Сценарій конкурсу проектів "Наша планета через 20 років" англійською мовою

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Сценарій конкурсу проектів "Наша планета через 20 років" англійською мовою

Ведучий 1.

 – Dear quests and participants of the first festival of ecological projects.. We are pleased to welcome you at the ceremony of presenting your works devoted to the problem «Our planet in 10 years».

Ведучий 2.

 – Let me introduce the participants of the competition.

They are…


Your applause to …

Ведучий 1.

Well, you are to take part in the draw and we’ll see the order of presentation. Please, choose the card with the number of your turn.

Ведучий 2.

Now. The first town’s festival of English language projects is declared open.

Ведучий 1.

 I’d like to introduce the jury. Please, meet … The chairman will announce the criteria of rating (evaluation).

Голова жюрі:

Nice to meet you. I’d like to inform you on the aspects, which will be estimated. 12 points will be given for each of the following:

1) The original idea.

2) The creative approach.

3) The language skills. 

4) The practical value of the work.

5) The speech and acting skills.

6) The form of realization of the plot.

Good luck to everybody!

Ведучий 1.

We shall start with the project «…» by…

- Well, thanks a lot. Are there any questions to the author of the project?

Ведучий 2.

So, we invite …  to represent their work «…».  

… are to be ready next.

Would you like to get an additional information?

Ведучий 1.  

-     Let’s switch over to the work «…»  by …   

Ведучий 2.

-     The next is… with «…»

Ведучий 1.

We’d like to go on to the project «…» by…

Ведучий 2.

And the last presentation «  » will be performed by…

Ведучий 1.

While the jury is coming to the conclusion, let’s play a bit.

Ведучий 2.

-     We are coming to the closing ceremony. Meet …, the chairman of the jury.

Голова жюрі:

– Surely, it was difficult to name the best project in this or that nomination. All were good and      original enough.

–     Nevertheless, the project-winner in the nomination «The most original idea» is …

–     The work «…» is awarded the certificate for «The best realization of the project»

–     The nomination «The creative approach». The best project in it is …

For «The best language skills»  we are glad to name …

There were no other candidates for the nomination «The practical value of the work»


 It was the only opinion of the jury to declare …  to win in the nomination «The best acting and speech skills».

–     The quests liked the work  «…»  most of all. So, you get the certificate in the nomination «The favourite audience’s work».

Our best regards to «The youngest participant» of the festival…

We proudly present the certificate for «The best project of the First English Language Festival of projects «Our planet in 20 years» to the authors of the work «…».

Congratulations to the participants and the winners.

Ведучий 1.

Thanks everybody. The first town’s English Language Festival of projects «Our planet in 20 years» is coming to an end.


Гавренко Юлія
12 травня 2023
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