Система уроків по темі "Риси характеру" з використанням творів В.О. Сухомлинського

Про матеріал

Одним із найрезультативніших видів інтерактивного навчання на уроках англійської мови є проектна робота. Впровадженням цього методу займаюся впродовж 20 років. Мета проектної роботи дає можливості кожній дитини проявити себе якнайкраще: продемонструвати свої творчі здібності, використовуючи при цьому набуті знання й навички з лексики, граматики тощо. Тому метод проектів сприяє розкриттю кожного школяра нових талантів; учні позбуваються багатьох комплексів, мають на все свій власний погляд і не бояться його відстояти; навчають слухати думки інших і поважати їх. Якраз застосування методу проектів допомагає мені подивитись під іншим кутом зору на педагогічну спадщину Василя Олександровича Сухомлинського. Особливо мене зацікавили оповідання В.О.Сухомлинського, які стосуються проблем виховання особистості людини та її рис характеру. Тож я переклала на англійську мову його оповідання: «Кожна людина повинна», «Бабусин борщ», «Навіщо кажуть «Спасибі»?, «Сім дочок» і розробила систему уроків з різноманітними творчими завданнями.

  • Наприклад, оповідання Василя Олександровича Сухомлинського я використовую на уроках англійської мови з теми «Риси характеру». Вони допомагають вивчати не лише лексику, а й виховувати дітей бути добрими, ввічливими, поважати старших, бути людьми.
Перегляд файлу


Type of the Lesson: combined

Practical goals: to teach pupils new words; to improve pupils’ skills in reading, speaking, listening.

Educational goals: to broaden pupils’ knowledge about famous Ukrainian writer and teacher V.O.Sukhomlynsky

Developing goals: to learn forming pupils’ skills of doing summarizing and generalization, expansion of world view of students, development of positive qualities of personality.

Upbringing goals: to bring up pupils to be polite.

Equipment: Story “Why People Say Thank you” by V.O.Sukhomlynsky, pictures, handouts on the topic, portrait of V.O.Sukhomlynsky and an exhibition of his books.

Lesson Structure

  1.    Introduction to the lesson.
    1. Greeting:

T: Hello, everybody!

Ps: Hello!

T: How are you?

Ps: Very well, thank you!

2. Aim:

T: Today we are going to speak about Gratitude. By the end of the lesson you’ll answer the question: Why Do People Say Thank You?

  1.     Warming up: 

T: Find Ukrainian equivalents of the words and stick necessary wordsnear them. HO1.


thankfulness - подяка

gratitude - подяка

a forest path – лісовa стежка

both обидва

travellers мандрівники

murmuring streamдзюркотливий струмок

freshwater –свіжа вода

coolwater прохолодна вода

knelt down – нахилився

alive – живий

understand – розуміти

fell into thought – поринув в думки

nature – природа

the sun – сонце

the sky – небо

grass – трава

tree – дерево

earth – земля

well-bread – вихований

cultured – культурний

generous – щедрий

kind – добрий

polite – ввічливий

friendly – дружелюбний

H:\Табір 2010\IMG_1580.jpgThe Main Part of the Lesson

  1. Introduction.

T:Now we’re going to read an interesting story by V.O.Sukhomlynsky. But first answer my question: Who is V.O.Sukhomlynsky?

P1:Sukhomlynsky was born in a peasant family in the village of Vasilyevka in Ukraine. He graduated Poltava Pedagogical Institute in 1939 and fought in World War II. He was severely wounded in 1942. In 1947, he became a principal of Pavlyshskaya Secondary School—a post he held to the end of his life.

P2: For him the study of foreign languages and of astronomy were essential in order for a person to appreciate the world of which they were a part of, and to broaden their minds.

H:\Табір 2010\IMG_1585.jpgP3: He taught pupils to listen to the music of nature, the rustle of grasses and leaves, the song of the lark. He played them music inspired by such natural sounds, and showed them paintings of natural beauty.

P4: For his achievements in the field of education, Sukhomlinsky was bestowed the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1968. He was also a recipient of two Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Star, Ushinsky and Makarenko Medals.

Sukhomlinsky is the author of the 1969 book I Give my Heart to the Children ("Сердце отдаю детям", Serdtse otdayu detyam), for which he was awarded the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in 1974.

2. Discussion

Questions and task for discussion:
• Do you like it when somebody thanks you for something?
• Why do you think we should say «Thank you»?

  1. Reading 

T:Read the story:


V. Sukhomlinsky

An old man and a boy were walking along a forest path.

It was a hot day, and they both felt like a good, cold drink. After a few minutes the travellers came to a softly murmuring stream full of fresh, cool water. They knelt down and drank their fill.

«Thank you, stream, » said the old man.

The boy laughed.
«What did you say “thank you” to the stream for? » he asked his grandfather. «It’s not alive. It can’t hear you. It doesn’t understand when you say “thank you” to it. »

«That’s true, » the grandfather agreed. «And if a wolf was taking a drink, it wouldn’t say “thank you”, either. But we’re not wolves, we’re people. Do you know why people say “thank you”? Think, now, who are the words really for? »

H:\Табір 2010\IMG_1584.jpgThe boy fell into thought. He had plenty of time, for they still had a long way to go...

Questions and tasks on the story:

• Do you think nature hears us when we thank it?
• Ask the children to name the thing that they are most thankful to nature for, and explain why.
• Ask the children to name everyone who the boy thanked after his talk with his grandfather, and explain why he thanked them.

Educational Game

Ask the children to imagine that the thankfulness bird has just flown in. It comes up to the window of a person who has forgotten to thank his/her parents, friends or others for something, and reminds them about this. Then the children should remember everyone they have forgotten to thank, and say thanks to them in their heart.

5. Written work

Read the children the saying «Gratitude is the heart’s memory».
Divide the children in to groups and ask them to draw outlines of hearts, and inside the hearts write everything that a heart remembers and feels thankful about for a long time.

6. Drawing

Read the children the saying «Gratitude is a sign of noble soul».
In large letters write the word «SOUL» on the board and draw a circle around it. The children should name every they have ever thanked. All the names they mention are written around the word «soul», each in its own circle. The end result is a drawing of a magic flower with petals of thankfulness. Ask each child to draw his or her own soul flower with thankfulness petals.

7. Creative group work

Divide the children into groups. Ask each group to think about and share all those things that they have thanked their mother (father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, etc.) for. Then give each group a large piece of paper with a picture of a tree drawn on it. The children should draw the fruits of thankfulness on the tree. There should be as many fruits as there are good things that their mother (or other family member) has done for them. At the end, make a display out of the children’s drawings called «Trees of Thankfulness».

II.  The Conclusion of the Lesson

1. Homework

Ask the children to count how many times a day they say «thank you» to someone, and how many times a day someone thanks them. Then ask the children to find as many chances as possible to thank someone for the next few days. Discuss what changed in the children’s lives after they have done this.

2. Summarising

T: What have you learnt at the lesson?

What was the most difficult for you?

What was the most interesting?


Topic: What Kind of Person Must You Be?

Type of the Lesson: combined

Level: pre-intermediate

Practical goals: to actives vocabulary on the topic, to improve pupils’ skills in reading, speaking

Educational goals: to enlarge pupils’ knowledge about works of famous Ukrainian teacherV.O.Sukhomlyns’kyi, to broaden pupils’ outlook

Developing goals: to expand speaking skills of pupils through methods of interactive activity (pair work, group work, free discussion)

Upbringing goals: to stimulate pupils to be opened towards others, 

Equipment: a table of features, handouts, a story by V.O.Sukhomlyns’kyi

Lesson Structure

  1.    Introduction to the lesson.
    1.     Greeting and Aim

T.Good morning, girls and boys! Nice to meet you.  Sit down, please. How are you? Are you in a good mood? (Fine, O.K., Fantastic! So-so, We are in a good mood!). Today we are going to speak about the main traits of character of a person. So, the topic of our lesson is “What Kind of Person Must You Be?” By the end of the lesson you should be able to:

- speak about main features of character;

- identify main ideas and details from the text for listening;

- answer the question of the lesson.

     2. Warming up:

  •    T. First we’ll play a game “How many words do you know on the topic?” I’ll divide you into three groups and every group should write as many English words for the topic “Traits of character” as you can in 2 minutes. Which list will be the longest?  


b) Now, we’ll do another activity. Look at the blackboard. You can see English words that are associated with traits of character. But I forgot their translation. You’ll have Ukrainian equivalents on the other cards. You should stand up in chain and quickly stick the proper translation at the English word.  


brave – сміливий

cruel – жорстокий

clever – розумний

energetic – енергійний

cunning – хитрий

honest – чесний

industrious – працьовитий

optimistic -  оптимістичний

stupid - дурний

creative - творчий

adventures – відчайдушний, ризикований

shy - сором’язливий

intelligent - розумний

boring - нудний

tidy – охайний   

hard-working – наполегливий

polite – ввічливий

responsible - відповідальний  

just – справедливий

lazy – ледачий

sincere – щирий

faithful – вірний

selfish -  егоїстичний 

kind - добрий

  1.                   TheMain Part of the Lesson


  1.     Introduction.Group Work.

T. Read the statements about people’s qualities and discuss them in small groups. Do you agree or disagree with them? Compare your answers with other groups.

1) “A good friend mustn’t let you down. I was best friends with a girl but in the middle of the school year she suddenly started ignoring me. I felt really terrible.”

  1.    “I’m beautiful, but my friends needn’t be good looking. They must be interesting though – I don’t like boring people.”


  1.    “My friends must be honest. They mustn’t tell lies or say bad things about me. We should never offend our friends.” 


Pair Work.

  1.      What do you expect of any person?
    •        Make a list of three things he/she must be.

e. g He must be responsible.

  •        Make a list of three things he/she mustn’t be.

               e. g. He mustn’t be selfish.

  1.     Reading.
  1.    Pre-Reading Activity

T. You have spoken about traits of character and now read the story of our famous Ukrainian teacher and writer V.O.Sukhomlyns’kyi.

  1.         While-Reading Activity


Mother with little Petryk got on a train carriage. They were going to the distant south city, to the warm seaside to rest.

It was getting dark. Mother prepared a bed for her and a separate bed for Petryk. The boy ate a delicious loaf with a chicken leg and an apple. He lay down on a soft pillow and asked his mother:

-Mother, you told that the driver drives the train. But at night who drives the train?

- And at night — the driver does— answered his mother.

- How? — Petryk was surprised. — Does he not sleep at night?

- He does not sleep, my son.

- We sleep, but he doesn’t? -  Petryk was surprised again.

- Yes, the driver doesn’t sleep.

- How is it so?  - Petryk could not understand. — He wants to sleep.

-Yes, he does, but he must drive the train. Everybody must do something.

- And must I? — asked Petryk.

- And you must.

- What must I do?

- You must be a man, — answered his mother. — This is the most important thing.

Petryk could not fall asleep for long.

  1.    Post-Reading Activity

T. Answer my questions.

1). Who got on a train carriage?

2). Where were they going to?

3). What did Petryk ask his mother?

4). What did his mother answer?

5). Why was Petryk surprised?

6). What does this story teach you? (to be responsible, hardworking, honest, etc.)

7). What kind of person must he be? (he must work hard, be a man, a man with good qualities, etc.)

II.                               The Conclusion of the Lesson

1. Homework

T. Write a short composition “What sort of person are you? What qualities do you need to develop?”

2. Summarising

T. Now you know what is necessary to be a man. You must study, be responsible, kind, generous, helpful, organized, and you must not forget about people around you. At the end of the lesson we’ll have a quiz“How Organized are You?”Read the questions and tick (+) the correct answer for you.

  1.      At what time do you usually get up on weekdays?
  •      An hour before the lessons at school start.

b) Half an hour before the lessons at school start.

c) Fifteen minutes before the lessons at school start.

  1.    When do you arrive at school?
  1.      Ten minutes before the lessons.
  2.      Just in time.
  3.      After your teacher has marked your absence.
  1.    Do you plan your working day in advance?
    1.         Yes, I do. It’s very important to me.
    2.        From time to time.
    3.         No, there’s no use.
  2.    Do you always fulfill your plans?
  1.      Yes, as a rule.
  2.      I always try, but sometimes it is very difficult to keep plan.
  3.      The day is always too short for me.

Add up the number of times you score A, B or C.

How many As have you got?

How many Bs have you got?

How many Cs have you got?

Now find out how organized you are.

If you get mostly:

As – You are a fine example of an organized pupil.

Bs – One more step and you’ll become an organized pupil.

Cs – You are not organized at all. Well, everyone has his / her weak points. Our advice will be to start working on yourself.


T:What have you learnt at the lesson?

What was the most difficult for you?

What was the most interesting?


Topic: What Personality are You?

Type of the Lesson: combined

Practical goals: to practise pupils’ skills in reading, speaking, and writing;

Educational goals: to enlarge cultural and moral values through varied creative classroom activities;

Developing goals: to develop pupils’ skills in creative thinking;

Upbringing goals: to bring up increasing awareness of every pupil towards the problem of making a personality;

Equipment: handouts, quotations about human’s personality

Lesson Structure

  1.                       Introduction to the lesson.
  1.    Greeting and Aim

T.Dear, children we’ll continue to speak about good qualities of the person. So the topic of our lesson is «What Makes a Personality? ». By the end of our lesson you should be able to:

-  speak about main features of character;

- identify main ideas and details from the text for reading;

- answer the question of the topic;

  1.    Warming up

a). T. Write the words in the following columns.

adventures – відчайдушний, ризикований

shy - сором’язливий

intelligent - розумний

boring - нудний

tidy – охайний   

hard-working – наполегливий

polite – ввічливий

responsible - відповідальний  

just – справедливий

lazy – ледачий

sincere – щирий

faithful – вірний

moodyсмутний, похмурий, в поганому настрої

greedy - жадібний

selfish – егоїстичний


considerate – уважний, тактовний, турботливий
















b) T. Look at the blackboard. You can see English words that are associated with traits of character. You should find and write antonyms for some of the personal characteristics given below.

1. brave           

2. cowardly     

3. clever                 

4. stupid                 

5. irresponsible      

6. easy-going         

7. honest  

8. reserved            

9. dishonest    

10. calm         

11. nervous               

12. passive                

13. greedy        


15. energetic                

16. responsible           

17. optimistic               

18. impatient            

19. quiet                      

20. tactless                   

21. nervous  

22. patient   

23. pessimistic  

24. tactful

25. noisy

26. gentle

27. generous                          

28. active



  1.      TheMain Part of the Lesson
  1.    Introduction. Reading

          a) Pre-Reading activity

T. Answer my questions: (on-line test https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YqxDrQ2IE39iBNgThgY5op0mopUwzVjr2pRCwalZi9k/viewform?edit_requested=true)


  1.     What would you call a person who always thinks only about himself? (selfish)
  2.    What would you call a person who has and shows good manners? (polite)
  3.    What would you call a person who can say the right thing at the right time and avoids offending people? (tactful)
  4.    What would you call a person who can make good judgments so that you can be trusted? (responsible)
  5.   What would you call a person who has or shows no falseness; only real, true, honest things? (sincere)

            b) While – Reading Activity

T. Now children we are going to read an interesting story of our famous Ukrainian teacher and writer V.O.Sukhomlyns’kyi.

Grandmother’s BORSCH

Grandmother has two grandchildren in a city–Nina and Tina. During their summer vacations they went to visit their grandmother.

The grandmother was glad to see her grandchildren — first-year pupil Nina and sixth-year pupil Tina. The grandmother treated them to cherries, fresh honey and varenyky. But the girls want to try their grandmother’s borsch best of all, because she cooks her delicious borsch.

The grandmother cooked her borsch with fresh tomatoes, with cabbage, with sour cream. But there was one misfortune... The grandmother began to forget that she did. While she was cooking borsch she salted it twice. She put two bowls of borsch on the table and invited her grandchildren to the meal and said:

 Have I salted? I do not remember... I have become old. Here is some salt in the salt-cellar. Salt it to your taste.

The girls ate the borsch a little. It was too salty! They looked at each other and smiled imperceptibly. They ate the borsch and asked some more. They ate it again and thanked their grandmother. The grandmother was glad.

  • Did I salt the borsch? — the grandmother asked.
  • We did not notice, —Nina said. — The borsch was so delicious that we didn’t think about salt.
  • So, I salted, — the grandmother sighed with relief. — And tomorrow you will salt. I’m afraid that I will forget to salt.

Well, grandmother, we shall salt the borsch ourselves.

c) Post – Reading Activity

1). T. Answer my questions.

  • Who are the main characters of the story?
  • Was the grandmother glad to see her grandchildren?
  • What did the grandchildren want to eat?
  • How did the grandmother cook her meal?
  • How did she salt the borsch?
  • Did the girls like their grandmother’s borsch?
  • What did the girls say about the too salty meal?
  • Why didn’t the grandchildren say anything about salty borsch?
  • What does the story teach you?
  1.              Speaking
    1.                Pair work (What do you like about your neighbour?)

T. Work in pairs. Make up a list of positive features that you like in the pupil who sits next to you. The answer “Nothing” is not accepted. Pupils have to find something positive in everyone, even in the people they don’t like. Find out the most common positive features of your classmates.

  1.    Discussing (Quotations) Group Work

T. I’ve prepared some quotations about human personalities. I’ve put them on the walls round the classroom. Your task is to discuss in groups these quotations.


  •    A little body often harbours a great soul.
  •    The harder you work, the luckier you get. (G.Player, golfer)
  •    When one door is shut, another is opened. (M.D.Cervantes)
  •    The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. (W.Churchill)
  •    Well done is better than well said. B.Franklin)


c) Creative work

T. Now I want you to concentrate on yourselves. Try to write a poem about yourself.

The Poem About Me

I __________________________________________________

(your brightest characteristics)

I’d like to know ______________________________________

(something that interests you)

I hear ______________________________________________

(imaginative sound)

I see _______________________________________________

(imaginative picture)

I want ______________________________________________

(a real wish)

I imagine myself _____________________________________

(something that you imagine)

I feel _______________________________________________

(something that you feel towards your imaginative actions)

I touch with my hands _________________________________

(something you touch with your hands in your imagination)

I worry about ________________________________________

(something that really troubles you)

I cry about __________________________________________

(something that makes you sad)

I know _____________________________________________

(the truth you are sure of)

I confirm ___________________________________________

(something you believe in)

I dream about ________________________________________

(something you really dream about)

I try _______________________________________________

(something you really make every effort to do

I hope ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________

(something you really hope will be/happen)

T. Stick your poems round the classroom. You see, you are very unique people with your own feelings, characters, dreams and hopes. You are eager to become a personality.

III.                      The Conclusion of the Lesson

1. Homework

T. Try to improve your poem “About Me” at home in a better way.

2. Summarising

T. Now you know what is necessary to be a man. You must study, be responsible, kind, generous, helpful, and organized  and don’t forget about people around you. At the end of the lesson we’ll work in pairs asking and answering questions about you and I’ll comment on them.

What sort of person are you?

  1. Do you enjoy the company of other people?
  •        Yes, I do.
  •        You are sociable.
    1.                                          Do you find it difficult to meet new people?
  •        Yes, I do.
  •        Don’t be so reserved.
    1.                                          Do you notice other people’s feelings?
  •        Yes, I do.
  •        You are so kind!
    1.                                          Do you think the future will be good?
  •        Certainly.

You are an optimist.

  1.                                          Is your room often in a mess?
  •        Sometimes.
  •        My advice to you is to be tidier and keep all your things in order.
    1.                                          Do you work hard?
  •        Yes, I do.
  •        Well done! You are hardworking.
    1.                                          Do you always do your lessons?
  •        Not always.
  •        Shame on you! Are you lazy?
    1.                                          Do you come to school on time?
  •        I come to school on time.
  •        How nice of you! You are punctual.




Type of the Lesson: combined

Practical goals: to teach pupils new words; to improve pupils’ skills in reading, speaking, listening.

Educational goals: to broaden pupils’ knowledge about positive qualities of personality

Developing goals: to teach pupils skills of doing summarizing and generalization, expansion of world view of students, development of positive qualities of personality.

Upbringing goals: to bring up pupils to be polite, to love their mothers and respect them.

Equipment: Story “SEVEN DAUGHTERS” by V.O.Sukhomlynsky, pictures, handouts on the topic, portrait of V.O.Sukhomlynsky.

Lesson Structure

  1.    Introduction to the lesson.
    1.     Greeting:

T: Hello, everybody!

Ps: Hello!

T: How are you?

Ps: Very well, thank you!

2. Aim:

T: Today we are going to speak about loving your mother. By the end of the lesson you’ll make a project: PORTRAIT OF MY MOTHER

  1. Warming up: 

T: Answer the questions:

1. Should you miss your mother when she's away from home?

2.  Should you always expect your mother to give you presents?

3.  Should you feel sorry for your mother?

4.  Should you praise your mother?

5.  Should you ask about how/what your mother is doing?

6.  Should you hide the truth from your mother, so she won't get upset?

  1. The Main Part of the Lesson
    1.     Introduction.

T: Now we’re going to read an interesting story by V.O.Sukhomlynsky “SEVEN DAUGHTERS”.

  1.     Reading.

a) Pre-Reading Activity

T: Find Ukrainian equivalents of the words and stick necessary words near them. HO1.

hut - соловей

miss -  суха земля

a solar meadow - сумувати

the dry earth  - хатина

a drop of water – сонячний луг

a dew dreams – краплина води

a nightingale - таз

basin – солодкі сни


T: Read this proverb to the children: "Sun gives us warmth while mother – kindness and love" and answer the questions.

What is similar between sunlight and the love of a mother?

The teacher draws the sun of parents' love on a board and asks children to list qualities of mums which give them warm and light. Then children write down these qualities on the beams of the sun of parents' love.

What good qualities have appeared in you under the influence of the beams of this sun?

With what words do you meet your mum when she comes home?

c) While-Reading Activity:



One mother has seven daughters. Once mother went to visit her relatives who live quite far. So she came back only in a week. When mother entered her hut, all her daughters one after another started to express how they missed their mother.
- I missed you as the poppyhead misses a solar meadow, - said the first daughter.
- I waited for you as the dry earth waits for a drop of water, - spoke the second.
- I cried for you as a tiny bird cries for his mummy, - expressed the third.
- For me it was so difficult without you, as for a bee without a flower, - said the fourth.
- I was dreaming about you as the drop of dew dreams of a rose, - exclaimed the fifth.
- I looked out for you as a nightingale looks out for the cherry garden, - sighed the sixth.

And the seventh daughter said nothing. She silently removed shoes from the mother and brought some water in the basin - to wash her legs.

                   d) Post-Reading Activity

T: - What qualities does the seventh daughter possess? How is she different than her sisters?

- What do you think, what is more difficult: to speak beautifully or to act beautifully?

Try to think carefully then tell what each daughter could make for her mum.

- What you for do for mum when she gets tired?

On the board draw the chamomile, and in its centre write the word "children". Ask children to name how they help their mothers. The teacher writes down on petals of this chamomile all mentioned by children. So it becomes (turns out into) “The flower of help for mother.”

                   e) Project (Creative work) and drawings:

T: Describe a portrait of your mothers on the following:
- What flower your mum looks like?
- What does she like to do?
- How does she make you happy and which of her actions or words can make you sad?
- What has she taught you already, is teaching you now, or intends to teach you?
- What does she give you on your birthday or for any other special occasions?

(After this ask children to draw a portrait of mum and decorate it. Or to draw mum's eyes full of kindness and love.)

  1.     Listening.
  1. Pre-Listening Activity

People can get to know each other better if they can talk about their families, jobs, hometowns, and even their hobbies. Think of three questions (and possible answers) you might ask someone about his or her family before you do the listening activity (for example, "How many sisters do you have?").

  1. While-Listening Activity


Listen by pressing the "Play Audio" button and select the correct answer for each question. Press the "Final Score" button to check your quiz.

  1. So, what does your father do for a living? (He's an architect.)
  2. How many people are in your family? (There are five people in my family.)
  3. How old is your sister? (She turned 10 in May.)
  4. Where do your parents live now? (They live in London.)
  5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (I have two sisters.)
  6. What is your brother's name? (His name is Chris.)
  7. Where does your mother work? (She works in a library.)
  8. How long have you been married? (Since 1993.)
  9. Do you have any children? (Yes, two daughters.)
  10. Where did you and your wife meet? (We met at a Christmas party.)


1. So, what does your father do for a living?
A. He lives in Paris.
B. He's an architect.
C. His name is Greg.

2. How many _____________ are in your family?
A. There are five people in my family.
B. My father has two brothers.
C. My sister isn't married.

3. How _______ is your ________________?
A. Since 1978.
B. He's seventeen.
C. She turned 10 in May.

4. ___________________________________________________?
A. They're both lawyers.
B. They're from Australia.
C. They live in London.

5. ____________________________________________________?
A. I'm single.
B. I have two sisters.
C. I live with my brothers.

6. ____________________________________________________?
A. His name is Chris.
B. Call me Kathy.
C. Everyone calls her Nancy.

7. ____________________________________________________?
A. She's a writer.
B. She enjoys her work.
C. She works in a library.

8. ____________________________________________________?
A. In 1984.
B. Since 1993.
C. On September 21st.

9. ____________________________________________________?
A. Yes, two daughters.
B. Yes, I like children.
C. Yes, two brothers.

10. ____________________________________________________?
A. We met last summer.
B. We met at a Christmas party.
C. My wife and I got married in May.

  1. Post-Listening Activity

Answer the following questions with a partner:

  1. Where are you from? >>

I'm from _________________.

  1. How many people are in your family? >>>

There are _____________ in my family.

  1. What does your father/mother do for a living? >>>

My father/mother works for _________________ (name of the company) / at ________________ (the place or type of company).

  1. Where do you live? >>>

I live in _________________.

  1. ______________________________ (your own idea)

III.     The Conclusion of the Lesson

1. Homework

T: Make a project “A portrait of my mother”, interview your mother. (The children should find out what is her favourite season, her favourite activity, favourite film, etc.

2. Summarising

T: What have you learnt at the lesson?

What was the most difficult for you?

What was the most interesting?

What exercises did you like best of all?



                         What makes a personality?

1) to enlarge and improve pupils’ knowledge on the topic Personality, Appearance, Character;
2) to form and develop pupils’ skills in speaking;
3) to bring up pupils’ positive qualitiesof character.

1) to activate learnt words at the lesson;
2) to form pupils’ skills to work independentlyaccording to the situation;
3) to develop pupils’ skills in speaking and making dialogues;
5) to form pupils’ skills in using multimedia means for preparing their lessons.

The Plan of the Lesson
I. The theme of the lesson is “What makes a personality”. Our aim is to create a perfect personality of your classmate. We will discuss different things creating a perfect personality at the same time. So…Let’s start.
II. Do you agree with the phrase: Personality is a set of qualities that make a person distinct from another?
III. What does the word “personality” include?

IV. Let’s discuss appearance of your classmates. Some of you have done small projects. Let’s listen to them.

V. The heights of my classmates (Ann) (слайди 1)

VI. The weights of my classmates (Kate (слайди 2)
VII. On your pieces of papers make some notes around the height and weight of your perfect person.

VIII. Let’s listen to Xenia. She has done a small presentation about the colour of eyes of your classmates. (слайди 3)
IX. On your pieces of papers make some notes around the colour of the eyes and hair of your ideal person. 
X. Character is the main component of the personality.
Let’s do some exercises dedicated to this theme. (слайд 4)
It’s believed that a face can tell much about a character.

People have for a long time held the (0) belief that the face is in some way a reflection of (1) ___________. There is nothing (2) ........... or mysterious about it: we all have different physical (3) ___________ and therefore our
(4) ___________ is unique. How you feel about yourself also has a direct influence on your facial (5) ____________. If, for example, you have a lot of (6) self-______________, this will show in you face.
From ancient times, this (7) ______________ between particular features and aspects of personality was made, and a systematic study of  the (8) _________________ developed and became known as physiognomy. Physiognomy has proved that people’s faces (9) _________________ reflectpeople’s characters. For those who don’t find the idea convincing, let us takethe example of (10) _________________ twins, who not only look alike  but also behave in a similar way.


XI Character descriptions.

Look at the adjectives in the boxes below. These can all be used to describe someone’s character and personality. Three adjectives in each box are positive, two are negative. Decide which are which and mark them + or – accordingly.

1 ...sociable

3 ....friendly
2    lazy

4 ...........................


Next task is to describe the people. Look at the pictures and do the task (слайди 5)

Now it is time to choose the qualities of character for your perfect classmate.
Please write down just two traits of character you appreciate most of all.

XII. Let’s discuss another quality of the personality-hobbies and habits.
Dima (слайди 6) and Lena (слайди 7) have done the presentation about your classmates.
After their presentation make up a hobby for your perfect classmate.

XI. Now some interesting facts around the theme.
We have read the text about the star signs. Answer my questions. You can see them in the slides. (слайдu 8)

XII. Nikita has done a small project around this theme. Please , listen to him and find the most suitable star sign for your perfect personality. (слайдu 9)

XII. Let’s discuss your perfect personalities and make the one with some chosen traits.

XIII. We have worked hard. The lesson is over. Your marks…

XV. Your homework is to create a small presentation describing the perfect personality. If you have any problems contact me.

  1. Пахомова Т.Г. Нові інформаційні технології в навчанні англійської мови

//http ://blog. edsp. net/pakhomova/category/komp' y-na-uroci-inozemnoi'

  1.           Сухомлинський В. О. Серце віддаю дітям. – К.: Вища школа, 1974.
  2.           Сухомлинський В. О. Вибрані твори: У 5-ти Т.- К., 1976- 1978.
  3.           Ready-to-use activities for Summer Language Camps – Лінгвіст – mmpublications, 2017.
  1.     Сайти:
  1. http://www.myshared.ru/slide/1132171/
  2. http://www.myshared.ru/slide/1076304/
  3. http://www.esl-lab.com/eslbasic/family-1.htm
  4. http://www.english-to-go.com/index.cfm?CFID=9592809&CFTOKEN=16749933




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