story.

Prince: Poor Gerda!

Princess: Don’t be sad. You’ll find your friend.

Author 6: The next day they give Gerda a muff and a gold carriage.

Prince: Good luck!

Princess: Good-bye!

Story 5

The Little Robber Girl

Author 7: Gerda drives into a dark forest. It that forest robbers live. They see a gold carriage and want to rob it.

Robbers: Gold! Gold!

Author 7: The robbers take Gerda out of the carriage.

Little Robber Girl: She will play with me! Don’t make me angry and you will be safe. Are you a Princess?

Gerda: No. My name is Gerda and I find my friend Kai.

Author 7: The Little Robber Girl takes Gerda to the robber’s palace. There are a lot of pigeons there.

Pigeon: We know where Kai is! He is in Lapland with the Snow Queen.

Little Robber Girl: I will let you go. You can run to Lapland. But take this girl to the Snow Queen.

Author 7: The Reindeer begins to gallop quickly through the forest. Soon they come to Lapland.

Story 6

The Lapland Woman and the Finnish Woman

Author 8: They stop near a small hut. A Lapland woman lives there. She is frying some fish at this moment. The Reindeer tells her Gerda’s story.

Lapland Woman: Ah, you poor things! It is very far from here. You need to go to Finland. The Snow Queen lives there. I have a friend who lives there too. I do not have any paper. I am going to write a few words on a dried fish. Give it to my friend when you come to Finland.

Author 8: The Lapland Woman writes a few words on a dried fish. Then she helps Gerda to sit on the Reindeer. They begin to gallop again.

Soon they come to Finland. They find a small hut. In this hut a Finnish woman lives. The Finnish woman reads the words on the fish.

Finnish woman: Kai is in the Snow Queen’s palace. He likes it very much. It is because of the pieces of glass in his heart and eye.

Author 8: And she tells Gerda how to get to the Snow Queen’s palace.

Story 7

About the Snow Queen’s Palace and What Happens Next

Part 1

Author 9: The walls of the palace are snowstorms, the windows and doors are strong winds. There are more than one hundred rooms in this palace. In the middle of a big snowy room there is a frozen lake with many pieces of ice. Kai makes words of these ice pieces. But he can’t make the word “eternity”. He is trying hard.

The Snow Queen: If you make this word, I will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates.

Author 9: At this moment Gerda comes into the room. She runs to Kai and hugs him.

Gerda: My dear Kai! I’ve found you at last!

Author 9: But Kai doesn’t move. He is very cold. Then Gerda begins to cry. Kai looks at Gerda and begins to cry too. And his tears wash the piece of glass away from his eye. He is very glad to see Gerda now.

Kai: Gerda! My dear Gerda! I missed you so much! It so cold here.

Part 2

Author 10: Kai and Gerda leave the Snow Queen’s palace. They go to the Finnish woman hut. She tells them how they can get home. The Boy and the Girl visit the Lapland woman too. After that they go home. As they walk they see beautiful spring flowers and green grass everywhere. Soon they hear the ringing of the bells in their town. They come into their house.

The rose bushes look into the windows of their room. Their small chairs are on the roof near the bushes. Kai and Gerda sit on them and hold each other’s hands.

Soon comes the summer.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
16 квітня 2019
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