Сценарій театралізованої вистави англійською мовою "The star child" (Oscar Wilde)

Про матеріал

Сцена 1

Холодна зима в лісі. Птахи та звірі (кріт, білка, вовк, дятел, коноплянка, дикий голуб, сова) шукають, як зігрітися і обговорюють погоду. Чому ця зима холодніша за попередню? Можливо, в цьому винен уряд?

Мудра сова згадує ще лютішу зиму, якої вона під час чергового нічного полювання раптом угледіла яскраве сяйво, що, пронизуючи густу темряву ночі, з небес упало на землю. Одночасно з нею це дивне сяйво помітили лісоруби, які тої ж миті кинулися на пошуки. Можливо, їм пощастило? Чи це, бува, не золото впало з небес? Але серед білих кучугур снігу вони знаходять лише безпомічне немовля. Думки лісорубів розходяться: залишити дитину в лісі чи забрати в свою сім'ю, в якій і без того чимало маленьких голодних дітей?

Зрештою, один з лісорубів розчулюється і забирає немовля в свій дім. Однак дружина його не одразу приймає дитину, і лише влучно сказані слова чоловіка про те, що лише холод живе в домі людей з холодними серцями, розчулює і серце жінки.

Сцена 2

10 років потому… Неймовірно вродливий, але разом з тим жорстокий і вкрай гоноровий, Хлопчик-Зірка невтомно милується своєю красою, і в нього зароджуються сумніви щодо свого селянського походження. Місцева дітвора визнає хлопчика своїм лідером, готова виконувати усі його забаганки і не помічає зневажливого ставлення до себе зі сторони хлопця, який не втратить нагоди познущатися з оточуючих. Так, одного дня, запримітивши на вулиці бідно одягнену жінку, Хлопчик-Зірка закликає дітей прогнати її, закидавши бідолашну камінням. Його зупиняє лісоруб. Із розмови з ним жебрачка дізнається, що хлопчик є її загубленим сином, якого вона всі ці довгі роки шукала по всьому світу. Але Хлопчик-Зірка не визнає її. Він скоріше поцілує жабу чи змію, аніж таку потвору, і тікає геть. Та коли Хлопчик-Зірка повертається до дітей, його раптом починають висміювати і називати потворним. Побачивши у воді своє відображення, він розуміє, що накоїв.

Сцена 3

Хлопчик-Зірка вирушає на пошуки мами. Він звертається за допомогою до звірів, але вони йому відмовляють: занадто багато кривди він їм завдав. Довго блукає хлопчик під снігом і дощем, в заметіль і хуртовину, по дорозі рятуючи маленького зайчика, що потрапив у пастку.

Сцена 4

Хлопчик-Зірка приходить у місто, але вартові брами не бажають пускати всередину таку потвору. Натомість, вони продають його в рабство до лихого чаклуна, який тричі, погрожуючи покараннями та смертною карою, змушує хлопця відшукати йому три монети білого, жовтого та червоного кольорів. Тричі відшукати ці монети хлопчику допомагає зайчик, якого він врятував від біди, і тричі хлопчик віддає монети жебраку, який благає зжалитися над ним і не дати померти від голоду. Хлопчик-зірка вперше визнає чужу біду гіршою за свою.

Сцена 5

Втретє віддавши монету жебраку, хлопчик повертається до міста, очікуючи смертної кари, якої пообіцяв йому чаклун, якщо він не принесе золоту монету. Але цього разу мешканці міста зустрічають його захопленими вигуками щодо його неймовірної вроди і називають хлопчика своїм королем. Несподівано для себе, Хлопчик-зірка помічає, що знову став вродливим, але не це робить його щасливим. Серед натовпу він помічає свою маму і кидається до її ніг, благаючи прощення. Поряд з нею хлопчик помічає жебрака, якому він віддав монети, і просить допомогти йому заслужити прощення у мами. В цей момент жебрак і жебрачка знімають свої лахміття і хлопчик бачить перед собою короля і королеву, які виявляються його батьками, а він – їх загубленим сином.

Перегляд файлу


Scene 1













(AT RISE: The ANIMALS enter, shivering, and take their places on the floor).


MOLE: Ah, Owl. What do you make of this weather?

SQUIRREL: It is very, very cold. Bitter cold.

WOLF: Why doesn’t the government look into this?

MOLE: How could the government affect the weather?

TURTLEDOVE: I can’t fly. The wind is so strong. It forces me to the ground.

WOLF: (Slyly.) Nothing wrong with the ground, dear Turtledove.

TURTLEDOVE: I agree. The ground is a fine place... except for the snow, and the hungry wolf walking around.

WOLF: Certainly you don’t mean me. I’m a gentle wolf... with a good heart.

WOODPECKER: And an empty stomach.

SQUIRREL: Wolf is right about the cold. I could hibernate, but my nest is too cold.

MOLE: And my hole in the ground has been dug up by a nasty old badger.

LIMMET: What is it, Owl? Why is this winter so much colder than past winters?

WOLF: I tell you, this is the fault of the government, and if you don’t believe me I shall eat you!

TURTLEDOVE: Please, Owl. What do you make of it?

LIMMET: Give us your honest opinion.

OWL: (Prepares to speak, ALL hang on HER every word.) The fact is ...


OWL: (Clears throat.) The fact is, the weather has turned terribly cold.

MOLE: But that’s obvious.

WOLF: You offer that observation and yet you want to be the smartest animal in the forest? I believe we should change our methods for determining animal intelligence.

SQUIRREL: Let Owl finish, you rude wolf!

WOLF: Very well. But I still say it’s the government.

WOODPECKER: Enough with the government!

LINNET: Have you ever seen a winter this cold, Owl?

OWL: Yes, I have. A long time ago. Before any of you were even born. I could not tell if it was night and I should be hunting, or day and I should be sleeping.

TURTLEDOVE: It sounds very much like today.

WOLF: So, what did you do, Owl? Did you hunt or sleep?

WOODPECKER: Was it day or night?
OWL: I finally decided it was night, and I left my nest and flew to this very tree to watch for mice. When suddenly the air cleared of fog and mist and darkness. And a shooting star fell to earth. Then I flew down to the ground and found a human child, (SOUND of a crying baby is heard.) lying on a cloak of gold. Around his neck was an amber chain.

LINNET: A human child?

TURTLEDOVE: That isn’t possible.

WOODPECKER: Human children don’t fall from the sky. Do they?

OWL: This one did.

MOLE: Wasn’t the child in great danger?

SQUIRREL: From wolves?

(ALL look at WOLF.)

WOLF: I wasn’t even born yet!

OWL: Indeed, the child was in great danger. I did not know what to do, when, suddenly, two woodcutters appeared out of trees.


WOODCUTTER1: Oh,look,look! Have you seen this strange light and...

WOODCUTTER2: Something brilliant not far from us? Let’s have a look! It can be a piece of gold or treasure of any kind.

WOODCUTTER1: It’s a good idea! But be careful!!! It can be dangerous.

WOODCUTTER2: I have just found it! Oh, my God! How unlucky we are! Look here! There is no gold in this cloak, nor silver but only…

WOODCUTTER1: Only a little boy who is asleep. How lovely and fresh he is! And so terribly cold!

WOODCUTTER2: Let leave it here and go away.

WOODCUTTER1: What are you talking about? How can I leave him here?

WOODCUTTER2: We have too many children and not enough money to buy food. I don’t want another child.

WOODCUTTER1: But… But… He is just a little child…


OWL: The Woodcutter was very poor, and he already had many children to care for. For a moment he didn’t know what to do.


(WOLF crosses to the WOODCUTTER and speaks in his ear.)


WOLF: This is a bitter end to your hope, poor Woodcutter. Not a pot of gold, but a hungry child. You cannot care for another child. You cannot even care for the children you already have. Take the golden cloak. Take the amber chain from around his neck and sell both. Leave this child here.


(SQUIRREL crosses to the other side of the WOODCUTTER and speaks in his ear.)


SQUIRREL: It would be an evil thing to leave this child here to die in the snow. Poor as you are, and with as many mouths to feed as you have, can you leave a helpless child here to die?

WOODCUTTER1: (Lifting the bundle of blankets and placing it inside HIS coat for warmth.) We will find room for this child in our home and in our hearts. What’s this around the child’s neck? A golden chain of amber?

WOODCUTTER2: Then if you have the child so you must give me the chain and the cloak of gold.

WOODCUTTER1: No, this cloak and this chain are not yours or mine. They are the baby's and must stay with him.


(The WOODCUTTERS exit with the baby)


OWL: I followed the Woodcutter home, to make sure the human child was safe. It was a long journey, through woods and valleys, across a frozen lake, and into a small house where the Woodcutter’s family lived.


WOODCUTTER1: I have found something in the forest and brought it to you to take care of it.

WOODCUTTER’S WIFE: What is it? Show what you’ve got!... Oh, dear! We have too many children already and not enough money to buy food. I don't want another child. And how shall we treat it?

WOODCUTTER1: I have found it in the wood, lying in the snow. He is a star-child! We must love him. God cares for the sparrows even and feeds them.

WOODCUTTER’S WIFE: Don’t the sparrows die of hunger in the winter? And isn’t it winter now? Close the door, there comes a bitter wind and I am cold.

WOODCUTTER1: There is always cold at homes of people with cold hearts.

WOODCUTTER’S WIFE: (takes the baby, feeling ashamed). You’re right, my love, you’re right. We must love him and we will. He is our little star-child.


(The WOODCUTTER and his WIFE exit with the baby).


WOLF: What a fool mind has he got!

SQUIRREL: What a kind heart has he got!

OWL: Let’s wait and see what happened next.



Scene 2









(The 10 years old THE STAR-CHILD runs onto the stage and disperses animals cruelly. The other children follow him. They sit in a circle and play “Duck, duck, goose”. The STAR-CHILD stands a bit on a side).


THE STAR-CHILD: I am really good-looking and handsome. My skin is white and delicate, my curls are like the rings of the daffodil and my lips are like the petals of a red flower. My eyes are like violets by a river of pure water. Can I be the son of the
Woodcutter? I am not sure…

STEPBROTHER: Hey, the Star-Child, why don’t you play with us?

THE STAR-CHILD: With you? Because your parents are poor and I am noble,          I come from a star. I am rather better and nicer than               all children in this small village. I was born to rule! Come up to me, children! You must obey me because       I am your master and you are my servants. And we shall another game. When I say “Simon says” you should do what I say. But if I don’t say “Simon says” you shouldn’t move at all. Is it clear?


(Children play “Simon says”. Each time the children do the action the Star-Child laughs at them).


THE STAR-CHILD: Simon says “jump like frogs” (the children do). Simon says “howl like owls” (the children do). Simon says “shake like dogs” (the children do). And now… “become invisible”!

STEPSISTER: (helplessly) But we can’t do that!

THE STAR-CHILD: (laughing cruelly) Of course you can’t! And you shouldn’t –         I didn’t say “Simon says”! Oh, you are such fools!


(The BEGGAR WOMAN enters).


THE STAR-CHILD: Look at that ugly woman. We don't want her here. Let’s drive her away! (starts throwing stones at the BEGGAR WOMAN).


 (The WOODCUTTER enters).

WOODCUTTER: What are you doing? Stop it now! Why do you have no pity for this poor woman?

THE STAR-CHILD: I will not listen to you. You are not my father.

WOODCUTTER: This is true, but when I found you in the forest I had pity for you.

BEGGAR WOMAN: (exclaims) Oh! Did this child come from the forest? Did he have a gold cloak with stars on it? Did this happen about ten years ago?

WOODCUTTER: (surprisingly) Y-yes.

BEGGAR WOMAN: And did he have an amber chain round his neck?

WOODCUTTER: Yes, he did (takes and shows the chain and the cloak).

BEGGAR WOMAN: (takes the things and starts crying with joy) He is my little son.    I am his mother. I lost him in the forest ten years ago and I looked all over the world for him. Now I have him again. (Turning to the STAR-CHILD) I am your mother.

THE STAR-CHILD: You are mad. I am not your son: you are dressed in old clothes, you are a beggar woman and I am a Star-Child!

BEGGAR WOMAN: But I recognized you when I saw you and I recognized your cloak of gold and your chain of amber. Robbers stole you from me. Come to me, my son. Your love is very important for me.

THE STAR-CHILD: No! You are not my mother! (Tries to run away but the WOODCUTTER stops him).

BEGGAR WOMAN: Please, kiss me before I go because I travelled all over the
world and I suffered much to find you.

THE STAR-CHILD: Never. You are very ugly. I prefer to kiss a toad or a snake.


(The STAR-CHILD runs away. The BEGGAR WOMAN exits, crying. The children continue playing. Then the STAR-CHILD comes back).


THE STAR-CHILD: Shall we play again?

STEPSISTER: (laughing) We don't want to play with you now because you're ugly.

(The children run away, keeping laughing).

THE STAR-CHILD: Why do they say these things to me? (looks down the stage). Oh! Who is that ugly boy in the water? Is it… me??? No! No! This is my punishment. I was very cruel and my mother suffered. Now I must find her and say sorry.


(The STAR-CHILD exits).


Scene 3







(The animals enter first. Then the STAR-CHILD).

THE STAR-CHILD: Mother! Mother! I'm sorry, please come back.

(The STAR-CHILD notices the MOLE).

THE STAR-CHILD: You can go under the ground. Tell me if my mother is there?

MOLE: I don't know if your mother is there. I cannot see because you hurt my eyes.

THE STAR-CHILD: (Turning to LIMMET) You can fly over the trees. Tell me if you can see my mother.

LIMMET: I don't know if your mother is there. I cannot fly because you hurt my wings.

THE STAR-CHILD: (Turning to a SQUIRREL) Where is my mother?

SQUIRREL: I don’t know. You killed my mother. Do you want to kill your mother too?


(The animals run away).


THE STAR-CHILD: Had I not be so cruel the animals would have helped me! Now, I should go to the town. Perhaps my mother is there.




Scene 4









(The animated image of the winter storm appears on the back screen. The STAR-CHILD imitates moving through the heavy storm. On his way he suddenly sees a little hare in trouble and helps it kindly to escape the trap. The little hare runs away).




(Local citizens enter. They are busy with their stuff. From time to time they notice the STAR-CHILD and start to push him, laugh at him, offend him and throw things at him. The STAR-CHILD stops at the gate, gardening by two guards).


FIRST GUARD: Who are you, monster?

SECOND GUARD: What are you doing here?

THE STAR-CHILD: I’m looking for my mother. Please, let me pass. Perhaps, she is in the city.

FIRST GUARD: Who is your mother?

SECOND GUARD: Why are you looking for her?

THE STAR-CHILD: She is a poor beggar like me and I was very cruel to her. Now I want her pardon.

FIRST GUARD: To tell you frankly, your mother won’t be merry  when she sees you.

SECOND GUARD: You are more ill-favoured than  the toad of the marsh! Go away! 

FIRST GUARD: (pushes the STAR-CHILD) Get out of our sights!


(The MAGICIAN enters).


THE MAGICIAN: Could I buy this child of a beggar? His price shall be a bowl of sweet wine. He can be my slave!

FIRST GUARD: Take him.

SECOND GUARD: We don’t need him at all.


(The guards exit).


THE MAGICIAN: Now, listen to my conditions:  in the forest there are three pieces of gold (one is of white gold, and another of yellow gold and the gold of the third is red). At sunset I’ll be waiting for you at the door of the garden. You are my slave and if you do not bring me the piece of white gold I will beat you one hundred times. Get away quickly!




Scene 4








(The animated image of the winter storm appears on the back screen. The STAR-CHILD imitates moving through the heavy storm. On his way he falls down tiredly and suddenly sees a little hare again).


THE HARE: What happened? Once you’ve helped so now what can I do for you in return?

THE STAR-CHILD: I must find a piece of white gold for the Magician. If I don't take it to him he will beat me.

THE HARE: I’ll help you. I know where it is.

(THE HARE brings the piece of gold).


THE STAR-CHILD: Oh, I’m so thankful for your help!

THE HARE: As I was thankful for yours!


(The HARE runs away. The STAR-CHILD returns to the town and sees the poor man at the gate).


THE POOR MAN: Oh, a kind boy! Don’t let me alone! Give me a piece of money, or I must die of hunger. They have driven me out of the city and there is no one who has pity on me!

THE STAR-CHILD: But I have only one piece of gold. If I don't take it to the Magician he will beat me.


THE STAR-CHILD: Take it. Your need is bigger than mine.


(The POOR MAN exits. The MAGICIAN enters).


THE MAGICIAN: So, boy, where is my piece of white gold?

THE STAR-CHILD: I gave it to a poor man. He needed it more than I did.

THE MAGICIAN: You fool! Now you will not get any food to eat nor water to drink. And if next time you don’t bring me a yellow gold I will beat you three hundred times. Go!



(The animated image of the winter storm appears on the back screen. The STAR-CHILD imitates moving through the heavy storm. On his way he falls down tiredly and starts crying. Suddenly he sees a little hare again).


THE HARE: Why are you crying?

THE STAR-CHILD: The Magician wants me to bring him another piece of gold or he will beat me three hundred times.

THE HARE: This one? (shows the yellow piece of gold).

THE STAR-CHILD: Yes! The yellow one! Oh, you save my life for the second time!

THE HARE: I would not have done it if you had not saved me for the first.


(The HARE runs away. The STAR-CHILD returns to the town and sees the poor man at the gate again).


THE POOR MAN: Oh, a kind boy! Don’t let me alone! The cruel guards have taken the white piece of gold away. Give me one more piece of money, or I must die of hunger.

THE STAR-CHILD: But I have only one piece of gold. If I don't take it to the Magician he will beat me three hundred times.


THE STAR-CHILD: Take it. Your need is bigger than mine.


(The POOR MAN exits. The MAGICIAN enters).


THE MAGICIAN: So, boy, where is my piece of yellow gold?

THE STAR-CHILD: I gave it to a poor man. He needed it more than I did.

THE MAGICIAN: You fool! Now, listen to me, boy. If this time you don’t bring me the piece of a red gold I’ll kill you. So, go!



(The animated image of the winter storm appears on the back screen. The STAR-CHILD sits on the ground, crying. The HARE enters and swaps his tears).


THE HARE: Here is what you are looking for (gives him a red piece of gold). Now, take it and go. This time everything will be fine. You are a good boy with a good heart. Now, go.


(The STAR-CHILD takes the gold. The HARE runs away. Just the moment the STAR-CHILD stands, the POOR MAN appears).


THE POOR MAN: Oh, a kind boy! Give me that red piece of gold or I’ll die of hunger.

THE STAR-CHILD: Take it. Your need is bigger than mine.


(The POOR MAN takes the gold and exits).


THE STAR-CHILD: I’ve done a right thing. Now, the Magician will kill me. But this is my punishment for all wrong things I’d done before.


(The STAR-CHILD exits).




Scene 5









(Two guards stands at the gate. They see the STAR-CHILD, bow and let him pass insight the city. The STAR-CHILD doesn’t know he has become handsome again).


FIRST GUARD: Look at our beautiful Lord!

SECOND GUARD: Surely there is none so beautiful in the whole world!

THE STAR-CHILD: (sadly to himself) They are mocking at me and laughing at my misery! Where can              I hide? (he popped at a citizen)

CITIZEN 1: My lord, we have been waiting for you, the son of our King.

THE STAR-CHILD: I am not a king's son. I am the son of a poor beggar woman. Why do you say that I am beautiful? I know I am very ugly.

FIRST GUARD: My lord, but you aren’t ugly. You are beautiful! Look! (shows him his shield).

CITIZEN 1: There is a prophecy, that on this day our king will come. You are our king.

CITIZEN 2: Take this crown and this scepter. Govern us with justice and with mercy.

THE STAR-CHILD: No, I’m a bad boy. I must find my mother. I cannot accept the crown and the scepter.


(The STAR-CHILD turns towards the city gate. In the crowd he sees his mother, the BEGGAR WOMAN. Then next to her he sees the POOR MAN from the city gate. He runs to the woman and kneels in front of her).


THE STAR-CHILD: Mother I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Once I gave you my hatred. Please give me your love now.


(The BEGGAR WOMAN doesn’t answer).


THE STAR-CHILD: (towards the POOR MAN) 3 times I did give you my mercy. Ask my mother to speak to me once.


(The POOR MAN doesn’t answer).


THE STAR-CHILD: Please forgive me, mother. Please, forgive me.


(The BEGGAR WOMAN and the POOR MAN put their hands on the boy’s head).


THE BEGGAR WOMAN: Rise, my dear son!

THE POOR MAN: Rise and look at us!

THE BEGGAR WOMAN: This is your father whom you have helped three times.

THE POOR MAN: This is your mother whose feet you have washed with your tears.






















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