Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови

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Контроль письма з англійської мови 6 клас І семест, тема ,,Family and friends,, за підручником ,,Solutions,, intermediate. Містить завдання з граматики
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Writing Semester I

Task 1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I skated / skatted across the ice.

2 The lions stoped / stopped in the middle of the road.

3 My teacher helpped / helped me with my project.

4 We were there last summer / summer ago.

5 They were lost and couldn’t / could find the path.

6 He called last five minutes / five minutes ago.

7 I studyed / studied ten different subjects last year.

8 The safari park was / were very crowded.

9 We carryed / carried the books for the teacher.

10 Were / Was they in the school play?

Task 2 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I’m going to stay at home this / last evening.

2 He ’ll / won’t forget your number – He wrote it down.

3 ‘Are you going to wear school uniform?’ ‘No, I ’m / ’m not.’

4 We’re going to doing / do judo next week.

5 The film won’t / will be very good – the story is very boring.

6 They’re going to give a presentation in / after a few days.

7 She ’ll / won’t hate surfing – she’s afraid of water!

8 I don’t think there will / won’t be enough drinking water in the future.

9 Is / Are you going to talk to your parents about it?

10 Will it / It will be expensive?


Task 3. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs below.

1 My great-grandfather __________________ (fight) in the war.

2 He’s angry because you __________________ (break) his mobile phone.

3 I __________________ (make) some silly mistakes in my exam.

4 She __________________ (become) a famous writer.

5 James __________________ (fall) off his skateboard.

6 The Wright brothers __________________ (build) the first plane in 1905.

7 I __________________ (find) a wallet on the train.

8 It __________________ (begin) to rain when we left the house.

9 My uncle __________________ (teach) me how to ride a bike.

10 My mother __________________ (speak) to the teacher on the phone.


Task 4 Complete the email with the correct past simple form of the verbs below.

buy          come            do               see               take

Hi Rachel,

How are you? Last weekend my cousin Lewis 1__________________ to stay with us. It was

his first time in London. We 2__________________ him on a boat on the River Thames,

and we 3__________________ Buckingham Palace and the usual famous places.

We 4__________________ so much in only two days! He also 5__________________ a

cool T-shirt at Greenwich Market.

I want to visit him in Scotland now. Maybe you can come with me?

See you at school!




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