Семестровий контроль навичок аудіювання для учнів 10 класу з англійської мови

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Семестровий контроль навичок аудіювання для учнів 10 класу з англійської мови
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Розробка завдання з аудіювання

для учнів 10 класів (англ.мова)


A Laconic Answer

In ancient Greece there was a country that people called Laconia.

The people who lived there were brave and fearless. They were good hunters, they were good buіlders and workmen. But they didn't like to talk much. They liked to say as few words as possible. They thought it was enough to say one word or a very short sentence and other people would certainly understand them. Even now we call any short answer «a laconic answer».

Now listen to this story about the Laconians.

The people of Laconia lived peacefully. But one day a king of Macedonia gathered a big powerful army and decided to make war against Laconia. He planned to take all the riches of the country and to becоme master of all their lands. But he didn't want to destroy the beautiful town of Laconia. So he first wrote a letter to the people of the country.

"Open the gates of your town," - he said. "If you open the gates, we shall not destroy your houses and we shan't hurt anybody. But if you don't open the gates yourselves, my army will do it. And we shall burn your town and destroy your houses. If you don't open the gates, we shall kill all the men, women and children in your town.

The king sent the letter and he didn't have to worry for the answer. It was very, very short. They were laconic. There was only one word in it. «If» .










Task 1. Ask questions to which these sentences might be answers:

1. The people of Laconia didn't like to talk much.

2. They lived peacefully.

3. The king of Macedonia gathered a big powerful army and decided to

make war against Laconia.

4. He didnit want to destray the beautiful town of Laconia.

5. He planned to take all the riches of the country and to become the master of all their lands.

6. "Open the gates of your town" - he wrote. "If you don't open the gates, we shall kill you''.

7. The answer was very short. There was only one word in it. "If."


Task 2. Deside if the statements are true or false:

1. In ancient Georgia there was a country that people called Laconia.

2. The people of that country were courageous and daring.

3. They can do everything very well.

4. They talked little.

5. One day a king of Macedonia decided to conquer the country of Laconia.

6. He wanted to turn the beautiful town of Laconia into ruins.

7. He wrote a letter to the people of the country.

8. In his letter he proposed the people of Laconia to open the gates of the town themselves.

9. The people of Laconia sent him a very short laconic answer. «If»


Task.3 Supply the missing words or phrases from the text:

1. In ancient_________there was a country that people called Laconia.

2. Even now we call any short answer ''a ________''.

3. So, the king of Macedonia first ________ to the people of the country.

4. He didn't want to destroy ____.

5. The answer was very ____.

6. There was only _________ in it: ''If''.



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 лютого 2023
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