Сценарій відкритого виховного заходу, вистава "A day at the airport"

Про матеріал
Сценарій відкритого виховного заходу з англійської мови- вистави "A day at the airport'', який був проведений з учнями 5 класу.
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A Day at the Airport

(A play to act)

Objectives (Aims): The main verb forms used in the play are the Present Simple and Imperative. The play also practices the use of personal pronouns. Acting out the play gives Ss an opportunity to speak English in a communicative way and demonstrate to themselves and their audience what they can achieve.

People in the play: Mrs Black (Копач Діана)

                                   Mrs Smith (Білик Анастасія)

                                   Mr White (Ванчура Максим)

                                   Man 1 (Андрійовський Віктор)

                                   Man 2 (Воротний Юрій)

                                   Woman 1 (Мосійчук Катерина)

                                   Woman 2 (Музика Олена)

                                   Customs officer 1 (Кривоус Діана)

                                   Customs officers 2 (Кійко Катерина,

                                                                    Гончаровська Наталія)

                                   Customs officer 3 (Греськів Діана)

                                   Other passengers

Equipment: a desk, costumes, suitcases, bags, CD-recorder.

The plan of the play

At the airport. Customs. Four customs officers are behind a desk. There are a lot of passengers with suitcases.

Customs officer 1 Please, come here.

Customs officers 2 Queue, please. This is England.

Customs officer 1 puts up the “queue here” sign. The passengers move into a queue. Man 1 is first in the queue, then Woman1, then Mr White, then Mrs Smith, then Man 2, then Woman 2 and finally Mrs Black.

Customs officer 3 Who’s first, please?

Man 1 I’m first and I’m in a hurry. Please, be quick!

Man 1 puts his suitcase on the desk.

Customs officer 1 Is this your suitcase, sir?

Man 1 Yes, it is! What a silly question!

Customs officer 1 What’s in your suitcase, sir?

Man 1 Clothes, of course! Please, hurry!

Customs officer 1 OK, sir! Thank you very much. Next, please.

Man 1 walks off stage . Woman 1 puts her suitcase on the desk.

Customs officer 2 Hello, madam. What have you got in your suitcase?

Woman 1 I’ve got presents.

Customs officers 2 Presents? Please, open your suitcase.

Woman 1 opens her suitcase.

Customs officers 2 What are these?

Customs officers 2 pulls out two bunches of bananas.

Woman 1 They’re bananas! Presents for my pet monkey!



Song “ Cazy Café”

Hello and welcome

to the Crazy Café.

We’ve got fast food

and drinks on sale.

Are there any cheese

or meat sandwiches?

And is there any water

or orange juice?

I’m sorry to say

There aren’t any sandwiches today.

There isn’t any meat or cheese.

There isn’t any water or juice.

But there are some burgers

and a lot of chips

And you’ve got some cola.

So let’s sit down and stay!

Customs officers 2 OK, madam! Thank you very much! Next, please.

Woman 1 takes her suitcase and walks off the stage. Mr White puts his suitcase on the desk. Customs officer 3 looks at the label on the suitcase. 

Customs offices 3 Is this your suitcase, Mr Black?

Mr White My name isn’t Black. It’s White.

Customs officer 3 The name here is Black!

Mr White Well, I am not Mr Black but that’s my suitcase.

Customs officer 3 Please open your suitcase, Mr White.

Mr White opens his suitcase. Costoms officer 1 pulls out a dress and ladies’ shoes.

Customs officer 3 is this your dress, Mr White? Are these your shoes?

Mrs Black runs to the desk.

Mrs Black Stop! Stop! That’s my dress, those are my shoes – and that’s my suitcase. You’ve got the wrong suitcase, Mr White. Here’s your suitcase!

Customs officer 3 OK, Mr White and Mrs Black! Thank you very much. Next, please!

Mr White and Mrs Black walk off stage with their suitcases. Mrs Smith puts her suitcase on the desk.

Mrs Smith I’m Mrs Smith. Here’s my name.

Mrs Smith points to the label on suitcase.

Customs officer 1 Thank you Mrs Smith. Have you got bananas in your suitcase too?

Mrs Smith What a silly question. I’ve got clothes.

Customs officer 1 Please open your suitcase!

Mrs Smith opens the suitcase.

Customs officers Ahhhhhh!

Customs officer 1 screams and closes the case.

Mrs Smith Clothes and my pet snake!

Customs officer 1 Snakes! Snakes! You can’t carry snakes in suitcases. Please, go to that office.

Customs officer 1 points off stage. Mrs Smith walks off stage. Man 2 puts his suitcase on the desk.

Man 2 Well, I haven’t got snakes, I haven’t got bananas. And this is my suitcase!

Customs officer 2 Ha! Ha! We’re happy about that, sir. Thank you very much. Next, please!

Man 2 turns from the desk. Woman 2 runs forward and bumps into him.

Woman 2 I’m next! Oops! Sorry!

Man 2 drop his suitcase and it opens. In the suitcase are money and jewels.

All Look in his suitcase!

Man 2 tries to pick up the money and jewels. The customs officers go to Man 2.

Customs officer 3 I can see you haven’t got bananas or snakes, sir!

Customs officer 1 Come with me, please, sir.

He puts his hand on the man’s arm.

Customs officers 2 What a day!

Song “What a day!”

All (chorus x2) Oh what a day!

                          What a day!

                           A day at the airport

                          What can we say?

Passengers        The officers are crazy.

Customs officers The passengers are mad.

Passengers        We love our holidays

                           But customs are bad!

All (chorus x2)

Customs officers (They point at the passengers.).

                             Their suitcases are full.

                             They have crazy things.   

 Passengers (They point at customs officers.)

                      They ask silly questions.

                       They don’t mean a thing!

 All (chorus x2)

The end