Про матеріал

План-конспект інтегрованого уроку, присвячений винаходам і винахідникам. Учні дізнаються багато корисної інформації про досягнення вчених різних країн.Побачать, що можна зробити з допомогою комп'ютерів.

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Aims and objectives:

  • to apply vocabulary knowledge;
  • to practice listening and reading skills;
  • to revise the use of  the Past Passive Voice;
  • to develop students’ creativity;
  • to develop socio – cultural competence;


Materials required:

Multi – media equipment, cards with useful expressions for giving opinions, computers, cards “ Match the words with the definitions”, a card with “The Past Passive Voice”, a card with the text for reading “ Personal computers”, a tape recorder, a card with “ Vocabulary”, cards “ True or False”.



1.Organization of the lesson. Warming up.

Teacher : Good afternoon, pupils. I am glad to see you. Sit down please.

  I invite you to take part in the lesson devoted to inventions and inventors. We’ll speak about the inventions that shook the world. We’ll see what computers can do and you can do with their help. You’ll learn a lot of useful information about achievements of scientists from different countries. Also you’ll have plenty of practice in translation. I hope that by the  end of the lesson you’ll have improved your translation skills. Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? – The topic of our lesson is  “Inventions and inventors.’’

First of all I want to know how you are today.

T –P1,P2,P3,P4 -How are you today? – I am fine, thanks. I am great, thank you.

2. Practice

Brainstorming:  Now, let’s begin our work.  Many inventions have become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine them as inventions. Have a look at the pictures and say what modern inventions people use in everyday life? – P: People use many of them: a car, a computer, a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner, a mobile phone and so on.

( Pictures of different inventions are on the multi – media equipment).

T:It is interesting for me to know what units and machines you use in your household.

Your task is to ask questions about things yours classmates use at home.

Dialogues :

P1:What units and machines  do you use in your household? –P2 :  As for me I use a refrigerator and a vacuum cleaner.

P2: What  do you use for watching films?” -  P1 : I use a computer and TV set.

P3: What thing can’t you live without? -  P4: Without my computer, to my mind.

P4:  What thing do you use every day? –P3: I can say without hesitation it is my mobile telephone.

P5: What thing do you use regularly?- P6: I can’t live without my mobile telephone and my walkman because I am fond of listening to music.

P6: And what about you? –P5: As far I am concerned I use regularly my computer.

P7: What gadget do you use for taking photos? – P8: I use my camera .

P8: What is the most useful thing for your mother? – P7: In my opinion it is a cooker.



Pre -listening

Well I see you use many units and machines at home. And do you know the names of people who invented them?

P1 – I know the names of Karl Bens, Tomas Alva Edison.  

P2 – I know that phone was invented by Alexander Bell.

 Listening comprehension: Now I want you to listen to the text about Eugene Paton. By the way what have you heard about him? – P1: He headed the construction of the first bridge in Kiev.

You are right. Now look at the blackboard. These words will help you to understand the text better.

Consul -консул

Nice –м.Ніцца

To his credit- на його  рахунку

Electric welding -електрозварювання

Boltless –без кріплень

Soviet -радянський


Post –listening  After listening your task will be to explain why Paton changed his profession when he was 60. And you will do some task on the cards.( True or False)

Після прослуховування роблять завдання:

  1. Eugene Paton was born in St Petersburg in 1870. – False
  2. His father was Russian consul in Nice, France. – True
  3. Paton had graduated from Dresden Polytechnic Institute.  –True
  4. Eugene Paton  graduated from St Petersburg University  and then had a project of the Dresden railway station.- False
  5. He got a degree of a railway engineer at Dresden Polytechnic Institute.- False
  6. Paton was the first to found the Soviet school of  bridge – building. -True
  7. At the age of 60 he took up the electric welding. – True.
  8.  He headed the construction of the first  wooden bridge in Kiev. – False
  9. The bridge is 900 metres long. -False
  10. The name of Paton has been given to the bridge and Research Institute in Kyiv. – True.

T: Why did  Paton change his profession when he was 60? –P: He changed his profession because he wanted to serve the people.

T: Now, pupils, listen to the text again and then you will answer my questions.

Check on homework

T:So, pupils you listened about Ukrainian inventor Paton. Your home task was to prepare a story about one of the famous inventors. Who wants  to tell us some facts about these inventors?  -P1,P2,P3… Pupils tell about famous inventors and their inventions.

T:So we don’t imagine our life without many inventions. And  computer is one of them. I am sure that you would like to know more  about computers.



Учитель информатики

Учитель. Ви бачите, що англійська мова і компютери мають між собою багато спільного. Успішна робота з комп'ютером і комп'ютерними програмами багато в чому залежить від гарного знання англійської мови. Навіть просто граючи в комп'ютерні ігри, в більшості випадків доводиться перекладати з англійської мови коментарі і ради комп'ютера для того, щоб впоратися з грою. Існує багато способів вивчення англійської мови, і ми не конкуруватимемо ні з одним з них. Метою сьогоднішнього уроку є закріплення пройденного матеріалу по темі «Історія розвитку обчислювальної  техніки» та комп’ютерну програму SKIN, яка допомагає вивчати англійську мову.



Слайд №2. Встановіть відповідність між пристроями та їх назвами.



C:\Documents and Settings\UzerXP\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Презентация1\Слайд1.JPG




Слайд №3. Встановіть відповідність між англомовними назвами та їх значеннями.

C:\Documents and Settings\UzerXP\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Презентация1\Слайд2.JPG

Учитель. Здайте картки з виконаним завданням. А тепер виконаємо перевірку.

Слайд №4. Перевір себе.

C:\Documents and Settings\UzerXP\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Презентация1\Слайд3.JPG

Слайд №5

C:\Documents and Settings\UzerXP\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Презентация1\Слайд4.JPG

Слайд №6

C:\Documents and Settings\UzerXP\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Презентация1\Слайд5.JPG

2 этап. Робота з програмою-перекладачем  SKIIN.

Учитель. Виконайте запуск програми, використовуючи ярлик розташований на робочому столі. Вікно програми складається з двох частин. У верхній частині необхідно помістити текст, записаний англійською мовою і натискувати клавішу F5. Тоді в нижній частині вікна програми з'явиться переклад цього тексту на російську мову.

Задание. Користуючись даною програмою, здійсните переклад тексту personal computer.txt, який знаходиться на робочому столі. Збережете текст переведення в своїй теці під ім'ям переведення.txt. Відредагуйте новий текст згідно із стилістикою російської мови.

Таким чином, знання англійської мови набагато спрощує роботу з комп'ютерними програмами. В разі виникнення яких-небудь питань, допоможуть online-перекладачі, які розміщуються на різних сайтах мережі Інтернет, наприклад, google.com.

T: So, children we see now, that English is closely connected with the computer science.

Reading comprehension. Now we shall read and translate the text “ Personal computer”.



Grammar revision: When we speak or read texts about inventors and inventions we often use Passive structures, for example: computers are used everywhere.

Before reading we’ll revise the Past Passive ( опора на дошці) because there are  some sentences in the Past Passive in this text.

P:How is the Past Passive  formed? P: It is formed with the help of the verbs was or were and the third form of the verb.

P:And now take the cards please. Your task is to read the sentences and find the correct form of the verb. Circle the right variant.


                1.Penicillin ( discover)…..by Alexander Fleming.

  1.         discover        c) was discover
  2.         discovered        d)  was discovered

                 2. The helicopter ( invent) …. by Sikorsky in 1939.

 a) was invented      c) were invented

 b) invented             d) invents

                  3. The dishwasher ( design) … by Mrs W.A. Cockran.

 a) design                    b) designed

 c)  was designed         d)  were designed

              4.The first skyscrapers ( build) … in Chicago.

 a) was built           b) were built

 c) built                 d) build          

 1-d, 2-a, 3-c,4-b

Let’s read the text and translate only the sentences in the Past Passive.

Personal Computer


Personal computer (often called PC) is a small machinery and can be used by one person. Today, personal computer are almost as familiar as televisions and pens. This is amazing when you think that the first personal computer wasn’t available until 1971.

Before personal computer were developed, all computers were main-frames. Mainframes are large and expensive and were only used by big or-ganizations. Personal computer became popular because they were small and cost less than one percent of the price of a mainframe.

Since the mid. 1980s,  personal computer have become even smaller and even cheaper, as well much more powerful.


T: Have you got  a PC at home? – P1,P2:Yes, I have. I have got a PC at home.


T: Do you like working with computer? Why?

P1: I like working with computer. Computers can do a lot of work for us. They help us at school.

P2:They keep useful information

P3:They can teach us English

Подведение итогов.

Учитель информатики: Сьогодні  ми з вами ще раз переконались, що англійська мова та   комп’ютер  связаны друг с другом. Крім того, комп’ютер може облегчить труд при вивченні англійської мови.

Making conclussions.Assessment. Setting home assignment.Summing up

We have done a lot of work today.

Выставление и аргументирование оценок. ( учитель информатики и английского языка.)

 HW. -To write down the essay “ What I would like to invent.”

I hope you will remember our proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Try to be inventive in your work.


T: Today we spoke about inventions and inventers .Have you learnt anything new for you at the lesson?

 P1-.Today we have learned some facts about useful inventions. Most of them have brought us comfort and convenience.

P2 -We have known about talented inventors, some of them are Ukrainian and we can be proud of their achievements.

Teacher : Thank you for the lesson . Good – bye.





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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 грудня 2018
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