Семестрова контрольна робота 6 клас

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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання розроблена на основі використання вивчених лексичних одиниць та здатність їх розпізнавати у коротких повідомленнях та текстах. Метою роботи є аналіз навичок читання учнів
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Reading      Variant 1     Match the words with their definitions.

1) In this shop you can buy chocolate, cakes   and other tasty things.

2) Time when you have breakfast, dinner,  supper.

3) Bread, spaghetti, cereal, cornflakes.

4) It shows you how much the thing costs.

5) Food that you eat between main meals.

6) You give the money for your goods to this    person.

7) Something that is not cheap.

8) You use it after a bath or a shower.    a) grains     b) sweet shop    c) snack   d) towel     e) cashier     f) price     g) mealtime        h) expensive

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

age distances buses visit

train cities car relatives

Americans enjoy travelling by____ (1) most of all. Families often

have two cars and in many states teenagers get driving licences at the_____

(2) of fourteen. In large_____ (3) like New York or

Boston public transport is very good. There are (4) and the underground.

In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because

they often have to drive long___ (5) to get to school or to work.

When they want to______ (6) their friends or___ (7),

Americans usually travel by plane. This is because the USA is so large that it

may take a lot of time to travel by car or by____ (8).

3 Read the text of ex. 2. Write if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1) The car is the most popular means of transport in the USA.

2) Most families have more than one car.

3) There is no good public transport in big cities.

4) In the countryside Americans don’t have to drive long distances.

5) People usually travel by car around the USA.

6) In the USA teenagers get driving licences at the age of thirteen.

4 Make up a dialogue.

Here you are.

— What colour?

— You can pay at the

cash register.

1 — Can I help you?

— It’s £36.55.

— Blue.

— Yes, I’m looking

for a skirt.

— Thank you.

— How much is it?

— Yes, it suits me.

Reading      Variant 2

Match the words with their definitions.

1) A person who doesn’t eat meat.

2) You put your goods into it when you are in the supermarket.

3) In this shop you can buy fish and other sea  products.

4) You put it under your head when you are going to sleep.

5) In this shop you can buy milk, butter or sour cream.

6) This person works in a shop.

7) In this shop you can buy things that are not new.

8) Something that is very tasty.

a) fishmonger’s b) second-hand shop  c) dairy     d) trolley  e) shop assistant

f) vegetarian   g) delicious    h) pillow

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

work trains buses means fastest

transport countryside travelling

In Britain the most popular___ (1) of transport is the car. People

use it to get to___ (2), to go to the supermarket or to take

children to and from school. But in busy centres where there is not much

place for parking people use public (3) such as buses, taxis

and___ (4). In London the underground, which is called «the

tube», is the____ (5) way of ___(6) around the city. In

the_____ (7) things are different. People travel by car because there

aren’t many____ (8) and trains are not frequent.

3 Read the text of ex. 2. Write if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1) People don’t use cars very often in Britain.

2) There is little space for leaving cars in the centre of the cities.

3) People prefer public transport in the centre of the capital.

4) The underground is a very fast way of travelling around the country.

5) You can’t see buses and trains in the countryside.

6) In Britan people prefer to travel by plane.

4 Make up a dialogue.

— Here you are.

— You can pay at the

cash register.

— What colour?

1 — Can I help you?

— It’s £43.25.

— Yes, it suits me.

— Yes, I need a shirt.

— Thank you.

— How much does it


— Black.


10 лютого 2019
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