"Sport in our life. Outstanding Ukrainian Sportsmen"

Про матеріал
Урок містить завдання для систематизації лексичного матеріалу з теми " Спорт", тренування практичних навичок аудіювання,говоріння, читання та письма. Цікаві інтерактивні вправи та хвилинки активного відпочинку створять атмосферу зацікавленості щодо вивчення англійської мови.
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Topic:       Sports.  Olympic Games.

Aims:        -to consolidate new vocabulary;

                  -to develop students’speaking skills;

                  -to develop students’ability to scanning reading

                  -to facilitate free speaking by eliciting personal experience

                    and knowledge;

                  -to practise expressing and exchanging opinions on the


                  -to widen the pupil’s outlook.

Equipment: textbooks,music,cards(HO1,HO2,HO3)




  •                            Introduction

      Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


Аіт           1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

                     Т: Good morning,children!Let’s welcome our guests.

                     P: Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!

                     T:I’m glad to see you,pupils!

                     P:We are glad to see you too.

                     T:Today we’ll continue speaking about sports and games.

                     The topic of our today’s lesson is ,,Sport.Olympic Games”.

                     The motto of the lesson is ,,Bigger.Stronger.Faster”.This

                     year  the  outstanding sport event will take place  in

                      Ukraine-,,Euro-2012”. We have an unusual  lesson today.

                    As you know, there is no sport without competition.So, let’s

                     play mini- Olympic Games   among the pupils of our form.

                     We shall see who is the brightest,the cleverest,the wittiest

                     and the best.


Warm-up   1.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

                     T: Sportsmen,let’s start the Olympic Games.We are

                     Ukrainians.The flag of Ukraine should be present at our

                     Games.But we need to divide into 4 teams and choose the

                     captains.Take the numbers,please and make teams.


                     This is the place for the first team.Team number two will

                     be here.This is the table for the third team.And team  num-

                     ber four will seat here.


                     T:There are 4 teams at our Olympic Games.How do you

                     call  them?Discuss a little and find the loud names for your


                        P1:The name of our team is,,Dolphins”,because they are

                        very friendly.

                        P2:Our team’s name is ,,Lions”.These animals are very


                        P3:We are named ,,Hares”,because hares are very quick.

                        P4:We are ,,The Tigers”.We are very strong.


                       T:One more task for you.Choose the captains,please!

                       The pupil who will write the biggest mind-map  to the

                       topic,,Sports”  will be the captain.

                       T:Sasha is the captain of,,Tigers”  and  so on…


  •                                Main part


Speaking        First round  ,,Greeting”(the highest point is 5)


                       T: The first round of our game is,,Greeting” and each

                       member of the team will introduce himself  and tell us

                       about his favourite kind of sports.The highest point is 5.

                       P1:My name is Sasha.I like football. P1…..P10.

                         (Учитель оцінює кожну команду).


Hometask       The next round is ,,Strip poem”.(the h.p.is 5)


                       T:The next round is ,,Strip poem”.We should check our

                       hometask.You had learn the poem   by heart.Let’s repeat

                       it together.

                                            Sport is fun

                       Sport is fun for girls and boys,

                      It’s much better than the toys.

                      You can swim and play football,



                    You can jump and you can run.

                    You can have a lot of fun.


                   T:I have cut this poem into lines.Make the mixed strips

                   into logical order.

HO1  (Group.Work)

                   T:If you are ready ,rise the hands.You’ll receive 5 points.

                      The next team-4 points.The next-3p.The next-2p.



 P1>P2        T:Children,let’s discuss a little.I’d like to know more

                    about you,about your attitude towards sport.

                    P1:Do you like sport?

                    P2:Do you go in for sports?

                    P3:What kind of sport is the most popular in your school?

                    P4:What sports competitions do you take part?

                    P5:Who is the best sportsman in your  school?

                    P6:Are you the best sportsman of your form?

                    P7:What is the name of your PT teacher?

                    T:Thank you,pupils.I see you are good sportsmen.


                    Do you know the talented sportsmen of Ukraine?


                    1.This is Iryna Deriugina

                                  Larysa Latynina

                                  Lilia Podkopaieva

                                 Kateryna Serebrianska

                        Representatives of Ukrainian school of gymnastics.

  •                              Valerii Borzov-a famous Ukrainian sprinter.
  •                              Serhii Bubka  - is considered to be the World’s

Athlete .

  •                              Volodymyr Klychko
  •                              Vitalii       Klychko-the best boxers in the world.
  •                              Yana       Klochkova-the golden fish of Ukrainian


  •                              Oksana Baiul-the representative of figure-skating.
  •                              Andrii   Shevchenko-the world known footballer


Vocabulary            The third round ,,Whose list wil be the longest

practice                                                            one”(the h.p. 5p)

                               go  rock climbing

                               go canoeing

                               go scuba  diving

                               go jogging

                               go surfing

                               go snowboarding


                               mountain biking

                               water sports




Make   sentences with these words



                               T:Students,I see your excellent knowledge of the

Group.Work           topic,,Sports”.The next game is,,Whose list will be

                               the longest one?”Write as many kinds of sport as

                               you know.Complete  your list in groups.You have

                               2 minutes  to  write.

                               Вчитель оцінює роботу учнів.

Listening               The next competition is,,Try to guess the kind of

                               sport”   (the h.p.1p)

                                T:The next competition is,,Try to guess the kind of

                                sport”.I shall read the characteristics of sports ,you

                                try to guess what I mean.For the first right answer

                                the team  will receive one point.

                                1.It’s a team game.The players have a ball and play

                               it with their hands.There are 6 players in every team.



                               2.The most popular game in Ukraine and England.

                               The player kick the ball and runs after it,trying to

                              score a goal.



                               3.The game was first played in Canada as the winter

                                game.The players skate and have clubs in their




                               4.Very beautiful kind of sport.The sportsmen dance

                                and do exercises on ice field.



                             5.The game was first played in USA.They bounce the

                              ball on the floor up and down with one hand.They try

                              to throw the ball into the basket.


The  next   competition . Explain  the statement   "Don't be a couch potato".




Presentation        T:Well,friends.You know the list of kinds of sport.

                             Look at the computer and name them again.

                              Cl:boating                badminton           golf

                                  cycling                 boxing                handball

                                 football                 gymnastics          horse racing

                                volleyball            table tennis          running

                               basketball              chess                   windsurfing



Reading             The next round is,,Show Reading skills”(the h.p.-1)


Group.Work       T:The sixth round is ,,Show reading skills”.

                            Children,open your books at page 91.Ex 8.

                             1)Pre-Reading  activities.Problem solving.

                              Would you like to know about sports in other

                             countries of the world?

                              2)While-Reading Activities.

                              T:Look through the text and learn what sports do

                              the countries go in for?

                              3)Post-Reading Activities.

                              Complete the sentences  and read the right variants.


Fox hunting is a traditional ……….sport.






Millions Americans enjoy watching such sports events as…

a)automobile races,baseball and basketball.

b)figure-skating and football.

c)gymnastics and diving.



Kung fu is popular in ………






In …………people enjoy diving,surfing,swimming,

 and boating





Relax           Dear participants of Olympic Games,it’s time to relax.

                     Do some exercises,please.


                     Nod your head,

                    Bend your knees.

                   Grow as tall

                    As New Year tree.

                             Raise your head,

                             Turn around.

                             Jump up high

                            And touch the ground.

                                            Hands on hips

                                            Show your shoe.

                                            Clap your hands

                                            And that will do.


Speaking            The following round,,Speaking  by the situations”

                                (the h.p.5)

  Group.Work     T:Children,it’s time to show your speaking skills.

                            The first team will speak about sports in Ukraine.

                             The task of the second team is ,,The best Ukrainian


                              The next group   will enlighten the problem ,,How

                              to keep fit?”

                              The problem for the last team is ,,Sports in English


Listening            The next round is  ,,Show listening skills”

                                 (the h.p.is  5)

                            T:The next round  is ,,Show listening skills”.

                            Let’s return to the beginning of the lesson.We have

                            the Olympic Games  today.Let’s learn the history of                       


                               Olympic Games.

                       1.Pre-Listening Activity.

                         T:Do you like to watch Olympic Games on TV?

                       2)While-Listening Activity.

                           Listen to the text  and mark true and false sentences.


                                    ,,Olympic Games”

                 The first Olympic Games were held about a thousand years

              before our era.From that time all the games were held every

              fourth year in Olympia.All wars were stopped. Best athletes

              arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete     in

              running,long jumps,throwing of discus and javeling and wrest-

              ling.Only men could take part in Olympics. Winners were

              called ,,Olympionics”and were awarded olive wreaths.


                    3)Post-Listening Activity

                     Take the cards and mark true and false sentences.

                     The h.p. is 5 for this game.




1.The first Olympic Games were held about a hundred

year before our era.


2.Olympic games are held every  fourth year .


3.Athletes arrived to compete in skating,football.


4.Only men competed in Olympic Games.



Learning    The last round is ,,Olympic Rings”(h.p. -1p)


                   T:The last round is,,Olympic Rings”.You see 5 proverbs in

                   5 Olympic Rings.They are about sport and health.

                   Translate these proverbs and choose the best  Ukrainian

                    variants  to them.


                    1.A sound mind in a sound body.

                    2.Health is better than wealth.

                   3.An apple a day keeps the doctors away.

                  4.On sports and journey men are known.

                   5.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,

                       wealthy and wise.     -7-

Reflection    T: Children,what have we done today?

                            We spoke about sports.

                            We took part in many Olympic competitions.


                              Will you go in for sports?

Homework           Your hometask is to learn proverbs by heart.

                           Now please,the captains,count the points   for all

                           the competitions. Say us the results.


                            P1:The team,,Lions”has 60 points.   P2,P3,P4.

                            T:  The team ,,Lions” has the highest score.You

                           receive 10  for the lesson.

                           This is the end of our Olympic Games.There are no

                           winners here.  Friendship has won.In honour of our

                            friendship let’s sing a song,,Good bye,tender Bear”


                               All the tribunes

                               Are quiet and  sleepy

                              Fairy times quickly melt away

                              Say Good bye to the Bear Olympic

                              We’ll come back in four years again.


                              R:  Farewell, dear friends

                                   Tenderness stays in a soul

                                   All the songs we shall save

                                 We’ll see at next Olympic Games