Семестрова контрольна робота для учнів 9 класу(за підручником Оксани Карпюк). Робота складається з трьох завдань. перше- перевірка засвоєння лексики учнями, друге- рівень граматичних навичок, третє- творча робота.
9 клас
Семестрова контрольна робота
I.Translate the words into Ukraine
To attract
To include
To concern
A contestant
An appeal
A passion
II.Complete the sentences using the article(a, an or the)
Yesterday, I met__ interesting boy. __ boy had ___parrot on his shoulder. ___parrot was singing ___song. ___song was in French.
Our neighbor Tom is___ very active person. In ___ morning he jogs for ___ hour and in ___ evening he worked out his garden.
At ___ weekend he plays football with us. You′d never say he is 75. ___most important thing for my parents is how I am doing at school. «How was school today?» is___ first question they ask me when I come home.
III. Write down the essay «The Life of Youth in Ukraine»