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1.      The Hodgson family from Texas, USA is probably the most talented family in the country. Thomas is the father of the family. He's 52 years old and he can do everything. He can run for a long time. Every day, he goes running in his neighborhood for 40 minutes. He can also swim very well. He swims for his state's over50 team! Thomas can't speak any foreign languages, but his wife, Judy, certainly can! She can speak French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

What does the dad of the Hodson family do? (3 variants)

imageimage                   а) he works at the Pinewood Language                                      б) Thomas likes to swim


                    в) he speaks any foreign languages                                            г) he goes running

                   д) he goes hang-gliding every weekend                                      е) he can bake the best cakes

                 є) he likes to eat cakes                                                                    ж) he can fly


French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

How many times a week does the father run?

imageimage                а) 3 times                                                                                             б) 7 times

                в) 2 times                                                                                              г) 6 times

               д) 5 times                                                                                               е) 0, he cannot run

                є) 1 time a week                                                                                 ж) 2 times a day

3.      The Hodgson family from Texas, USA is probably the most talented family in the country. Thomas is the father of the family. He's 52 years old and he can do everything. He can run for a long time. Every day, he goes running in his neighborhood for 40 minutes. He can also swim very well. He swims for his state's over50 team! Thomas can't speak any foreign languages, but his wife, Judy, certainly can! She can speak French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

The Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too.

imageimage                а)   True                                                                                                 б)  False

                в) I dont know                                                                                      г) he has not children


French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

Janine is very similar to Judy and she speaks some foreign languages. She is the middle child in the family.

image         а)  True                                                                                     image      б) False

5.      The Hodgson family from Texas, USA is probably the most talented family in the country. Thomas is the father of the family. He's 52 years old and he can do everything. He can run for a long time. Every day, he goes running in his neighborhood for 40 minutes. He can also swim very well. He swims for his state's over50 team! Thomas can't speak any foreign languages, but his wife, Judy, certainly can! She can speak French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

Who can speak a foreign language and nobody in the house understands them?

imageimage                  а) Thomas and Judy                                                                            б) None of the Hodgson family members

                 в) Judy and Janine                                                                              г) Judy and Robbie

д) All members of the Hodgson family


French, Spanish, and even Japanese. And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie, 23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine, who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly. What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother and sister can eat them.

The Hodgson family from Texas, UK are probably the most talented family in the country.

image        а) True                                                                                      image       б) False

7.               She studies Italian and French. What tense does use in this sentence?

imageimage                 а) Present Continuous                                                                       б) Past Continuous

                 в) Present Simple                                                                               г) Past Simple

                д) Future Simple                                                                                 е) Present Perfect

                є) Past Perfect                                                                                      ж) Future Continuous

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