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Захід доречний для учнів 5-7 класів. Мета заходу - сприяти розвитку допитливості та мислення.
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The Cleverest”     Інтелектуальний марафон

 для учнів 5-7  




Уличненський ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ст.





                                                      Here is the team “Bingo"


Here is the team   “ Friends”



                                                              Here is the team  “Smile”



Мета заходу:

Освітня: розширювати кругозір учнів,  відпрацювати фонетичні навички; вчити розуміти іноземну мову в ігрових ситуаціях; проконтролювати мовні навички та вміння учнів; проконтролювати рівень засвоєння учнями даних тем.

Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння застосовувати вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні правила в конкретній обстановці; розвивати інтелектуальні здібності; розвивати здогадку та вміння швидко орієнтуватися в умовах непідготовленого монологічного мовлення.

Виховна; виховувати уважність, зібраність, культуру поведінки та дисципліну,

виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови; формувати уміння працювати в команді.

        Обладнання: дошка,картки із завданнями для учнів,роздатковий матеріал 


Warming up

Dear Friends! I am very glad to see you here.

Today we are going to have a kind of intellectual competition “The cleverest . I hope it'll be rather interesting for you and you'll have a good time. So, be attentive, listen to all the questions and try to give the right answers. I wish you good luck and hope for your active participation. You'll have to work together to make the common decision and it's possible only when you are united, when you are real friends.



  • Three teams will take part in the contest.

Here is the team number 1 «____Friends__»  and it’s leader ______________________________.

Greet them, please!

Here is the team number 2 «__Bingo_ » and it’s leader ______________________________.

Give you applauds, please!

Here is the team number 3 «__Smile  and it’s leader ______________________________.

Glad to see you! 

It’s high time to start our competition.








The game has 6 contests. Look at the board. You can see 8 boxes there.



Unscramble the words


My favourite letter


The Chatterbox





Guess the word


Yes or No


  1.  “Unscramble the words”

Our first competition is called “Unscramble the words”. Each team will get a card with a words. Your task is to “Unscramble the words”.
sonSea (season)
nuMontme (monument)
reTteha (theatre)
tureNa (nature)
liaParmetn (parliament)
uMsemu (museum)
glishEn (English)
nemaiC (cinema)
areSqu (square)

  1. “My favourite letter”


The next competition is called “My favourite letter”.  I shall give you letter [ S ] and your task will be to write as many words, which begin with this letter, as you know. (3 min)


  1. Tongue  twisters

 Quiz-master: Now, I suggest you to read quickly the tongue twisters


Cob is Dob’s  dog,  Tob is Mob’s dog.

A fat cat sat on the mat and ate a fat rat.

 I’ll help if I can, I just need a plan.


4. “ABC”.


Quiz-master: The next competition is called “ABC”. Here your task is to put words in alphabetical order (according to the first letter)(2 min)

Tennis,football, athletics, volleyball, swimming,  windsurfing, cycling, skateboarding,  karate, aerobics, judo, basketball,dog, English, Geography

VI. Guess the word

Quiz-master: The next competition is to guess the word. You should listen to the description and say what it is.

Morning—it is time, when you get up 

Ice—cream – it is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it

Book—you can read it 

Summer – it is a favourite season of all children

New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of all, year

Computer game—it is a game on computer

Subject—pupils learn it at school

Teacher—this person learns pupils at school

Blackboard— pupils write with a chalk on it at school

Winter—it is a cold season

Summer holidays—they last two month, it is a favourite period of all children

Traveling—it is a visiting of different countries

Flower—it is very beautiful, it can be of bright colours, it smells wonderfully

Yesterday—the previous day, the day before today

Pet—people have it at home, feed and walk it

Team can get 1 point for 1 correct answer.


VI. Yes or No.

Quiz-master: Each team will hear several question and you are to agree or disagree, say YES or NO. You will have only 20 seconds. You should answer quickly and give right answers if you want to win.


  1. People can live without food.
  2. Ukrainian people like tea.
  3. English people like tea.
  4. Sweets and cookies are tasty things.
  5. People can make cheese from milk.
  6. “Ukrainian” tea is tea with milk.
  7. Coffee is a fruit drink.
  8. You thank your mother after every meal.
  9. “Ukrainian” tea is tea with lemon.
  10. People can make ice-cream from tomatoes.
  11. Oranges are fruit.

         12. Fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins.

13. Apples are vegetables.

14. Bananas grow in Ukraine.

15. Ukrainian people like to eat a bread very much.

16. “English” tea is tea with lemon.

17. People can live without water.

8. Tea is a vegetable.


Summarizing            IMG-ec7fceda22ffa3c8f9c94c5d4de6d773-V.jpg                     IMG_20221123_123246.jpg                       IMG-5decd66dd03c4553a714a7f1c8289a6d-V.jpg

Teacher: My congratulations to the winners! I think that you are really the best at English in your class. That’s why you get presents for your work. The team, that has lost, should not be disappointed. I think that next year you will win for sure! But now you get some comforting presents. So our quiz is over! Good bye everybody!


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