School and School Subjects

Про матеріал
План-конспект уроку на тему “School and School Subjects” Формування і розвиток комунікативних навичок учнів на основі мовних, лінгвокраїнознавчих та соціокультурних знань, навичок; вміння сприймати на слух і розуміти сказане. Розвиток мовних, інтелектуальних та пізнавальних здібностей, почуттів та емоцій школярів, готовність до комунікації;розвивати креативні здібності, вміння проектувати, формування логічного мислення. Розширювати зацікавлення учнів предметом за допомогою інформаційно-комунікативних технологій; розвивати любов до закладу, навчання в ньому.
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План-конспект уроку на тему “School and School Subjects”



Навчальна- формування і розвиток комунікативних навичок учнів на основі мовних, лінгвокраїнознавчих та соціокультурних знань, навичок; вміння сприймати на слух і розуміти сказане.

Розвиваюча– розвиток мовних, інтелектуальних та пізнавальних здібностей, почуттів та емоцій школярів, готовність до комунікації;розвивати креативні здібності, вміння проектувати, формування логічного мислення.

Виховна розширювати зацікавлення учнів  предметом за допомогою інформаційно-комунікативних технологій; розвивати  любов до закладу, навчання в ньому;

Обладнання: підручник, ноутбук, дошка, роздатковий матеріал та лепбуки.



Хід уроку


T: Good morning, pupils!
P: Good morning!
T: How are today?
P: We’re fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine too.
T: What date is today?
P:Today is the twentieth of  November
T: What day is  today?
P: It’sWednesday.
T: Who is on duty today?
P: I’m.
T: Who is absent today?
P:… is (are) absent today.

II. Warming up

T: And now let’s begin our lesson. We will sum up our knowledge about school life, school subjects and school rules. Your home task for today was to make a lap book. Did you do it?

 -Yes, we did.

Ok. I’m glad to hear it. This lapbook will help you to work during the lesson.

Today we have 6 lessons: PE,Biology, Maths, English and 2 HandiCrafts.

-How many lessons have you got on Monday (Tuesday,..)? - We have got 6 lessons on Monday (Tuesday,..). 

-Which subjects have you got on Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,)? - We have got Maths, ....

-What is your favorite school subject?Why?
T: The motto of our lesson is connected with school: “Knowledge is power”

T: Translate please this motto.
-Where do you get knowledge from?
-Many of your classmates have good knowledge of school subjects. Why? 
-How many girls and boys are there in your class?

Основна частина уроку

III. Lexical work

T: There are some words on the blackboard. Let's play “What is it?” game.


T: Now you can see some letters, guess what it is and name correct this subjects.


Nature( tuNare) Ukrainian (inian Ukra) Maths ( aMsth) Art (rtA) English (lignEsh) Music (cisMu) History (toHsiry) Literature (tureLirate)

T: Ok, your next task will be: read and guess what subject it is.

You use computers at this lessons. (IT)

We count, do sums, add at this lesson . (Maths)

You read and write at this lesson (Ukrainian Language)

You study events that happened long ago. (History)
We study nature at this lesson .(Nature)

We run and jump at this lesson. (PE)

You can draw pictures (Art) 
You can sing different songs. (Music)

We do different things. (Handicraft )

IV. Reading

T: Ok, now open please your books on the page 63 ex.5 a). Read this different children’s opinions about their subjects and  translate them.

T: So, we read them and now answer my questions.

1) Does Alison like History? Why?

2) What subjects does Ted study?

3) Does George like school?

4) What Andrew did at Maths lesson?

V. Speaking

T: Let’s discuss school rules. What we must and musn’t do in school using modal verbs.

T: Our pupils wrote school rules in their lap books and want to tell  them.

T: Who would like to demonstrate his school rules ?

T: These are general school rules. What about rules which we have in our school?

T: Who can share with us this information using his lap book and tell us?


VI. Listening

T: Now we are going to listen to the song. It is a recipe for a good student. Your task is to fill the missing words.

T:Ok. Let’s find out did you fill it right?

T: Thank you, it was great.

VII. Grammar and Vocabulary

T: Now, children, look at the cards. You should complete the sentence. But first write your name and surname.

My school

At the age of 6 or 7 all boys and girls (must/should) go to school. I (have to/ might) go to school too.  My school (is/are) large and light. It starts at 9 o’clock and I (musn’t/ must) be late. There (is/are) two floors in our school.

There (is/are) a schoolyard around it. There (is/are) a lot of trees in front of our school. You (may not/might) see a sports ground near the school. Sometimes we have physical lessons there. W (can/have to) jump and run there. We have got a lot of classrooms in our school. Our classroom (is/are) very comfortable.

We’ve got different subjects at school. They are:___________________________

I like my school and I (should/shouldn’t) go to school five days a week, but I (have to /mustn’t) go to school on Sunday.


T: Pass me your cards

VIII. The conclusion of the lesson

T: Open your diaries and write down your homework.

T: I hope you liked this lesson. Your marks for the lessons are: … The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention. Good bye.



До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 грудня 2019
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