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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови з розробленими відповідними інтерактивними завданням та підібраними тематичними піснями та відео, які будуть корисними при плануванні та проведенні тижня іноземних мов у навчальних закладах. Цікавий матеріал сприятиме розвитку пізнавальної активності учнів та стимулюватиме їх інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов.
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Сценарій виховного заходу

“The Earth is our home”

 Мета заходу: 

практична:  збагатити словниковий запас учнів, активізувати раніше вивчені лексико-граматичні структури у мовленні дітей, удосконалювати знання, уміння, навички, набуті на уроках англійської мови, практикувати учнів у здійсненні усного спілкування, активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми “Тварини”, вчитися на слух сприймати та розуміти іншомовне мовлення, розвивати фонематичний слух; 

 освітня: розширювати кругозір та підвищувати загальну культуру     учнів, формувати в учнів соціокультурну компетенцію;

розвивальна: розвивати в учнів навички сприймання та розуміння інформації, мовну здогадку та мовленнєву пам’ять, активізувати в учнів навчально-пізнавальну діяльність шляхом використання творчих форм роботи, розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію;

виховна: виховувати в учнів навички роботи в колективі, повагу до однокласників та глядачів, виховувати почуття відповідальності за свою роботу, бережливе ставлення до природи.

Обладнання: декорації для оформлення сцени, костюми героїв та реквізит, аудіо- та відеоапаратура та аудіо носії для музичного супроводу.


Хід заходу

(Під музичний супровід “BBC. News” виходять двоє ведучих).


(Відеоролик про природу та життя тварин в Антарктиці)

Narrator 1: Good day, our dear TV viewers.

Narrator 2: Good day! Our channel, BBC 1, is ready to inform you about the world’s news.

Narrator 1: So, today we are going to speak the problems of our world. Let’s start our journey.

Narrator 2: And one of the ecological problems is found in Antarctica.

Narrator 1: Our climate is getting warmer and it influences on animals living in the North Pole.

Narrator 2: Let’s see what they think about it.

(Звучить пісня)

The Planet Earth Song



Planet Earth, Planet Earth

Third rock from the sun,

It's the only one with a bunch of life

'Cause there ain't no place like Planet Earth


Planet Earth, Planet Earth

93 million miles from the sun,

It's the planet we're on

And there ain't no place like Planet Earth


Earth is rocky (terrestrial!)

From its core through the mantle to the crust

For life to exist on Planet Earth

The right kind of atmosphere is a must

78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen

1% is other elements,

The Earth has just the right atmospheric content


Planet Earth, Planet Earth

Every 24 hours the Earth rotates

And this is how we get our night and day


Planet Earth, it's teeming with life

From the fish in the sea to the birds in the sky

The plants and the animals and you and I


Earth is called the Goldilocks Planet

Conditions are juuuuust right, for the life in it

Lots of water and a great atmosphere

And a whole lotta trees to keep the air clear

They breathe in what we breathe out

CO2 is what we're talking about

70% of the Earth is water

If you see it from space, it looks like a blue marble


Planet Earth, Planet Earth

There's life everywhere from the skies to the seas

To the microscopic organisms in the dirt


Planet Earth, we're living on Planet Earth

Third rock from the Sun,

It's the only one with a bunch of life

'Cause there ain't no place like Planet Earth


Planet Earth, we're living on Planet Earth

Planet Earth, we're living on Planet Earth


(Виходять тварини та дослідник)


Explorer: Hello!

Animals: Hello!

Explorer: How are you?

Animals: We are not fine.

Explorer: Why? What’s happened?

Animals: You know, we are worried about the situation here. The North Pole used to be the coldest place in the world but recently the situation has changed.

Explorer: What do you mean?

Animals: The air is polluted and it’s getting warmer day by day. If people don’t think about the future of our planet, we will die. People, stop pollute the Earth!

(Відеоролик про вплив людської діяльності на природу та життя тварин в Антарктиці)

(Звучить пісня)

Planet Earth



I am the Earth

The only planet with organic life

With 8.7 million species

We all fight to survive.

You all live on me

So work like bees in a hive

And keep this planet really healthy

So that we can all thrive


My atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen

Another 21% of it is Oxygen

And other small percentages of other elements

Without my atmosphere around

You would be frozen


I take 365 Earth days

To Orbit the sun

24 hours makes 1 day

That's just one time that I'm Spun

You won’t fly off into space

Gravity’s pulling you down

As fast as 9.8 meters a second towards the ground


I am the Earth

The only planet with organic life

With 8.7 million species

We all fight to survive.

You all live on me

So work like bees in a hive

And keep this planet really healthy

So that we can all thrive


There are 12 different types of climates

that exist on me

moderate, Polar, dry and tropical are 4 groups you see

Then there is continental it is the 5th category

One climate in no group

Is Highland way above the sea


I’m the 3rd planet from the sun

No one is denser than me

My axis tilts at 23.5 that's my degree

4.5 billion years ago is when I was born you see


I am the Earth

The only planet with organic life

With 8.7 million species

We all fight to survive.

You all live on me

So work like bees in a hive

And keep this planet really healthy

So that we can all thrive


I am the Earth

The only planet with organic life

With 8.7 million species

We all fight to survive.

You all live on me

So work like bees in a hive

And keep this planet really healthy

So that we can all thrive


Вікторина 1

1. It is from Europe and Asia. It lives in holes in the earth. It holes have many entrances and exits. It is grey and black and has small legs. This animal eats fruit, insects, birds, snakes, frogs, and mice. It sleeps during the day and look for food at night. But sometimes it goes out and lies or sits near the hole to sun-bathe. It sleeps in winter.

2. It is from Europe and Asia. It is a small animal with short legs. It is grey. It has sharp spines on its back. Its spines are short – 3 cm. It likes milk. It is active at night. It feeds on insects and mice. It can run fast, swim and jump. It can roll itself into a ball. It snorts. It sleeps in winter. It is afraid of owls and foxes, but it can kill snakes.

3. It is from Asia, Europe, South and North America. It lives in den. It is a big and strong animal. It can be brown and white. It has short legs and tail and it is covered with thick hair. It likes vegetable food, berries and honey. But it can kill and eat small animals and fish. It can run, fish and climb the trees. This animal growls.

4. It is from Asia, Europe and North America. It lives in a pack. It is wild and dangerous animal. It is big grey beast. It feeds on meat. It hunts on deer, elks, wild boars, foxes and hares. It can run very fast – 60 km/h. It can catch and kill hares, horses, sheep, deer and other animals. This animal howls. It can live 20 years.

5. It is from Asia, Europe, Africa, South and North America. It lives in the earth hole. It use the same hole every year. Some holes are 100 years. It has a dog-like face sharp and bushy tail. It is covered with thick fur. It  can be red, white and black. It feeds on small animals, birds, eggs and fruit. It can run and jump. It yelps or barks. It can live 10 – 12 years.

6. It is from Asia, Europe, South and North America. There are a lot of kinds of these animals on the Earth. It is a big brown animal. It has long head, long legs and a tail. It eats a lot of grass, but they also like oats and barley. It eats snow instead the water. It can run extremely fast with speed 50 km/h. It lives together in groups.

7. This animal lives on the all continents, except Antarctica. It lives in a maze of burrows. It is small. It has long ears and short tail. It is grey in spring, summer and autumn and it is white in winter. It feeds on vegetables. It likes cabbage and carrots best of all. It can run and jump. This animal is afraid of foxes and wolves.

8. It is from America, Asia and Europe. It lives in a hole, digging under the tree. It has a big head, sharp face and black mask on white background around its eyes. Its fur is thick grey with black dots. It feeds on insects, worms, small lizards, grass, leaves and shoots. Before it begins to eat anything, at first washes the food in the nearest water. It can catch fish.























 (Під музичний супровід “BBC. News” виходять двоє ведучих).


(Відеоролик про природу та життя тварин в США)

Narrator 1: We can observe ecological problems all around the world.

Narrator 2: And now, let’s visit the USA.


Narrator 1: Local people always fight against pollution. But they are in a small number.

Narrator 2: We must not pollute the nature because different kinds of animals and plants live there.

Narrator 1: Let’s see what they think about it.

(Звучить пісня)

Earth Day



We’ve got a planet that we all can love on

It gives us what we need so we live on

All together this is what to do

Taking care of Earth, me and you. 


When you plant trees, there’s something you should know

When you protect it and make sure that it grows.

It gives you lots of shade, and purifies the air

And that becomes good shelter, when an animal lives there. 


Now saving water, this helps the planet, too.

When you brush your teeth, be careful what you use.

Conserving energy, in the day or late at night

If no one’s in the room, then there’s no need for a light. 


Don’t ever litter, in the street or in the sea.

Look for a trash can, please keep our planet clean!

Cars are very nice but too many jam the town

Sometimes it’s so much better to bike or walk around


Our planet called Earth helps us more than you may know. It gives us the air we breathe, the water we drink and it feeds us with the food that it grows. We need to treat it well because it’s the only planet that we have. Thank you planet Earth!


We’ve got a planet that we all can love on

It gives us what we need so we live on

All together this is what to do

Taking care of Earth, me and you.


Sing along and you’ll know what to do

We’re celebrating Earth, me and you!


(Виходять тварини та дослідник)


Explorer: Hello!

Animals: Hello!

Explorer: How are you?

Animals: We are not fine.

Explorer: Why? What’s happened?

Animals: You know, we are worried about the situation here. The ecology is getting worse day by day.

Explorer: What do you mean?

Animals: You know, there is a lot of garbage everywhere, the air is polluted and we can’t find enough food. People throw away a lot of plastic which is very dangerous for our environment.

Explorer: What do you mean?

Animals: People, please, stop pollute the Earth. You should not think only about yourselves, you must protect us!


(Відеоролик про вплив людської діяльності на природу та життя тварин в США)

(Звучить пісня)


We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands



We’ve got the whole world, in our hands

We’ve got the whole world, in our hands

We’ve got the whole world in our hands

We’ve got the whole world in our hands


We should recycle now - all that we can

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - all that we can

We should recycle now - all that we can

We’ve got the whole world in our hands


Be kind to the plants and animals - of our land

Be kind to the plants and animals - of our land

Be kind to the plants and animals - of our land

We’ve got the whole world in our hands


Join hands with sisters and brothers - throughout the land

Join hands with sisters and brothers - throughout the land

Join hands with sisters and brothers - throughout the land

We’ve got the whole world in our hands


Dream your bright dream - then do all that you can

Dream your bright dream - then do all that you can

Dream your bright dream - then do all that you can


We’ve got the whole world in our hands

We’ve got the whole world, in our hands

We’ve got the whole world, in our hands

We’ve got the whole world, in our hands

We’ve got the whole world in our hands


Вікторина 2

1. This animal is differ from other cats. It has got small head with small ears, slim body and long tail – 80 cm. It has got sand-yellow skin with small black spots. It is the weakest of African beasts of  prey. But it can run faster than any other land animal –  as fast as 112 to 120 km/h.

2. It is a big beautiful cat with small roundish head, supple body, very strong legs and a long tail. It has got short thick yellow fur with large black spots and rings. It hunts only at night. It can eat small antelopes, deer, mice and lizards. It can climb trees very well.  It can catch  monkeys on the tree and eat them. It doesn’t like dogs.

3. This is wild African horse. It lives in small group. It feeds on grass. It has got a big head with big ears and short main. It has got strong legs and can run fast (65 km/h). It has got light and dark stripes on its skin. Lion is its worst enemy. This animal can live 20 – 30 years.  

4. This animal can be brown grey and green. Its tail is longer than its body. It eats everything. It likes flowers, seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, birds. Most of time it spends on the trees. It can run, climb the trees and jump. It cane make a jump on 10 – 15 metres. It can live 20 years. This animal likes to swing on the trees.

5. This animal is from Africa and Asia. But the Asian one is very rare now. It is the biggest member of the cat family. It has a dull-yellowish skin. It has got very strong legs. It can run, jump, and climb trees. In the day time it rests on the grass, it hunts in the evening. It can kill any big animal except elephant or rhino.

6. This is African animal. It has got small head with two or three small horns. But it has got the longest tongue  - 50 cm. It can clean its ears with the help of the tongue. It feeds on leaves and twigs from the top of trees. It is the tallest of all animals. Its medium height is 5 metres. It has got long strong legs and can run fast – 50 km/h. 

7. This animal lives in Australia. It is big. It can be red, brown and grey. It has got big body, small head with long big ears. It has two forelimbs with small claws, two muscular hind-limbs, which are used for jumping, and a strong tail. It can jump over 9 m. It has got a pouch on its stomach. It carries its baby in the pouch.

8. This animal lives in Africa and India. It is very big. It has got big body, short thick legs with three toes on each foot. It has a big head with a horn that’s grow on its nose. It sleeps in the day and it’s active in night. This animal feeds on plants. It can swim and run  25 – 30 km/h. It likes to lie in the dirt and dust. It can live 30 – 50 years.

9. This animal likes water very much. It drinks 100 – 300 litres of water in a day. It likes to take a shower with the help of its trunk. This is the biggest of land animals. It lives in Africa and in Asia. It feeds on leaves, grass, fruit. It can’t jump. It can swim well. It can run  rather fast – 30 km/h.  It one of the  cleverest animal on the Earth.













 (Під музичний супровід “BBC. News” виходять двоє ведучих).


(Відеоролик про природу та життя тварин в Африці)

Narrator 1: Of course, we have to take care about our planet.

Narrator 2: And the next point of our trip around the world’s problems is in Africa.

Narrator 1: Millions of animals suffer there from heat and lack of water.

Narrator 2: There are still some places where animals can feel safe there, but people destroy them.

Narrator 1: People build skyscrapers, pollute rivers and seas.

Narrator 2: Let’s see what they think about it.


(Звучить пісня)

Saving Earth Promise



The earth is my home ;

I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful;

I will love the land the air the water And all living creatures;

I will be a defender of my planet;

United with friends. I will save the earth;


United with friends, I promise to keep it;

United with friends, I will love the land;

United with friends, I’ll be a defender;

I will save the earth;


United with friends, I promise to keep it;

United with friends, I will love the land;

United with friends, I’ll be a defender;

I will save the earth;


I will save the earth.


(Виходять тварини та дослідник)


Explorer: Hello!

Animals: Hello!

Explorer: How are you?

Animals: We are not fine.

Explorer: Why? What’s happened?

Animals: You know, we are worried about the situation here. There are a lot of ecological problems here, in Africa.

Explorer: What do you mean?

Animals: The humanity doesn’t think about us at all. People don’t care about us.

Explorer:  Because…

Animals: Because they destroy everything: they cut down the tress, pollute the air ant the most dangerous thing is they pollute rivers. If there is no water here, in Africa, we will die. People, think what you are doing! Save our lives!


(Відеоролик про вплив людської діяльності на природу та життя тварин в Африці)

(Звучить пісня)

Good to be Green



It's good, good, good to be green

Yes it's good, good, good to be green

Nothing goes to waste for goodness sake

Yes it's good, good, good to be green


Switch off the lights

Turn off the taps

Keep your school nice and clean

That's what we do

Well how about you?


It's good, good, good to be green

Yes it's good, good, good to be green

Nothing goes to waste for goodness sake

Yes it's good, good, good to be green


Plant some seeds

Keeping fit

Recycle lots of things

That's what we do

Well how about you?


It's good, good, good to be green

Yes it's good, good, good to be green

Nothing goes to waste for goodness sake

Yes it's good, good, good to be green


It's good, good, good to be green

Yes it's good, good, good to be green

Nothing goes to waste for goodness sake

Yes it's good, good, good to be green


Yes it's good, good, good to be green

Yes it's good, good, good to be green




Вікторина 3

1. This animal lives in South America and in Asia. It has got massive body. Its weight 255 – 300 kg. It has got short tail, head with a small trunk, little eyes and short ears. It has got thick skin with short hair. It can jump and crawl. It can swim and dive well. It feeds on leaves, grass, fruit and seeds. Jaguar is its worst enemy.

2. It is from Asia. It lives in China in the mountain forests. It is big. (1,2 -1,8 m long, 75 -160 kg). It has got short body and legs, big head, big ears, small eyes and short tail. It has got short strong claws. This animal is black and white. Its fur is thick and soft.

It feeds on bamboo roots and shoots. It is dangerous. It is very rare animal now.

3. It lives in Africa. It is not very big. Its weight 40 – 80 kg. It has got small head with big ears. It has got dark brown or black long hair. This animal feeds on fruit, leaves, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, insects, honey and birds’ eggs. It can hunt on birds and other small animals. It makes a nest and sleep in it at night. It lives 50 – 60 years.

4. It is from Asia. It the biggest of the wild cats. This animal has got a very beautiful yellow and black stripes and a very long tail – 60 – 100 cm. It has got strong body, 2 m long and its weight is  280 kg. It likes swimming. It hunts on deer, elks, wild boars. It can kill bears, wolves and crocodiles. It hunts at night.  

5. It is from Australia. It is small animal with very short tail. Its weight is 5 – 16 kg. It lives on a tree and feeds on leaves. It has got big head, big ears and small eyes. It has got thick fluffy grey hear. This animal sleeps at the day time and climb trees at night. It can jump from tree to tree and swim. It lives 20 years.

6. It is from South America. It has got small head with very long thin snout. It look like a tube. It has got very long tongue - 60 cm. It has got small ears and eyes, short neck, strong legs and long tail. It has got short hair. It is active at night. It feeds on insect and eats only ant and termites.   

7. It is very beautiful and graceful animal. It is active at night, but can hunt at day time if it is hungry. It hunts near the water. It can climb trees. It has got small head with small ears, long body ad long tail. It is wild black cat.   

8. It is from South America. It is small. Its weight is 4 – 9 kg and it is 60 cm long. It also has short tail 6–7 cm, and it has three clawed toes on each limb. It lives on the trees. It feeds on leaves, but sometimes can eats insects and lizards. It doesn’t like to get down from a tree. Wild cats, eagles and snakes are its enemies.

9. It is from South and North America. It lives near the water. This animal likes water and can swim well. It hunts on tapirs, monkeys, foxes, birds, snakes and mice. It active only at night. It looks like a leopard but it is bigger.








 (Під музичний супровід “BBC. News” виходять двоє ведучих).


(Відеоролик про природу та життя тварин в Австралії)

Narrator 1: And the last stop of our trip around the world’s problems is in Australia.

Narrator 2: There are also a lot of ecological problems there.

Narrator 1: They are water and air pollution, deforestation, garbage.

Narrator 2: People have to stop doing these things and think about the living beings.

Narrator 1: Let’s see what they think about it.


(Звучить пісня)

Nature's All Around Me



I like the flowers

I like the trees

I like the mountains

Nature's all around me


I like the bunnies

I like the butterflies

I like the quacky ducks

Nature's all around me


I like the stars

I like the great big sun

I like the world

Nature's all around me



(Виходять тварини та дослідник)


Explorer: Hello!

Animals: Hello!

Explorer: How are you?

Animals: We are not fine.

Explorer: Why? What’s happened?

Animals: You know, we are worried about the situation here. Our planet is in danger.

Explorer: What do you mean?

Animals: People do not want to protect the environment. They use a lot of plastic and throw away it afterwards. They pollute the land. Nothing will grow on the Earth if they continue doing that.

Explorer:  So…

Animals: So, people, think about the future of our planet. Stop killing us!


(Відеоролик про вплив людської діяльності на природу та життя тварин в Австралії)

(Звучить пісня)


World of Wonder


Boys and girls, use your eyes, your ears, your hands and your brain

Science is everywhere, everyday

Plants are growing

Plants are growing

Rivers are flowing

Rivers are flowing

Birds are flying

Birds are flying

Whales are diving

Whales are diving


It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

See the stars shine bright

See the stars shine bright

It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

Rockets blast up high

Rockets blast up high


Dark clouds are forming

Dark clouds are forming

Rain is falling

Rain is falling

Lightning is flashing

Lightning is flashing

Thunder is crashing

Thunder is crashing


It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

See the stars shine bright

See the stars shine bright

It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

Rockets blast up high

Rockets blast up high


Big gorillas are stomping

Big gorillas are stomping

Alligators are chomping

Alligators are chomping

Bugs are crawling

Bugs are crawling

Snow is falling

Snow is falling


It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

See the stars shine bright

See the stars shine bright

It's a world of wonder

It's a world of wonder

Rockets blast up high

Rockets blast up high


Science is cool for me and you

Learning how things work and what they do

Use your 5 senses everyday

Observe all around as you work and play


(Звучить фінальна пісня)


Mother Earth



Mother Earth, Mother Earth.

It's a great place to be.

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home planet for you and me.


Look after our earth with care.

'Cos it's a planet we all share.

Humans, animals, plants and trees.

Let's live together in harmony.


Mother Earth, Mother Earth.

It's a great place to be.

Mother Earth, Mother Earth.

Home planet for you and me.


In ourselves we must take pride.

For our future we need to strive.

Be kind it's worthwhile.

Light the world up with your smile!


Mother Earth, Mother Earth.

It's a great place to be.

Mother Earth, Mother Earth.

Home planet for you and me.

It's a great place to be.

In peace and harmony.













26 квітня 2021
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